Xianxia version of Water Margin

Chapter 227 Death of Song Jiang

Song Jiang had a very good relationship with his father Song Taigong, and Song Taigong also liked Song Jiang the most.

And Song Qing was able to stand up and die for Song Jiang at the critical moment, which shows the deep relationship between Song Qing and Song Jiang.

It is no exaggeration to say that Song Taigong and Song Qing are definitely the two closest people to Song Jiang in this world.

Now, Song Qing crashed to death himself, Song Taigong became disabled because of Song Jiang, Song Qing crashed to death, and the Song family was on the road to a dead end. He couldn't bear such a huge stimulation and died of anger and heart failure.

Song Jiang became a disabled person who had no access to officialdom, and the Song family lost two lives.

It can be seen that Song Jiang paid a heavy price for this failure.

Chao Gai looked at all this, especially Song Jiang who first crawled in front of Song Taigong and cried bitterly, and then crawled in front of Song Qing and cried bitterly like a reptile, and suddenly his interest waned!

Chao Gai was not a fool. How could he not see that Song Qing was supporting Song Jiang?

In fact, not only Chao Gai, but also the people of Naitoushan, as long as they have some brains, they can all guess the truth of this matter, even if Song Qing's accusation seems so reasonable.

There is no way, the dispute between Chao Gai and Song Jiang has been going on for a long time. No matter how realistic Song Jiang is, there will still be flaws exposed.

If you don't want others to know, don't do it unless you do it yourself.

However, now that the matter is over, does the truth of the matter still matter?

At least in Chao Gai's view, the truth of the matter is no longer important.

A relationship of more than twenty years!

Song Jiang might not care, but how could Chao Gai, who valued love and righteousness, not care?

Forcing his old friend Xiri to such an extremely miserable state, Chao Gai had no joy at all as a winner. He only felt a deep sense of exhaustion and disgust towards this world.

Chao Gai even thought that if he had not robbed the birthday card, he could have been a happy Baozheng and a somewhat famous big brother in the world without any worries, drinking and eating meat every day, living happily with Song Jiang and Wu Use to become friends.

But now...

"That's it!"

Chao Gai walked to Song Jiang, lifted Song Jiang up and left.

Some people want to stop Chao Gai's actions, some want to persuade Chao Gai to let Song Jiang go, and others want to suggest that Chao Gai must never be soft-hearted towards Song Jiang again.

But in the end, no one spoke, they just watched Chao Gai take Song Jiang away quietly, wondering what he was doing?

Chao Gai carried Song Jiang to a place where others could not hear their conversation, put Song Jiang down, and then asked: "You hate me so much that you insist on killing me?"

Song Jiang knew Chao Gai very well, and knowing that Chao Gai could bring him here to talk meant that Chao Gai no longer wanted to kill him.

Song Jiang was completely defeated at this time - as a man in the world, with the reputation of a murderer on his back, he basically couldn't be a part of the world anymore, and he had a broken leg, so he couldn't be an official. It’s no longer possible.

All bets are lost.

In addition, his father and younger brother died.

Song Jiang really has nothing he can't lose.

So Song Jiang slowly sat up from the ground, and while tying his broken leg with rags, he said the rare truth: "I have no personal grudges with you, even if you caused the death of my father and my brother, and caused the death of my Being disabled has ruined my official career, and I don’t hate you, because I tried to kill you first, but you fought back normally, and I was inferior in skills and lost, which is why I ended up like this. Rather than hating you, I hate you more. Jiang Yan."

Having said that, Song Jiang simply confessed his heart to Chao Gai, his former old friend: "To tell you the truth, instead of killing you, a person who poses no threat to the imperial court, I want to kill Jiang Yan and eliminate harm for the imperial court, because Jiang Yan will definitely become a serious problem for the imperial court, and you will never be able to pose a threat to the imperial court. Unfortunately, I have bad luck and have never been able to grow stronger. Then Jiang Yan is like a monster who repeatedly ruins my good deeds and teaches me to kill thieves. There is no way to save it!”

Chao Gai knew that what Song Jiang said at this moment was undoubtedly the truth.

And sometimes the truth hurts more.

Once upon a time, Chao Gai thought he was an unparalleled hero and one of the most powerful men in the world.

But after several years of real life in the arena, Chao Gai realized that the water in the arena was too deep and he was not qualified to play at all.

Chao Gai asked Song Jiang calmly: "You mean, just because I blocked your way and we have different ideas, you want to kill me? What about the relationship between us for more than 20 years? It has to be a fight to the death. ?”

Song Jiang said leisurely: "Hindering a person's future is like killing his parents! Don't you understand this truth? And Song Jiang's wish is to turn the tide before it falls, and to help the building when it is about to collapse. This is great love, how can it be between you and me? This little emotion is comparable?! You just teach me to choose a thousand or ten thousand times, I will kill you, and then monopolize the mountain, find a way to accept the imperial court's recruitment, go back to help the imperial court eliminate internal and external troubles, honor the ancestors, and grant the title of wife Yinzi, this is a real man!"

Chao Gai listened patiently and said: "I'm not as smart as you. I can't refute what you said, and I don't know how to refute it. But you have to admit that you are not as smart as brother Jiang Yan. The path you chose is not the same as Jiang Yan's choice." The roads run in opposite directions, and I am neither deaf nor blind. What I hear and see is that the people under the rule of Shuibo Liangshan live and work in peace and contentment, and the people have enough food and clothing, while the people in the areas under the rule of the imperial court are living in dire straits and can hardly survive. Now, do you still think you are right and Brother Jiang Yanxian is wrong?"

Song Jiang did not waver at all. He said with great righteousness: "It's just the treacherous ministers in the court who are in power, slandering and dictatorial, and the officials are deceived by them. If one or two good ministers come out and wipe away the dirt for the officials, the people of the Song Dynasty can also live and work in peace and contentment." , the people can also have enough food and clothing!"

Chao Gai sneered: "Song Jiang, just as you know me, I know you too. You just surrendered to the imperial court and succeeded in taking power by luck. It is not a blessing to the people, because your eyes are as fundamental as those in power." If you succeed, you will be nothing more than another Cai Jing or Gao Qiu, and you will be indispensable in bringing trouble to the imperial court. By then, you will also be reviled by thousands of people!"

Song Jiang said loudly: "Can the likes of Cai Jing and Gao Qi compare with me?!!! I am dedicated to the public, and I have an innocent heart. They are dedicated to selfishness. They don't use it unless they are relatives, and they don't take anything except money!"

Chao Gai smiled coldly: "Cai Jing came to power for the first time, carried out drastic reforms, and achieved unprecedented achievements in civil and military affairs in previous dynasties. So what is the result? Aren't you also a treacherous official? You, Song Jiang, do whatever you want to achieve your goals. If that's the case, If the Hunjun wants Hua Shi Gang to build the Long Live Mountain, then he can be reused. You, Song Jiang, must be even better than Cai Jing and Tong Guan. If the Hunjun wants craftsmen to build gardens, and you are in charge of the Forbidden Army, I am afraid that you will be better than Cai Jing and Tong Guan. That guy Gao Qiu worked harder."

Chao Gai added: "Brother Jiang Yanxian has been saving and governing the people since he established Shuibo Liangshan. In his eyes, there is no imperial power, only the people. Only by teaching such people to gain power can the world be truly governed and the people live and work in peace and contentment. The people have enough food and clothing!"

Song Jiang made Chao Gai extremely excited. He spoke impassionedly: "Jiang Yan is a rebellious official and a traitor! Everything he did was to win people's hearts. If there were no such ambitious people in the world, how could there be such chaos? "

Chao Gai said coldly: "Whether the world is in chaos or not is determined by the court you yearn for. If the emperor is really wise and powerful and allows the people to live and work in peace and contentment, then only ghosts will be willing to be rebellious ministers and traitors!"

Although Song Jiang felt that what Chao Gai said was reasonable, he still did not waver.

Chao Gai felt that the conversation between him and Song Jiang was like a chicken talking to a duck. It was also like why they had reached this point. There was no solution except for the complete destruction of one party.

Chao Gai was unwilling to continue talking to Song Jiang because it was completely meaningless.

Chao Gai lifted up his clothes, tore off a piece, threw it in the direction of Song Jiang, and said, "You and I are no longer friends."

After cutting off the robe and breaking the righteousness, Chao Gai turned around and left.

After taking two steps, Chao Gai stopped again and said: "Friends, let me give you one last piece of advice. You can't beat Brother Jiang Yanxian. The distance between you and him is about the same as the distance between me and you." , or even bigger. If you are against him, you will be like a mantis with a chariot, and you will perish in an instant."

Song Jiang glanced at the piece of robe that Chao Gai had thrown down, then picked up a branch from the ground, stood up with it, and said: "A real man does something and doesn't do something; he does it when he knows he can't do it. This is the true nature of a man!”

Seeing that Song Jiang was determined to seek death, Chao Gai said nothing more and continued walking back.

When Chao Gai walked some distance away, Song Jiang's voice sounded behind Chao Gai: "As a friend, I will give you a piece of advice. Just leave the world, this is not suitable for you."

Chao Gai didn't even bother to reply: "I know."

Chao Gai returned to the crowd and announced: "I will give you three hours. If you are willing to follow Song Jiang, just get out of Fengshan."

Moreover, what is surprising is that Chao Gai also ordered Qin Ming and other Song Jiang's men who were arrested by Jiang Yan to be released, allowing them to choose whether to stay or not.

Li Ying, who usually rarely spoke actively, suddenly stood up and added: "For those who stay, the leader of the village will take you to officially join Shuibo Liangshan."

Chao Gai glanced at Li Ying, and at this moment he finally determined who Li Ying was.

Faced with Jiang Hong flying to Naitoushan to plant spies, Chao Gai was not angry, only smiled deeply!

Many things that Chao Gai couldn't figure out before were finally figured out now.

Chao Gai did not deny that Li Ying helped him make this decision.

——Chao Gai knew that it would be useless for him to deny it now. At worst, Li Ying would directly raise the banner of Shuibo Liangshan. That would only make his face look bad. He would not like Shuibo Liangshan annexing Naitoushan. will have any impact.

Not to mention that Naitou Mountain has fallen apart now, even in its heyday, Naitou Mountain was far from comparable to Shuibo Liangshan.

Given the opportunity to join Shuibo Liangshan ashore, who would be willing to stay at Naitoushan?

As soon as Li Ying finished speaking, Xue Yong was the first to come and stand behind Chao Gai.

Xue Yong had already voted for Chao Gai, to be precise, he voted for Li Ying, otherwise he would not have been able to help Chao Gai.

As for why Xue Yong voted for Li Ying, the answer is simple. He already knew that Li Ying represented Shuibo Liangshan, and Song Jiang's defeat had become inevitable. In addition, Xue Yong's apprentice Hou Jian was doing well in Shuibo Liangshan. In addition, Xue Yong also saw that Song Jiang's character was not good. If he continued to hang out with Song Jiang, he would probably become Song Jiang's cannon fodder, so he was naturally recruited by Li Ying.

With Xue Yong taking the lead, Qin Ming, Huang Xin, Yan Shun, Zheng Tianshou, Shi Yong, Zhang Shun, Wang Dingliu, Cai Fu, Cai Qing, Fan Rui, Xiang Chong, Li Gun, Duan Jingzhu, Zhao Fu, Zhao Gui, Wang Feibao, Qin Hui, Wan Qidanian, Zhang Daneng, Huo Wancheng, Wang Liang, Bai Varhan, Jiang Zhong, Shi En and a large number of leaders and minions who originally belonged to Song Jiang's party rushed behind Chao Gai .

The reason why there is such an enthusiastic situation must be that Song Jiang is dying. If he follows Song Jiang, he will probably become a helpless refugee, and he may not be wiped out by the army tomorrow; also, today's Most people can guess what is going on. Even if they can't guess, they can still hear the analysis of the people around them and know what kind of person Song Jiang is. On the other hand, if they leave Song Jiang, Being able to join the promising Shuibo Liangshan is a good thing that you can't ask for even with a lantern. Unless you feel that you are a treacherous and evil person that Shuibo Liangshan will definitely not want, who wouldn't want to take this opportunity to go ashore; Under the situation, Song Jiang's men naturally ran in groups behind Chao Gai.

By the time Song Jiang came back carrying a branch, less than one-third of his men were left.

Moreover, among the people who ran away, there were many absolute confidants of Song Jiang, such as Qin Ming, Huang Xin, Yan Shun, Zheng Tianshou, Shi Yong, Zhang Shun and others.

Seeing such a result, Song Jiang's heart was bleeding.

But Chao Gai had no joy at all as a winner.

——Chao Gai knew that so many people chose his side not because of his personal charm as the leader of the village, but because these people wanted to join Shuibo Liangshan. Like Song Jiang, he was also a loser, and look Song Jiang has fallen into such a predicament, and there are still so many people willing to follow Song Jiang. It is not difficult to see that he is actually more failed than Song Jiang. The key is that he knows very well that Song Jiang was not defeated by him, but by him. He was defeated by Jiang Hongfei. If Jiang Hongfei hadn't chosen him, his fate would definitely be much more miserable than Song Jiang's.

Seeing this scene, Song Jiang quickly shouted loudly to stop the further loss of personnel:

"The matter has come to this, and future generations will decide what is right and wrong. I just want to tell everyone that I have sent people to contact the court officials. Once we leave Fengshan, we will be welcomed by the court and have our own glorious futures. , we and our families no longer have to worry about it, and the glory of our ancestors and the title of wife and son are just around the corner..."

Although Song Jiang looks very embarrassed now, Song Jiang's words are still very contagious and make many people want to believe him.

The key ones, like Kong Ming, Dai Zong, Li Kui, Mu Hong, and Mu Chun, are too tightly tied to Song Jiang and can no longer do without Song Jiang; like Wang Ying, Cui Daocheng, Qiu Xiaoyi, Wang Daoren, Kuang Jinlong, Shamohai, People like Deng Yun, Zhu Auntie, Shi Wei, Yang Lie, Deng Tianbao, Wang Dashou, Xu Pingsheng, and Han Tongyin knew that they had committed serious crimes, and Jiang Hongfei would definitely not want them; others like Li Cheng, Wen Da, and others, who were determined to recruit people, went back to serve as official.

So Song Jiang still has a lot of fundamentals.

Song Jiang thought that after his words, he should be able to retain the remaining people. After all, those who have not left by now should want to follow Song Jiang.

Who would have thought that after Song Jiang finished speaking, two people who made Song Jiang both surprised and sad walked towards Chao Gai.

These two people are Zhu Tong and Lei Heng - common friends of Chao Gai and Song Jiang.

Song Jiang really didn't expect that Zhu Tong and Lei Heng would also leave him!

In Song Jiang's view, Zhu Tong and Lei Heng were both his friends. It turned out that they were both officials, so they should stay with him.

But the result was that even Zhu Tong and Lei Heng chose to drown themselves in Liangshan.

——The reason why they left now was mainly because Song Jiang had not come back before, and they did not want to leave behind Song Jiang's back.

This was a further blow to Song Jiang's already fragile team.

After Zhu Tong and Lei Heng left, more than a thousand people left.

The only thing that made Song Jiang somewhat relieved was that Wu Yong stayed with him.

In the end, only Wu Yong, Kong Ming, Dai Zong, Li Kui, Mu Hong, Mu Chun, Wang Ying, Cui Daocheng, Qiu Xiaoyi, Wang Daoren, Kuang Jinlong, Shamohai, Deng Yun, Zhu Auntie, Shi Wei, Yang Lie, Deng Tianbao, Twenty-two leaders, Wang Dashou, Xu Pingsheng, Han Tongyin, Li Cheng, and Wen Da, and less than two thousand minions were willing to continue to follow Song Jiang.

Chao Gai did not embarrass Song Jiang and the others. He also asked people to send the family members of less than 2,000 people and 2,000 weapons down the mountain, so that Song Jiang could take them away and start a new one.

Seeing that the overall situation has been decided, Song Jiang should be able to save his life. Hua Rong, who was deeply disappointed with Song Jiang who had killed his brother and his master and had no loyalty at all, left silently in the direction of Qingzhou...

——In fact, Hua Rong had already broken up with Song Jiang in his heart. However, Hua Rong didn't want to add insult to injury, so he didn't say it openly at this time.

Looking at the number of bereaved dogs in front of him, including the old, young, sick and disabled, less than 5,000, Song Jiang encouraged everyone: "Brothers, don't worry, leaving Fengshan this time is not our failure, but our new..."

Before Song Jiang could say the word "生", a sharp arrow hit Song Jiang's chest with a "pop" sound!

Immediately afterwards, smoke and dust billowed in the distance, and ten or twenty thousand horses roared towards them...

Let's see if anyone can save it, please leave a message.

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