Xianxia version of Water Margin

Chapter 221 Preparing for a Showdown

After Song Jiang led his men back twenty miles, he consulted with his leaders and realized that although there were many leaders on their side, none of them could resist the mage.

But there is an unknown mage on Mangdang Mountain.

Song Jiang sent people to inquire nearby, and found out that the village owner of Mangdang Mountain, whose surname was Fan Mingrui, was from Puzhou. He studied under Mr. Quanzhen when he was young. He had great magical power and learned martial arts in the martial arts, so he immediately became accustomed to it. A meteor hammer appears and disappears, killing generals and scratching flags, and no one dares to approach.

Song Jiang was a little speechless: "What are you afraid of?"

When the old chiefs under Song Jiang knew what was going on, they looked at Song Jiang and hesitated to speak.

They have also experienced the ravages of high officials, and they also have an unforgettable psychological shadow on the mage.

Therefore, they hope that Song Jiang can send people back to ask Gongsun Sheng to let the mage fight against the mage, at least not like the last time they faced Gao Lian, who had no resistance at all on their side.

But the relationship between Chao Gai and Song Jiang is now well known to everyone in Sima Zhao's heart. It is really embarrassing for Song Jiang to ask Song Jiang to ask Chao Gai's Gongsun Sheng to come to help in the battle.

But it has to be said that Song Jiang, who has experienced two previous entrepreneurial failures and paid a heavy price for his comeback, has really grown a lot.

Looking at the expressions of the old brothers who were expecting and fearing his embarrassment, Song Jiang smiled slightly and said, "He has a mage in Mangdang Mountain, but I can't have a mage in Fengshan? My Mr. Yiqing in Fengshan is no worse than any mage."

Speaking of this, Song Jiang said: "Where is Dai Zong?"

After hearing this, Dai Zong stepped out and said, "My little brother is here."

Song Jiang ordered: "Go back to Dazhai quickly and ask Mr. Yiqing to come over and deal with this Fan Rui. If you encounter any problems, please ask Military Advisor Wu to help solve it."

Dai Zong knew it well and bowed: "No!"

After receiving the order, Dai Zong returned to Naitou Mountain in only half a day, and then went straight to Wu Yong to explain the difficulties they encountered in Mangdang Mountain, and Song Jiang asked him to come back to Wu Yong to ask Gongsun Sheng to help him surrender. Fan Rui.

Wu Yong was very pleased after hearing this!

Wu Yong saw Song Jiang's growth, and even saw Song Jiang's efforts to achieve great things.

Whether it was giving Song Yulian to Jiang Hongfei in exchange for a chance to breathe when he was about to lose everything, or whether he was using his salary and courage to grow rapidly by any means, Song Jiang behaved like a person who had achieved great things.

Look at Chao Gai again.

Even though he knew Song Jiang's ambition, he did nothing and seemed to just lie there waiting to die.

What Wu Yong couldn't bear the most was that when he came back from Gaotang Prefecture, no, when he was still in Gaotang Prefecture, that is, when Song Jiang had not dedicated Song Yulian to Jiang Hongfei in exchange for the 900 Qi Refiners, that was when Song Jiang finally When he was weak, Chao Gai did not decisively attack Song Jiang and took the opportunity to annex all of Song Jiang's leaders, missing the opportunity.

Later, Song Jiang was groveling and submissive, while Chao Gai sat back indecisively and watched Song Jiang become stronger and bigger for the third time.

Chao Gai's performance was simply stupid and not the behavior of a person who has achieved great things.

But when Song Jiang tried his best to rise for the third time, Chao Gai was still the same as before, and his strength had not improved at all.

After seeing all this, although Wu Yong still vaguely felt that Song Jiang might not have the destiny to achieve great things, it was only possible for Song Jiang, while Chao Gai had no possibility of achieving great things at all.

In other words, Wu Yong was completely disappointed with Chao Gai and no longer had any illusions.

On the contrary, it is really rare for Song Jiang to be able to rise again with his own ability and limited resources after losing to that extent.

So much so that Wu Yong couldn't help but think: "Perhaps Song Gongming is similar to Liu Huangshu. They are destined to be homeless in the early stage, and they can achieve great achievements in the later stage."


Wu Yong has already made a choice between Chao Gai and Song Jiang.

It was precisely because Song Jiang saw this that he asked Dai Zong to ask Wu Yong to come forward to persuade Gongsun Sheng to come and help him.

Wu Yong, who had completely joined Song Jiang's team, without any unnecessary nonsense, took Dai Zong to the Juyi Hall and found Chao Gai and Gongsun Sheng who were having tea here.

Seeing that Dai Zong was back and he went to see Wu Yong first, Chao Gai gave Wu Yong a complicated look.

Chao Gai and Wu Yong are both from Dongxi Village. Not only did they grow up together, but they have also been together for twenty or thirty years. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are the closest friends.

Chao Gai never expected that even his closest friend would leave him.

But Chao Gai didn't resent Wu Yong. He didn't even resent Song Jiang now, because he saw the hardships of Song Jiang's three ups and downs, and also saw Song Jiang's perseverance.

Chao Gai asked himself, he couldn't do what Song Jiang was like. He had already lied down even three times, not to mention three times.

Even Chao Gai has clearly realized that his current achievements are not due to his own ability, but mainly due to the empire Wu Yong and others helped him build.

To be honest, during the recent period, Chao Gai has carefully examined himself, and then looked at the extremely inspiring Song Jiang. If he were asked to choose between himself and Song Jiang to be the boss, he would choose Song Jiang instead of his useless self.

Chao Gai knew that he was not as smart as Song Jiang, nor as courageous and perseverant as Song Jiang, nor as unscrupulous as Song Jiang to achieve his goals.

Chao Gai knew that his loss to Song Jiang was not unfair.

In other words, "confused" can also be said to be Chao Gai who has escaped from Chao Gai for many years and is now fully enlightened.

Chao Gai looked at Dai Zong and asked, "Why are you back?"

Dai Zong paid his respects and said, "I followed my brother Gongming to attack Mangdang Mountain, and we have achieved a small victory. However, the leader of Mangdang Mountain, the Demon King Fan Rui, learned to be Mr. Quanzhen when he was young. He has great magic power. Brother Gongming did not dare to rush in, so he sent his younger brother back to invite him to clear him." Sir, go to Mangdang Mountain to slay the devil."

After hearing the reason for Dai Zong's return, Chao Gai sighed secretly: "Song Jiang has grown up again, and the distance between me and him has widened."

Wu Yong then advised: "Brother Gongming went to recruit Mangdang Mountain to surrender on behalf of Shanzhai. All our friends in the Jianghu were watching. If we just sit back and ignore it, we will make others laugh at me for being unjust. Moreover, after our Fengshan Mountain suffered a great change in Gaotang Prefecture, It is rare that not only the strength is restored to its original state, but also further improved. If it fails again, I am afraid that we will not be able to achieve great things. We must not forget our original intention..."

In fact, Wu Yong’s words have two meanings:

First, Chao Gai and Song Jiang have not yet separated. In name, Song Jiang still represents Naitoushan to annex Mangdang Mountain. In this case, Song Jiang sent people back to bring reinforcements. If Chao Gai did not let Gongsun Sheng go to reinforce, it is said that If you go out, others will say that Chao Gai is unloyal, narrow-minded, jealous of talents, and has no broad-mindedness, that is, he is jealous of talents and arrogant, and he is less lenient and gentle. In this way, even if Song Jiang is in conflict with Chao Gai, it will be justified, just like the original Chao Gai Huo Bing is like Wang Lun.

——In other words, Wu Yong has begun to set a trap for Chao Gai, clearing his name and laying the groundwork for Song Jiang's conflagration with Chao Gai.

The second one is to hint to Chao Gai that the meat rots in the pot. No matter how Chao Gai and Song Jiang fight, they should not hinder the development of Naitou Mountain. Otherwise, Naitou Mountain will always be an inferior hill. This is also I'm sorry for the trust and hard work of my brothers, Wu Yong will not agree to it, and you, Chao Gai, haven't lost yet. If the person who wins in the end is you, Chao Gai, all these assets will belong to you Chao Gai in the end.

To be honest, Wu Yong has even thought about it. If Chao Gai still doesn't agree to what he says, then he is going to ask Dai Zong to call Song Jiang back. Mangdangshan will not fight for now, but first he will completely defeat Chao Gai's stumbling block. .

But what surprised Wu Yong was that after Chao Gai listened patiently, he said to Gongsun Sheng: "Mr. Yiqing, you have worked so hard, just take a trip."

Gongsun Sheng's attitude was also very intriguing. He didn't force himself at all and said, "Okay."

Wu Yong frowned: "No, how could Chao Gai and Gongsun Sheng agree so readily? Could it be that they saw that Song Jiang might succeed and wanted to join Song Jiang in the recruitment route?"

Chao Gai did not answer Wu Yong. What did he think? After giving the order, Chao Gai left without loneliness, while Gongsun Sheng raised a white cloud and carried Dai Zong to Mangdang Mountain.

On the way, Gongsun Sheng was exhausted, so Dai Zong took Gongsun Sheng with his armor and horse.

The two of them arrived at the Chinese army's tent in Song Jiang when it was almost dark.

Seeing that Dai Zong had invited Gongsun Sheng, Song Jiang, who had been worried, was overjoyed. He immediately went out to welcome them in person. After bowing to each of them, he served wine and asked about the hard work on the way, and then invited Gongsun Sheng into the Chinese army tent. All the leaders also came to celebrate, and a celebration banquet was held in the village.

The next day, in the Chinese army's tent, Song Jiang and other talents discussed with Gongsun Sheng the surrender of Fan Rui.

Song Jiang asked: "Mr. Yiqing, do you have a way to regain the three leaders including this demon king?"

Gongsun Sheng took out the formation chart that Jiang Hongfei had given him when he taught him the Five Thunder Heavenly Heart Zhengfa, and said:

"This formation is a three-part formation made by Zhuge Kongming in the late Han Dynasty. It is divided into eight, eight, sixty-four and sixty-four teams in all directions, with the generals in the middle. It looks like four heads and eight tails, turning left and right. According to the opportunity of the heaven and earth, dragons and tigers The shape of a bird and snake. When he comes down the mountain and rushes into the formation, both armies will open up, as if they are waiting for him to enter the formation. Just look at where the seven stars start, and turn the formation into the posture of a long snake. The poor Taoist will start the Taoist method and teach this The three of them were in the formation, with no way forward or backward, and no door to the left or right. But they dug a pit in the ridge and forced the three of them to get there. They laid an ambush on both sides with scratching hooks, ready to capture the general."

Song Jiang was overjoyed when he heard this, and sent an order to the generals, telling them to act accordingly.

At the end of the day, all the troops from Naitou Mountain formed their formation near the mountain, waving flags and beating drums to start the battle.

Not long after, I saw the sound of thirty or twenty gongs on Mangdang Mountain, which shook the ground. The three leaders came to the foot of the mountain together and spread out more than 3,000 people. On the left and right, Xiang Chong and Li Gun. On the horse in the middle, the hero at the head emerges, it is the Demon King Fan Rui who is riding on a black horse.

Although Fan Rui knows magic and magic, he doesn't know the formation. After seeing Song Jiang's army and horses in formation in all directions, I secretly rejoiced: "If you set up an formation, you will fall into my trap!"

Fan Rui then told Xiang Chong and Li Gun: "If the wind blows, you two will lead five hundred hob-slingers into the formation."

After receiving the order, Xiang Chong and Li Gun each held their barbarian cards, raised their javelins and flew swords, waiting for Fan Rui to cast a spell.

I saw Fan Rui standing on the horse, holding the meteor bronze hammer in his left hand, and holding the Demon King's sword in his right hand, muttering something in his mouth and shouting: "Quiet!"

Immediately, there were strong winds, flying sand and rocks, the sky was dark and the earth was dark, and the sun and moon had no light.

When Xiang Chong and Li Gun saw this, they shouted loudly and brought five hundred hob men to kill them.

When the people of Naitoushan saw Xiang Chong and Li Gun coming with their killing generals, they followed the orders they had received in advance and opened the gates of the formation to let Xiang Chong, Li Gun and forty or fifty of Mangdangshan's minions in.

As soon as Xiang Chong and Li Gun entered the formation, Gongsun Sheng waved the seven-star flag, and the formation rolled into a formation of long snakes.

Xiang Chong and Li Gun were in the formation, rushing east and west, turning left and right, but they couldn't find their way.

After trapping Xiang Chong and Li Gun, Gongsun Sheng pulled out the Songwen Ancient Dingjian, chanted a spell in his mouth, and shouted: "Quiet!"

I saw the strong wind blowing behind Xiang Chong and Li Gun.

When Xiang Chong and Li Gun were in the formation, they saw that the sky was dark and the ground was dark, and the sun was dim. There was not a single army horse on all sides, and everything they looked at was black. The minions following behind them were also gone.

Xiang Chong and Li Gun became flustered and began to run around in panic.

While running, they suddenly heard a "bang", and Xiang Chong and Li Gun fell into the horse pit.

There are scratching hook hands on both sides. They have already tied the two together, tied the soul-binding rope, and untied it to go up the hillside to ask for merit.

Song Jiang saw the opportunity and pointed the tip of his whip, and the three armies covered him and killed him.

Fan Rui led his men and horses to run up the mountain. Those who could not make it in time were killed by the people from Naitou Mountain and most of them were captured, while the rest fled in all directions.

Song Jiang withdrew his troops and ordered Naitoushan's minions to capture more prisoners and treat the wounded. All the leaders returned to sit down in front of the tent, and the military leaders escorted Xiang Chong and Li Gun under the tent.

Song Jiang hurriedly called to untie the soul ropes, poured wine for Xiang Chong and Li Gun himself, and said: "You two heroes, don't be weird. This is not the case when you are facing the enemy. But Song Jiang has heard the names of the three heroes for a long time, and he wants to pay tribute. Please go up the mountain to gather together for the great cause. Because it is inconvenient, we missed it. If you don't give up, it will be a great blessing for us to return to the mountain stronghold together."

After hearing this, Xiang Chong bowed down in the tunnel and said: "I have heard about the name of Shiyu for a long time, but my younger brother and I have no chance to know each other. It turns out that my brother has great righteousness. We and I don't know good people, so we want to fight against the world. Since we were captured today, Even if death is not considered trivial, I will treat you with courtesy. If I am not killed and taken in, I will swear to die to repay my great kindness."

Li Gun then said: "How can Fan Rui do it without me and me? Leader of the righteous men, if you are willing to let one of us go back, tell Fan Rui to come and pay homage. What do you think of your respect?"

Song Jiang said grandly: "There is no need to leave anyone here. Please go back to Guizhai together. Song Jiang will come and wait for good news."

Xiang Chong and Li Gun thanked him and said, "You are truly a man! If Fan Rui refuses to surrender, I and I will capture him and offer him to you."

When Song Jiang heard that he was overjoyed, he invited him to join the Chinese army. He was given wine and food, changed into two new sets of clothes, and got two good horses. He asked his minions to get gun licenses, and sent Xiang Chong and Li Gun down the mountain to return to the stronghold.

When they arrived at the foot of Mangdang Mountain, they saw that the second and third kings were back, and they hurried to pick them up.

Xiang Chong and Li Gun returned to Mangdang Mountain and said to Fan Rui: "We, those who rebel against heaven, deserve to die. Brother Song Gongming does not think that we are humble. We are courteous to virtuous officers and have a long-lasting loyalty. Why don't we lead people to surrender?" how?"

One thing Xiang Chong and Li Gun were right about was that Fan Rui would not be able to do much without them.

Moreover, Fan Rui knew very well what his two "good brothers" were like. He knew that if he did not agree to join Naitou Mountain together, his two "good brothers" would chop off his head and take Mangdang Mountain with them. You can't invest in Song Jiang's family.

Forced by the situation, Fan Rui could only say: "Since Song Gongming is such a great sage and has the highest loyalty, we will all go down the mountain to worship him until it is irreversible."

Mangdang Mountain has now returned to Naitou Mountain, which further strengthens Naitou Mountain.

A few days later, the people from Mangdang Mountain led their cattle and horses, collected money and grain, loaded their luggage, gathered people and horses, burned down the stockade fence, and returned to Naitou Mountain with Song Jiang and other teachers.

Speechless on the road.

Song Jiang led the people from Naitou Mountain and Mangdang Mountain and just returned to the boundary of Naitou Mountain when they saw a big man on the roadside looking at Song Jiang and bowing.

Song Jiang hurriedly got off his horse to support him and asked, "Whose name is this? Where is your family name?"

The big man replied: "My surname is Duan, and my double name is Jingzhu. When people see my red hair and yellow beard, they call me a golden retriever..."

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