Xianxia version of Water Margin

Chapter 223 The oriole is behind

More than a month ago.

Hua Rong suddenly received a letter from Song Jiang.

This made Hua Rong puzzled!

Hua Rong opened the envelope and unfolded the letter. The letter read:

"It has been more than a year since I said goodbye to my dear brother in Daming Mansion. I heard that my dear brother recently got another son. Congratulations and congratulations to my dear brother. When my dear brother is so happy, there is one thing that I don't want to talk to you about. My brother said it, but he was afraid that if he didn't say it, he would never have another chance to see his virtuous brother. A few days ago, I went out to borrow food for my brother. Unfortunately, I was hit by a medicine arrow. I wonder if I can survive this? My brother has suffered many hardships in recent years, and his fortune has been very bad. If I die, it will be a kind of relief, but every time I think of the happy time with my dear brother, it seems like yesterday, and I miss it very much. If it is a gift from God, I can see my dear brother again, which will greatly comfort my lifelong longing for my brother. I will die for my brother. And no regrets…”

Hua Rong was shocked to see it!

Hua Rong never expected that Song Jiang, who was in good health more than a year ago, would suddenly die!

After Song Jiang's reminder, Hua Rong also remembered that when he was young, he met Song Jiang, a gangster, and saw with his own eyes that he distributed coffin medicine and bait to help the poor, help those in need, and help those in need. Convenient and considerate of people's lives.

At that time, Hua Rong felt that Song Jiang was the number one hero and hero in the world.

It wasn't until Hua Rong got to know Jiang Hongfei that he realized that Song Jiang was just a trail and that Jiang Hongfei was the great love of heaven and earth.

But even so, Hua Rong has always respected Song Jiang as his brother.

The last time he saw Song Jiang in Daming Mansion, Hua Rong was as happy as a child. When there was no mission, Hua Rong would always go to Song Jiang to have a drink and reminisce about the past.

However, after Hua Rong talked to Song Jiang about his ideals, that is, Jiang Hongfei's theory, and invited Song Jiang to go to Liangshan, Song Jiang, who was bent on recruiting peace, was obviously not as enthusiastic about Hua Rong as before.

But although everyone's ideas have changed, in Hua Rong's heart, Song Jiang is still the Jiyu who is willing to help others, and is his good brother.

Unexpectedly, Song Jiang, who was only in his mid-thirties, was suddenly going to die.

And Song Jiang's wish before he died was to meet his old friend.

Hua Rong felt that he had to see Song Jiang for the last time no matter what.

But Hua Rong was currently an official of the Zhao and Song dynasties and the leader of Shuibo Liangshan. It was not that easy to leave for a while.

In order to see her old friend one last time, Hua Rong went through special channels to ask Jiang Hongfei for a period of leave.

As for Murong Yanda, just like last time, just let Luan Tingyu and the others take care of him. Anyway, as long as Shuibo Liangshan doesn't cause trouble, Qingzhou will be fine.

Soon, Hua Rong received a reply from Jiang Hongfei.

Jiang Hongfei agreed to Hua Rong's request for leave, but told Hua Rong two things:

The first thing is that you are not allowed to interfere in anything at Naitoushan, especially the fight between Chao Gai and Song Jiang.

The second thing is, read more and don’t speak. Even if you know that you have been cheated, don’t say anything.

To Hua Rong at the time, Jiang Hongfei's reply was a bit baffling.

It wasn't until Hua Rong arrived at the hotel run by Deng Yun and Zhu Auntie at the foot of Naitou Mountain and saw Song Jiang who was not injured at all, let alone dying, that Hua Rong knew what Jiang Hongfei meant by what he said to him.

Hua Rong was very angry. He really didn't expect that Song Jiang would lie to him in order to let him come over!

Is this what happens between good friends?

If Song Jiang really wanted to see him, he could tell him clearly and he would definitely come.

Of course Song Jiang knew that what he did would make Hua Rong uncomfortable, so he apologized to Hua Rong as soon as they met, cried out that he had been suppressed and targeted by Chao Gai, and described what Chao Gai had done in Gaotang Prefecture I told Hua Rong about the artistic processing.

Hua Rong did not expect that Chao Gai, who was devoted to righteousness and wealth and loved to get to know heroes all over the world, would be so narrow-minded. Just because he was worried that Song Jiang's achievements were too high and difficult to control, he suppressed and targeted Song Jiang everywhere, and did not allow Gongsun Sheng to help Song Jiang, causing Song Jiang to They were defeated and lost three leaders and thousands of troops.

But just when Hua Rong wanted to comfort Song Jiang, he thought of the things Jiang Hongfei had told him to pay attention to before he came.

"No! I'm afraid it's not that simple.

At first, although King Chao Tian did not want to stay in Shuibo Liangshan to serve his brother, his actions in the past few years have been seen by everyone. Whenever something happens in Shuibo Liangshan, he will bring people to support him as soon as possible. He does his best without getting rewarded, just to repay the favor he owed his brother. No matter how bad a person like this is, he can't be any worse. He doesn't look like someone who is jealous of the good and the capable.

Secondly, Brother Gongming is acting more and more dishonestly now. He is a bit different from the timely rain I knew in the past. I cannot trust him completely.

Thirdly, I can't see the situation clearly, but my brother can. Obviously, my brother knows everything about his Naitoushan affairs, and he doesn't teach me to get involved in the dispute between Chao and Song Dynasty, which means there must be something wrong with it.

I must not act rashly! "

After figuring out the key, Hua Rong immediately followed what Jiang Hongfei warned him, listening but not speaking, and not making his own attitude clear at all. Of course, this was also because he didn't have an attitude at this time.

Seeing that Hua Rong did not seem to sympathize with him, nor did he seem interested in his tragic experience, Song Jiang, who did not dare to bet on Hua Rong, a Liangshan hero, that Hua Rong would help him, stopped crying and said:

"My dear brother, I came here during my busy schedule. I think it's my brother's fault to tell you all these disappointing things. My brother, I'm inviting you here this time just because I've been too depressed lately. I want to have a happy time with brother Xian in the past, so I resort to tricks. I hope brother Xian is not weird. However, it is fake that brother is injured, but it is true that he misses brother Xian. Brother Xian must stay with brother for three to five days this time. Seven months, otherwise I will no longer recognize you as a brother."

As soon as Song Jiang said this, Hua Rong couldn't help but frown!

Because Song Jiang used their previous relationship to force him.

Jiang Hongfei would never do such a thing.

For example, when he was in Daming Mansion last time, Jiang Hongfei knew that Song Jiang wanted to drag him to help Song Jiang, but Jiang Hongfei not only said nothing, but also opened the door for him to have as much contact as he wanted with Song Jiang to complain that he had not seen him for many years. Later, it was not because Hua Rong had no time that he separated from Song Jiang, but because Song Jiang did not have time.

Another example is this time. Jiang Hongfei clearly had a complete plan for Naitou Mountain and knew that his coming to Naitou Mountain might disrupt the situation, but Jiang Hongfei still let him come.

This is the trust and respect for Hua Rong.

Song Jiang competed with Jiang Hongfei and made a judgment.

Jiang Hongfei did not object to Hua Rong staying in Naitou Mountain for a while.

Hua Rong also wanted to see what kind of medicine Song Jiang sold in his gourd.

Therefore, Hua Rong followed Song Jiang's wishes and stayed at Naitoushan.

But as soon as he settled in Naitou Mountain, Hua Rong discovered a problem.

Song Jiang did not invite Hua Rong to Naitou Mountain at all. Instead, he only allowed Hua Rong to stay in the hotel opened by Deng Yun and other aunties and used it as the entrance to Naitou Mountain.

Song Jiang's reason for Hua Rong was that Chao Gai had recently suppressed and targeted him more and more fiercely. He didn't want Hua Rong to suffer along with him, and he didn't want Hua Rong to see his current embarrassment.

Hua Rong could see that there must be something wrong here, but he still remembered Jiang Hongfei's instructions and pretended not to know. Instead, he followed Song Jiang's wishes and stayed in a hotel run by Deng Yun and Zhu Auntie.

But Hua Rong only stayed at the hotel run by Deng Yun and Zhu Auntie for two days before he couldn't stay any longer.

This is not because Deng Yun, Zhu Auntie or others are neglecting Hua Rong. On the contrary, they are very attentive to Hua Rong.

However, Mr. Deng Yun was sitting under a tree with his chest and belly spread out, revealing a streak of black hair. He had a big sore on his leg. He put some medicine on it, put his leg on a willow chair with pus and bleeding, and looked at it. It makes people feel sick.

But those ladies are obviously in their forties, with high noses, big cheekbones, and red veins in their eyes, but they like to wear a red spring spun short shirt with their breasts exposed, a green damask skirt, single-cut trousers, and With her face painted and her long hair combed into an ingot bun, the old woman pretends to be young.

The key is the relationship between these two people.

Deng Yun turned out to be not the husband of Zhu Auntie, but the father-in-law of Zhu Auntie, but they were still sleeping in the same room and doing such sloppy things.

Moreover, Deng Yun and Zhu Auntie always showed off the fact that they opened a black shop in Feilong Ridge, as if they were heroes.

All of this made Hua Rong extremely disgusted.

To be honest, if Deng Yun and Zhu Auntie were not Song Jiang's cronies, Hua Rong would have killed them long ago to eliminate harm for the people.

How could Hua Rong, a heroic man, be willing to live with two such disgusting people?

So, seeing that Song Jiang was unwilling to take him to Naitou Mountain, Hua Rong went to the mountain to practice archery alone on the grounds that he wanted to practice in seclusion.

Within two days, Song Jiang came over again.

This time, Song Jiang also brought someone here.

When Hua Rong looked at this man, he saw that he had a face like a silver basin and a body like jade. He had a round head and thin eyebrows, and he was so majestic and chilling.

Song Jiang introduced Hua Rong: "Brother Xian, my brother's surname is Mu Minghong. His nickname is unobstructed. He is strong and loyal. How close you are to him."

After exchanging a few words with Mu Hong, Hua Rong had a good impression of Mu Hong, who had an extraordinary conversation.

Seeing this, Song Jiang explained his purpose of bringing Mu Hong to see Hua Rong:

"Brother Mu Hongxian is very capable and omnipotent. He has also learned archery skills, but he has never been taught by an expert. I wonder if my dear brother can teach him a thing or two?"

With Song Jiang's face, Hua Rong would not hide his secrets, so he would naturally teach Mu Hong everything he had.

Mu Hong himself had a good foundation, and coupled with Hua Rong's careful guidance, his archery skills improved by leaps and bounds in just over a month.

But suddenly, Mu Hong, who came to Hua Rong every day to learn archery, stopped coming.

This made Hua Rong a little confused and a little regretful.

Mu Hong is both talented in archery and willing to work hard. He is really a good apprentice.

So Hua Rong really wanted to teach Mu Hong more of his skills.

It's a pity that Mu Hong stopped learning after learning a little bit.

On this day, Song Jiang came to complain to Hua Rong that Chao Gai was so happy that after listening to a few songs from Zengtou City, he insisted on leading troops to attack Zengtou City himself. No matter how much he and Wu Yong tried to persuade him, they could not dissuade him.

Song Jiang also said that the flag was suddenly broken by the wind before Chao Gai led his troops, which meant a bad omen, but this did not stop Chao Gai from sending troops.

Moreover, I don’t know what Chao Gai was thinking. He didn’t even bring Wu Yong, the military advisor who grew up with him.

What surprised Hua Rong even more was that Song Jiang, who had refused to invite him to Naitou Mountain before, actually invited him to Naitou Mountain this time.

Hua Rong felt more and more that he was caught in a conspiracy.

But Hua Rong is a Liangshan hero, and he has the omnipotent Jiang Hongfei behind him. This is his confidence, so he is fearless. At the same time, he also wants to see what is going on?

So Hua Rong followed Song Jiang back to Naitou Mountain quietly.

As soon as he arrived at Naitou Mountain, Hua Rong heard that the leaders and minions on the mountain were talking about Chao Gai going to attack Zengtou City.

The voices of these leaders and minions were surprisingly consistent. They all said that Chao Gai was unloyal, narrow-minded, jealous of talents, and had no ambition. Seeing that Song Jiang had repeatedly made meritorious deeds during this period, they felt dissatisfied and insisted on personally leading his troops to attack Zengtou City. Want to prove that he is better than Song Jiang.

Some minions also emphasized that Chao Gai's flag was suddenly blown by the wind before setting off, which meant a bad omen. If Chao Gai was really in trouble, it was God's intention.

These are too deliberate and appear suspicious.

In fact, the reason why Hua Rong suspected that there was something wrong with the people on Naitou Mountain was not only because of the behavior of Song Jiang and the people on Naitou Mountain, but also because he had also heard something about Naitou Mountain, to be precise, about Chao Rumors about the relationship between Gai and Song Jiang.

A long time ago, Hua Rong heard that Chao Gai and Song Jiang were brothers, Song Jiang committed a crime to save Chao Gai, and Chao Gai traveled thousands of miles to Jiangzhou to rob the court to save Song Jiang.

This is simply a model of brotherly respect.

Later, Hua Rong also heard that Chao Gai wanted to give up the position of leader of Naitou Mountain to Song Jiang, but Song Jiang abided by the rules of the rivers and lakes and refused to be the leader of Naitoushan.

Things were very beautiful until then, and it was in line with Hua Rong's expectations for Song Jiang.

However, Hua Rong later heard that in the subsequent battles, Song Jiang kept evading Chao Gai on the grounds that "my brother is the master of the village and cannot be touched lightly." Chao Gai was also aware of Song Jiang's evasiveness, so he began to be wary of Song Jiang.

Since then, the overt and covert struggles between Chao Gai and Song Jiang have intensified.

There is no airtight wall in the world.

What's more, Shuibo Liangshan, who has several intelligence systems, has the best intelligence.

Today, Zhu Fu is mainly responsible for intelligence in the Qingzhou area, and his headquarters is under Hua Rong's rule.

Zhu Fu knew that Hua Rong was Jiang Hongfei's absolute confidant, Jiang Hongfei's cheap uncle, and one of the core figures of the heroes in Liangshan, Qingzhou, so he always liked to have a drink with Hua Rong when he had nothing to do and chat about insignificant trivia.

The overt and covert struggles between Chao Gai and Song Jiang were sometimes told by Zhu Fu as a joke to Hua Rong.

The key is that when he was in Daming Mansion, Hua Rong already knew that Song Jiang's dream was to recruit people. Not only was he not the same person as them, he was not the same person as Chao Gai.

With so much information, how can you make Hua Rong believe that things on Naitou Mountain are as simple as others want him to see?

However, Hua Rong still followed the advice of Jiang Hongfei, whom he trusted most, to watch more and not speak. Even if he knew that he had been cheated, he would not make it public, let alone get involved in the fight between Chao Gai and Song Jiang.

But boils will always show up.

Hua Rong did not let Hua Rong wait for too long. Dai Zong, who was sent by Song Jiang to Zengtou City to inquire about the news, hurriedly came back and reported the funeral: "It's a serious matter. The king of heaven has been hit by a medicine arrow. He may not die soon!"

When Song Jiang heard this, the joy on his face flashed away:

"I won!"

Then Song Jiang glanced at Hua Rong without leaving any trace:

"As long as Hua Rong blocks Jiang Yan from standing up for Chao Gai, this mountain will be mine. Then I can start my recruitment plan!"

Song Jiang immediately pretended to be sad and asked: "The King of Heaven was hit by an arrow?! Have you ever seen it with your own eyes?"

Dai Zong replied: "I haven't, but all the people in the army say so, so it's probably not bad."

After hearing Dai Zong's answer, Song Jiang couldn't help but feel a thump in his heart:

"Never? Why don't you go see such a big thing with your own eyes? If Chao Gai misses the arrow, then I will lose everything!"

But Song Jiang also understood that Dai Zong went to inquire about the news secretly, and it was not convenient to show up, so it was normal that he did not see Chao Gai hit by the arrow with his own eyes.

Song Jiang comforted himself: "I was bitten by a snake once and was afraid of the well rope for ten years. I have planned this matter thoroughly and it will be foolproof. People who went with the army said so, there will definitely be no problem. I can't scare myself!"

Song Jiang knelt on the ground with a bang and cried bitterly:

"King of Heaven, why didn't you listen to my little brother and go to Zengtou Market later? God has already given you a warning, but you didn't listen..."

For some reason, when Hua Rong saw Song Jiang crying so sadly, not only did Hua Rong feel uneasy at all, he also felt that Song Jiang was trying to cover up the truth.

"Whoever benefits will most likely be the murderer. Brother Gongming, but you killed your brother to seize the throne and killed King Chao Tian..."

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