Xianxia version of Water Margin

Chapter 182 Expanding the Army in Place

How many more than 6.7 million spiritual stones are there?

It's hard to describe.

Just lots and lots of them.

This many does not refer to the value of these spiritual stones, but to their quantity.

So many spiritual stones were piled together, not to mention that they were like a hill, but they also contained nearly seventy large boxes.

And so many spirit stones actually appeared in Jiang Hongfei's sight when he returned to his residence alone.

Without asking, Jiang Hongfei could guess that these spiritual stones must have been obtained by Shi Xiu, and the source was probably the five million spiritual stones that Liang Taishu wanted to dedicate to Zhao Ji.

As for the extra 1.7 million spiritual stones, most of them are Liang Zhongshu's personal property.

In fact, the reason why Jiang Hongfei sent Shi Xiu to interrogate Liang Zhongshu was because he had the idea of ​​taking this spiritual stone for his own use.


Back then, Jiang Hongfei stole more than 20 million spiritual stones, spiritual weapons and other treasures from Zhao Ji.

Every time Shuibo Liangshan goes to do justice for the sky, Jiang Hongfei can get 20% of the harvest.

These made Jiang Hongfei very rich for a time.

But the problem is that Jiang Hongfei, who relies heavily on resources to build his cultivation base, consumes his spiritual money too quickly.

——If Jiang Hongfei hadn't obtained the "Su Nv Sutra" from Jiutian Xuannv, allowing Jiang Hongfei to find some supplements from women through Shuang Xiu, then Jiang Hongfei's spiritual stones would have been consumed faster.

In addition, Jiang Hongfei was used to spending a lot of money.

This made Jiang Hongfei's spiritual stone bottom out, and he would no longer be able to maintain his previous extremely luxurious cultivation method.

There was no other way. Although Jiang Hongfei didn't want to embezzle the hard-earned money of the Mo brothers, the situation was so compelling that Jiang Hongfei could only arrange for his absolute confidant and extremely clever Shi Xiu to interrogate Liang Taishu to see if Shi Xiu could understand what he meant.

Facts have proved that Jiang Hongfei did not choose the wrong person.

But suddenly seeing so many boxes filled with spiritual stones appearing in his residence, Jiang Hongfei felt a little bored.

After thinking about it, Jiang Hongfei did not enter the room directly, but shouted to Ruan Xiaoqi, who had "Brother, praise me quickly" written all over his face: "Xiao Qi."

When Ruan Xiaoqi heard this, he immediately trotted over.

Jiang Hongfei looked at the boxes filled with spiritual stones and asked Ruan Xiaoqi calmly: "Do you know about this?"

After hearing this, Ruan Xiaoqi lowered his voice and said, "Why don't you know? Such a big box can hide people. If I don't know what's inside, how can I teach them to appear in my brother's room?"

Ruan Xiaoqi took the initiative to tell him: "I personally checked these sixty-seven boxes one by one before Shi Xiu sent them. Otherwise, I would not be able to cooperate with Shi Xiu and transfer all the personal guards away, which would make Shi Xiu wonder." Did you send these boxes to your brother's room without knowing it? After arriving, I checked them one by one and confirmed that there were only spiritual stones in them, nothing else, and no one, so I opened the boxes and waited for my brother to come back to check, otherwise How dare I teach my brother to approach this place alone?"

Hearing what Ruan Xiaoqi said, the boredom in Jiang Hongfei's heart was swept away.

Then, Jiang Hongfei asked with a smile: "You don't look so attentive on weekdays, do you?"

Jiang Hongfei saw through it, Ruan Xiaoqi scratched his head with a smile and said, "Shi Xiu taught me this."

Jiang Hongfei guessed that it was Shi Xiu who taught Ruan Xiaoqi.

Ruan Xiaoqi is definitely one of Jiang Hongfei's most loyal younger brothers.

But the careless Ruan Xiaoqi would probably not pay attention to such details, but Shi Xiu is different. It can be said that Shi Xiu can do everything Jiang Hongfei asks Shi Xiu to do, and he can do it without leakage.

Jiang Hongfei gave Shi Xiu his ultimate identity as the Commander of the Imperial Guard, and he was destined to have great power.

Looking at the commanders of the Imperial Guard throughout the ages: some are diligent and willing to be the emperor's minions, willing to do all the dirty work for the emperor, and even become the emperor's scapegoat; some participate in the political struggles of the court, form parties for personal gain, and are very independent. The idea of ​​​​ranking among the three princes; some people are sinister, full of scheming, arrogant and domineering, privately raise desperadoes, secretly create weapons and weapons, and intend to rebel. They choose beauties for the emperor, but they take the most beautiful beauties into his own house, and the remaining ones are left. to the emperor.

The position of the commander of the Imperial Guard is too important. It can be said that if he wants to be a devil, he can be a devil. If he wants to be a Buddha, he can become a Buddha. If he wants to murder the emperor, the emperor will be in danger.

Therefore, Jiang Hongfei was not suspicious of Shi Xiu, but was wary of Shi Xiu's position.

And Jinyiwei had to be set up, otherwise the emperor might become blind or deaf, and his ministers would be left in the dark.

Fortunately, Jiang Hongfei was very satisfied with what Shi Xiu had done, and Jiang Hongfei felt that there was nothing wrong with letting Shi Xiu serve as the commander of the Imperial Guard.

But despite this, Jiang Hongfei still couldn't completely let go of this position.

In order to ensure nothing goes wrong, Jiang Hongfei decided to create another intelligence agency when he had the right opportunity. In this way, the hotel intelligence network, Jinyiwei and that intelligence agency could complement each other. The key is to monitor and compete with each other to avoid being dominated by one company. , pose a threat.

Jiang Hongfei asked Ruan Xiaoqi with a straight face: "Since you know this, why do you help Shi Xiu send these things to me?"

Faced with Jiang Hongfei's threats, Ruan Xiaoqi did not panic at all. He said bluntly:

"My brother's recent rewards have not been as generous as before. He must be running out of spiritual money. This is not conducive to my brother's win over people. After all, there are many profit-seeking people in this world. My brother is a person who wants to do big things. How can I teach a small spiritual money Are you bound? So although Shi Xiu was the one who made the decision, I agreed. When we first set the rules for dividing the money, I said that my brother gave me too little. How can this be done? Even the emperor has to do it. If you have private wealth to reward your subordinates, how else can you drive those profit-seeking people..."

Ruan Xiaoqi said a lot, but in the final analysis, he felt that Jiang Hongfei could not live without money, otherwise it would not be conducive to Jiang Hongfei's rule.

Jiang Hongfei estimated that because he did not reward the people below him much during this period, someone said something and Ruan Xiaoqi heard it.

Therefore, Ruan Xiaoqi supported Shi Xiu to make money for herself so that she could maintain her dignity as the boss.

Seeing Ruan Xiaoqi thinking about himself so much, Jiang Hongfei felt warm in his heart. Then he took Ruan Xiaoqi into the house, collected all the more than 6.7 million spiritual stones, and said, "Let's go..."

Jiang Hongfei wanted to say: "This will never happen again."

But when he thought of his huge expenses, Jiang Hongfei could only change his words temporarily: "Be careful next time."

Ruan Xiaoqi scratched his head and asked, "What should I pay attention to?"


Jiang Hongfei could only say perfunctorily: "Please pay attention to learn more from Shi Xiu. You are the last guarantee for my life safety. I must improve my safety awareness."

No, Jiang Hongfei said casually, but Ruan Xiaoqi remembered it in his heart. He thought: "Yes, my brother's identity is no longer what it used to be. I can't guarantee that some people will see that I am prosperous in Liangshan, and they will be malicious and want to harm my brother. I You really need to be more careful in the future..."

These millions of spiritual stones are easy to take away, but it is not so easy to take away all the gains from Daming Mansion.


Jiang Hongfei calculated the right time and robbed a thousand-meter Gangchuan (water transport ship) carrying two thousand stones from the Zhao and Song Dynasty to transport autumn grain.

The transportation here in Damingfu is very developed. You can go directly to Shuibo Liangshan or even Qingzhou by waterway.

Of course, if you want to bring back all the gains from Daming Mansion, the heroes of Liangshan cannot all rely on these ships. In addition to the ships that are docked in Liangshan, Wang Lun has also mobilized all the ships to participate in transportation, except those necessary for defense.

In addition, the heroes of Liangshan "borrowed" all the ships here in Daming Prefecture, whether they were gang ships, official passenger ships, war ships, or horse ships (troop ships).

Wang Lun and other officials in Liangshan also hired civilian laborers at high prices to load ships day and night, loading batches and taking away batches, racing against time.

Jiang Hongfei's order of shipment was to transport soldiers and armor first, then strategic materials, then food, then raw silk, satin and other cloth, and other...

——Jiang Hongfei carried various belongings such as spiritual stones, spiritual weapons, antiques, calligraphy and paintings with Qiankun bracelets and Qiankun bags, which were safe and convenient. As for the spiritual money, he tried his best to spend it all in Daming Mansion.

At the same time, the public trial presided over by Pei Xuan was also in full swing.

Because Jiang Hongfei opened the door to the high-ranking officials, wealthy gentry, officials and officials in Damingfu City, there should not be many people coming to the public trial.

But this is not the case. There are still many people who are willing to give up their lives rather than their wealth.

The reason why these people did not leave was mainly due to three flukes:

The first luck is that the law does not punish everyone. There are more than 1,500 households in Damingfu City that belong to high-ranking officials, gentry, ministers and officials. They do not believe that Jiang Hongfei will really attack all these households.

The second luck was that Daming Mansion was one of the four capitals of the Zhao and Song Dynasty, the heart of Hebei. It was captured. It was impossible for the Zhao and Song Dynasty not to send a large army to rescue them. They thought that Jiang Hongfei would just grab it casually. If they rob the treasury and then randomly rob a few of the richest families, they will evacuate and it will not be their turn.

The third lucky thing is that no one thinks that they are evil people, and many people even think that they are good people. Everything they have done before is reasonable. They don't believe that if they go to the public trial, they will be found guilty.

Of course, the choice of more dignitaries, wealthy gentry, officials, and scholar-bureaucrats' families is to let those with bad reputations leave Daming Mansion, leaving those with good reputations to look after the house.

Faced with this situation, according to Jiang Hongfei's highest instructions, Pei Xuan directly imposed a stipulation: if more than three main members of the family (including management personnel and their relatives) are missing, they will be directly sentenced to a house raid, and the remaining men will continue to go to the public trial to face the public If 90% of a family member (including management personnel and their relatives) can step down from the public trial, the heroes of Liangshan will not offend their family.

Note: A man who can step down from the public trial platform can take away three women, and the remaining women will be redistributed.

Due to tight time and heavy tasks, Pei Xuan opened fifty public trial booths and conducted public trials at the same time.

Wang Lun, Pei Xuan and others also formed a hundred teams to conduct house searches.

It is worth mentioning that due to insufficient manpower in Shuibo Liangshan, Jiang Hongfei ordered Wang Lun and others to recruit people directly in Daming Mansion.

Shuibo Liangshan recruits a wide range of people.

There are all kinds of literati.

There are Qigong practitioners.

A seedling Qi practitioner with decent spiritual talent.

There are also various craftsmen and boatmen.

In short, Shuibo Liangshan recruits all talents as long as they are talented, and the treatment is generous.

Also, when the city of Damingfu was destroyed, there were still 40,000 to 50,000 defenders in the city, equipped with armor and bows and crossbows.

Letting the original defenders of Daming Prefecture keep these armors and bows and crossbows is not only a threat to the heroes of Liangshan, but also a waste.

Therefore, Wang Lun followed Jiang Hongfei's instructions and opened a hundred buyback points to purchase these armors and bows and crossbows at a price 30% higher than the market price. He also sent people to vigorously publicize that Shuipo Liangshan would only be purchased for seven days, and they would be purchased after seven days. Conduct a general survey of the entire city. If anyone is found to have armor or a crossbow, they will be killed without mercy.

After many inquiries, Jiang Hongfei has figured out that many nearby Song troops are preparing for war. It is not ruled out that some or even all of them will come to rescue Damingfu City.

Prefect Wang and other senior officials from Daming Prefecture also confessed that after receiving the news of Li Cheng's defeat, Liang Zhongshu wrote to the nearby state capital, asking them to send an army to help as soon as possible.

I will not consider the Song Army in the distance for the time being, but only talk about the Song Army that can arrive nearby in a short time:

There are ten commanders of the Forbidden Army stationed in Xiangzhou, including two commanders of cavalry and eight commanders of infantry;

There are nine commanders of the Forbidden Army stationed in Cizhou, including three commanders of cavalry and six commanders of infantry;

There are seventeen commanders of the Forbidden Army stationed in Enzhou, including four commanders of cavalry and thirteen commanders of infantry;

There are five commanding imperial troops stationed in Bozhou, all in infantry formation;

There are twenty commanders of the Forbidden Army stationed in Yizhou, including five commanders of cavalry and fifteen commanders of infantry.

In other words, the more than 10,000 combatable men and horses in Shuibo Liangshan are very likely to soon face an attack by 14 cavalry commands and 47 infantry commands, totaling more than 30,000 soldiers and horses.

The key is, if it waits for a while, the Zhao and Song Dynasty courts may dispatch troops and generals from other areas of Hebei, from the Gyeonggi region, and even from the Western Army to rescue Damingfu City.

Also, it is very likely that the Zhao and Song courts surrounded Wei to rescue Zhao, attacked Shuibo Liangshan, and forced Jiang Hongfei to retreat.

Of course, it is impossible for all parties to mobilize in full force, otherwise the place they defend will become empty, and Tian Hu, who has been developing vigorously recently, may take advantage of it.

But even so, the more than ten thousand capable men and horses in Shuibo Liangshan must be stretched thin.

Moreover, after all, Shuibo Liangshan was one of the four capitals of the Zhao and Song dynasties, the heart of Hebei. Liang Taishu, who stayed in Beijing, was also the son-in-law of Cai Jing, the powerful prime minister of the dynasty. All parties should not dare to go too far. You must know that if they rush to help If they fail to do so, Cai Jing will definitely hold them accountable on behalf of the Zhao and Song Dynasties.

As a result, there is no guarantee that Shuibo Liangshan's existing troops can cope with such an emergency.

So Jiang Hongfei ordered: Expand the army on the spot!

Jiang Hongfei asked people to post the benefits of the Liangshan Army, which were much higher than those of the Forbidden Army, and stated that all of them were real pay, and there was no deduction of military pay at all.

The key is, if you can directly become a Qi Practitioner in the Liangshan Army, you can get 20 yuan of settling-in allowance if you join the army; even if you have not yet awakened to become a Qi Practitioner, as long as your spiritual root talent is good, you can awaken through hard work. It is possible to become a Qi Refiner with spiritual power, and you can also join the Liangshan Auxiliary Army. If you join the army, you can get five min's settlement allowance.

Moreover, if the newly joined people are willing to bring their families, Shuibo Liangshan will allocate fields, residences, and livelihood arrangements for their families...

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