Xianxia version of Water Margin

Chapter 211 Jiang Yan: Damn it, I saved the Eight Immortals who crossed the sea!

There are some islands distributed on the east, north and west sides of Salmon Island. They formed a semicircle, forming a large bay on the sea. The sea in Tangwan is often calm, so it is called Miaodao Tang. The port in Tangwan is one of the world's famous ports.

The three islands surrounding Salmon Island each have their own characteristics. They are strangely shaped and beautiful, especially the beach on the island. The sand is fine and soft, shining brightly in the sun, which is very attractive.

Salmon Island at sunset stands quietly on the blue sea in the afterglow of dusk, like a vivid oil painting, beautiful and mysterious. The soft light of the setting sun shines on Salmon Island, making the entire island shrouded in a golden glow, as if bathed in a golden ocean. The mountains and trees on Salmon Island were dyed a warm golden color by the afterglow of the setting sun, as if covered with a thin layer of golden gauze. The ripples on the sea were also dyed golden by the afterglow of the setting sun, as if countless shining golden lines were jumping on the sea.

Jiang Hongfei, who was following the waves, looked at the picturesque Salman Island and sighed: "If you didn't know the whole story, who could have imagined that such a beautiful place could be a hell on earth?"

More than a dozen large ships, led by two giant treasure ships forty-four feet long, eighteen feet wide, with four floors and nine masts that could carry twelve sails, were like countless sharp arrows in the afterglow of the setting sun. , cut through the countless exquisite golden lines, and shot towards Salmon Island.

At the moment when night was about to fall, the fleet in Shuibo Liangshan sailed into the port in Miaodao Pond.

The speed of the large ship in Shuibo Liangshan was too fast. Even if the people on Salmon Island discovered that the fleet in Shuibo Liangshan had arrived at Salmon Island, the people on the island had no chance to escape.

What's more, I don't know if it's because Salmon Island has not been attacked since the Five Dynasties period and everyone has slacked off, or because the island is short of manpower and there is not even a person to guard the port.

Soon, the large ships docked in Liangshan entered the port one after another.

Not long after, Ruan Xiaoqi came to Jiang Hongfei and reported: "Brother, all the boats on the island have been controlled by the brothers. We have left four more speedboats to patrol the sea to make it difficult for the people on the island to fly!"

Jiang Hongfei nodded and signaled Ruan Xiaoqi and the others to be responsible for disarming all the people on the island. He would wait on the flagship for them to clear the obstacles before disembarking to rescue Xu Ning.

This Salmon Island, including the islanders, jailers, and prisoners, together does not exceed 500 people.

How could Jiang Hongfei personally take action against such a small island?

Ruan Xiaoqi, Shi Xiu, Liu Lin, Ma Ling, Wu Jiao, Shi Gugong and others jumped out of the boat one after another. While commanding people to secure the boat, they discussed where to catch a few people who would lead the way.

Someone even took the opportunity to say: "Apart from the bigger waves, the sea is no different from our water park!"

The knowledgeable man smiled and said: "This place is only one or two hundred miles away from the shore, and my treasure ship anchored in Liangshan is large and stable. That's why you have such an illusion. If you go out to sea in a small boat and a big wave comes, you will Maybe I have to go to the sea to feed the bastard."

At this moment, someone with sharp eyes saw eight men and women sneaking out of a cave. They were also holding donkey-skin airbags, gourds, wooden basins and other items in their hands.

As soon as these eight men and women emerged from the cave, they couldn't wait to run towards the seaside under the cover of the darkening night.

Ruan Xiaoqi and others were worried about where to find a guide, so they immediately sent people to catch these eight people.

The eight people arrived at the beach. The seven men used donkey skin airbags, gourds and other tools to help float, while the woman sat in a wooden basin and the seven men took turns pushing her.

——The eight of them actually wanted to cross the sea to Penglai opposite Salmon Island in this way.

Seeing this, how could Ruan Xiaoqi and the others not guess that these eight men and women wanted to escape from prison?

It's a pity that these eight men and women were caught by the Liangshan heroes before they could even row out a thousand meters, and then brought to Ruan Xiaoqi and the others.

Ruan Xiaoqi and others interrogated him.

But since they were captured, these eight men and women have all become as mournful and listless as if they have lost hope of living.

Ruan Xiaoqi and others had no choice but to send these eight suspicious men and women to Jiang Hongfei, and they would look for other tongues.

The eight men and women were brought to Jiang Hongfei. Jiang Hongfei took a look and found that except for the woman, who could vaguely see that she was a beauty under her dirty clothes, the other seven men were all disheveled, in rags, and looked pale. Their lips are yellow, their lips are white, their eyes are red, and one of them is still lame. They are really as miserable as they are miserable.

However, if you take a closer look at these eight people, you will find that their shapes are a bit strange and extraordinary. How to describe them, well... they feel a bit like sharp brothers.

He looks like a down-and-out but not like ordinary people.

Jiang Hongfei asked: "Who are you? Why did you run away after seeing my Liangshan Army?"

A scribe in his forties saw that Jiang Hongfei was not like Ruan Xiaoqi, who was like a living king of hell, but had an extraordinary bearing. Several women around Jiang Hongfei were either dignified and beautiful, or extremely beautiful, and they were not ordinary at first glance. figure.

I heard Jiang Hongfei say "I am the Liangshan Army" again.

The scribe reacted.

Then, with hope bursting out of his eyes, he asked, "May I ask, your Majesty, if the people under Xun's command... aren't the Song Army?"

Jiang Hongfei replied: "No, we are Liangshan heroes."

The eight people looked at each other, and then all seven men found that the woman was so excited that she couldn't even speak.

The scribe asked: "Miss He, what's wrong with you?"

The woman, Miss He, finally suppressed the excitement in her heart, and then said with great excitement: "Brothers, we are saved. They are the Liangshan Army who are against the imperial court. They are not official soldiers, but gods and Buddhas." , Great Sage of Heaven, Yi Bo Yun Tian Zhen Qian Kun Shui Po Liangshan Dazhai Master Jiang Yan Jiang Hongfei's Liangshan hero!"

Hearing the woman's emphasis, the man who was lame on one leg reacted and said, "I seem to have heard the name of the Great Sage Guotian mentioned by the newcomer."

Miss He no longer paid attention to others, but directly knelt down to Jiang Hongfei with a "pop":

"Please help the heroes of Liangshan. The slave family is not a prisoner on the island. In fact, the slave family's fiancé was assassinated and sent to this island. The slave family came to visit the prison. The prisoner here, Li Qing, saw that the slave family was quite beautiful, so he captured the slave family and took him to the forbidden spirit. He wanted to teach the slave family to marry him, but the slave family naturally refused to obey. In order to put an end to the slave family's thoughts, he actually threw the slave family's fiancé into the sea and drowned a few days ago. He also told the slave family that if the slave family continued to refuse, then he would die. This is the fate of the slave family."

Mrs. He added: "The Lu family brothers are all good people. They were wrongly imprisoned. Because they could not stand the persecution of Li Qing and the jailers, they planned to escape from the island. This incident happened to be bumped into by the slave family, so the slave family came to find them." Go up to them and ask to escape with them. They knew that a woman from the slave family might delay their plan to escape from the island, but they still decided to escape with the slave family."

Hearing this, Jiang Hongfei thought to himself: "They are probably afraid that you will tell the truth, and you should be able to help them escape from prison, so they will take you with them. Hmm... But then again, they will eventually be able to escape with you. It shows that their character is indeed pretty good.”

At this time, the leader of the eight people, the scribe in his forties, had almost figured out the situation. He bowed to Jiang Hongfei and said: "Hero, in Luyan, Shenzong Yuanfeng was the number one scholar in the eighth year... …”

After Lu Yan's own narration, Jiang Hongfei knew that he won the top prize in the imperial examination more than 20 years ago, and later became an upright and honest official, well supported by the people, married a wife and had children, and lived a happy life. But the more so, the easier it becomes. Make people jealous. Just when he was satisfied with his ambition, he was unfortunately framed and his home was confiscated after he was convicted. The family was torn apart, and he himself was imprisoned to Salmon Island.

The living environment on Salmon Island is very harsh. The money and food distributed by the Zhao and Song Dynasties every year are not enough, but the number of prisoners to be imprisoned every year will not decrease.

The consequence is that the food on the island is not enough to feed the people on the island. It would be good if the prisoners and jailers can have enough to eat. Therefore, in order to make their own lives better, the prisoners and jailers let the prisoners on the island Keep it at a certain number, enough to cover the daily labor and maintenance costs. The extra people will be eliminated. The old, weak, sick and disabled have almost no chance of survival. Most of them were thrown into the sea by Li Qing and others. Feed the fish.

You can imagine how difficult it would be for a scholar like Lu Yan to survive on Salmon Island.

As he stayed on Shamen Island for a long time, Lu Yan naturally heard about the rules on controlling the number of people on the island.

Lu Yan was afraid that sooner or later he would be "eliminated", so he had been planning to escape from prison and save himself.

And if you want to successfully escape from this isolated island surrounded by the sea, Lu Yan will definitely not be able to do it alone.

Fortunately, there is no shortage of like-minded people in this hell-like place.

Moreover, among the prisoners there are also some capable people who once dominated a party, fought against injustice, and were heroic. These people were only arrested because of a temporary defeat or being framed and their family fortunes were ruined. They also resisted the government and punished evil and promoted good.

After long-term observation and careful consideration, Lu Yan finally found six people who could carry out the jailbreak together. They are:

Zhong Liquan - He was once a general. He was held responsible for the defeat during the expedition against Xixia and was sent to Shamen Island.

Cao Jingxiu - He is the brother of Princess Cao of Zhao Ji. Later, because Princess Cao fell out of favor, she was implicated and imprisoned for pursuing old affairs. Later, she was assassinated and sent to Salman Island.

Li Ningyang——He hates evil as much as his enemies. He usually fights injustices. Because he offended a high-ranking official, he had one of his legs broken and was imprisoned. Later, he was assassinated and sent to Salman Island.

Xu Jian - under the stage name "Lan Caihe", he sang opera in Goulan. Due to a performance accident, he was transferred to Salmon Island.

Zhang Guolao - he claimed to be an immortal descended from the earth during the period of Dayu. He was crazy all day long and was considered a demon. He was later captured and imprisoned to Salmon Island.

Han Xiangzi - he is a descendant of Han Yu, one of the Eight Great Masters of the Tang and Song Dynasties. He is well-educated and personable. He was imprisoned for offending a high-ranking official and was later transferred to Salman Island.

Coupled with the organizer Lu Yan and He Xiugu who later took the initiative to find them, the eight people formed a prison escape alliance. According to the plan made in advance, they took advantage of the fact that no one thought that anyone would escape from prison on this island surrounded by sea. Taking advantage of the jailer's oversight, he chose to escape at night when the sea was relatively calm.

Because the eight of them were too nervous and eager to escape from this Alcatraz Island, coupled with the angle problem, they did not see the dozen or so large ships in Shuibo Liangshan sailing into the port in Miaodao Tang, and they still bet on He escaped from prison, only to be captured by Ruan Xiaoqi and others.

Just jailbreak.

There have been too many such things throughout the ages.

For Jiang Hongfei, who came from the world of information explosion, he was not curious at all.

What made Jiang Hongfei curious was the names of these eight people.

Plus their unique shapes.

They are very similar to the legendary Eight Immortals.

The key point is that these eight people used gourds, donkey skin airbags, and wooden basins to cross the sea. It can be said that they each showed their own abilities, and they actually have some similarities with the legendary Eight Immortals crossing the sea.

Think about it, if these eight people escaped to Penglai in this way and were seen by others, and then artistically processed...

Jiang Hongfei couldn't help but think: "Damn it, did I prevent the birth of the Eight Immortals across the sea? Or did I save the Eight Immortals who crossed the sea?!"

Jiang Hongfei suppressed this ridiculous thought and said: "I am Jiang Yan. I am here to save a friend. If the eight of you can lead my people, I will save you from Salmon Island. If you You have nowhere to go, so you can stay and serve me in Shuibo Liangshan."

"Are you the Great Sage?!" He Xiugu asked in disbelief.

Jiang Hongfei smiled and said, "Why, doesn't it look like it?"

What Jiang Hongfei didn't expect was that He Xiugu ignored his joke at all, but kowtowed to himself "bang bang bang..." while kowtowing and crying:

"The prisoner Li Qing and the jailers here are all worse than animals. They take human life seriously and take pleasure in torturing and killing prisoners. The devils are not as black-hearted as them. The slave family has long heard that the great sage of heaven acts on behalf of heaven, kills evil and eliminates demons, acts chivalrously, and prays for heaven. The Great Sage will get rid of all these demons, especially the chief evil Li Qing. If the Great Sage of Heaven can kill the demons, the slave family is willing to work as a slave, a maid, an ox or a horse, in order to repay the Great Sage of Heaven for his great kindness!"

He Xiugu took the lead, and Lu Yan and others also begged Jiang Hongfei to kill Li Qing and his demon jailers. They all said that as long as Jiang Hongfei was willing to get rid of these beasts, they, like He Xiugu, were willing to be slaves and maids. Act like a cow or a horse to repay Jiang Hongfei for his great kindness!

Jiang Hongfei had already heard about what Li Qing and his jailers were doing, so Jiang Hongfei agreed without any reluctance.

Then, Jiang Hongfei had someone remove the forbidden spirit shackles from the "Eight Immortals".

What surprised Jiang Hongfei was that the "Eight Immortals" were all Qi practitioners, including He Xiugu.

Come to think of it, if He Xiugu didn't have something, how could he come to visit his fiancé alone?

The strongest among them is Li Ningyang. His enhanced attribute spiritual root has reached seven. I think he was quite famous in the southern martial arts world back then.

Jiang Hongfei didn't talk nonsense, but gave each of the other "Six Immortals" except Lu Yan and He Xiugu a hundred guardsmen to take with them to capture Li Qing and the jailer on the island.

After the "Six Immortals" left, Jiang Hongfei asked Lu Yan and He Xiugu: "Do you know where the coach from Tokyo is being held?"

"Is there a coach from Tokyo?"

What Jiang Hongfei never expected was that Lu Yan didn't answer and asked instead: "I wonder which Tokyo coach the Great Sage asked about?"

Big Bird wishes everyone a happy New Year!

I wish you all: auspicious times and auspicious days, good luck like the wind, good years and abundant moons like the wind, increased blessings and wealth, longevity, longevity, longevity, wealth, and noble sons, filial sons, filial sons, and virtuous descendants, prosperity and wealth every year, and wealth and prosperity. There is a bright future! ! !

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