Xianxia version of Water Margin

Chapter 176 Great Victory

At this time, the weather is late autumn and early winter, so it is easy for soldiers to wear clothes and for war horses to be fat. The soldiers have not been in battle for a long time, and they are all eager to fight; they all hate injustice and want to take revenge. I was overjoyed to be sent on a mission. I packed up my guns and knives, tied up my saddles and horses, geared up, and went down the mountain in time.

Jiang Hongfei ordered the Guards, the First Infantry Army, the Second Infantry Army, the Sixth Infantry Army, the First Horse Army, the Second Horse Army, the Third Horse Army, the Fourth Horse Army, the Seventh Horse Army, the Eighth Horse Army, as well as the Tiefutu and Beiwei Army ( Du Bo served as the leader and Feng Tai served as the deputy leader) totaling: 22,000 troops, including 11,500 main troops and 9,500 auxiliary troops.

——In the past two years, Jiang Hongfei has successively doubled the size of all the main forces except Tiefutu, turning them into 1,000 regular troops and 1,000 auxiliary troops. The Guards and the Beiwei Army followed the lightly armed route and had no auxiliary troops. .

In addition, in Damingfu City at this time, there are also the regular troops of the 1,000-foot Fourth Army, the regular army of the 1,000-foot Seventh Army, and a hundred secret special battalions.

Jiang Hongfei left only the navy, amphibious army (with Ou Peng as the leader) and garrison to guard his home.

It is worth mentioning that Jiang Hongfei was worried that someone would steal his hometown during his attack on Damingfu in Beijing, so he suspended his work in Qingzhou and transferred Xiao Jiasui, who was both civil and military, from Qingzhou to oversee the defense of Shuibo Liangshan.

From the mobilization of troops, it is not difficult to see that Shuibo Liangshan is almost in full force this time.

There was no way, Jiang Hongfei would definitely have to go all out to deal with one of the four capitals of the Zhao and Song dynasties.

Before the army set off, Jiang Hongfei received the information:

Liang Zhongshu summoned Wen Da and Li Cheng to inform them one by one about the headless notice about Shuibo Liangshan and what the prefect Wang said.

After Wen Da and Li Cheng listened, Li Cheng said:

"How can this group of grass bandits be willing to leave their nest without authorization? Why do you need to worry about it? Li is not talented and has a lot of food and salary. He has no merit in return. I am willing to do the hard work of dogs and horses and lead the soldiers to leave the city and go to the stronghold. If the grass bandits don't come, Don't discuss it. If that group of grass bandits are old and exhausted, leave their lair without permission, and lead the crowd here, it is not a young general's boast. This bandit will never come back. Report the kindness of the country's salary and salary, and extend the ambition you have learned in your life. Tu Di, no matter what."

Liang Zhongshu was overjoyed after hearing this and ordered people to take spiritual stones and spiritual weapons to reward Lao Wenda and Li Cheng.

It is said that Li Cheng returned to the camp to rest. The next day, he raised his tent and called all the officers and soldiers up to their tents to listen to orders and leave the camp.

Li Chengchuan ordered his beloved general Suo Chao: "Jiang Yan's grass bandits will come to the city sooner or later and are coming to attack Beijing. You can order your own troops and go to the stronghold thirty-five miles away from the city. I will lead the army later."

Suo Chao got the general's order and ordered his troops to go to Feihuyu, a place named Feihuyu, thirty-five miles away, and climbed down the mountain gate.

Another day later, Li Cheng led the main and partial generals to a place named Huaishupo, twenty-five miles away from the city, and descended from the Zhaizha.

The officers and soldiers were densely deployed with guns and knives, antlers were hidden on all sides, and pits were dug on three sides. All the troops were gearing up, and the generals worked together, waiting for the Liangshan Army to arrive and make achievements.

Besides, when Jiang Hongfei personally led the Liangshan army to a place about twenty or thirty miles away from Feihu Valley, Jiang Hongfei listened to the suggestions of Sun Jing and Liu Huiniang, ordered the camp to be set up, and discussed the strategy for facing the enemy tomorrow.

Sun Jing said: "That Li Cheng is impatient, impulsive, and extremely conceited. I predict that he will strike first."

Liu Huiniang heard this and said: "Heidi, this battle is going to be easy. The slave family has a plan..."

But it was said that Suo Chao was sitting in Feihu Valley, listening to the news from Tanma, reporting that Jiang Hongfei was about to arrive with tens of thousands of troops.

Suo Chao immediately sent someone to report the matter to Li Cheng, who was stationed in Huaishupo Village.

Li Cheng received the report. On the one hand, he sent someone to inform Liang Zhongshu in Damingfu City to make early preparations. On the other hand, he personally led the army to Feihuyu Qianzhai to prepare to command the battle.

The next day after breakfast, both sides went to Yujiatuan and formed a formation.

The Liangshan Army set up a sparse formation, and Shi Gonggong used the trick of spraying clouds and forcing mist in the formation, which made it difficult for the Song Army to see the reality of the Liangshan Army.

As for the Song army, Li Cheng personally commanded the deployment of 15,000 men and horses, with the cavalry in front and the infantry behind.

Li Cheng and Suo Chao were fully dressed, and their horses were reined in under the gate. Looking eastward, they saw dust rising in the distance, and about five hundred men and horses galloping towards them.

Li Cheng pointed the tip of his whip, Jun Jian stepped on a hard crossbow, and his hand pulled a strong bow.

As for the Liangshan Army, they formed a formation at Yujiatuan. Only saw:

The first rider was a female general who was very beautiful.

Jade snow skin, hibiscus-like, with natural style. The golden armor is brilliant, the scales are moving, and the silver is seeping red and wiping the forehead. With slender jade hands and two precious swords, he is a heroic figure. The eyes are wandering, and there are thousands of enchanting things to pick from. The galloping BMW is in front of him, the frost blade is like the wind, and he wants to cut off the officers and soldiers. The powdery face is covered with dust, the robe is wet with sweat, and the chest and armpits are full of murderous aura. The warriors are stunned, the enemies are frightened, and the female generals are strange. Returning victorious, with a faint smile on his cheeks.

It was Jiang Hongfei's concubine Hu Sanniang.

Li Cheng looked at it, smiled and said to the people around him: "There is no one in Liangshan, so what's the use of sending a woman to lead the battle? Who can capture her with me?"

After hearing this, Suo Chao went out to fight.

Suo Chao, a general behind the horse, said: "How can you kill a chicken with an ox's knife? I will capture this thief woman for the King of Heaven!"

The speaker's surname was Wang Mingding. He held a spear in his hand and led his 300 horse troops to charge towards Hu Sanniang.

In a five-on-three battle, what does the already belligerent Hu Sanniang have to fear? She immediately used her sun and moon swords and led five hundred men to charge forward.

Wang Ding shouted, rode forward, raised his gun and went out to meet the enemy Hu Sanniang.

The two armies shouted at the same time, and in an instant, the two armies were fighting against each other.

Not to mention that Hu Sanniang led Jiang Hongfei's personal guards, which were the ceiling of combat power in the Liangshan army. At this time, relying on their large numbers, they slaughtered the 300 troops led by Wang Ding like chopping melons and vegetables.

Suffice to say, Hu Sanniang and Wang Ding only fought for less than ten rounds before Suo Chao realized that Wang Ding was no match for Hu Sanniang.

Suo Chao did not hesitate and led a thousand troops from his headquarters to rush past Yujiatuan.

When Hu Sanniang saw it, she killed Wang Ding with a move of the Yuanyang Sword. Then she no longer wanted to fight, so she drew her horse and left.

Suo Chao chased for a while, and when he saw the fog in front of him, he was afraid of being deceived, so he stopped chasing and reined up his horse and returned to the army.

Li Cheng asked: "Why not bring the thief woman?"

Suo Chao replied: "I rushed across the mountain and was about to capture her. There was heavy fog there. The general was afraid that the thief woman would have people to support her, so the troops gathered in ambush, making it difficult to attack her."

Li Cheng said displeasedly: "Why should we be afraid of these grass bandits?"

After saying this, Li Cheng personally led all the cavalry troops to kill Yu Jiatun.

I saw flags waving, drums and gongs beating, and the Hu Sanniang tribe appeared again.

Li Cheng took a closer look and saw a large golden flag in Hu Sanniang's army, which read: The female general is one foot green!

Li Cheng thought this was a mockery of him, and immediately ordered Suo Chao: "Suo Chao and I will go forward to meet the enemy. When this woman comes back, I will divide my troops and arrest the four grass bandits to help you win this battle."

Suo Chao received the general's order, dipped his gold ax in his hand, sat down on his horse, led a thousand cavalrymen, and rushed towards Hu Sanniang.

When Hu Sanniang saw this, she reined up her horse and turned around, looking into the valley before walking away.

Li Chengqin led 3,000 cavalry to encircle the Hu Sanniang tribe, and used a pincer force to kill the Hu Sanniang tribe.

Li Cheng and Suo Chao chased them to a place where fog covered the sky, and Hu Sanniang's tribe rushed in without hesitation.

When Suo Chao saw it, he stopped, and when Li Cheng caught up, he suggested: "This is a strange situation. The King of Heaven has the right to withdraw his troops. I will fight him again in the future."

Unexpectedly, Li Cheng refused to listen and ordered a pursuit.

The four thousand men and horses obeyed the order and rushed into the fog with Hu Sanniang's tribe.

But as he rushed forward, Li Chengcheng felt something was wrong.

Although it was difficult to see clearly due to heavy fog, Li Cheng also felt that the terrain here seemed to be getting narrower and narrower, and the yin energy here was thick, so the situation was not good.

Li Chenggang wanted to order the troops to withdraw, but it was too late.

At this time, I only heard the sound of "rumble, rumble, rumble, rumble" of large-scale war horses running in the distance!

Immediately afterwards, a strange wind blew in the face. While blowing away the heavy fog, it also made it impossible for Li Cheng and the other officers and soldiers to open their eyes.

Vaguely, Li Cheng only saw dust flying in the distance!

The ground also shook!

There were no war drums, but the power was more shocking than the war drums. The roaring sound was like thousands of thunders erupting at once!

Then Li Chengcheng heard Suo Chao shouting: "King of Heaven, withdraw your troops quickly. They are heavily armored cavalry. We are ambushed!"

At this time, Li Cheng also saw five hundred heavy cavalry armed to the teeth like iron towers rushing over. The leader was a man with a height of nine feet, broad arms and round waist, and a mountain-breaking ax in his hand, like a demon.

Seeing this, Li Cheng quickly ordered to turn his horse's head and retreat.

But it’s too late at this time!

The Song army was caught off guard. Thousands of troops and horses were crowded in the narrow valley, running around and trampling on each other.

What's even more frightening is that these five hundred heavy cavalry are like a torrent of steel composed of five hundred heavy tanks. Wherever they pass, they are crushed and destroyed.

Especially Bian Xiang, who was the leader, had been kept in cold storage by Jiang Hongfei for three years. This time he could finally show off his power. He could chop down a large area with one axe, and killed hundreds of Song Army soldiers alone.

Li Cheng and Suo Chao hurriedly retreated and finally rushed out of the valley!

But at this time, the two thousand divine arm archers who had been lying in wait for a long time, under the command of Lu Zhishen and Liu Guang, fired arrows quickly as if they were free.

Seeing that there was an ambush at the entrance of the valley, Li Cheng complained incessantly: "I didn't even meet the bandits face to face. I lost seven or eight of my three or four thousand elite cavalry. How should I tell my husband when I go back?"

What made Li Cheng even more unexpected was that he, who was originally protected by heavy troops, was blocked by at least hundreds of arrows the moment he emerged from the mouth of the valley.

The incident happened suddenly, and the arrows were inescapable. Li Cheng could only use the spiritual energy shield and the treasure armor on his body to resist.

But what Li Cheng never expected was that among these arrows, there were three sharp arrows with arcs!

Only three sounds of "pop", "pop" and "pop" were heard, and Li Chenggong was shot off the horse.

Suo Chao braved the rain of arrows to save Li Cheng.

But before Suo Chao could take action, two Liangshan horse troops came out of the diagonal stab.

One of them was led by a general who was nine feet tall and had a snake spear eight feet in his hand. He looked like a demon. He was none other than Du Bo, the leader of the Wei army!

The other branch was led by a general who was eight feet five six tall, holding a wind-splitting knife and a meteor hammer. It was Shi Bao, the leader of the Ma Qi Army!

As soon as these two Liangshan horse armies appeared, they quickly harvested the lives of the Song cavalry who were lucky enough to rush out of the arrow rain.

Seeing this, Suo Chao did not dare to fight, so he could only abandon Li Cheng and retreat to Yujiatuan, that is, to retreat to their more than 10,000 infantry troops.

Who would have thought that this would play into the Liangshan Army's ambitions.

The panicked Song Army broke up and fled towards the Song Army's camp, disrupting the Song Army's position.

This was unexpected by the Song Army.

The key is that because Li Cheng was shot off his horse and his life and death were unknown, and Suo Chao had no power to control the entire army, the commander-in-chief of the infantry (also the commander-in-chief of the entire army), Wang Taishou, was a newcomer and a civilian official. The Song army in Daming Prefecture There was no prestige among them, so that at this time, the Song army was leaderless, fighting independently, and lost unified command.

As a result, the Beiwei Army and Ma Qijun led by Du Bo and Shi Bao followed the defeated Song Army and successfully passed through the firing area of ​​the Song Army's crossbows and attacked directly in front of the Song Army camp.

As a result, Liang and Song Dynasty launched a fierce hand-to-hand battle.

With victory or defeat decided in one fell swoop, Du Kuo no longer held back and transformed into a nine-headed orc with a lion's head, firing on all cylinders. The officers and soldiers of the Beiwei Army under him were elites selected from the entire Liangshan Army, and each of them was strong in strength. They rushed into the Song army like wolves entering a flock of sheep.

Shi Bao didn't have as much lethality as Du Bo, but unless he didn't take action, he would kill people steadily and resolutely. The same was true for the soldiers of Ma Qijun whom he personally trained. They all focused on killing with one blow.

The most critical thing is that the Liangshan Army is a horse army and the Song Army is an infantry army. The combat power of the two sides is not equal at all.

Soon, under the stranglehold of Beiwei Army and Ma Qijun, the infantry of the Song Army were killed and their formation was in chaos.

Not long after, some Song troops could not withstand the pressure and fled one after another.

Seeing this, Du Bo and Shi Bao killed each other even more fiercely.

This caused the Song army to spread for fourteen or five miles, divided into four parts, and the head and tail could not be taken care of.

The various Liangshan horse armies that caught up later killed him one by one.

Those who are smart should quickly put down their weapons, kneel down and surrender, and they can still save a life, otherwise it will be impossible to escape the pursuit of the Liangshan horse army...

Seeing that Liangshan's army was too powerful, Suo Chao rushed away the troops, retreated from Yujiatuan, and then took the road away...

The corpses of the Song army were laid out for more than ten miles, and they were wailing all over the place, which was unbearable to hear.

Post-war statistics:

In this battle, the Song army suffered at least 7,000 casualties and more than 6,000 prisoners.

The Liangshan army captured nearly a thousand good horses, more than two thousand injured and dead horses, and countless soldiers.

The Liangshan Army's own casualties were only a little over a hundred.

There is no doubt that Liangshan Army achieved an unprecedented victory.

Seeing such a result in the first battle, Jiang Hongfei couldn't help but secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He said to the people around him: "The Daming Mansion is worry-free!"

Jiang Hongfei had already sent people to investigate and found out that there were more than 30,000 imperial troops and Xiang troops in Daming Mansion, half of which were controlled by Li Cheng and half by Wen Da.

In this battle, nearly half of the Daming Mansion was wiped out. Jiang Hongfei sent two more infantry troops and a special intelligence battalion to prepare for internal and external cooperation in Daming Mansion. Daming Mansion was indeed nothing to worry about.

But judging from the facts, Liangshan Army had a lot of luck in achieving such results.

First of all, of course Liu Huiniang’s strategy worked.

Secondly, relying on the three mages Gongsun Sheng, Wu Jiao, and Shi Gugong in the Liangshan Army, the Liangshan Army could not only set up a suspicious formation, but also hide troops and terrain to ambush the Song Army.

Of course, the most important thing is that Li Cheng underestimated the enemy and advanced rashly.

Otherwise, if the Liangshan Army had not almost wiped out most of Li Cheng's cavalry in a battle in the valley, and then used the Liangshan Army's cavalry to bully the Song Army's infantry, this battle would not have been fought so smoothly.

To put it bluntly, this is a downwind battle without much difficulty.

But then again, this is the first real battle fought by the Liangshan Army (previously, including the battle at Zhujiazhuang, it was actually just a small fight). To be able to achieve such a result, Jiang Hongfei could laugh out of his dreams. .

But then again, the Liangshan Army has never fought a big battle. Sun Jing and Liu Huiniang, who can decide the strategy, are both people who are familiar with military books and tactics and have strong command capabilities. Du Bu, who actually fought this battle, Shi Bao and Bian Xiang are both commander-level talents. Lu Zhishen, Lin Chong, Tang Bin, Yang Zhi, and Sun Li are all regular officers. Even those generals who are not commanders and officers have something to offer, so the Liangshan Army fought out Such results are indeed normal...

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