Xianxia version of Water Margin

Chapter 194 Food abuse game


Yun Tianbiao thought this might be a trap.

But then again, these people are here to annihilate the Liangshan Army. If they don't even dare to fight against the generals, then why not annihilate them? They can just go home and hold their children.

Let’s look at Deng Zongbi, who was selected by Yang Guishan. He was seven feet long, with purple ridges on his eyes, which opened and closed like lightning. A pair of male and female swords, with a cold light that resembles two streams of autumn water, are said to be the pair of swords owned by Liu Bei, the Emperor of the Shu Han Dynasty during the Three Kingdoms period.

Xin Congzhong has a face like a crown jade, sword eyebrows and a tiger's mouth, a red bronze helmet, chain mail, and rides a five-flowered horse. It makes a snake spear eight feet long and eight feet long. A good flying target greatly improves his ability to kill enemies.

Tao Zhenting is over eight feet tall and under forty years old. Make two jujube and melon hammers, each weighing a thousand catties. It can also materialize a golden musket to kill enemies from a distance.

Not only Yang Guishan, but also Yun Tianbiao also felt that even though Deng Zongbi, Xin Congzhong, and Tao Zhenting were not as powerful as him, they were all heroic figures. They were well-deserved generals. How could they be afraid of fighting generals?

Therefore, when I saw Yang Guishan there he said to Deng Zongbi and the others: "That stupid thief Jiang Yan has fallen into my trap! As long as the three generals defeat the three thieves sent by that thief, if he does not dismount and accept surrender, all the water will be lost." The thief will be demoralized and his reputation will be ruined in the so-called rivers and lakes. If he dismounts and accepts surrender, we will have wiped out this group of water pirates, fulfilled the important trust of the court, and achieved a complete victory in suppressing the thieves. Japanese officials will definitely go there Your Majesty and Master Cai will ask for merit for you..." Yun Tianbiao did not say anything.

Deng Zongbi and the other two were quite confident in their own skills and felt that as long as they never encountered Shi Bao, the God of Death, they would not be afraid of anyone.

With this kind of blind self-confidence, not long after, Deng Zongbi and his three men went into battle boldly and high-spirited.

When all the generals from both sides arrived on the field, there was an uproar on the Song Army side.


Just because Du Bo, Lu Junyi, and Sun An are all over nine feet tall, and either look like a demon, a god, or a majestic figure, their appearance is indeed better than that of the three generals from the Zhao and Song Dynasty, that is, Deng Zongbi, who had purple ridges in his eyes, could barely compare with the three people sent by Liangshan Army in appearance, but that was only if he looked carefully.

Seeing this, Yang Guishan laughed.

Yun Tianbiao was very flattered and asked: "Why is my husband laughing?"

Yang Guishan followed Yun Tianbiao's words and said: "I laugh at Jiang Yan for being stupid. Fighting generals is about their ability, not showing off their appearance. What's the use of him finding three giant men?"

Soon, Du Bo versus Tao Zhenting, Lu Junyi versus Xin Congzhong, and Sun An versus Deng Zongbi, the two sides were fighting together.

It’s really hard to describe and paint, but see:

Zhengchen was in chaos and murderous intent was rampant. Everyone wants to be a Nezha, and everyone strives to be respectful. The twelve arms are like a tapestry weaving through; the twenty-four horses are like chasing wind and hail. The team flags are so mixed that it is difficult to distinguish between red, white, green and yellow; the weapons are mixed together, and it is difficult to distinguish between spears, swords, and halberds. Take a look at the rotating beacon smoke, it really looks like a Lantern Festival revolving lantern.

After about ten rounds of fighting, a lion's roar was heard in the arena. Before Tao Zhenting could take out his musket, Du Bo pierced his throat with a spear like the way he killed Zhao Xin, and then removed it. His head.

At the same time, Sun An's right hand turned into a giant hand that covered the sky!

What kind of big hand is this?

I saw that not only did the big hand become as big as a giant palm holding up the sky, it was also covered with a layer of blue-black armor with barbs, and a dharma mask was also covered outside the armor!

As soon as this hand appeared, he caught Deng Zongbi, who was dancing with his swords in an airtight manner, including his man, his swords, and his spirit horse. Then there was a "bang" sound, and Deng Zongbi and his spirit horse were captured by Sun An. It was crushed!

After Sun An let go, Deng Zongbi and his spirit horse had merged into a ball of flesh and blood!

Deng Zongbi's double swords were really good. After being squeezed hard by Sun An's hand that could slay dragons, not only was there no damage at all, but it actually penetrated into Sun An's palm.

Sun An pulled the two swords out of his hands, and then his dragon-slaying hands returned to their original shape.

Lu Junyi also ended the battle at the same time.

After handing over, Xin Congzhong felt that he was no match for Lu Junyi, so he used all his skills to dance with a dragon, a snake, a spear, and thunder, and it was so lively.

However, even if Xin Congzhong tried his best, he was not even the slightest threat to Lu Junyi.

Seeing this, Xin Congzhong came up with a plan. He flicked his spear, reined in his horse and walked away. Then he took out a javelin from the leopard skin pouch with his right hand and held it in his hand, preparing to shoot Lu Junyi.

But just when Xin Congzhong turned around to attack Lu Junyi, Lu Junyi suddenly combined his man, horse, and gun into a jade unicorn. Then with a flash of jade light, he hit Xin Congzhong and killed Xin Congzhong, his horse, and his husband. The eight snake spears and javelins were all reduced to ashes!

Three top-level players beat three top-level players, which is basically a game of abuse. Adults beat children. Du Bo, Sun An, and Lu Junyi defeated Deng Zongbi, Xin Congzhong, and Tao Zhenting in seconds, which was enough to save Song Jun's face.

Yang Guishan, who had just been watching the excitement with great interest, saw that Deng Zongbi and the three people he had high hopes for were easily killed by the three generals sent by Jiang Hongfei before they even used their trump cards. He was immediately stunned. Eye.

Yun Tianbiao also didn't expect that the three generals sent by Jiang Hongfei were so strong. If they were strong enough for him to go up, they would only be able to outlast Deng Zongbi and the others by a few rounds at most, and there was absolutely no possibility of victory.

"They're just a bunch of bandits, how could they be so strong?!!!"

Suddenly, Yun Tianbiao's right eyelid started to twitch again!

Before Yun Tianbiao could figure out what was wrong, he saw Jiang Hongfei on the opposite side, taking advantage of the momentum of this great victory, pointed the tip of his whip, and at the same time said loudly using the secret method of sound transmission: "Charge!"

As soon as Jiang Hongfei finished speaking, he heard the "rumble, rumble, rumble, rumble" sound of a large number of horses running from behind the Liangshan horse army!

Immediately afterwards, a group of Song Army soldiers saw dust flying behind the Liangshan horse troops!

The ground also shook!

There were no war drums, but the power was more shocking than the war drums. The roaring sound was like thousands of thunders erupting at once!

Yun Tianbiao finally came to his senses: "Ms. sir, withdraw your troops quickly. They are heavy cavalry. We have fallen into a trap!"

At this time, I saw the Liangshan cavalry separated on the left and right, and then five hundred heavy cavalry armed to the teeth like iron towers rushed over. Bian Xiang, who was in the lead, had a mountain-breaking ax in his hand, like a demon, full of murderous intent.

Seeing this, Yang Guishan quickly ordered to turn his horse's head and retreat.

But it’s too late at this time!

The more than 30,000 Song troops were all caught off guard. The key point was that among the more than 30,000 horses, more than 20,000 were infantry. How could they outrun the four-legged spirit horses?

Soon, these tens of thousands of Song troops were running around and trampling on each other.

What's even more terrifying is that the Five Hundred Iron Pagodas are like a torrent of steel composed of five hundred heavy tanks. Wherever they pass, they are crushed and destroyed.

Especially Bian Xiang, who was at the head, could cut down a large number of Song troops with just one strike of his axe. It was like killing people when they stood in the way, and killing Buddhas when they stood in the way of Buddha.

What's even more frightening is that Du Bo, Sun An, and Lu Junyi, who instantly killed Deng Zongbi, Xin Congzhong, and Tao Zhenting in just ten rounds, each led an elite cavalry and quickly entered the Song army's formation following the Tiefu Tu. A gluttonous feast for the Liangshan horse army.

The Liangshan Infantry Army, especially the ruffians led by Li Kui and Liu Tang, liked to fight like this downwind. They howled and screamed and harvested the lives of the Song Army soldiers.

When Chao Gai saw this, he also shouted: "I, the heroes of Fengshan, cannot teach the heroes of Liangshan to compete with each other. They all follow my king and charge!"

Then, Suiying, Qin Ming, Li Cheng, and Wen Da took the lead, and the leaders of Naitou Mountain followed and charged...

Even Song Jiang followed suit and charged with a simple sword...

in short.

The Song army was killed by the Liangshan army. Corpses were scattered all over the field, and rivers of blood flowed. They were defeated and defeated. Thousands of Song soldiers knelt down and surrendered!

This is normal.

Due to the defeat of the fighting generals, the morale of the Song army was already low. The key point was that the actual combat effectiveness of the Song army was also very weak, so it would naturally collapse at the first touch. What's more, the Liangshan army took the lead with the invincible Tiefu Tu.

At the beginning, Yang Guishan wanted to personally lead the Chinese army to respond tenaciously to the enemy and fight to the death.

But the defeated soldiers would not listen to his command, so they hugged him and ran away.

And Yun Tianbiao, who had been accompanying Yang Guishan before, no longer cared about Yang Guishan, a useless person. He led his five hundred machetemen to evacuate southward...

The Liangshan army clung to the Song army. War drums were beating everywhere, fire was rising, and all the troops were fighting for their lives.

Along the way, the dead bodies of the Song army were lying on each other's backs, and it was impossible to defeat them. The soldiers of the Song army trampled each other, and abandoned their troops to fight in the countryside.

But more Song soldiers still wisely chose to kneel down and surrender.

Just kneel down on the ground and close your eyes, and you can survive without having to compete with a four-legged spirit horse. How wonderful!

——Jiang Hongfei has sent Wu Neng and Xu Jin to notify Lu Zhishen and Yan Shude, telling them to stop fighting and capture the prisoners quickly.

Not long after, Hu Sanniang, who was pursuing Jiang Hongfei, was the first to see Yanggui Mountain due to her height.

Hu Sanniang's eyes lit up and she asked Jiang Hongfei, "Can the slave family catch this person?"

Jiang Hongfei smiled and said, "Go."

After hearing this, Hu Sanniang immediately beat her green-maned horse, wielded the sun and moon swords, and went to capture Yang Guishan.

Along the road, Hu Sanniang killed dozens of people and finally came to the side of Yanggui Mountain.

When Yang Guishan saw that Jiang Hongfei had sent a female thief to capture him, he felt extremely humiliated. He picked up his sword and chopped down Sanniang.

When Hu Sanniang saw it, she knocked Yang Guishan's sword away with one blow.

Yang Guishan was shocked. He didn't expect that a female thief from Shuibo Liangshan was so powerful. He turned back his horse and tried to escape.

Unexpectedly, Hu Sanniang caught up with her on horseback. She hung up the sword in her right hand, relaxed her arms, lifted Yang Guishan away from the saddle, captured him alive, then came to Jiang Hongfei, and threw Yang Guishan on Jiang Hongfei's horse. forward.

Surprisingly, Yang Guishan insisted on getting up from the ground despite being knocked dizzy by Hu Sanniang, and then said righteously: "Yang has lost his master and humiliated his country. He only wants a quick death!"

Yang Shi's reputation is still very good. The protagonist of the story of Cheng Menlixue is Yang Shi.

Moreover, although Yang Shi was a sour scholar and was not good at fighting, he was still very good at governing the place.

Yang Shi is also revered as the "originator of Fujian Studies". He spread the "Er Cheng" Luo Studies to the southeast and other vast areas. He played a role in connecting the past and the future between "Er Cheng" and Zhu Xi, and laid the foundation for the formation of Fujian Studies and its ideological system. It laid a solid foundation and made important contributions to the spread of Neo-Confucianism to the south and the dissemination of Chinese culture.

In order to cater to Zhao Ji, Cai Jing, Tong Guan, Zhu Meng, Wang Fu and others plundered folk rare treasures and built Longde Palace. Zhu Meng and his like also took the opportunity to extort money and make a fortune. The people complained. Yang Shi hated this deeply. He angrily wrote in "What He Sees in Yuhang": "Now all the people in the world, from the court ministers to the state and county officials, specialize in deceiving the superiors and deceiving the subordinates. The imperial court is hopeless."

It can be said that Yang Shi's life, apart from getting closer to Cai Jing in his later years and becoming a Buddhist in his later years, really had no stains.

The key is that this person's reputation among literati is too great.

And you must know that in this world, public opinion is still dominated by literati.

Therefore, killing Yang Shi would not do Jiang Hongfei any good.

Jiang Hongfei would definitely not do such a thankless task.

Jiang Hongfei said with a smile: "If Mr. Nan Jiansan, the four major disciples of the Cheng Sect, does not care about face and breaks his word, what can I say? Just leave."

Yang Guishan said in disbelief: "Aren't you going to kill me?"

Jiang Hongfei pointed at the completely one-sided battlefield with his riding crop and said, "Why should I kill you? It's too late for me to thank you. If it weren't for you and other self-righteous literati, who should be engaged in civilian work but insist on dreaming of galloping on the battlefield, how could I?" Are you here to win this easily?"

Yang Guishan's face turned red after hearing this. He pointed at Jiang Hongfei with a trembling finger and said, "You...you...you..."

Jiang Hongfei said: "It's all yours. People like Fan Zhongyan who are both civil and military are only a minority after all. It is important for people to be self-aware and do what they can do well, so as not to mislead others or themselves."

At this critical juncture, Jiang Hongfei was too lazy to waste time on Yang Guishan, a person who should never interact with him again, so he said calmly: "With that said, I hope you can learn from this experience and learn what it means to truly understand It’s what you should do.”

After saying this, Jiang Hongfei rode away and continued to pursue the enemy.

Jiang Hongfei led his own troops to pursue them only a dozen miles away, when he suddenly saw many people being carried back from the front, and each of these people was injured.

What Jiang Hongfei never expected was that the person carrying him at the front turned out to be Du Fu, and even Feng Tai, who was guarding Du Fu, was hit by an arrow in the arm.

Seeing this, Jiang Hongfei quickly dismounted and went to check Du Bo's injury.

They saw a terrifying wound more than a foot long cut open on Du Bo's chest. Through this wound, his internal organs could be seen faintly, and an arrow was hit in his shoulder!

Fortunately, Du Bo was using his enhanced attribute spiritual power to heal himself, which prevented him from dying.

Jiang Hongfei quickly called An Daoquan over, and then Jiang Hongfei and An Daoquan also used enhanced attribute spiritual power to treat Du Bu, which completely stabilized Du Bu's wounds.

Seeing that Du Bo was out of danger, Jiang Hongfei asked: "Brother Xian, who was sneak-attacked? Why was he so seriously injured?"

Du Bo looked like he didn't want to talk about it and replied: "I'm ashamed, little brother." Then he pretended to be hurt and kept silent.

Obviously, Du Bo was ashamed to say this.

Seeing this, Jiang Hongfei called Feng Tai away and asked him bluntly: "Who defeated you and seriously injured the wise brother Du Bo, Yun Tianbiao?"

Fengtai spat: "Is that cowardly enough to hurt Brother Du Bo?! I was defeated by someone else when I was carrying the Wei army."

Then, Fengtai said a few names that Jiang Hongfei had not expected...

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