Xianxia version of Water Margin

Chapter 172 Preparing to Attack Beijing

All the leaders on Naitou Mountain took action and tried all means to force Lu Junyi to stay on Naitou Mountain for four months.

Not to mention, all the leaders on Naitou Mountain took turns inviting Lu Junyi to drink and ask for advice, but they refused to let Lu Junyi come down from the mountain.

It is only said that Li Gu returned to Daming Mansion in Beijing, and after meeting Lu Junyi's wife Jia, he said to her: "The master surrendered to Chao Gai and Song Jiang of Naitoushan, took his third position, and will not come back again. "

Jia was shocked and turned pale, then burst into tears, not knowing what to do?

Since Lu Junyi was obsessed with practicing and did not get close to women, Li Gu had long been flirting with Mr. Jia.

But at that time, Lu Junyi was at home and so powerful that both Li Gu and Jia were relatively restrained.

But now, Li Gu has learned from Wu Yong that Lu Junyi stayed in Naitou Mountain and became a bandit. The anti-poetry written by Lu Junyi at home is ironclad evidence. Even if Lu Junyi comes back one day, relying on Lu Junyi's handwritten poem His anti-poetry can also kill Lu Junyi.

None of this actually matters.

The important thing is that Lu Junyi comes from a wealthy family with five million yuan, and Lu Junyi also has a beautiful wife.

Even just one of them can arouse people's greed, let alone gain both wealth and sex?

Furthermore, although Lu Junyi was Li Gu's savior and took Li Gu in, on weekdays, Lu Junyi, who had a bad temper, often bossed Li Guyi around and would beat Li Gu at every turn. Li Gu couldn't hold back this. I have been feeling cowardly for a long time.

Now, he has the opportunity to replace Lu Junyi, obtain Lu Junyi's millions of family assets, and sleep with Lu Junyi's wife.

These reasons were enough for Li Gu to take action.

So, seeing Mrs. Jia crying because of her helplessness, Li Gu had the courage to hug Mrs. Jia.

Jia Shi struggled for a moment: "What are you going to do?"

Seeing that Jia's struggle was not strong, Li Gu immediately hugged her tighter. At the same time, he put his head to Jia's ear and said, "My lady is so beautiful, but my master only cares about cultivation and rarely gets close to her. It's so disrespectful." Respect the lady."

Li Gu's words touched Jia's heart. She couldn't understand why her soft self was not as attractive to Lu Junyi as those cold swords and guns.

Therefore, Jia was actually full of resentment for marrying Lu Junyi, who did not want to play.

Now Lu Junyi has ignored her happiness for the rest of her life and chosen to be a bandit in Naitou Mountain, making Jia's resentment towards Lu Junyi even deeper.

Looking at Li Gu, he is good-looking and a man who knows how to be romantic.

Therefore, Jia, who had not tasted the pleasure of a man and a woman for a long time, asked Li Gu: "Then what should I do to respect me?"

As soon as Li Gu heard that there was a way out, he pushed Mr. Jia down on the bed and said with a smile: "I will respect my wife now..."

A female poet said it clearly that the passage to a woman's heart is...

Therefore, after a night of change, Jia, who had not been satisfied for a long time, completely turned to Li Gu.

With Jia's cooperation, Li Gu ambushed a good man and invited Yan Qing to discuss the division of Lu Junyi's property.

Yan Qing was unwilling and scolded Li Gu and Jia's adulterous wife, Yin Fu, as ungrateful.

Li Gu simply kicked Yan Qing out of the house and told all his relatives that if anyone dared to take Yan Qing in, he would give up half of his belongings to file a lawsuit with him, so no one dared to take in Yan Qing.

Yan Qing had no choice but to live in a ruined temple outside the city, waiting for Lu Junyi to come back, informing Lu Junyi, and then helping Lu Junyi avenge his murder.

At the same time, Li Gu began to use Lu Junyi's money to do things around, and then completely occupied Lu Junyi's family property, and became a real couple with Jia.

Jiang Hongfei knew everything that happened in Lu Junyi's family, because he had already arranged for Shi Xiu to lead a group of Jinyi guards into Damingfu City, and also arranged for Zhu Gui and Zhu Fu to open a restaurant in Damingfu City to collect intelligence.

Not only that, Jiang Hongfei also sent people to buy a number of properties in Damingfu City, and divided them into parts to install a secret special battalion and two regular infantry troops, and sent Zhu Wu to command these people.

That's right.

Jiang Hongfei was already preparing to attack Damingfu City.

There were many reasons why Jiang Hongfei was preparing to attack Damingfu City.

The first is that after Lu Junyi's incident happened, whether it is based on the development in "Water Margin" or the prediction of the situation, if you want to save Lu Junyi, this famous city must be fought.

Some people may say that if Jiang Hongfei had killed Li Gu earlier, saved Lu Junyi's family, and erased the anti-poetry written by Wu Yong, Lu Junyi's troubles would have been solved. How could he have gone to the point of attacking Damingfu City?


If Jiang Hongfei did this, Lu Junyi would definitely be fine.

But the problem is, in that case, Lu Junyi will at most say thank you to Jiang Hongfei because Jiang Hongfei did him a small favor. Will he go to Liangshan to work for Jiang Hongfei because of this little gratitude?

Certainly not.

You know, Lu Junyi and Song Jiang are the same kind of people. They are the kind of people who will never fall into trouble unless they are forced to a dead end.

Thinking about it, people like Song Jiang and Lu Junyi were originally doing well and getting whatever they wanted. Why should they become strong men who suffered hardships, had a bad reputation, and would kill everyone in their family if they were caught, and would be cut into pieces themselves?

Only people like Yang Lin, Jiao Ting, Shi Xiu, Zou Yuan and Zou Run who had not done well in the past would take the initiative to become strong men.

In addition, Lu Junyi, like Song Jiang, was full of thoughts about making achievements and serving the Zhao and Song Dynasties.

If Jiang Hongfei rescued such a person rashly, he would only be adding another enemy to himself.

There is also a small reason that Lu Junyi has no family members (if there are any, Li Gu and Jia will not be allowed to occupy the family property). Even if the Jia family is only saved, because Lu Junyi If you don't like women, you will fall in love with Lu Junyi sooner or later.

On the other hand, although Wu Yong's methods have been controversial, he has to admit that his methods are still very effective. Perhaps only Wu Yong can make Lu Junyi become a bandit.

In short, Jiang Hongfei's efforts will definitely not be in vain. If he takes action, he will definitely get something in return. Repaying evil with kindness is not Jiang Hongfei's character at all.

Of course, Jiang Hongfei wanted to attack Damingfu City not only for the possible rescue of Lu Junyi, but also for the overall situation.

During the recent period, both Tian Hu and Wang Qing have been attacking cities and territories, and have made considerable progress, but at the same time they have also been under tremendous pressure from the Zhao and Song Dynasties. Therefore, they both wrote to Jiang Hongfei, hoping that Jiang Hongfei Being able to take the lead and relieve some pressure on them.

Jiang Hongfei's general strategy is to "build walls high, accumulate food widely, and slowly become king." Jiang Hongfei will definitely not do such a stupid thing as taking the lead.

But then again, at this stage, Jiang Hongfei has a close relationship with Fang La, Tian Hu, and Wang Qing. If any of the three of them were easily wiped out by the Zhao and Song court, Shuibo Liangshan would be the one who stands out.

Therefore, both emotionally and rationally, Jiang Hongfei had to share some pressure with Tian Hu and Wang Qing, who were currently under pressure from the Zhao and Song court.

And Jiang Hongfei led the Liangshan heroes to attack one of the four capitals of the Zhao and Song Dynasties, which would definitely attract some firepower to Tian Hu and Wang Qing and reduce the pressure on their two families.

Then there is the commonplace food issue.

With Jiang Hongfei's unremitting efforts, Shuibo Liangshan temporarily solved the food crisis.

But after this year, there is still next year.

Many disaster victims came to Shuibo Liangshan. Seeing that it was almost like paradise, they settled here and did not want to leave again. This undoubtedly brought great food pressure to Shuibo Liangshan. After all, there are countless fields in Shuibo Liangshan. .

The key is, will it be next year or the year of great disaster? There will definitely be a large influx of disaster victims into Shuibo Liangshan.

Therefore, if Shuibo Liangshan wants to survive next year safely, it must save more food.

There are currently millions of stones of autumn grain stored in Damingfu City.

If Shuibo Liangshan can get these millions of stones of autumn grain, then Shuibo Liangshan's pressure next year will be easily relieved.

Finally, and the most critical point.

Fang La has been too quiet recently, which is not like Fang La's style.

According to the timeline of "Water Margin", Fang La was the last one to rebel.

But according to official history and logic, Fang La must have been the first to rebel. The Zhao and Song Dynasty could only attack the Liao Kingdom after Fang La was wiped out first.

As the saying goes, before fighting outside, we must first settle inside.

We cannot regard all people in the Zhao and Song dynasties as fools.

Therefore, Jiang Hongfei must guard against Fang La being the first to rebel.

How to prevent it?

First of all, we must continue to "build walls high, accumulate food widely, and be king slowly", so that we can cope with all changes without changing.

In addition, if Jiang Hongfei really guessed that Fang La was about to start an uprising, then Jiang Hongfei would definitely take this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to occupy the Jiaodong Peninsula.

In order to accomplish these things, Jiang Hongfei must prepare sufficient soldiers and horses to further strengthen his strength.

As one of the four capitals of the Zhao and Song dynasties, Daming Mansion in Beijing can definitely meet all the needs of Shuibo Liangshan.

All in all, Jiang Hongfei has begun to prepare for the attack on Damingfu City and even the entire Damingfu City in Beijing.

It is worth mentioning that after seeing Lu Junyi's fate, Jiang Hongfei deliberately took some time to pamper his women, including the maids, and let them all drink a few thick soups to prevent them from imitating Jia.

In the process, Li Qingzhao was inevitably attacked by Jiang Hongfei, who never hesitated when it came to matters between men and women.

how to say?

At first, Li Qingzhao, who had always had good gambling products, was suspected of wanting to default on his debts.

But afterwards, Li Qingzhao could only say that it smelled really good...

Unknowingly, Lu Junyi was forced to stay in Shuibo Liangshan for more than four months by Chao Gai, Song Jiang, Wu Yong and others.

Lu Junyi could no longer bear the pain of homesickness. He went to Chao Gai and Song Jiang to express his longing for home, and said bluntly that no matter who came forward this time, he would definitely go home, and for this he would not even hesitate to fight.

Wu Yong had already sent people to find out. Lu Junyi's home and wife had been taken over by Li Gu. His plan was done. It was time to give Lu Junyi the final blow, so he didn't keep Lu Junyi anymore.

Therefore, after receiving Wu Yong's signal, Chao Gai and Song Jiang did not try to persuade Lu Junyi to stay, but agreed with Lu Junyi to go down the mountain with a smile.

Lu Junyi was overjoyed. Because he did not want to have anything to do with Naitoushan anymore, he declined the spiritual stone given to him by Chao Gai and immediately embarked on the road back to Daming Mansion in Beijing...

When passing by Shuibo Liangshan, Lu Junyi was afraid of causing further trouble, so he didn't even call the heroes of Liangshan. Instead, he went out day and night, relying on his invincible skills to sneak past the defense zone of Shuibo Liangshan.

The entire journey was silent.

It is only said that when Lu Junyi was still more than a mile away from Damingfu City, he saw only one person. When he saw Lu Junyi bowing his head, he bowed.

Lu Junyi raised his eyes and saw that if it wasn't the prodigal Yan Qing, who was it?

Lu Junyi asked Yan Qing why he was here?

Yan Qing then told Lu Junyi all the good deeds done by Li Gu and Jia.

Finally, Yan Qing said: "Now they are married and have reported the master. If the master returns home, he will be killed by them!"

Lu Junyi yelled: "My wife is not like that, you guys don't come here to fart!"

Yan Qing said: "You know people but don't know their hearts. Xiao Yi has been growing up in the Lu family since he was a child. He can still deceive his master. The master should go back to Naitou Mountain quickly and discuss a way with Chao Gai, Song Jiang and others to get revenge. Now If you enter the city at this time, you will surely fall into a trap."

Lu Junyi was furious and scolded Yan Qing: "My family has lived in Daming Mansion for five generations, who doesn't know it? How many idiots does Li Gu have, how dare he do such a thing! Could it be that you have done evil things, and today you are saying the opposite!" If I go to your home and find out the truth, I will never let you go!"

After finishing speaking, Lu Junyi walked towards Damingfu City.

Yan Qing cried bitterly and fell to the ground. He dragged Lu Junyi's clothes and refused to let Lu Junyi go home.

Lu Junyi kicked Yan Qing down and strode into the city.

After rushing to the city, Lu Junyi went straight back home.

I saw that all the supervisors at home were shocked when they saw Lu Junyi coming back.

Li Gu heard that Lu Junyi was back, and while arranging people to report to the official, he hurriedly came to greet him, then invited Lu Junyi to the hall, bowed his head and bowed.

"Where is Yan Qing?" Lu Junyi asked.

"Master, don't ask. It's hard to explain in words! I'm just afraid that the master will be angry. When the master has rested, I will talk to the master about this matter again." Li Gu replied.

Jia then came out crying from behind the screen, looking aggrieved.

Lu Junyi saw her and said, "Madam, please stop crying. Where did Yan Qing go?"

"No need to ask, sir. I will tell you slowly." Jia Shi also said the same thing.

Lu Junyi became suspicious and asked Yan Qing's whereabouts over and over again.

But Li Gu and Jia Shi were trying to avoid it. One moment, they asked Lu Junyi to wash up and change clothes first, and the next moment, they made arrangements for meals for Lu Junyi.

Just when Lu Junyi was about to lose his patience, he heard shouts from the front and back doors, and then two to three hundred officials rushed in through the door opened by Li Gu's confidant.

"Lu Junyi, it has been revealed that you colluded with the Naitou Mountain bandits to rebel. Please come with me quickly."

With Lu Junyi's ability, let alone two to three hundred official servants, even two to three thousand official servants would not be able to catch him if he wanted to run away.

But Lu Junyi didn't believe Yan Qing's words at all. He was conceited that Li Gu and Jia didn't dare to harm him. He was still wondering if there might be any misunderstanding here?

The key is, Lu Junyi firmly believes that as long as he gets to the government, he will be cleared.

Therefore, Lu Junyi willingly let the officials put a spiritual shackles on him, and tied a dozen spiritual ropes on him.

In this way, Lu Junyi is no different from ordinary people.

The official who accepted Li Gu's favor beat Lu Junyi all the way to the left-behind department.

Along the way, Lu Junyi had been seriously injured by an officer, and not even 50% of his 100% strength was left.

By the time Lu Junyi was taken to the left-behind department, Liang Zhongshu, who had already been fed by Li Gu, was sitting in the hall, with seventy or eighty powerful government officials lined up on the left and right.

Lu Junyi was quickly escorted to the lobby, with Jia and Li Gu also kneeling beside him.

Liang Zhongshu shouted: "Lu Junyi, you are a good citizen of our Daming Mansion. Why did you go to Tou Naitoushan Luocao and sit in the third position?! Now that you are back, you are planning to attack my Daming Mansion by hooking up inside and outside?! Why don’t you come quickly!!!”

Lu Junyi cried out: "The villain was stupid for a moment and was deceived by Wu Yong of Naitou Mountain by pretending to be a fortune teller. He made money and was put under house arrest in Naitoushan for four months. Fortunately, he escaped and returned today. I hate that he is a bandit in Naitou Mountain." How can you go up the mountain and join the gang if you are so deep in your bones? I hope you will see everything clearly."

Liang Zhongshu didn't believe it: "It's a contradiction. If you hated him to the core, how could you have lived on his mountain for four months, and how could he let you come back? And now it is your wife and your housekeeper Li Gu who have killed your relatives and reported you for rebellion. How can it be false?"

Li Gu said: "Master, now that you are here, just do it truthfully. The acrostic poem written by the master himself on the wall of the house is the evidence of the boss. There is no need to quibble."

Jia said: "Officer, it's not that we want to harm you, we are just afraid that you will harm me. As the saying goes: if one person rebels, all nine tribes will be killed! Just acknowledge the good deeds you have done."

Lu Junyi shouted: "I'm wronged. Please tell me right from wrong and clear my name!"

Li Gu said: "Master, there is no need to complain. He is not a three-year-old child, how could he be deceived into going to Naitoushan by Mr. Bao Gua. It is better to do it early to avoid suffering."

Jia said: "Officials, it's hard to get into the official position with false promises, and it's hard to resist with real facts. Since ancient times, when a husband rebels, his wife is guilty of the same crime. Officials should just accept it and avoid the physical pain."

Li Gu spent all his money.

Let's put it this way, everyone in the hall, except Lu Junyi, has benefited greatly from Lu Junyi's rich family wealth.

So they are all from the same species.

When Zhang Kongmu heard the hints from Li Gu and Jia, he reported to Liang Zhongshu: "How can you recruit this naughty scoundrel if you don't fight him?!"

Nearly half of Lu Junyi's money had already gone into Liang Zhongshu's pocket. How could Liang Zhongshu not favor Li Gu and Jia? He followed Zhang Kongmu's words and said: "That's absolutely true.", and then shouted: "Hit!"

The officials on the left and right listened to the order and kicked Lu Junyi to the ground. Without any explanation, they beat Lu Junyi until his skin and flesh were torn, blood burst out, and he fainted three or four times.

Lu Junyi, who had always been naive before, finally realized that if he didn't do anything, these people would definitely beat him to death in the lobby.

At the same time, Lu Junyi finally understood that Yan Qing was the loyal servant, and he ended up like this because of his self-righteousness.

Lu Junyi looked up to the sky and sighed: "I am destined to die violently, so I will give in now."

Seeing that Lu Junyi was willing to plead guilty, Zhang Kongmu immediately took action, used the spiritual shackles to add another layer of insurance to Lu Junyi, and took him to death row to await his punishment...

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