Xianxia version of Water Margin

Chapter 153 Wang Qing: We were all caught by Jiang Yan.

"Uncle, please wake up. If you don't know, don't blame me."

Hearing Cheng Wan'er personally admit her relationship with Jiang Hongfei, Dong Ping's lungs almost burst with anger: "The adulterer Yin Fu, if I have a chance, I will kill her!"

After deciding on Cheng Wan'er's ownership rights, Wang Qing, who had just regained consciousness, regained his rationality and thought:

"It's a good thing not to have this girl, so that I don't have that big insect nest to make trouble and ruin my big things. When my big things are accomplished in the future, I don't have any kind of girl or how many girls I want. I have to endure it first." Some time."

After thinking about it, Wang Qing felt that Jiang Hongfei helped him, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

Just as Li Zhu said, Wang Qing's clever IQ began to occupy the high ground again after Wang Qing's lower thoughts were eliminated.

After Wang Qing bowed to Cheng Wan'er four times, he never looked at Cheng Wan'er again.

Then Wang Qing looked back at Jiang Hongfei and said with a grimace: "Brother went too far this time, and I'm very sad..."

Jiang Hongfei guessed that Wang Qing was not referring to Cheng Wan'er this time, but to the heroes on Mulan Mountain who drowned themselves in Liangshan Mountain. To elaborate more, it was Du Bu who drowned himself in Liangshan Mountain.

No matter for any force, a top-notch Qi practitioner like Du Bo is definitely the most important human resource. There is almost no one.

Jiang Hongfei didn't need to ask, he could guess that the reason why Wang Qing pulled all the copycats and forces around Mulan Mountain over was to force Mulan Mountain to join his alliance through hard and soft tactics, and in this way to obtain Du Bo, a superb Qi practitioner.

But what Wang Qing never expected was that just when he was about to succeed, Jiang Hongfei, Cheng Yaojin, came out halfway and intercepted Du Bo and Mulan Shan.

No one would be willing to accept this.

It's not surprising that as soon as Wang Qing found out about this, he personally led an elite team to come to investigate.

"Brother Xian, what are you saying? I have made it clear to you that Wan'er is Brother Wei's best friend. Your sister-in-law, how can you still be evil-minded? If you continue to behave like this, don't blame Brother Wei for teaching him a lesson. is you."

"Brother Wei, let me tell you one last time. Brother Wei can give up anything, but he will never give up two things to anyone!"

"The first is women. My brother's women can be left there and not used, but others cannot touch them. I will kill the whole family of anyone who touches me. I will show no mercy!"

As soon as Jiang Hongfei said this, all the green forest Taoists applauded, thinking that Jiang Hongfei was really domineering, as domineering as a leading boss in the world should be.

And Cheng Wan'er thought to herself: "Is he saying this to me? Is he really trying to occupy me?"

Cheng Waner took another look at Gao Liang, Chen Liqing, Hua Baoyan, and Liu Huiniang beside Jiang Hongfei, and couldn't help but feel a little sour in her heart: "Why are there so many women around him?!"

——Hu Sanniang is pregnant and is having a baby at home.

When Dong Ping heard what Jiang Hongfei said, he was both angry and worried. He thought to himself: "Is Jiang Thief trying to warn me?!"

After a pause, Jiang Hongfei continued:

"Secondly, they are brothers, brothers who are brothers..."

Wang Qing, who reacted quickly, immediately realized that if Jiang Hongfei was allowed to say the following words, Jiang Hongfei would definitely completely block his way to beg Du Bo, so he could not let Jiang Hongfei say the following words under any circumstances. Say it!

Thinking of this, Wang Qing interrupted Jiang Hongfei and said: "Brother, where did you go? Since I have paid homage to my sister-in-law, how can I dare to have any undue thoughts about my sister-in-law? My brother underestimates me too much."

Then, Wang Qing said loudly: "Listen to the orders left and right!"

Wang Qing’s men responded in unison: “Here we are!”

Wang Qing pointed at Cheng Wan'er and said solemnly: "This person is my Wang Qing's sister-in-law. Anyone who dares to touch my sister-in-law from Jinghu to Xijing is my life and death enemy. I will destroy his entire mountain without mercy." !”

Jiang Hongfei said that he would destroy his whole family, so Wang Qing directly destroyed his entire force. In terms of words, Wang Qing was definitely more domineering than Jiang Hongfei.

This caused the heroes of Jinghu to applaud:

"The leader is mighty!"

"The leader can pick it up and put it down. He is truly the leading hero in Jinghu!"

"Don't worry, Lord Jiang, my sister-in-law has lost a hair on the way from Jinghu to Xijing. We will collectively apologize!"


These chaotic sounds interrupted the domineering Jiang Hongfei had just gathered, as well as the words Jiang Hongfei was about to use to silence Wang Qing. If he continued the topic just now, it would seem that Jiang Hongfei was a little petty.

Seeing this, Jiang Hongfei had to admire Wang Qing for his wits.

Jiang Hongfei was too embarrassed to block Wang Qing's mouth again. Wang Qing, whose face was thicker than the city wall, was so shameless. He pressed his hands and made all the heroes in Jinghu shut their mouths. Then his face turned red and his heart stopped beating. To continue the previous topic:

"Brother has gone too far this time. The little brother is very sad. The last time I went to Shuibo Liangshan, did I dig out the heroes of Jingdong? Is it because I don't have the ability? It's just because I care about the bond of friendship and don't want to do this. It’s something that friends in the world laugh at, don’t think about it, I care about brotherhood, respect my brother, and abide by boundaries, but my brother doesn’t care about brotherhood and comes to my Jinghu to poach people, what a heart this little brother has~!”

When he said this, Wang Qing covered his chest with a heartbroken look, vividly interpreting "My brother and I exchange hearts, and my brother uses his brains with me."

Jiang Hongfei really didn't expect that Wang Qing was actually a good actor. He never talked about the fact that he was poaching people everywhere in Shuibo Liangshan and was finally driven away by him. Instead, he acted with himself here to gain sympathy.

Jiang Hongfei accompanied Wang Qingyan and said, "Brother Xian, what are you talking about? Why do you want me to come to your place to poach people?"

Wang Qing pointed at Du Bo, Feng Tai, Wei He, and Zhuo Mao, and asked Jiang Hongfei: "Brother, do you dare to say that you are not here for Mulan Mountain?"

Jiang Hongfei admitted openly: "Yes, we have already agreed that his Mulan Mountain will be merged into our Shuibo Liangshan Mountain, and my brother will personally come to pick up Du Boxian brother and the others to gather in Liangshan Mountain."

Seeing Jiang Hongfei's admission, Wang Qing said loudly: "Don't speak secretly in front of people. Du Village Master and the others are all members of our Jinghu people. Even if they don't want to be idle in the clouds and wild cranes anymore, they should join our alliance. What's the reason to go to your lake?" Liangshan grass falls?"

Jiang Hongfei asked back: "Brother Xian, do you mean to divide the heroes by region?"

Wang Qing shook his head and said, "Of course."

Jiang Hongfei said with a smile: "If that's the case, my dear brother is from Tokyo, so he should come to our Shuibo Liangshan to take a top position. In this way, your Fangshan and your alliance will all be merged into our Shuibo Liangshan, and I will teach you to take the first place." Two...well, the second spot won't work. Brother Wei promised that this second deal will always be reserved for brother Wang Lun. Just the third spot. As long as you bring people over, Brother Wei will let you treat me as Shuibo Liangshan. How about the third child?"

How can Wang Qing be the kind of person who is willing to be a subordinate to others?

In Wang Qing's script, after he grew stronger, he would annex Shuibo Liangshan, Longhushan, and Manichaeism, overthrow the Zhao and Song Dynasties, complete the unification, and then he would become the emperor.

At that time, because Jiang Hongfei took good care of Wang Qing, he took away Jiang Hongfei's military power and rewarded Jiang Hongfei with a happy prince or something.

How could Wang Qing, with such ambition, let Jiang Hongfei swallow up his career?

So Wang Qing said: "Even if you and I want to merge, it's time for you, elder brother, to come to the younger brother. The younger brother is more generous than the elder brother and directly teaches the elder brother to be the deputy leader, only under me, how about it?"

Jiang Hongfei laughed and said: "I have made a promise and cannot go back on it. As long as you dare to ask me to stay in Liangshan, I will join your alliance. The deputy leader will be the deputy leader. I will not be like this. Careful about every detail."

As soon as Jiang Hongfei said this, Li Zhu quickly shook his head at Wang Qing and told Wang Qing not to agree to Jiang Hongfei, otherwise all their efforts in the past few years would be used to make Jiang Hongfei's wedding dress.

In fact, there was no need for Li Zhu to remind Wang Qing that he could not let Shuibo Liangshan join him in this alliance.


the reason is simple.

Shuibo Liangshan is too powerful, more powerful than his alliance combined.

The key is that the reason why he was able to form this alliance was entirely because Jiang Hongfei provided him with refined salt and gave him such a large share of the salt market. Otherwise, how could he have such a strong appeal?

And if Shuibo Liangshan enters this alliance, the various mountains and forces originally under Fangshan will definitely want to bypass the middleman of Fangshan and directly connect with the supply source of Shuibo Liangshan. After all, who is willing to let others take away such a large piece of profit?

Let's put it this way, if Wang Qing dares to annex Shuibo Liangshan, he will definitely be choked to death by Shuibo Liangshan.

On the other hand, if Shuibo Liangshan wants to annex Wang Qing's power, there will be no such problem. Jiang Hongfei will directly kick out Wang Qing, the middleman, and Shuibo Liangshan can completely replace Fangshan's position. The only trouble is , Jingxiang is out of reach, and Shuibo Liangshan has to build a branch village here.

Wang Qing broke into a cold sweat after thinking about this. He thought to himself: "We must send this ancestor away quickly, otherwise if we don't protect everything, people who don't want me to take advantage of them will take the initiative to find this ancestor."

Wang Qing quickly moved past the topic and said, "Brother, don't talk about irrelevant things. I'm talking to my brother about Mulan Mountain. Why is my brother talking about the merger of the two families?"

Jiang Hongfei said with a smile on his face: "How can this be irrelevant? Brother Xian, do you think we should be divided according to where we are from? Don't tell me, brother Xian, you are not from the capital. That brother was in the capital back then." Kaifeng Mansion..."

Wang Qing stopped Jiang Hongfei and said: "Stop! How many years ago was that in the old almanac? I'm talking about today. Nowadays, talents should be divided according to regions. Otherwise, everyone will fight with each other, and others will be advantaged. ?”

No, Jiang Hongfei shook his head simply this time:

"Long before I met you, Brother Du Bo and I had already exchanged greetings through correspondence. Over the years, I have written one hundred and two letters to Brother Du Bo, and Brother Du Bo has replied to thirty-seven letters to me. I have kept all the letters I replied to. If you want to read them, I can ask someone to bring them to you, but if you want to teach me to give up on Brother Du Bo, that is absolutely impossible."

As soon as Jiang Hongfei said this, Du Bo's face was full of surprise. He really didn't expect that Jiang Hongfei would clearly remember the number of letters he had written to Jiang Hongfei over the years, and also keep them.

This is enough to show that Jiang Hongfei attaches great importance to Du Bo.

This is enough to prove that Du Bo was right to vote for Jiang Hongfei.

Wang Qing didn't expect that Jiang Hongfei would speak so eloquently. He opened his mouth and wanted to refute Jiang Hongfei...

Who would have thought that when he said this, Jiang Hongfei actually put away his smile and said: "You are my sworn brother. I can take care of you and let you do some things, but you cannot make these rules alone. If you want to According to the rules of this region, you must tell me in advance and I will agree to it before it is counted, otherwise..."

Although Jiang Hongfei did not say the following words out of concern for Wang Qing's face, everyone understood what Jiang Hongfei meant: Otherwise, the rules you set are similar to farting and will not count.

Wang Qing, who has extremely high emotional intelligence, understands more than others.

Seeing that Jiang Hongfei no longer called each other "brother" and "virtuous brother", but instead called each other "I" and "you", Wang Qing realized that Jiang Hongfei was angry. If he dared to fight in Mulan Mountain again, Jiang Hongfei would probably go into a rage if he was blocked horizontally and vertically when he entered the water in Liangshan.

Wang Qing felt suffocated when he thought about Jiang Hongfei cutting off his refined salt after getting angry!

At this moment, Wang Qingcai clearly realized that although people in the world ranked him with Jiang Hongfei, Fang La, and Tian Hu, in fact this was only on the surface. At least he and Jiang Hongfei were not tied. Jiang Hongfei used refined salt to accurately knead By keeping him within seven inches, he would never dare to offend Jiang Hongfei.

"It's not just me? Isn't it the same for Tian Hu and Fang La? There are other forces that rely on refined salt to develop and grow."

“The faster we grew, the greater the demand for refined salt, and the harder it became to escape his control.”

"This is equivalent to teaching us to happily put our heads into the ropes he has woven. If any of us dares to disobey, he will tighten the rope around his neck."

"Now, if he teaches us to live, we will live; if he teaches us to die, we will die."

"He controlled all of us without a fight."

"At the beginning, I thought I was smart and grabbed all the Xijing, Nanyang, and Jingxiang areas. I even wanted the four Sichuan-Sichuan roads that others dared not take. Now I have gone too far. , Unless something breaks out and all four roads including Xijing, Nanyang, Jingxiang, and Sichuan-Sichuan are really in hand, then I can turn my passivity into an initiative, otherwise I will always be under his control."

After thinking about all this, Wang Qing should not continue to struggle with the merger of Mulan Mountain into Shuibo Liang Mountain.

But a top-notch Qi practitioner like Du Fu was too precious. Wang Qing was really unwilling to give Du Fu to Jiang Hongfei!

After much hesitation, Wang Qing bit the bullet and asked Jiang Hongfei: "Brother, is this matter really non-negotiable?"

Seeing that he had already issued a ban, Wang Qing asked anyway. Jiang Hongfei bared his teeth and smiled: "Who taught you that you are my good sworn brother, then I will give you another chance."

Although Wang Qing guessed that this opportunity would definitely not be a good thing, he still held a trace of luck and asked: "What opportunity?"

Jiang Hongfei said bluntly: "You and I will spar. If you beat me, I will turn around and leave."

There is a legend in the world that Jiang Hongfei is the best Qi practitioner in the world, and some people say that Jiang Hongfei is a Qi practitioner with spiritual roots.

But Wang Qing didn’t believe it.

The reason why Wang Qing didn't believe it was that, first, he felt that Jiang Hongfei was not that strong; second, Li Zhu had asserted that Jiang Hongfei was by no means a divine root qigong practitioner, and Jiang Hongfei's strength should have been greatly exaggerated.

In addition, in recent years, with the abundance of resources, Wang Qing himself has also worked very hard, which has greatly increased the strength of Wang Qing, who already has good spiritual talent.

The key point is that Wang Qing really couldn't let go of Du Bo.

More importantly, Wang Qing did not believe that Jiang Hongfei would kill him.

Therefore, Wang Qing gritted his teeth and said, "I just want to ask my brother for advice..."

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