"Jiang...Brother Jiang Yan, the Great Sage!!!"

This was the shout of Xu Ning who recognized Jiang Hongfei at the top of his lungs!

After shouting, Xu Ning cried like a child who had been greatly wronged and finally saw his parents...

Hearing someone calling him, and the voice sounded very much like Xu Ning's, Jiang Hongfei quickly asked: "But Xu Ning, the wise brother?"

While talking, Jiang Hongfei followed the cry and found the person calling him in the second cell from the right.

In Jiang Hongfei's impression, Xu Ning was six feet five six tall, with a round white face, three thin teeth, a black mustache, and a very thin waist and broad shoulders.

But the man in front of Jiang Hongfei had become skinny and skinny, with a dove-shaped face and an unkempt face, but his appearance could no longer be distinguished. His eyes were full of tears, washing over his square face covered with dirt. At this time, the muscles on his cheeks on both sides of his nose trembled slightly, showing that he was extremely excited. I saw his mouth opened wide and a sound of distress came from his throat, but he was helpless but couldn't say a complete sentence.

Jiang Hongfei was horrified, realizing that the person in front of him was completely different from the heroic Xu Ning, the teacher of the Golden Spear Class of the Forbidden Army in his mind.

After a while, Xu Ning, who was lying on the railing, stopped crying and said: "My godbrother is laughing at me, but I really don't dare to think that I can leave this hell alive one day, so... just... "

Speaking of this, Xu Ning started crying again!

It could be seen that Xu Ning still couldn't control his excitement at this time.

Although Xu Ning could no longer be seen from his appearance, Jiang Hongfei speculated that this person should be Xu Ning after listening to Xu Ning's words and carefully looking at the features on his face.

So Jiang Hongfei opened the door of the cell with a pull of his hands, then walked in and said, "Brother, please be patient and let me unlock the shackles on you."

Xu Ning responded: "Okay."

It was just a shackle. Under normal circumstances, Jiang Hongfei could break it with just one finger.

But because the shackles, especially the iron chains on them, had grown into Xu Ning's flesh, Jiang Hongfei did not dare to violently remove the shackles. He could only remove the shackles bit by bit with the help of An Daoquan. Take it off Xu Ning's body.

After Jiang Hongfei and An Daoquan completely took off the shackles from Xu Ning's body, they saw that Xu Ning's feet, arms, shoulders, and neck were all bloody and bloody, which was unbearable to look at.

After An Daoquan examined Xu Ning, he said: "Coach Xu's body is mostly traumatized to the flesh, and it is not difficult to cure. The only trouble is that Coach Xu's bones have been deformed. If you want to correct them, you will have to suffer a lot." .”

No, Xu Ning grinned after hearing this: "Xu Ning is still afraid of suffering now? Please use your methods, the miracle doctor."

An Daoquan heard the words and wanted to take action.

Jiang Hongfei said, "Wait a minute. Let's teach Coach Xu to eat a bowl of spiritual rice porridge first to restore his physical strength and spiritual power."

Hearing the word "eat porridge", Xu Ning couldn't help but swallow a big mouthful of saliva.

What's even more unexpected is that when the porridge was brought over by Jiang Hongfei's personal guards, even though Xu Ning wanted to appear calmer and calmer, he still grabbed the bowl of porridge and then drank it regardless of the fact that the porridge was still piping hot. He ate it hungrily. Later, because he felt that the porridge was eaten too slowly, he stretched out his dirty hands and quickly scratched the rice grains into his mouth.

After finishing a bowl, Xu Ning stared at the porridge bucket, with the intention of "rushing over to pick up the porridge bucket and eating up all the big bucket of porridge."

Seeing this, Jiang Hongfei advised: "My dear brother, he has been hungry for too long and eats too much when he comes up. It is not good for the body. It is better to eat slowly before eating."

After saying that, Jiang Hongfei asked people to move the porridge bucket away.

Who would have thought that this would stir up a hornet's nest.

"Please pray to the Great Sage of Heaven to rescue this villain. He is willing to be a slave and use the power of dogs and horses to help you!"

"Hero, please save me. When you get out, you will work like a cow or a horse, and you will be rewarded generously!"

"The villain was wrongly accused and was killed by a traitor, so he was imprisoned. I pray that the great sage in heaven will show mercy and save the villain from the sea of ​​suffering!"

"The villain Xiang Chun is called the "big white elephant" in the world. The villain once robbed Mr. Li's wife of 30,000 spiritual stones and hid the spiritual weapons in a secret place. The government beat the villain for three days and three nights. , the villain has not yet explained where the wealth is, but as long as the Great Sage of Heaven saves the villain, the villain will dedicate half of the wealth to the Great Sage of Heaven!"

"I wonder if the Great Sage of Heaven still remembers the villain. The villain is Huang An, the training envoy of the Jeju regiment. He once led an army to become the enemy. Later, he was defeated and captured alive by Ze. He once said that the villain dared to lead the army to suppress it. He did his duty. It is rarer than many officials in Zhao and Song Dynasties, so I let the villain go. Unexpectedly, after the villain returned, he was defeated by the prefect and was sent to this hell. The villain knew that he had offended Hu Wei and did not dare to ask for help. He only wanted to remember his old friend. Come on, give me a bowl of porridge."


Hearing the prisoners asking for help and porridge, Jiang Hongfei walked out of Xu Ning's cell and said, "Everyone, be quiet."

As soon as Jiang Hongfei opened his mouth, everyone present, whether they recognized Jiang Hongfei or not, all shut their mouths.

To be honest, this is not because Jiang Hongfei is the number one hero in the world or the leader of Shuibo Liangshan, but because Jiang Hongfei is their only savior to escape from this hell.

Jiang Hongfei did not take advantage of his kindness, but instead cupped his fists and said:

"Although Xiao Ke came here to save his friend Xu Ning, there are people who will plow the road if it is uneven, and there will be people who will take care of things that are not fair. I, the hero of Liangshan, take it as my duty to do justice for heaven. Therefore, among you, unless you have committed a heinous crime, I will save the rest of them, so please be patient, I will send someone over to screen them first, and then make a decision."

After saying that, Jiang Hongfei came to Huang An's cell, opened Huang An's cell with a gentle pull of his hands, then walked into the cell and tore off the forbidden spirit shackles on Huang An's body, and said at the same time: " Huang Tuanlian, long time no see."

Whether in "Water Margin" or in this world, Huang An is a small character who is ignored by many people.

In "Water Margin", Chao Gai and others intercepted the birthday plan and threw themselves into Liangshan. After He Tao failed to suppress the arrest, Huang An was ordered to lead the army to attack Liangshan. As a result, he was captured alive by the three heroes of the Ruan family and imprisoned. . It was only a long time later that Huang An was mentioned in the chat among the heroes, saying that he died of illness in prison.

In this world, Huang An once led five hundred men and horses to suppress Jiang Hongfei, but Jiang Hongfei beat him to a pulp and captured Huang An alive.

Later, just as Huang An said, Jiang Hongfei felt that Huang An could at least fulfill his duties, so he released Huang An.

This matter was so small that if he hadn't seen Huang An again, Jiang Hongfei would have almost forgotten about Huang An.

Now that he has met Huang An on Salmon Island, it means that Huang An is still connected to Shuibo Liangshan.

Although Huang An is not an indispensable talent, he is more than inferior. Some of the leaders of Shuibo Liangshan may not be as capable as Huang An.

For Huang An like this, Jiang Hongfei might as well save him when he was in dire straits, or even take him into Liangshan to join his gang, providing him with help in the snow.

Huang An looked worse than Xu Ning at this moment. He was completely different from the former Zhao and Song Dynasty regiment trainer. He clasped his fists and wanted to say a few words to Jiang Hongfei, but all his attention was attracted by the bucket of porridge.

In the end, Huang An could only barely utter three words: "Funny!"

After saying that, Huang An ran to the bucket of hot porridge, and then ignored the scalding heat of the porridge, picked up a large handful of porridge, stuffed it into his mouth, and devoured it.

But even so, Huang An still felt hungry. He actually wanted to stick his head into the porridge bucket and gnaw the scalding hot porridge like an animal.

Fortunately, he was quickly pulled away by Zhang San on the side.

But Huang An still didn't appreciate it. He struggled towards the porridge bucket and cried: "Porridge! My porridge!! That was given to me by the Great Sage!!!"

Jiang Hongfei couldn't help but feel a little moved when he saw Huang An being so rude for a little porridge.

Seeing this, Lu Yan on the side licked his tongue and explained to Jiang Hongfei:

"The "Song Xingtong" stipulates that prisons should provide meals to prisoners. Those who fail to provide meals will be punished with sixty sticks. But when it comes to Shamen Island, such regulations have become a piece of paper. Prison guards often use various excuses. They deprived us and other prisoners of food. We and other prisoners often starved to death due to the cruel exploitation of the jailers."

"During the reign of Zhenzong, an official reported to the court, claiming that many prisoners died on Salmon Island. Please give some money to Jisu. Zhenzong ordered that each prisoner should be provided with one liter of food per day. However, this increased food did not enter the lives of prisoners like us. Instead, the job went into the jailer’s pocket.”

"In addition, the number of prisoners held in Salmon Island far exceeds the quota, resulting in insufficient food rations."

"This means that we, the prisoners on Salman Island, have never had enough to eat, so we are all like reincarnations of starving ghosts."

"It's because I ate the cooking cakes that Mrs. He brought to us before, otherwise I would be just like Coach Xu and Huang Tuanlian."

After hearing this, Jiang Hongfei sighed leisurely, and then ordered: "Divide this bucket of porridge among the brothers in prison. Remember, you can't teach them to be greedy for too much, or you will overwhelm them."

After hearing Jiang Hongfei's order, Zhang San first served Huang An a bowl of porridge, and then led others to share the porridge with other prisoners.

While everyone was eating porridge, Jiang Hongfei returned to Xu Ning's cell.

At this time, An Daoquan was correcting Xu Ning's deformed bones.

It could be seen that Xu Ning was in pain, but he just hummed and did not cry out in pain.

At this moment, Sun Ding came to Jiang Hongfei and paid homage: "The villain Sun Ding was originally Kongmu of Kaifeng Prefecture, and he had a relationship with Guizhai Coach Lin in a case."

Jiang Hongfei said in surprise: "Are you the grandson Kong Mu of Sun Buddha?"

Sun Ding was also surprised: "Sage Tian knows about the villain?"

Jiang Hongfei said: "If Sun Kongmu had not protected the life of our village coach Lin, how would he have the chance to go to Liangshan to serve Xiao Ke? Sun Kongmu is the benefactor of Coach Lin and our village. If Xiao Ke didn't tell lies, he really didn't know that Sun Kongmu was here, otherwise Xiao Ke would have died early. Just send troops to conquer this place and rescue Sun Kongmu from it."

When Sun Ding heard this, he burst into tears!

Jiang Hongfei's words left Sun Ding wondering what to do for a moment.

I remember that at the beginning, he was half-hearted and half-hearted. He used aggressive tactics to provoke Teng Fuyin, overcame Gao Qiu's feelings, and rescued Lin Chong, which was very satisfying.

There are also rumors in the world that he is easy to do things, and he always saves people's lives when solving difficult problems. His reputation as Sun Fo'er is becoming more and more famous in the world, and he is becoming more and more respected.

Unexpectedly, just when he was most satisfied, Gao Qiu took a grudge and threw him into this hell on earth. If he hadn't pretended to be crazy and acted like a fool, he would have died in this ghost place long ago.

Once upon a time, he had regretted that he and Lin Chong were not related, but he ended up like this just to save Lin Chong. Was it worth it?

He has been locked in this hell for so many years and has never found the answer. He doesn't even know if he were to do it again, would he make the same choice?

Now, because of Lin Chong, he will definitely get help from Jiang Hongfei.

Sun Ding really couldn't tell how he felt.

Buddha said: One drink and one drink, could it be that there must be a predetermined reason for the orchid and the fruit?

Jiang Hongfei sent someone to get a bowl of porridge for Sun Ding. While Sun Ding was eating the porridge, he said to him:

"Originally, I was going to send someone to get someone who is proficient in swordsmanship, pen, and officialdom to come and see who should be saved and who should not be saved in this prison. Since Sun Kongmu is here, who else is more qualified than Sun Kongmu to decide these things? Human life and death? For this reason, Jiang Yan entrusted everything to Sun Kongmu. I have already stated my purpose, except for the heinous people, as long as there are extenuating circumstances, I will spare the rest. Under this premise, I will entrust everything to Sun Kongmu. to decide."

Sun Ding said with some surprise and self-doubt: "Sun Ding has been locked up in this dark prison for almost four years. His personality has changed. Can the Great Sage still trust Sun Ding?"

Jiang Hongfei said: "The fact that Sun Kongmu can ask this question shows that Sun Kongmu is still Sun Fo'er. Xiao Ke feels that it is precisely because of this experience that Sun Kongmu understands the value of punishing evil and promoting good."

Sun Ding, who was still a little confused at first, became energetic after hearing Jiang Hongfei's words. He seemed to understand his future path.

Sun Ding said: "Okay, then Sun Ding will take over this mission!"

At this time, I heard someone at the end of the prison scream: "Ah, ghost!"

After hearing this, all Jiang Hongfei's personal guards, including a group of women, drew their weapons and took a defensive posture.

At this time, Lu Yan was heard saying: "They should have seen Coach Wang."

Jiang Hongfei then remembered that Wang Jin was also here.

Jiang Hongfei immediately walked towards the direction of the sound.

In a cell at the end of this prison, Jiang Hongfei saw a scene he would never forget in his life.

A person...Jiang Hongfei couldn't tell whether he was a human, a ghost, or a monster was piled up in a damp corner.

I saw that it had a dove-shaped face and was covered with hair. Two large rusty iron rings were pierced through the bones of the lute, allowing him to be firmly nailed to the wall. It has all kinds of injuries on its body, including knife wounds, arrow wounds, burns... There are only things you can't imagine, and there is nothing it doesn't have on its body. Moreover, its nails are all gone, and its hands and legs are all severely deformed. You can't tell that they are human hands and legs.

Just like that, it actually had a pair of particularly heavy iron shackles locked on its body, and its hands and feet were also chained with iron chains.

The iron shackles and chains have now been completely integrated with it, and more than half of the iron chains have completely grown into its flesh.

This also makes it unable to even relieve itself, and its whole body exudes a foul and unpleasant smell.

Jiang Hongfei said in disbelief: "Is he Wang Jin?"

Lu Yan said: "Yes, he is Coach Wang, the number one hero on the island."

Jiang Hongfei didn't quite understand how these people on Salmon Island defined a hero. He was just thinking: "Wang Jin has been tortured to this point, how can Li Qing torture him again? Besides, they don't mind Does it stink?"

Lu Yan guessed what Jiang Hongfei was thinking. He said: "Every time the jailer took him out for torture, he did not dare to torture him first. Instead, he took him to the beach and soaked him for a while, then taught the sea water to wash him clean. This Only then would someone be willing to step forward and confuse him."

"This injury, if you soak it in the sea again..."

Thinking about that feeling, Jiang Hongfei shuddered.

At this time, Xu Ning's moaning had ended, indicating that An Daoquan had finished correcting Xu Ning's bones, so Jiang Hongfei shouted: "Doctor An, come here and see if Coach Wang can still be saved?"

Not long after, An Daoquan came over.

After seeing Wang Jin, the well-informed An Daoquan couldn't help showing a look of horror: "It's a miracle that this man has been tortured to this extent and is not dead yet!", and then wanted to go forward to check. Wang Jin’s situation.

But at this moment, a cold voice sounded: "If you want his life, then touch him..."

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