Xianxia version of Water Margin

Chapter 148 Wang Zuo’s Talent

Accompanied by Yang Lin, Deng Fei, and Luan Tingyu, Sun Li, Sun Xin, Gu Dasao, Xie Zhen, Jie Bao, Le He, Zou Yuan, and Zou Run took a big boat to the golden beach.

After some mutual humility, Sun Li was the first to get off the boat.

At this time, Jiang Hongfei, who was already standing at the port of Golden Beach, looked up and saw a man with a yellowish face, a beard and a figure of over eight feet walking out of the boat first.

The Liangshan hero accompanying this hero was Luan Tingyu.

Jiang Hongfei thought to himself: "This person should be Sun Li?"

Seeing Jiang Hongfei personally coming to greet the Liangshan heroes of the Dengzhou faction, Luan Tingyu quickly lowered his voice and reminded Sun Li: "The village master has come to greet you personally. Go and see him quickly."

When Sun Li heard this, he quickly got off the boat, walked a few steps quickly, and came to Jiang Hongfei, who was surrounded by a group of Liangshan heroes. He pushed the golden mountain, toppled the jade pillar, and saluted: "Little man Sun Li, pay homage to the leader of the village. !”

In "Water Margin", the influence and status of the Liangshan heroes of the Dengzhou faction in Shuibo Liangshan are relatively low, and their members are also ranked relatively low among the 108 generals.

And Sun Li, the leader of the Liangshan heroes of the Dengzhou faction, was only ranked thirty-ninth, and was not even ranked in the thirty-sixth Tiangang.

Undoubtedly, given Sun Li's background and ability, this ranking is extremely unfair to Sun Li.

Let’s not talk about it for a moment, can Sun Li join the ranks of Liangshan’s Five Tiger Generals?

But if Sun Li squeezed out Zhu Tong, the handsome bearded master, or failed to block Mu Hong among the eight hussars of Liangshan, there would definitely be no problem. If not, Li Kui, Lei Heng, Zhang Heng, Yang Xiong, Jie Zhen, and Jie Baozhong would give up a Tiangang position to Sun Li. No more problems.

But the result was that Sun Li was not promoted to the Tiangang ranks, but Jie Zhen and Jie Bao were promoted to the Tiangang ranks.

Some people interpreted it from Sun Li, saying that Sun Li was not of good character and had cheated and even killed his fellow senior brother Luan Tingyu, which was unjust. Such a person would naturally not be ranked high in Shuibo Liangshan, where loyalty was important.

Some people also explained from Song Jiang that the Dengzhou faction was too powerful and self-contained, and the backbone of them were all relatives. Song Jiang was naturally scrupulous about it, so he deliberately sow discord without mentioning Sun Li and instead mentioned Jie Zhen and Xie Bao, who had average abilities.

Others explained it from Jie Zhen and He Bao, saying that Xie Zhen and He Bao are rare "quick-footed" warriors. They are good at field battles, reconnaissance, pathfinding, climbing mountains, setting fires, and sneak attacks, while Sun Li belongs to the Ma Army. There are too many generals who have overlapping professional skills with Sun Li. Putting Sun Li second in the Ma Army Xiao Biao general seems to be a bit unfair to Sun Li. In fact, those ranked in front and behind Sun Li are Huang None of Xin, Xuanzan, Hao Siwen, Han Tao, and Peng Qi had a worse background than Sun Li, and none of them had a higher official position than Sun Li before going to the mountain.

In fact, whether Sun Li was suppressed in "Water Margin" has no meaning to Jiang Hongfei.

For Jiang Hongfei, what is meaningful is, should he use Sun Li?

An entrepreneur in Jiang Hongfei's previous life once said: "Those with virtue and talent will be given special priority; those with virtue and talent without talent will be cultivated and used; those with talent but without virtue will be restricted from employment; those without virtue and talent will not be employed."

The ancients also said: "Talent is the endowment of virtue; virtue is the endowment of talent."

If according to this standard, Jiang Hongfei should restrict the use of Sun Li.

But then again, whether Sun Li refused to save his relatives or betrayed his senior brother, he could be regarded as being loyal to his duties and very motivated. To a certain extent, he was in the same category as Lin Chong. People.

In fact, it is not impossible to use such people if you know their character accurately.

The key is that Jiang Hongfei's current identity is the maker and defender of rules. He likes people like Sun Li who abide by the rules and dislikes those heroes who break the rules at every turn.

But I have to say it again. Although Sun Li is still a useful person, nowadays, there is actually no shortage of talents like Sun Li who are neither good nor inferior. Therefore, Sun Li can only go to Liangshan to invest in water. It plays the role of icing on the cake, but it will never play the role of providing help in times of need.

Obviously, Sun Li was not the Liangshan hero of the Dengzhou faction that Jiang Hongfei wanted.

Therefore, when Sun Li paid homage to him, Jiang Hongfei just helped him up warmly but gracefully, and said with a smile: "I have heard about Sun Tiha's name for a long time, and when I see him today, he is indeed a hero. Don't worry Tiha, I will stay in Liangshan." I will never bury talents. When I return to Tiha, I will first command a cavalry army. If Tiha can make contributions to the village in the future, I will not hesitate to reward him."

Seeing Jiang Hongfei so happily promised to let him command a cavalry army, Sun Li, who had already learned about Shuibo Liangshan's organizational structure and general hierarchy from Luan Tingyu, was overjoyed and quickly bowed again: "Thank you, brother, for cultivating me!"

Next, Sun Li introduced Sun Xin, Sister Gu, Xie Zhen, Xie Bao, Zou Yuan, and Zou Run to Jiang Hongfei.

For all these people, Jiang Hongfei greeted them personally with enthusiasm but without losing his grace. Some Jiang Hongfei even told them his arrangements for them on the spot.

Like Jie Zhen and Jie Bao, Jiang Hongfei asked them to form an infantry army for mountain warfare, namely the Seventh Infantry Army.

Zou Yuan, Zou Run, and Jiang Hongfei asked them to form a defensive infantry army, the Eighth Infantry Army. They also said that when this army was formed, they would be asked to return to Dengyun Mountain and turn it into a branch of Shuibo Liangshan. , let them be the village owners of the branch village.

Only Sun Xin and Mrs. Gu Jiang Hongfei have not arranged specific work for them.

——Although Jiang Hongfei did not arrange specific tasks for Sun Xin and Sister Gu, he spent the longest time chatting with them, especially Sister Gu.

Why did Jiang Hongfei say a few more words to Sister-in-law Gu?

Mainly because this woman is the soul of the Liangshan heroes of the Dengzhou sect.


Sun Li is the leader of the Liangshan heroes of the Dengzhou faction.

But because Sun Li was a man who could ignore family ties for his own future, and would do anything for the sake of the overall situation. He was too utilitarian, and his family ties were so weak that it was heart-warming, so much so that the Liangshan heroes of the Dengzhou faction were not close to him.

As for Sister-in-law Gu, she has always regarded herself as the head of this big family, and has always regarded her two cousins ​​Xie Zhen and Jie Bao as her biological brothers. As long as the other party encounters something, she will not hesitate to deal with it. Give support even if it costs you everything.

Sun Xin is obviously a man who listens to his wife very much.

Uncles and nephews Zou Run and Zou Yuan were Sun Xin's friends.

Lehe also admired Sister-in-law Gu, and couldn't stand his brother-in-law Sun Li's behavior.

In other words, Sister-in-law Gu is a person who can play a key role among the Liangshan heroes of the Dengzhou faction. As long as Jiang Hongfei can win over this chivalrous and warm-hearted woman, she can save her brothers when they are in trouble and generously go to friends in danger. She can be called a "female woman". A woman like "Lu Zhishen" is equivalent to capturing all the Liangshan heroes of the Dengzhou sect.

However, although Sister-in-law Gu is the soul of the Liangshan heroes of the Dengzhou sect, she is not the Liangshan hero of the Dengzhou sect that Jiang Hongfei particularly wants.

That's right.

The Liangshan hero of the Dengzhou sect that Jiang Hongfei particularly wanted was Le He who was walking at the end, as if he was a little transparent.

In the original work, Lehe is introduced like this when he appears: He is a smart man who knows all kinds of musical instruments and can learn them well. He knows the beginning and end of his work, and his love with guns and sticks is like sugar and honey.

It can be said that Lehe was a romantic man who was well versed in both civil and military affairs, had a wide range of interests, and was extremely intelligent.

It's a pity that Lehe after going up the mountain was not reused.

It stands to reason that with Lehe's comprehensive ability, he is just like Yan Qing again.


It is true that Yan Qing is smart, but he is just a little clever and smart.

But Lehe is the real great wisdom and the talent of Wang Zuo.

But in fact, in "Water Margin", Le He is far less exciting than Yan Qing's life on Shui Bo Liang Mountain.

As soon as the Battle of Zhujiazhuang was over, Le He was arranged to go to Zhu Gui's hotel to help. This work led to arranging seats for one hundred and eight heroes in Liangshan, and then he was reluctantly promoted to Dai Zong's deputy and served as a military reporter. The first place for the leader of the classified infantry.

Undoubtedly, Lehe was very frustrated on Shuibo Liangshan.

And Wu Yong should be blamed for all this.

Wu Yong should know Le He's ability, otherwise why when it came to recruiting people, a major matter that affected the future of Shuibo Liangshan, Wu Yong singled out Le He and Xiao Rang from among the 108 generals to complete this arduous task. Task?

In "Water Margin", Lehe finally waited for his spring.

In Jiankang, under the Yinhong Bridge in Wanliuzhuang, Lehe rescued Hua Rong, Qin Ming's widow, and Hua Fengchun; went to Hangzhou to meet Tong Wei and Tong Meng, went to Changzhou to rescue Li Jun, and Taihu severely punished the bully Ding Zixie Later, he guided Li Jun to go overseas to seize Jin'ao Island and build the first foundation. Later, he attracted Hua Fengchun to join the Siam Kingdom, reconcile with the king, increase his strength, and then help Li Jun become emperor.

Le He's performance in "Water Margin" can only be described as "stunned". He repeatedly devised ingenious schemes and accomplished extraordinary feats. As the saying goes, he is more about planning than courage.

After his success, Li Jun said with emotion: "Song Jiang was so talented, and there were ordinary people such as Wu Xuexue to guide the military aircraft, Lu Yuanwai, etc., Liangshan Bo was able to achieve the situation. I was just an introduction, relying solely on the guidance of my wise brother, came overseas, and ended up like this." The foundation is not a fluke.

Only by seeing Le He at that time can we understand why Wu Yong wanted to suppress Le He.

I'm afraid it's because only Wu Yong saw that Lehe's upper limit was the talent of a king, and he was also his biggest enemy. He suppressed Lehe for the same reason as Pang Juan suppressed Sun Bin.

Let's put it this way, part of the reason why Jiang Hongfei reused the Liangshan heroes of the Dengzhou faction, and even let Sun Li, who had a stain on his character, and Zou Yuan and Zou Run, who were incompetent, to build an army independently was because Jiang Hongfei wanted to reuse Le. He, give Lehe some confidence, and then create some space for Lehe to grow, so that he can transform into the talented person he is.

Let’s talk about Lehe.

On the way here, Lehe had already learned from Yang Lin, Deng Fei and Luan Tingyu that Shuibo Liangshan was a place that valued true skills.

Lehe's strengths, Lehe himself knows, is that he is good at playing, playing and singing.

But what kind of specialty is this in the Green Forest Road?

Lehe's spiritual roots were not good enough, so he could only comprehend a magical power.

This made Lehe hesitate a little!

"What can I do in Shuibo Liangshan?"

With such doubts and confusion, Le He walked quietly at the back of the Liangshan heroes of the Dengzhou sect, patiently observing Jiang Hongfei's arrangements for them, the Liangshan heroes of the Dengzhou sect.

Lehe could see that the Liangshan heroes of the Dengzhou sect before him were all extremely satisfied with Jiang Hongfei's arrangements, and Jiang Hongfei also took good care of them, the Liangshan heroes of the Dengzhou sect.

This is a good result that they, the Liangshan heroes of the Dengzhou faction, did not dare to imagine before they came to drown themselves in Liangshan.

Lehe thought to himself: "Master Jiangzhai thinks highly of us, but I just don't know what position he will assign to me?"

Finally, Jiang Hongfei and Lehe both waited for each other to meet.

Jiang Hongfei looked Lehe up and down for a while, then nodded: "It's just as I imagined. Brother Xian is exactly the person I've been waiting for for a long time."

Lehe was stunned for a moment, then bowed: "I wonder what the leader of the village means by this?"

Jiang Hongfei did not hide anything, but said bluntly: "I have a big thing, and I need a person who is loyal, reliable, adaptable, smart, and has both wisdom and courage to handle it. My dear brother is this person..."

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