Xianxia version of Water Margin

Chapter 206 The woman sent by Song Jiang

Seeing Du Bo, Lin Chong and other Liangshan Army generals leading the Liangshan Army's elite soldiers to charge onto the Gaotang City Wall, Chao Gai and Song Jiang were all shocked and thought: "This is a victory?!!!"

No wonder Chao Gai and Song Jiang were so unbelievable. It was true that one of them was helpless in front of Gaotangzhou, and the other was so frustrated that he almost lost all his underpants.

But Jiang Hongfei had just arrived here and captured Gaotang City in just one battle. Isn't this gap too big? !

Also, Chao Gai and Song Jiang didn't expect that Jiang Hongfei was really good at magic, and his strength was so terrifying that he could kill Gao Lian, who was highly skilled in magic, with just one move!

This made Song Jiang even more envious and jealous. He couldn't help but think, if I knew this kind of magic, how could I end up in such a situation?

If Jiang Hongfei heard Song Jiang's thoughts, he would only sneer at him.

Among the many people who have obtained the Book of Heaven, none is worse than Song Jiang in the original work.

The key point is that Song Jiang is not only extremely talented, he is also obsessed with being an official, and his mind is full of getting involved in the officialdom. How can he study the things in the book of heaven with his heart? At most, he just encounters problems that cannot be solved. I just took out the Book of Heaven and flipped through it, but I didn't even learn the basics.

Jiang Hongfei is completely different from Song Jiang in the original work.

As soon as Jiang Hongfei got the Heavenly Book, he forced himself to memorize all three volumes of the Heavenly Book, including the one about formations.

After that, Jiang Hongfei practiced hard on the Book of Heaven.

Resources are always the best.

Women, absolutely enough.

The most important thing is that although Jiang Hongfei's spiritual roots are average, his ability to comprehend the first step of cultivation is top-notch, especially in the first step of practicing magic.

Jiang Hongfei even had some understanding of the immortal magic that was difficult for mortals to comprehend.

To put it simply, immortality is just one word - borrow.

Of course, Jiang Hongfei has only scratched the surface on his journey to immortality. His most powerful spell now is the Five Thunder Tiangang Zhengfa.

Because in that heavenly book, the Five Thunder Tiangang Dharma has come to an end, and there will be no more after that.

To put it bluntly, Jiang Hongfei's current spells are really not much better than Gongsun Sheng who has learned the Five Thunder Tiangang Zhengfa.

But what makes Jiang Hongfei different from people in this world is that he has enough knowledge and dares to think and act.

Once, when Jiang Hongfei was practicing the Five Thunder Tiangang Zhengfa, it happened to rain, thunder and lightning, so Jiang Hongfei was reminded of Sasuke's S-level ninjutsu - Kirin in "Naruto".

I don't want to, and I don't know if Jiang Hongfei is too talented in practicing magic, and he actually created Qilin by combining it with the Five Thunder Tiangang Zhengfa.

The advantages of Qilin's spell are obvious. It has a wide range, high attack power, consumes little spiritual energy (mostly using nature's thunder and lightning), and is so fast that it is almost impossible to dodge. But the weaknesses are also obvious and require the help of natural weather.

The rain-calling spell is just a medium-sized spell. When used, it can often only rain in a small area. After this small area, there is no wind or rain. In fact, it cannot be created at all. What Qilin said Thunder and lightning required.

As a side note, the flash flood that Gao Lian caused last time was more of him taking photos of the coming flood from a nearby pool, which can be regarded as a manifestation of taking advantage of the power of heaven and earth.

This time, Gao Lian was also unlucky. Although it hadn't rained yet, the clouds in the sky were already very thick. It was obviously a prelude to a lightning storm, but Gao Lian was burned again.

In this way, Jiang Hongfei's rain summoning spell caused the lightning storm to break out in advance, and then he used Qilin to successfully pretend to be this.

Some people may want to ask, what if Jiang Hongfei was not so lucky and caught up with such weather?

What else is there to say? Jiang Hongfei just fights with Gao Lian honestly. Anyway, he knows the Five Thunder Tiangang Zhengfa, so he shouldn't lose to Gao Lian.

Taking a step back, even if Jiang Hongfei couldn't defeat Gao Lian in a martial arts fight, Gongsun Sheng would still be there. In addition, Jiang Hongfei also brought Wu Jiao and Shi Gugong, so he could destroy Gao Lian no matter what.

In other words, Gao Lian's defeat was already doomed the moment Jiang Hongfei arrived. The only difference was whether Jiang Hongfei could pretend to be this bad guy.

Now, perfect!

Jiang Hongfei once again let the world see his invincible side.

Jiang Hongfei turned to Chao Gai and Song Jiang and said, "Gaotangzhou, you guys don't want Fengshan anymore?"

After hearing what Jiang Hongfei said, Chao Gai and Song Jiang realized that they were still fighting.

Chao Gai and Song Jiang quickly led the charge in person.

Originally, Liangshan's army was about to capture Gaotang City, but Naitoushan's troops also rushed into the city. How could Gaotang City not be destroyed?

The people in Naitou Mountain had poor military discipline, so Jiang Hongfei first sent someone to tell Chao Gai and Song Jiang to restrain their people, otherwise the law enforcement agencies in Shuibo Liangshan would never show any mercy.

Such a thing had already happened in Daming Mansion. Both Chao Gai and Song Jiang knew that Jiang Hongfei would never bend the law for personal gain in this matter, so they hurriedly went to explain to their people, lest their people Being executed by the law enforcement agencies of Shuibo Liangshan, not only could they not save him, but they also had to be embarrassed along with him.

After Lin Chong and the others opened the Gaotang City Gate, lowered the suspension bridge, and reported to Jiang Hongfei that the overall situation in the city had been decided, Jiang Hongfei withdrew his troops and entered Gaotang City.

Jiang Hongfei first gave the order: "Don't harm the people."

There were civil servants who came with Jiang Hongfei. After hearing Jiang Hongfei's order, they came out to calm the people, and Qiu did not commit any crime.

In order to avoid misunderstandings, the experienced Shuibo Liangshan officials also had people shouting along the street: No one in the city, whether military or civilian, noble or low, who surrendered immediately, would be killed, and if they resisted, they would not be killed.

In short, after the city was broken, Jiang Hongfei no longer had to worry about the aftermath. Professionals would take over.

Jiang Hongfei went to the prison to rescue Chai Jin immediately.

Since Gaotang City was broken, all the prisoners and jailers in the prison had escaped, leaving only thirty or fifty prisoners.

Jiang Hongfei did not ask people to release all these prisoners, but asked them to identify these people first to see if there was anything that could be forgiven. If they were, they would be released. If not, they would continue to be detained.

Jiang Hongfei personally led people to look through the thirty to fifty prisoners one by one, but Chai Jin was not found.

However, a family from Chaihuang City was rescued by Jiang Hongfei and the others.

Jiang Hongfei asked Chai Huangcheng's family members, and they all said that Chai Jin was originally imprisoned with them, but now they don't know where Chai Jin is being imprisoned.

Jiang Hongfei thought to himself: "Could he be imprisoned as a prisoner-level Lin Ren and hidden in a well like in the original work?"

At this moment, a person reported: "The villain is Lin Ren, who is in prison. The day before yesterday, he was appointed by the prefect Gao Lian to guard Chai Jin single-mindedly and firmly without any mistakes. He also said: "But there is bad luck. , then take action. 'Three days ago, the prefect wanted to bring firewood in and out for execution. Seeing that Chai Jin was a good man, the villain couldn't bear to take action. He only reasoned that he was very sick and there was no need to take action. Then he urged him harder, and the villain couldn't bear to take action. He replied that Chai Jin was dead. Because they had been fighting for days, the magistrate was not busy, but sent someone down to take a look. The villain was afraid that he would be blamed. Yesterday, he led firewood into the dry well behind, opened the shackles, and pushed him inside to hide. Now he does not know whether he is alive or dead. "

When Jiang Hongfei heard this, he quickly asked Lin Ren to take him to Chai Jin.

Under the guidance of Lin Ren, Jiang Hongfei and others went straight to the Houlao Dry Well.

Jiang Hongfei looked down the dry well and saw a dark hole with no depth.

Jiang Hongfei called Chai Jin's name from above, but Chai Jin didn't respond.

So Jiang Hongfei prepared to jump into the well to save Chai Jin.

Who dared to let Jiang Hongfei take risks? Gao Liang and other women quickly grabbed Jiang Hongfei and prevented Jiang Hongfei from going down the well.

Ruan Xiaoqi said without saying a word, "I'll go take a look on behalf of my brother."

After saying that, Ruan Xiaoqi jumped into the dry well.

Seeing this, Jiang Hongfei stretched his hand into the dry well.

The next moment, a big fireball appeared in front of Jiang Hongfei's hand, and then he held it in his mouth without releasing it, acting as a lighting lamp for Ruan Xiaoqi.

Ruan Xiaoqi quickly found Chai Jin with the help of the light given to him by Jiang Hongfei.

Ruan Xiaoqi hurriedly went to check on Chai Jin's condition.

Finding that Chai Jin was still breathing, Ruan Xiaoqi immediately shouted loudly to Inoue: "Brother, I found Chai Daguan, he can still be saved."

When Jiang Hongfei heard this, he immediately ordered someone to put down the rope and pull up Chai Jin and Ruan Xiaoqi respectively.

When Chai Jin was pulled out of the dry well, Jiang Hongfei took a look and saw that Chai Jin had been tortured so much that his head and forehead were cracked, the skin and flesh on both legs were all beaten to pieces, and his air was no longer coming out.

Jiang Hongfei asked An Daoquan to quickly treat Chai Jin, and arranged for Chai Jin to be sent back to Shuibo Liangshan for rest after he got better...

Not long after, Chao Gai and Song Jiang came to see Jiang Hongfei.

Jiang Hongfei took a look and realized that Song Jiang was injured.

Jiang Hongfei didn't know how badly Song Jiang was injured, but at this time, his upper body was naked and wrapped in many circles of fine cloth. He looked seriously injured.

Jiang Hongfei asked Song Jiang: "Why is my dear brother injured?"

Song Jiang pretended to be heroic and said: "I charged a little harder and taught Song Jun to shoot an arrow. It won't get in the way."

Chao Gai said in his heart: "With Li Cheng and Wen Da protecting me, we can still get hurt. We didn't hit anyone, but we still pretended to have done a lot of credit. Who else could I do without you!"

Jiang Hongfei really didn't care at all whether Song Jiang was injured or dead.

Therefore, after asking casually, Jiang Hongfei went straight to the point: "Look, you two, how should we divide our family in Gaotang Prefecture?"

Song Jiang knew that in Gaotang Prefecture, Shuibo Liangshan was separated from Naitou Mountain as a favor, and Shuibo Liangshan was not separated from Naitou Mountain as a duty. After all, Shuibo Liangshan could conquer Gaotou Mountain without Naitou Mountain. Tangzhou, on the other hand, there is no water in Liangshan, and the people of Naitoushan are exhausted, and they cannot conquer Gaotangzhou.

Ordinarily, in this case, Song Jiang should openly and proactively express that they wanted nothing from Naitoushan, which would make the situation more aggravating.

But this time Song Jiang almost lost all the soldiers and horses in his hands. If he didn't return blood from Gaotangzhou, then he and his leaders would become mere commanders.

Therefore, Song Jiang's idea was that he didn't want anything else but asked Jiang Hongfei to give him the prisoner.

However, before Song Jiang could speak, Chao Gai said grandly: "What are you talking about, my dear brother? This Gaotangzhou is under the control of my dear brother. What does it have to do with my Fengshan? If there is a relationship, it is also my dear brother's." You have avenged me, Fengshan, and it is my brother, Fengshan, who owes me so much. If there is a chance in the future, I, Fengshan, will repay my kindness to my brother."

When Song Jiang heard this, he really wanted to spit blood on Chao Gai's face: "Good people have taught you how to do it. The people who died are all my people. Can you do it?!"

This is actually the reason why Jiang Hongfei has always been willing to help Chao Gai. Without it, Chao Gai is really not a good person.

Jiang Hongfei did not go to see Song Jiang, but symbolically declined to Chao Gai: "Isn't this not good?"

Chao Gaixin said: "If you give me some soldiers and horses in Fengshan, and then fall into Song Jiang's hands, then the teaching will not be very good. Now this is a good thing."

Chao Gai said: "Good brother, don't give in, otherwise you will look down on your brother."

Chao Gai's words have reached this point, so what else can Jiang Hongfei say? Although Gaotang Prefecture is far from comparable to Daming Prefecture and Kaide Prefecture, it is also a large military prefecture, with provisions, grass, soldiers and armor, etc. It's still quite a lot. If he can't share it with others, Jiang Hongfei certainly won't want to share it with others.

Therefore, Jiang Hongfei ordered the process to begin, starting with the Gao Lian family, with the goal of evacuating Gaotang Prefecture...

Three days later in the evening, the night before Jiang Hongfei was going to return to Shuibo Liangshan, Song Jiang suddenly asked for a meeting.

Jiang Hongfei estimated that Song Jiang would come to see him soon.

——Song Jiang is a person who will never give up easily. Now that his capital has almost been reduced, it is impossible for him not to want to make a comeback, and Jiang Hongfei is one of the few opportunities for him to make a comeback, so it is impossible for him not to come to Jiang Hongfei and give it a try. .

After Jiang Hongfei agreed, Song Jiang came in not long after.

What was both unexpected and reasonable was that Song Jiang also brought a beautiful woman in.

This woman is twenty-nine years old, wearing a gauze dress. Cherry mouth, apricot face and peach cheeks; willow waist, orchid heart. The starry eyes are as thick as paint, and the breasts look like fat. The rhyme is like a begonia flower in the wind, and the pattern is like a plum tree in the snow. The beauty in the golden house left the imperial garden, and the fairy Ruizhu went to earth.

This woman has a very good appearance and figure. Although she is not the top beauty, she is still a rare beauty.

Jiang Hongfei looked at the little beauty and asked Song Jiang: "Who is she?"

Song Jiang hurriedly paid homage: "She is Song Yulian, my younger brother's sister. She admires my brother very much, so my younger brother brought her to pay homage to him."

Song Yulian?

This name sounded familiar to Jiang Hongfei, but for a moment he couldn't remember who she was.

Jiang Hongfei didn't bother to guess, but asked directly: "Is she your biological sister? Why haven't I heard that you have a sister?"

After experiencing Yan Poxi, that terrible woman, Song Jiang didn't have any good impression of women, and he didn't trust women, so he didn't dare to bet that Song Yulian wouldn't betray him.

So, Song Jiang told the truth: "She is not my younger brother's biological sister, but my adopted sister whom I just recognized a few days ago. She was originally from Tokyo, and lived in Jiangzhou with her parents. The family was poor, but fortunately her father had been there in his early years. He taught her how to sing. So, she and her parents often appeared in the Pipa Pavilion tavern on the riverside of Jiangzhou, making a living by singing and supporting their family..."

After Song Jiang's introduction, Jiang Hongfei remembered who this woman was.

She was the girl who sang at the Pipa Pavilion when Song Jiang met Dai Zong, Li Kui, and Zhang Shunchu. Li Kui blamed her for disturbing the four of them chatting and poked her forehead with two fingers, almost killing her.

Later, Song Jiang saw that the girl's family was pitiful, so he gave her family twenty taels of silver and taught her to marry a good man in the future, so as not to cause trouble by singing here.

Over there, Song Jiang continued: "My younger brother gave her family twenty soul coins and separated from her family. I didn't expect that a few days ago, her family passed by my peak mountain and was robbed by the gangsters. They mentioned my name. I saw that she was indeed a member of her family of three, and felt that we were quite destined to her family, so I accepted her as my adopted sister."

In fact, Song Jiang wanted to marry Song Yulian to Qin Ming to fulfill his promise to Qin Ming.

But before Song Jiang could do this, he suffered a huge defeat, leaving only more than a hundred low-spirited minions in his hands.

At this time, how could Song Jiang care about Qin Ming? Of course, he had to send Dai Zong back to the mountain to pick up Song Yulian. He would first please Jiang Hongfei and then ask Jiang Hongfei for troops.

But Song Jiang, who was very good at giving gifts, did not mention anything about asking for troops. He only said that Song Yulian admired Jiang Hongfei, and hinted that Jiang Hongfei and Song Yulian were perfect. Then he casually chatted with Jiang Hongfei, got up and left, without disturbing Jiang Hongfei. Good thing.

Song Yulian remained silent throughout the entire process, and when she waited for Song Jiang to leave, her eyes when she looked at Song Jiang's back revealed unconcealable disappointment and deep helplessness...

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