Xianxia version of Water Margin

Chapter 158 Bodhisattva’s Heart, King Kong’s Means

Listening to Jiang Hongfei's plan, if the development of the world allows him to seize the world, he will take advantage of the trend to seize the world; if he is not allowed to seize the world, he will lead the heroes of Liangshan to live in seclusion in Liuqiu and build Liuqiu into a paradise, Xiao Jiasui's eyes Just a light.

Jiang Hongfei's plan to take advantage of the situation was in line with Xiao Jiasui's expectations.

Moreover, Jiang Hongfei emphasized that this is only the general direction of the development of Shuibo Liangshan. At the current stage, if they occupy a place, they will benefit one party and make necessary preparations to seize the world.

Jiang Hongfei spoke sincerely, and Xiao Jiasui also said cheerfully:

"To be honest, I have been paying attention to the village owner and Shuibo Liangshan for a long time. The village owner has been giving porridge and providing free medical clinics for many years in Liangshanbo. He has eliminated the rich and unkind people. He has forgiven debts, divided fields and distributed grains for the people. All of which are very pleasing to me. The happiest thing for me is that the leader of the village knows the roots of the Song Dynasty, and he also has a way to cure the root cause, and fights steadily, unlike Fang La, Tian Hu, and Wang Qing, who are just gamblers who take advantage of the chaos and rarely achieve great things."

"Xiao lives his life not only for fame and wealth, but in his spare time he lives in Jingnan. If he is interested, he travels around the world. He has long heard that there was a truly extraordinary hero in Liangshan recently. He focuses on saving people and is quite aware of the sufferings in the world. , is the hope of the poor."

"Xiao was born with an unruly behavior and a long-lasting reputation as a country tune. He is an ignorant and ignorant person. Nowadays, the slanderers are high and the sages are unknown. Although his talents are easy-going and easy-going, he will never reach the ninth level. Xiao has seen many ambitious people. A hero does not care about life and death, and is a person who overcomes the difficulties of the public family. If he does something improperly, the man who spares his life to protect his wife will then be harmed by a matchmaker, and his wealth and life will be in the control of the powerful traitor, which makes Xiao feel disheartened. , depressed!"

"The leader of the village has an insight into world affairs and knows that there is no cure for the Song Dynasty. He does not blindly destroy it and then establish it. He will take the benefit of one state and one place as the basis and then conquer the world. If he retreats, he can ensure that the people of one place live and work in peace and contentment. I really like it."

"The leader of the village doesn't know something, so I want to find him. I have been admiring the leader for a long time. I want to visit Liangshan nearby. If Liangshan is really the same as what people say, I will go to Guizhai and recommend myself. "

Having said this, Xiao Jiasui bowed to the ground:

"In today's world, not only the king chooses his ministers, but the ministers also choose the king. The leader of the village is courteous to the virtuous and corporal, thirsty for talents, and has accumulated many years of experience. The general trend has been established, which is the place for heroes. I am willing to follow the leader of the village and save the people from water and fire. The people are hanging upside down, I hope the leader of the village can help me!"

When Jiang Hongfei heard this, he was extremely happy that Xiao Jiasui, who was generous, ambitious, generous, powerful and courageous, was willing to invest in him!

The reason why Jiang Hongfei is so happy is not only because he has gained a great talent, but also because he has received heartfelt affirmation from a hermit who has no desires and great wisdom. This shows that what he has been doing is not wrong and he has the right Hope it succeeds.

Jiang Hongfei quickly helped Xiao Jiasui up and said, "With your help, sir, what we want will come true, so why worry!"

Xiao Jiasui said very simply: "If brother is not busy, you can wait here for three days for me to recommend some talents to Liangshan. If brother wants to do it in advance, it doesn't matter. I will take them up to Liangshan later."

Jiang Hongfei didn't think Xiao Jiasui was using this as a delaying strategy, and he wasn't afraid that Xiao Jiasui would report to the officials to arrest him.

——You know, Jiang Hongfei currently has 500 elite personal guards, 200 Mulan Mountain minions, and more than 20 powerful qi refiners, including super first-class qi refiners like Du Bo and Gao Liang. The key to such a quasi-superior Qi practitioner is that he is not the Amon of Wu Xia in the past. He has many trump cards to protect himself and kill the enemy, such as Handkerchief Cloud, Shrinking Earth into an Inch, etc. Even if Xiao Jiasui finds more than a dozen Qiu Yue, Zhou Ang, Hu Chun, It is impossible for a powerful Qi practitioner like Cheng Ziming to capture him.

On the contrary, if he leaves just like that, Xiao Jiasui will definitely feel that he does not trust him. In this case, he may lose the great talent Xiao Jiasui.

Moreover, Jiang Hongfei knew that Xiao Jiasui had a very wide circle of friends. Anyone who met a brave person, no matter how high or low, would make friends with him, which was why he would seize the city alone in the future.

In other words, Xiao Jiasui should have a lot of talents on hand. He was not lying.

Jiang Hongfei said with a smile: "No matter how busy you are, these days are enough. Dear brother, you can go and invite me. If you are missing something, just tell me. I need to go and pay for the errands, settling-in expenses, etc. in person. It's not a problem..."

Next, Xiao Jiasui showed Jiang Hongfei his powerful appeal.

In Jingnan City alone, Xiao Jiasui summoned dozens of civil and military talents.

Moreover, the people who came here said that the people in Jingnan admired the kindness of their ancestors, so they respected Xiao Jiasui very much.

It is precisely because of this that Xiao Jiasui occasionally visited Jingnan and settled here.

Jiang Hongfei finally understood why Xiao Jiasui didn't have any soldiers. When he climbed up and shouted, so many people followed him to take back Jingnan City.

Three days later, Xiao Jiasui led more than a hundred civil and military talents to follow Jiang Hongfei back to Shuibo Liangshan. At the same time, many talents would go directly to Shuibo Liangshan to report to Xiao Jiasui because of the long distance.

In other words, Jiang Hongfei recruited Xiao Jiasui and solved a lot of scarce talents for Shuibo Liangshan.

There is no doubt that Jiang Hongfei has made a fortune again.

That year, there were heavy rains in Jiangsu, Huaihe, Jing, Zhejiang, Fujian, and Guanglian. Floods broke out everywhere and crops were submerged. As a result, people suffered from severe hunger and displaced people everywhere.

Although the Zhao and Song Dynasties provided disaster relief many times, corrupt officials bought and resold the relief grain to other places (such as Shuibo Liangshan) and made huge profits from it. As a result, there was no food for disaster relief, which caused the number of disaster victims to increase rather than decrease.

Shuibo Liangshan took this opportunity to spread the news among the victims, saying that as long as they could escape to Liangshanbo, Jeju Prefecture, Shandong Province, there would be many soup kitchens with gods, Buddhas, and Tiandashengjiang, and they would be able to provide enough food.

As a result, the victims from all over the country dragged their families and families to watch the floods in Liangshan.

At the same time, the Zhao and Song courts ordered local officials to control hunger. If they did not manage well, they would be severely punished.

These local officials received strict orders from the court and had no food on hand, so they could only cooperate with the refugees to run away to Liangshan.

As a result, the refugee army was like hundreds of rivers returning to the sea, and many of them gathered in a small place like Liangshanbo.

On the way back, Jiang Hongfei and his party saw too many victims swarming in Liangshan.

Seeing this, Xiao Jiasui asked worriedly: "There are too many victims. Can I, Shuibo Liangshan, save them?"

"Ever since the village was built, my brother taught the second master to accumulate grain. Therefore, the village has not only been storing grain, but also buying grain from everywhere. Only in this way can it barely support the heavy consumption of the land. However, there are indeed too many victims this year. I don't know. Whether the cottage can sustain it?" Zhu Wu asked worriedly.

After hearing Zhu Wu say that Jiang Hongfei had been accumulating grain, Xiao Jiasui admired Jiang Hongfei's foresight even more.

Before they arrived within Shuibo Liangshan's sphere of influence, Du Bo, Xiao Jiasui and other newcomers to Shuibo Liangshan saw the soup kitchen at Shuibo Liangshan, guiding the victims who were escaping in Shuibo Liangshan.

Seeing this, Du Bo, Xiao Jiasui and others finally confirmed that the rumors in the world were true, and Jiang Hongfei had really shouldered the burden of rescuing the victims on his own.

For this reason alone, Jiang Hongfei deserves the loyalty of these people.


Among the talents recruited by Xiao Jiasui for Jiang Hongfei, a young man discovered that after cooking the porridge, the porridge cook picked up two large handfuls of sand and sprinkled it into the porridge.

The young man touched Xiao Jiasui and motioned for Xiao Jiasui to look quickly.

After Xiao Jiasui looked at it, he asked Jiang Hongfei calmly: "Brother, what is this?"

Jiang Hongfei said: "Wait and see."

Xiao Jiasui heard this and waited patiently to see what would happen, and also signaled to others not to act rashly.

Du Bo and other people in Mulan Mountain were also wondering why the Liangshan heroes were throwing sand into the good porridge.

Soon, some people cursed and said after seeing or hearing that the Liangshan heroes sprinkled sand into the porridge:

"It's said that the great sage of heaven is just and generous, saving all people from fire and water, bullshit, actually teaching people to throw sand into porridge, humiliating us, it's so immoral and smoking, a person with a false reputation!"

"That is, if you can't afford to give alms, don't use extravagance to cover up heroes. In the name of giving porridge, you do such an unkind thing. It's hypocritical!"

"Even if I starve to death, I will not eat even half a mouthful of this sandy porridge. Holy Sage, bah, how dare he receive such a good name?!"


The more these people scolded, the more excited they became, and they even wanted to smash the soup kitchen in Shuibo Liangshan.

But as soon as these people had this idea, those who were about to starve to death surrounded the people who wanted to overturn their life-saving porridge with red eyes.

A hungry and emaciated man looked at these guys who were obviously not hungry and had a place to eat, fighting for their life-saving porridge and destroying their life-saving porridge. He said viciously: "Believe it or not, if you don't get out, we will Then I will eat you alive!"

After this man said these words, many victims couldn't help but swallow their saliva. Their expressions looked like a pack of hungry wolves.

Even if some of the people who snatch porridge from the victims are rogues who cause trouble for nothing, they no longer dare to go to the porridge soup point in Shuibo Liangshan.


Just because these people know very well that these victims are really no longer human beings, they are just a group of wild beasts that are about to starve to death. This is because Liangshan is giving them porridge. Otherwise, do you think they really don't eat humans?

"let's go!"

I don’t know who took the lead, but hundreds of people walked away huffing and puffing.

The rest of the people all consciously went back to line up to get the porridge mixed with sand, and then drank it happily. In the end, they even licked the bottom of the bowl clean, and then went to the river to rinse the bowl and send it away. return.

Many people who saved their lives because of this bowl of porridge would say from the bottom of their hearts: "I am grateful to the Great Sage of Heaven for saving my life. If I can survive, I will build a shrine to the Great Sage of Heaven!"

The Liangshan heroes who give porridge will say to each disaster victim who receives porridge: "There is a long-term soup kitchen next to Liangshanbo. This is just a temporary site set up by the village bishop. I am afraid that you will not be able to hold on to Liangshanbo. There is also a medical shed in Liangshanbo for treatment." Injuries, injuries, and places where people are recruited to serve as husbandmen or to open up wasteland. As long as you go there, there is a way to survive..."

Seeing this, Xiao Jiasui straightened his clothes, then bowed to Jiang Hongfei on the ground: "Brother, please bow to me!"

Jiang Hongfei helped Xiao Jiasui up and said, "My dear brother, why are you so polite?"

Xiao Jiasui said: "Brother, if you cultivate your heart with a Bodhisattva heart and use diamond methods to plan things, you will definitely achieve great things!"

Some people still didn't realize what was going on. Why did Xiao Jiasui pay homage to Jiang Hongfei and say such things? He asked the people around him: "Why can't I understand what Mr. Xiao is talking about?"

Du Fu and other big bosses from Mulan Mountain were also there. Wei He asked Du Fu, "Brother, do you know what is going on?"

Du Bo's face turned red and he said, "Listen to what they say."

Soon, someone who understood all this explained to everyone: "Those who walked away are not real victims of the disaster. They just came to snatch the food that the victims needed to save their lives. The village owner used sand to drive away the fake victims so that the real victims could As long as he survives, Mr. Xiao admires the village leader's good heart and even more admires his wisdom in accomplishing this, and believes that the village master will be able to achieve great things..."

After these people's explanations, Du Bo and others understood that there were so many ways in Gan Qing'er.

Xiao Jiasui asked curiously: "How did my brother come up with the idea of ​​using this method to relieve real victims?"

Jiang Hongfei can't say that I followed He Shen's story, right?

Moreover, at this time, if Jiang Hongfei didn't pretend to be cool and win over these noble people, how could he make these arrogant guys rebel against him wholeheartedly and work hard for him?

So Jiang Hongfei said: "The victims of the disaster are no longer human beings."

As soon as Jiang Hongfei said this, many scholars' faces turned pale with shock. They couldn't believe that these words came from the mouth of Jiang Hongfei, who was known as the "God of Gods" and "The Great Sage."

Jiang Hongfei looked at the people around him who were in disbelief and even extremely disappointed, and said calmly: "You don't have to look at me like this. I didn't make a mistake. In my opinion, the victims are no longer human beings."

Without waiting for others to ask questions, Jiang Hongfei said to himself:

"Do you know that in every catastrophic year throughout the dynasties, the number of people who died ranged from hundreds of thousands to millions or tens of millions?"

"Maybe you have read history books and know this number, but you certainly have not seen the disaster area with your own eyes."

"Those who are about to starve to death are no longer human beings, but beasts. As long as they can live and have a bite to eat, they are willing to give anything and do anything. Anything that can survive is a good thing, grassroots You can eat the bark and soil.”

"Have you ever seen people who ate Guanyin soil and bloated themselves to death? Ah, yes, you may not know what Guanyin soil is?"

"Have you ever seen a sick corpse marked with a paper in the market and people selling it for food and money?"

"Of course you have heard of it. It's just four words in history books, but I have seen it with my own eyes. If you change your child to eat, it's just a pile of meat in the pot."

"Do you think I have no humanity? Do you think I don't respect the victims? Do you think I don't treat the victims as human beings?"

"I have personally been to the disaster area, and the tragedy that took place there is simply beyond words."

"Let's not talk about the disaster area, just talk about our territory in Shuibo Liangshan. If I don't find a way to drive away all these fake victims, even if I empty Shuibo Liangshan, I won't be able to relieve the continuous flow of victims. , what you see here are not the victims, but the bones."

After hearing what Jiang Hongfei said, those who had just suspected Jiang Hongfei were all ashamed!

After finishing the pretense, Jiang Hongfei regained his momentum at the right time and educated everyone: "Saving and governing the people is not something that can be done impulsively or passionately, but requires both hard work and methods, otherwise it will be just talk on paper and embarrassing." It’s very useful.”

Xiao Jiasui bowed and said, "Don't worry, brother, I will teach them."

Jiang Hongfei nodded.

Later, Jiang Hongfei and his party entered the area controlled by Shuibo Liangshan.

As soon as they arrived here, Du Bo, Xiao Jiasui and others clearly felt that the faces of the people here were full of enthusiasm, kindness and hope for the future. Even those victims who had become indifferent began to glow again after arriving here. vitality.

As for soup kitchens and medical shacks, they can be seen everywhere, just like the rumors in the world.

Soon, some places with long queues aroused the ideas of Du Bo, Xiao Jiasui and others.

Xiao Jiasui asked: "What is this?"

Ruan Xiaoqi said: "This is a recruiting point to recruit people who want to go to Liuqiu to open up wasteland. If you don't want to go to Liuqiu to open up wasteland, you can also sign up to be a civilian husband and earn spiritual money through working to improve your food and accommodation conditions. My brother calls this work. Relief..."

A few months ago, Li Jun sent Fei Bao and Tong Wei back to tell them that they had found Liuqiu Island. According to Jiang Hongfei, they set several fires on Liuqiu Island and burned the plain there to red ground.

After that, the miasma in Liuqiu became much weaker as Jiang Hongfei guessed.

Coupled with Kong Hou's treatment, not many Liangshan heroes died.

At this stage, Li Jun and the others have established a foothold in Liuqiu and have also attacked the Penghu Islands. Now they are short of people, food, and various supplies, which need to be transported to Liuqiu bit by bit.

Just in time for the Zhao and Song dynasties, floods continued and there were many refugees.

Therefore, before leaving, Jiang Hongfei made a plan to recruit refugees to go to Liuqiu to open up wasteland, and asked Wang Lun to organize the implementation, and at the same time prepare all the materials they needed for Li Jun and others.

Just when Jiang Hongfei and others were telling Xiao Jiasui and others about recruiting points, Wang Lun led a group of leaders in Shuibo Liangshan to welcome Jiang Hongfei back to the mountain, and at the same time welcomed Du Bo, Xiao Jiasui and others to join the group.

But far away, Jiang Hongfei saw that among the Liangshan heroes who came to greet him, there was a man who shouldn't be here...

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