Xianxia version of Water Margin

Chapter 196 Goodbye, Daming Mansion!

After Zhang Jun, Yang Yizhong, and Zhao Mi wounded Du Bo and defeated Bei Wei's army, there was no more episode.

In the end, in this battle, except for the insidious villain Yun Tianbiao and Zhang Junna who commanded the Song army to escape, the other Song army soldiers were either killed or captured.

In this battle, the Liangshan Army captured more than 3,700 fully usable war horses, more than 21,700 crossbows, more than 540,000 arrows, and more than 37,300 pieces of armor. The rest were returned to the army. During the count, more than 19,300 people were captured and more than 13,200 enemies were killed!

As for the Liangshan Army, there were only more than 700 people in total, including the wounded and dead.

There is no doubt that Liangshan Army achieved an unprecedented victory.

It is worth mentioning that after the battle was completely decided, Jiang Hongfei immediately sent Xu Guanzhong to lead Ma Yijun, Ma Erjun, Ma Sanjun, Ma Sijun and Ma Wujun to attack Kaide while Kaide Mansion was weak. Mansion.

Kaide Prefecture is the second largest grain storage area in Hebei after Daming Prefecture, with a reserve of 3.6 million shi.

At that time, the "Chanyuan Alliance" signed between Song and Liao was signed in Kaide Mansion.

——Kaide Mansion is the original Chanzhou, which once became the northern auxiliary of the Zhao and Song Dynasties. Song Zhenzong Zhao Heng used the title of crown prince and went on several personal expeditions. Finally, he established the "Chanyuan Alliance" and gave it to the Zhao and Song Dynasties. It created a favorable opportunity for long-term peaceful development. Of course, this was mainly because at that time, the Song and Liao countries could not defeat each other, so they signed a fairly fair peace treaty.

The intelligence department in Shuibo Liangshan has already found out that Yang Guishan brought almost all the soldiers and horses from Kaide Mansion to Daming Mansion, and most of them were lost in Daming Mansion.

Under this situation, if Jiang Hongfei doesn't take over Kaide Mansion and turn Kaide Mansion into the second famous mansion, then Jiang Hongfei will be too used to the Zhao and Song Dynasty.

The key is that Jiang Hongfei promised Tian Hu to delay it for a month, and now there are still more than ten days.

As for Daming Prefecture, including several county towns on the left and right of Daming Prefecture and larger villages, the heroes of Liangshan have already done almost all the places where they can do justice for heaven. If they go further, it is easy for the Song Army to use this opportunity. Not only was there uncertainty about a big victory, but it was also difficult to transport the loot back, so we had no choice but to give up.

It just so happened that Yang Guishan's defeat caused a huge hole in the defense of Kaide Mansion. The heroes of Liangshan moved their positions and went to Kaide Mansion to make another attack.


Before leaving Daming Mansion, Jiang Hongfei still had a few small things to do.

First, Jiang Hongfei sent Zhu Wu to go to Yuancheng with Ma Bajun, Tabai Army (Ma Army led by Lu Junyi), and Po Enemy Army (Ma Army led by Sun An) to rescue Ma Qijun and Infantry who were locked in Yuancheng by the Song Army. Seventh Army.

At the same time, Jiang Hongfei asked Liangshan civil servants to organize people from Damingfu to restore the things destroyed by Liangshan heroes to their original state as much as possible, involving personal compensation at the original price, and to quickly clean up the inside and outside of Damingfu City, including those that were previously used for Beijing. heads, as well as the various public trial platforms that were stained red by the killing of those high-ranking officials, nobles, wealthy gentry, officials and scholar-bureaucrats who were rich and unkind.

As for debt cancellation, land distribution, and grain distribution, the heroes of Liangshan have already finished it, and the people who did these things have already gone to Kaide Mansion.

One day later, Jiang Hongfei received good news from Zhu Wu. Ma Qijun cooperated with them inside and outside, killing more than 2,000 enemies, capturing more than 5,000 prisoners, seizing more than 800 good horses, more than 4,000 crossbows, and various types of weapons. There are more than 7,000 sets of armor, and the remaining seizures are still being counted.

Three days later, Jiang Hongfei received good news from people sent by Xu Guanzhong that they had successfully captured Kaide Mansion.

After seeing off the last captured ship, Jiang Hongfei announced: "Leave Daming Mansion tomorrow and go to Kaide Mansion."


In the past few days, several groups of officials from Shuibo Liangshan have left Daming Mansion for Kaide Mansion.

Jiang Hongfei and the others are the last batch.

Total: During this trip to Damingfu, excluding all expenses, Shuibo Liangshan obtained more than 9.3 million dan of food and a total of 4,700 various properties in Damingfu plus a dozen nearby counties and hundreds of villages. There are more than a million and thousands of ships, more than ten thousand craftsmen and boatmen of all kinds, more than two hundred unlucky scholars, more than 50,000 dependents, more than 60,000 conscripts, nearly 200,000 dependents, more than 38,000 Song soldiers captured, and 10,000 criminal women captured. In addition, we have more than 15,700 spirited horses, more than 1,000 ships, more than 500 ships of various sizes, more than 80,000 sets of armor of various types, and more than 24 weapons of various types including swords, guns, swords and halberds. Thousands of pieces, more than 70,000 crossbows, iron bars, horns, hides, tendons, sheepskins, arrows, feathers and other strategic materials are countless...

There was a thunder in the plains of Liangshan in Shuibo, suddenly rich!

To be honest, it is really not easy to transport all the harvest back to Shuibo Liangshan, especially when you have to take care of the management of Daming Mansion.

Let's put it this way, in just one month, Wang Lun and other civil servants have all lost weight at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Fortunately, there were many unsuccessful literati and imperial students here in Daming Mansion. After they accepted the call, they immediately put into work, which relieved a lot of pressure on Wang Lun and others.

Thanks to the heroes of Liangshan who have won the hearts of the poor, there are hundreds of thousands of civilians in Daming Prefecture, plus about 300,000 family members and captives, who can transport ships day and night, and there are many ships owned by Liangshan and Daming Prefecture. Extremely developed, otherwise it would never be possible to accomplish this feat.

But then again, the reason why people from Daming Mansion, including many family members, are so active in helping Shuibo Liangshan work is because Shuibo Liangshan never uses people for free, but all of them are paid labor.

To put it more graphically, these people worked for the Liangshan heroes for less than a month and earned more than many people earned after two years of hard work.

In other words, when the heroes of Liangshan conquered Daming Mansion, not only did Shuibo Liangshan make a fortune, but the poor people here in Daming Mansion also made a small fortune.

The most important thing is that the heroes of Liangshan freed the poor here in Daming Mansion, allowing them to escape the loan sharks who could never repay them, and have enough food for one or two years, although the land that does not require rent is a bit unreliable. , but they can also plant them first. Anyway, they are already ownerless. As for the future, let’s talk about it later.

In short, the poor people here in Daming Mansion see hope of living.

It is precisely because of this that when they learned that Jiang Hongfei was leaving Daming Mansion with the Liangshan heroes, almost everyone from Daming Mansion came to see him off.

There were even a large number of people from Daming Mansion kneeling down to beg Jiang Hongfei not to leave, hoping that the heroes of Liangshan could always govern Daming Mansion.

Jiang Hongfei patiently told the people in Daming Mansion that he did not want to leave, but at this stage, the Zhao and Song Dynasties still had millions of troops, and Daming Mansion was located in the unobstructed North China Plain, so there was no danger to defend. If he If we don't leave, Shuibo Liangshan will definitely be wiped out by the Song army.

In the end, Jiang Hongfei assured the people of Daming Mansion that he would definitely come back in the future.

Jiang Hongfei did not lie to the people of Daming Mansion. When he left, he looked at the majestic Daming Mansion City and secretly swore: "If I have a chance, I will definitely come back!"

Even though Jiang Hongfei led all the Liangshan heroes to evacuate, Jiang Hongfei still left Zhang San and Li Si behind to lead his two hundred personal guards to continue to maintain the order of Damingfu City, lest the gangsters take this opportunity to burn, kill and loot.

It was not until five days later that the first Song army cautiously approached Damingfu City.

Seeing this, Zhang San and Li Sicai led Jiang Hongfei's two hundred personal guards to leave Damingfu City and go south to Kaidefu.

At this point, the heroes of Liangshan have finally left Daming Mansion.

Two days later, when the Song army found out that all Liangshan troops had really withdrawn from Daming Mansion, they went to report to their commander, Du Chong, the prefect of Cangzhou.

Du Chong always firmly believed that Liang Shanjun must just make a profit and leave, and it is absolutely impossible to occupy the important town of Damingfu.

Therefore, after hearing that Jiang Hongfei had defeated Yang Guishan, Du Chong, with the idea of ​​winning the first victory in restoring the city, led 30,000 Cangzhou troops south to recover Daming Mansion, and soon arrived only one block away from Daming Mansion. Ligu Town is across the river.

But here, Du Chong stopped moving forward.

——Du Chong came to Daming Mansion to take credit, not to really fight with the Liangshan Army. If he really fought with the Liangshan Army, what if he followed in the footsteps of Yang Guishan?

It must be said that Du Chong's luck is really good.

As soon as Du Chong arrived in Ligu Town, Jiang Hongfei led the last group of Liangshan heroes to leave Damingfu.

But even so, Du Chong did not dare to come to Daming Mansion. Instead, he sent more than a dozen scouts to Daming Mansion to inquire about the news.

Until it was completely confirmed that this was not a trick of the Liangshan Army, and that the Liangshan Army had really withdrawn completely, Du Chong led the army with great fanfare, came to Daming Mansion with support, and took over Daming Mansion.

After Du Chong successfully took over Daming Prefecture, he did not pursue the Liangshan Army or govern Daming Prefecture. Instead, he immediately found a dozen pens to describe how he managed to defeat the Liangshan Army of 100,000 with a weak force of only 30,000. After a battle of wits and courage, he finally won seven out of seven battles and defeated the Liangshan army. Then he drove away all the Liangshan bandits and recovered Daming Mansion. He wrote a hundred thousand words eloquently and sent people to Bianliang City in Tokyo to ask for merit.

Besides, the 30,000 Cangzhou troops brought by Du Chong also regarded themselves as the saviors of Daming Mansion. As soon as they arrived, they clamored to collect grain and grass from the wealthy gentry.

However, these soldiers soon found out clearly that the wealthy gentry and wealthy households in Daming Mansion had been robbed by the heroes of Liangshan, and they wiped the ground three feet away.

These ruffians cursed and thought that it was okay for the Liangshan heroes to eat meat, but they didn't even leave any soup for them, and the appearance of eating was too ugly.

The Song Army in this world, the Western Army, the ace army that surrounds the Zhao and Song Dynasties, is actually similar to bandits. Wherever they go, there will be robbery and robbery.

In fact, there is nothing that can be done about it. Who made the officers of the Song Army embezzle their military salaries? If they don't grab some, where will they have enough to support their families?

This is the tradition of the Song Army and the unspoken rule of the Song Army.

As an aside, this is also the fundamental reason why Yue Fei and the Yue Family Army have been praised for thousands of years.

Think about it, in that era, whether it was soldiers or bandits, if they came and looted, suddenly there was a Yue Marshal and Yue Family Army who "would not break down their houses if they froze to death, and would not plunder even if they starved to death". Can the common people not rush to praise it?

In short, in the eyes of the Cangzhou Army, it will definitely not work if no one is filial.

In their words: "We rush to rescue them at starry night to save them from fire and water. Can't these guys be rude and not give at all?!"

Therefore, everyone in the Cangzhou Army was holding back a bad breath, so much so that they robbed whatever they saw, including grain, cattle, sheep, chickens, ducks, geese, young women...


Who is in the mood to care about this?

Du Chong has been busy exchanging his merits for maximum political capital.

The Cangzhou Army was busy squeezing more money from the people of Daming Mansion.

The previously bustling city of Damingfu was caused by Du Chong and his gang. Chickens and dogs screamed, women and children cried. After a while, no one was seen on the street. Every household closed its doors, praying for their own safety. Gods and Buddhas, drive these real bandits out of Daming Mansion.

Those who had slipped through the net and dared not do evil again under the high pressure of Shuibo Liangshan saw that the military discipline of the Cangzhou army was so poor that they were comparable to them, so they took advantage of the darkness to kill people and set fires, and returned to their old ways.

Faced with such a situation, the Cangzhou Army not only did not stop it, but they also took advantage of the chaos to join the gangsters in robbing without restraint. Some of the fires were even set off by the Cangzhou Army.

Amid thick smoke and fire, people fled in all directions. Some ran from the east of the city to the west of the city, and some ran from the west to the east of the city. We met on the road, and we were all at a loss as to where to run away. In the chaos, many fathers and sons were lost, many couples were separated, and some even committed suicide by hanging themselves because of the misery.

There were also many people running from the east and west corner gates of the inner city to the outer city, looking for opportunities to escape from Damingfu City. They helped the elderly and children flee, and many elderly people and children were squeezed or trampled to death. On the streets that had been kept spotless by the heroes of Liangshan and the people of Daming Mansion, there were many abandoned corpses of the elderly and infants piled together. On both sides of the road, the sound of wailing continued, which was unbearable to hear.

These situations gradually reached Du Chong's ears.

Only then did Du Chong realize that it was a mistake to let these soldiers enter Damingfu City.

Du Chong quickly arranged people to suppress the lawless people, and immediately announced: "All the Liangshan bandits have been driven away by our troops, and Daming Mansion has returned to the control of the imperial court, and is not in the hands of the thieves. Anyone who sets fire inside or outside Daming Mansion City Those who kill people and plunder property will be dispatched to kill, hoping that the residents will live in peace and security, and will be executed if they violate the rules."

No, Du Chong's off-the-wall approach simply didn't work.

Not only that, the concubines that Du Chong took in on the road were all kidnapped by gangsters, and Du Chong had to spend 500 min to redeem them.

After being assassinated by an unknown person, Du Chong felt that he could no longer stay in Damingfu City, so he ordered to leave the city and asked the Cangzhou Army to leave the city and station outside the city.

The Cangzhou Army was unwilling to leave the city just like this, and then looted Damingfu City some more before leaving the city cursing.

Thinking of what Jiang Hongfei did before he led the Liangshan heroes to leave Daming Mansion, and then look at the evil things the Song Army did before leaving Daming Mansion.

An old man who was kicked down by Song soldiers and robbed of his last bag of food looked at the backs of those soldiers and cried loudly!

Someone saw it and sighed: "Alas~! Officials are like bandits, and bandits are like relatives. What kind of world is this..."

I don’t know if the people of Damingfu have run out of good luck.

Since Jiang Hongfei led the Liangshan heroes to leave Daming Mansion, they have not met a good official.

This also makes the people of Daming Mansion look forward to the day when Jiang Hongfei can lead the Liangshan heroes back to Daming Mansion...

There are only the last few hours left this month. Please vote for me if you still have monthly votes, otherwise it will be wasted.

I wish you good health and may all your wishes come true! ! !

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