Xianxia version of Water Margin

Chapter 178 Can you still attack the city like this? !

According to historical records, in the first year of Chongning, the Zhao and Song Dynasties conducted a census.

It says that Daming Mansion has a total of 155,253 households and a population of 568,976.

It is worth mentioning that the census of the Song Dynasty did not count women.

In other words, the actual population of Daming Mansion should be more than one million.

What is this concept?

This census was also conducted in the first year of Chongning. It was found that Kaifeng Prefecture in Tokyo, the capital of the Zhao and Song Dynasties, only had 100,000 more households than Daming Prefecture in Beijing. However, in terms of population, Daming Prefecture in Beijing exceeded Kaifeng Prefecture in Tokyo by more than 100,000.

This shows how big Daming Mansion is.

Not just big.

Daming Mansion is four hundred miles north of Kaifeng Mansion and about eight hundred miles away from the border of Liao Kingdom. It borders the eastern foothills of Taihang Mountain to the west and the vast North China Plain to the north and southeast. The three major river systems of the Yellow River, Zhang River and Yuhe constitute the Daming Palace. The government's well-developed waterway transportation has become an important transportation line for grain transportation. Damingfu is also the distribution center for supplies from the south to Hebei, and is known as the throat of Heshuo.

With such a superior geographical environment, Daming Prefecture's economy is also extremely developed. At this time, Daming Prefecture's commercial tax and liquor tax are closely followed by Kaifeng Prefecture, ranking second among the four capitals.

Such an important city has been regarded as a battleground for military strategists throughout the ages.

Since the founding of the Zhao and Song Dynasties, the Liao Kingdom has always been its number one threat. Whenever there is a war, Hebei has become the main battlefield of the Song-Liao conflict, and Daming Mansion has naturally become the command center for the Liao Dynasty.

Therefore, during the reign of Emperor Renzong of Song Dynasty, Daming Palace was upgraded to Beijing.

Such a Daming Mansion is a treasure house second only to Kaifeng Mansion.

Do you know how much wealth the Jin people squeezed out of Bianliang City in Tokyo in history?

Ten million ingots of gold, twenty million ingots of silver, ten million pieces of silk, and fifteen hundred maidens! ! !

——Later, in addition to the amount of gold and silver already paid and the payment of more than 10,000 women (including a large number of royal and clan daughters of the Zhao and Song Dynasty) and other things, the Zhao and Song Dynasty still owed the Jinren gold. 342,780 ingots and 871,300 ingots of silver. We promised to pay the tribute every year and come to the DPRK every year to make up for the war indemnity.

A rough estimate shows that the Jin people extracted at least 120 million yuan in property from Bianliang City in Tokyo.

Of course, Damingfu City definitely cannot be compared with Bianliang City, and Jiang Hongfei definitely cannot knock the bones and suck out the marrow like the Jin Man.

But if Jiang Hongfei tried public trials of the dignitaries, gentry and big families in Damingfu City, and got half, no, 30%, and then took a step back, 20%, and paid them 20 to 30 million yuan, wouldn't it be too much?

The key is, there are some things that cannot be bought with spiritual money, such as armor, spiritual horses, grain, livestock, cloth, various strategic resources, etc...

Since Jiang Hongfei made a move and caused such a big trouble, he definitely wanted to drain all the wealth of Damingfu City, instead of killing Liang Zhongshu, Li Cheng, Wen Da, and Wang Taishou like Song Jiang did when he conquered Damingfu City. Young and old, they then opened the Daming Mansion's treasury. There should be gold and silver treasures, pieces of silk and brocade, and loaded them on the car. They grabbed some food and hurried back to Shuibo Liangshan. They didn't get this at all. All the wealth of one of the four capitals of the Zhao and Song dynasties.

However, it is not that easy to achieve such a goal.

Damingfu City is composed of two parts: the outer city and the inner city. The city fortifications are mainly distributed in the outer city, and they are very strong and have the best defensive restrictions.

There are a total of fourteen gates on the four sides of the outer city, including seven water gates and seven normal gates.

There are iron gates across the river at each water gate. Every night, the gates must be opened and closed to prevent enemies from sneaking into the city along the river.

Normal city gates are the main entrances and exits for transportation, as well as the focus of defense and attack.

A circular or square urn is installed at the entrance of each city to strengthen the protection of the city gate entrance.

There is a war shed on the urn city for defense and rest for the soldiers defending the city.

The outer city wall is tall and strong, and there is a horse face every sixty or seventy paces. The horse face protrudes outside the city wall and can be used for cross shooting, protecting the city wall and the defensive restrictions on it from enemy damage.

There is a warehouse approximately every 200 meters, containing various weapons and military supplies.

In order to strengthen the city's defense, a moat was dug around the outer city. Elms and willows were planted on both sides of the river, which could also pose an obstacle to enemy troops attacking the city.

Facing such an impregnable city, it would be extremely difficult for any force to attack it.

In addition, in order to strengthen the defense of Damingfu City, Liang Zhongshu and other leaders of Damingfu City, after learning that the Liangshan Army was going to attack Damingfu City, organized a large number of civilians and various craftsmen to fully prepare for the war, repairing buildings, oars, and hanging felt curtains. , installing gun mounts, setting up crossbow beds, transporting bricks and stones, setting torches, hanging beams, preparing kerosene, and all the equipment needed for defense are fully prepared.

Under the leadership of Liang Zhongshu, the dignitaries and wealthy families in Damingfu City raised millions of dollars to set up a wartime organization, with Liang Zhongshu as the top leader, appointing staff officers, writing instructions, conducting official affairs, managing writings, preparing missions, and controlling and commanding More than 100 envoys and other agency personnel were prepared to serve as a temporary highest command organization to protect Damingfu City.

Liang Zhongshu also had people post lists recruiting brave men on the main streets of Damingfu City.

The candidates for recruitment on these literary lists are very wide. Anyone who has passed the martial arts examination, or has talent in military strategy, or has made military exploits in battle, or has served as an envoy on the border, or has served as an archer and horseman, as well as those from various ethnic groups who have martial arts. Those who fight bravely are within the scope of recruitment.

In the list, Liang Zhongshu hoped that these brave people would report to the left-behind department immediately after seeing the list.

In addition, Liang Zhongshu also quickly summoned more than 40,000 cavalry and infantry troops, divided them into five armies, front, rear, left, right, and center, each with 8,000 people, and established an organizational system of control, commander, general, and team general. , conduct military training every day to improve military quality and combat effectiveness.

The Liangshan Army only has a total of more than 20,000 troops, half of which are auxiliary troops. More importantly, theoretically, excluding the 2,000 elite infantry that sneaked into the city, there are only three infantry that can be used to attack the city. More than a thousand.

If they attack Damingfu City in a normal way, Liangshan Army will definitely have no chance, because the two sides are not at the same level.

In "Water Margin", it was also because of Shi Qian's burning of Cuiyun Tower that the Liangshan heroes finally captured Daming Mansion.

And it's not just that Damingfu City is difficult to defeat.

Although the Zhao Song Dynasty and the Liao Kingdom had not fought for nearly a hundred years, and no one with white heads on either side had ever seen a sword, Hebei was, after all, the first front line of the Zhao Song Dynasty's defense against the Liao Kingdom, and there were still a large number of Song troops in its territory.

In order to conquer Daming Mansion and obtain all the property of Daming Mansion, Jiang Hongfei had already sent people to investigate the deployment of troops in Hebei.

simply put:

The Zhao and Song Dynasties deployed about 200 standing guards at the border of Song and Liao.

——There are five hundred men under one command.

As for other important military towns in Hebei: Zhending Prefecture has about 40 permanent forbidden troops under command, Hejian Prefecture has about 60 permanent forbidden troops under command, Cangzhou has about 60 permanent forbidden troops under command, and Yizhou has about 20. There are ten standing imperial guards under command, Enzhou has about seventeen standing imperial guards, and Dingzhou has about twenty-five standing imperial guards under command.

As for the left and right sides of Daming Mansion, there are about a hundred standing imperial troops under command.

To put it in perspective, there are about 250,000 permanent imperial troops in Hebei, not counting the Xiang Army and the Xiang Army.

And don't forget, the Gyeonggi area, which is not far from Hebei, claims to have 800,000 forbidden troops.

More importantly, the Zhao and Song Dynasty also had two to three hundred thousand Western troops who were most capable of fighting.


The Liangshan Army destroyed about forty forbidden troops commanded here in Daming Mansion.

But there are still sixty commanded imperial troops on the left and right of Daming Mansion alone.


This is only a permanent imperial army.

There are also those Xiang troops and Xiang troops.

The key is that during wartime, Liang Zhongshu can also temporarily recruit soldiers and horses.

Therefore, if Liang Shanjun does not act quickly, the consequences will be disastrous.

Jiang Hongfei estimated that Song Jiang in the original work may have seen this, so he ended up having to conquer Damingfu City, then casually robbed it and ran away.

Jiang Hongfei learned the lessons of Song Jiang's attack on Damingfu City in the original work, and adopted Song Jiang's experience of successfully conquering Damingfu City in the original work. He discussed with a group of military advisers a strategy to conquer Damingfu City in the shortest time. The key was to use Jiang Hongfei's foresight. Xianjue laid an ambush in advance.

So Jiang Hongfei still has a chance to achieve his goal.

in short.

After the soldiers arrived at the city, Liangshan's army rested for a day, and then the main force gradually dispersed. Several military strongholds were set up on the four walls of Damingfu City to seal off the surrounding areas of Damingfu City.

The Liangshan Army had many military forts, some large and some small, too numerous to count.

Jiang Hongfei also ordered the auxiliary army and the people who came to help the Liangshan Army attack Damingfu City after hearing the news to openly hold flags and go between the military strongholds in the countryside.

Also, because the strength of the Liangshan Army was too small, Jiang Hongfei could only ask Gongsun Sheng, Wu Jiao, and Shi Gugong to use the technique of spraying clouds and forcing mist among the armies, shrouding each army, making the soldiers and civilians in Damingfu City unaware of the Liangshan Army. How many people there are will give them enough psychological pressure.

What Jiang Hongfei did was effective. The Song troops guarding the city stood on the city wall, clearly seeing the situation of the Liangshan Army outside the city, and they were all afraid.

Facing the formation put up by Liangshan's army, Liang Zhongshu ordered all the gates of Damingfu City to be closed, and martial law was implemented throughout the city. The officers and soldiers guarding the city stood ready in their respective positions.

But even so, seeing that the Liangshan army was really going to attack Damingfu City, many ordinary people who didn't know much about the Liangshan heroes' behavior, as well as those dignitaries and wealthy families who knew the Liangshan hero's behavior, fled with their families.

——Before Liangshan’s army besieged the city, and before Liang Zhongshu ordered the gates of Damingfu City to be closed, tens of thousands of people escaped from Damingfu City. Even after Liang Zhongshu ordered the gates of Damingfu City to be closed, there were still many privileged people. Opened the East Water Gate and ran out of the city.

To be honest, because there are too few troops, Liangshan Army really can't take care of these people.

But what to say?

Maybe God is helping the heroes of Liangshan to do justice for Heaven and not letting those unkind guys who are rich and unkind escape.

Some lawless people even took advantage of the chaos to gang up and rob people on the road. Some even pretended to be Liangshan heroes and robbed everywhere.

Those who ran out of Damingfu City were all attacked by these gangsters, and almost half of them were killed.

The gangsters also set fire to houses outside the city, and the flames burned into the sky all night long.

The people in Damingfu City, especially the dignitaries and wealthy families, saw this scene from the city wall and thought it was done by the heroes of Liangshan, so they were all frightened and did not dare to try to escape from Damingfu City anymore. They could only follow Liang Zhongshu. Together they defend Damingfu City.

On this day, everyone was spreading the news that the Liangshan heroes would definitely attack the city tonight.

This made the defenders of Damingfu City dare not slack off, and they have been patrolling their respective defense areas.

Liang Zhongshu and other Damingfu city management personnel, including dignitaries and managers of wealthy gentry families, all went up to the city wall to prepare for Liangshan's army's siege.


Liangshan's army began to attack the city that night.

Damingfu City is higher in the east and lower in the west, and the moat here at Xishuimen is shallow and narrow, so Liangshan Army chose to attack Damingfu City here.

In fact, the defenders in Damingfu City had already speculated about this.

But what the defenders in Damingfu City never expected was that the Liangshan Army did not fill the river or cross the river by boat like the previous siege armies, and used various siege equipment to attack the city.

It was extremely rare that the Liangshan Army did not use infantry as the main force of the siege, but incredibly used the horse army as the main force of the siege.


The defenders of Damingfu City did not expect this either.

This matter has to start when Jiang Hongfei fully understood the abilities of the materialized spiritual root spiritual master.

For a while, Jiang Hongfei gave full play to his imagination and wanted to use his materialized attribute ability as his trump card, so he thought about a lot of things, such as machine guns, missiles, aircraft, and cannons.

Later, experiments proved that Jiang Hongfei thought too much. It was too difficult to materialize such a complex thing and required extremely powerful talent. Jiang Hongfei couldn't do such a thing anyway.

But Jiang Hongfei didn't think in vain. He still came up with several useful things based on his own experience as a person who transcended this world.

One of them is the flying bridge, which allows the physical attribute Qi Refiner to build a bridge out of thin air to help the army quickly pass through places that it would otherwise be unable to pass, including siege cities.

There are many reasons why Jiang Hongfei thought of flying bridge.

One of them is the "made of yellow cowhide" invented by Liu Huiniang. If this bridge is dismantled, the sergeants can carry it around. When put together, it instantly becomes a pontoon bridge, and thousands of troops and horses can cross it at will. After using it, it can be crossed in an instant. Cleaned up, leaving no trace” of the flybridge.

In addition, Jiang Hongfei watched a military program in his previous life and saw a pontoon boat that allowed tanks to cross the river quickly, which also gave Jiang Hongfei a lot of inspiration.

In short, Jiang Hongfei thought that if a Qi practitioner with materialization attributes did not take the route of materializing weapons, but took the auxiliary route of materializing bridges, wouldn't he be able to rewrite some forms of war in this world?

Therefore, Jiang Hongfei ordered people to select those spiritual masters with good physical attributes and spiritual roots, and spent a lot of spiritual money to train them to understand magical powers in the "flying bridge" aspect.

After years of accumulation, Jiang Hongfei has trained more than a dozen flying bridge Qi masters.

This time, when attacking Damingfu City, Jiang Hongfei did not hide it.

At the beginning of the war, more than a dozen flying bridges appeared out of thin air and were erected directly from the moat to the city wall of Damingfu City. The Liangshan horse army quickly rushed onto the city wall from the flying bridge, catching the defenders of Damingfu City by surprise... …

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