Xianxia version of Water Margin

Chapter 229 Divide Zhao and Song

He lives in Cuilingdong, Yizhou. He commits murder and arson without hesitation. He is black all over without applying coal ink, and his eyes are as red as cinnabar.

He grinds his giant ax leisurely by the stream, and cuts pine trees by the rock bank. He is as strong as an ox and as strong as iron, shaking the earth and shaking the sky in the dark whirlwind.

Li Kui is a man who is simple, straightforward, honest, reckless, rebellious and compassionate, and has no intention of doing good or evil.

It is extremely complicated to say that Li Kui is complex. Some people think that Li Kui is a person with an unsound mind that leads to psychological distortion; some people start from Zhenren Luo's comments about Li Kui in the original work and analyze that Li Kui is the embodiment of the religious view that "the world is unkind and treats all things as rotten dogs". A "half-god, half-beast" character; some people believe that Li Kui was a person who was not loyal to Song Jiang in the late Liangshan period, and was a person who completely opposed the recruitment. He expressed his rebellious heart with seemingly crazy, reckless and unreasonable behavior. , can be regarded as the most wise and foolish person in Shuibo Liangshan.

In short, Li Kui is extremely reckless and bloodthirsty, and has undisguised animalistic instincts. If he gets reckless, even Zhenren Luo would dare to attack and kill people, including the old, weak, women and children. He is really not afraid of death on the battlefield. It's completely a soldier's nightmare.

A person like Li Kui who is unreasonable, lacks rational thinking, and has extremely dark tactics is disgusting, hateful, and terrifying to those who cannot drive him; but to those who can drive Li Kui, he is absolutely terrible A very useful knife.

Jiang Hongfei and An Daoquan came to Li Kui on the soil stained red by blood.

Jiang Hongfei waved to An Daoquan and signaled An Daoquan to treat Li Kui's injury.

Jiang Hongfei took this opportunity to say to Li Kui: "Tieniu, I have no grudges with you, and I quite like your straightforward temper. I kill you, and it has nothing to do with you. It's just because Song Jiang is determined to recruit peace, and he must be with me." Liangshan is our enemy, how can I let the tiger return to the mountain? If you are not willing to live a tasteless life in the rivers and lakes, and want to live a tasteful life, after you recover from your injury, go directly to Liangshan to find me, and I will take you with me from now on. Conquer the world. If you don’t want to go to Liangshan, or if you have the idea of ​​revenge for Song Jiang, just leave after your injury is healed. Even Song Jiang can’t fight me, let alone you.”

Li Kui rolled his big eyes when he heard this and said nothing.

Jiang Hongfei didn't talk nonsense anymore, but left An Daoquan and a few people to treat Li Kui and then took Li Kui back to Naitou Mountain. Then he continued to talk to Chao Gai about the arrangements for the people in Naitou Mountain, and headed towards Naitou Mountain. Walk.

Gongsun was in charge of the mage military advisor and commanded Fan Rui, Wu Jiao, Shi Gugong and other mage masters in Shuibo Liangshan.

Xiao Rang entered the civil service system of Shuibo Liangshan.

Jin Dajian was responsible for making military symbols and seals and building and repairing buildings.

Li Ying and Du Xing joined the Third Division and were responsible for managing money and food together with Du Qian, Hu Rong, Jiang Jing and others.

Formation of the Tenth Army: Liu Tang will be in charge, Lei Heng and Xue Yong will be in deputy control, with a full strength of 5,000 men.

The Twelfth Army of Ma was formed: he was in charge of Zhu Dian, and his deputy was in charge of Zhu Dian.

The Thirteenth Horse Army was formed: to control Qin and Ming Dynasty, with Huang Xin as deputy commander, with a full strength of 3,000 troops.

The Sixth Shui Army was established to control Zhang Shun, with Wang Dingliu as deputy commander.

Cai Fu and Cai Qing entered Xingcao in Shuibo Liangshan.

Duan Jingzhu entered the secret special camp.

The other leaders of Toushan and Jiang Hongfei have all made proper arrangements.

It can be seen that Jiang Hongfei has already had an idea for the people of Naitoushan, and the status he gave them is not low, which can be regarded as giving Chao Gai enough face.

On the way back to Naitou Mountain, Jiang Hongfei finished arranging the duties of the leaders of Naitou Mountain.

Overall, it can be said that everyone is happy.

Compare the fate of Song Jiang and his gang.

These people who wisely chose to drown themselves in Liangshan were even more happy, or at least very lucky.

This also includes Song Jiang's friends Zhu Tong and Lei Heng.

The reason why Zhu Tong and Lei Heng chose to drown in Liangshan instead of wandering with Song Jiang to pursue the dream of recruiting people to peace was because Zhu Tong and Lei Heng had family members who were inconvenient to follow Song Jiang on a road destined to be full of twists and turns. The reason was mainly because Song Jiang had exposed his unkind and ruthless side, which made Zhu Tong and Lei Heng worry about their old friend, fearing that one day they would follow in Chao Gai's footsteps.

After all, the bubble at Song Jiang's feet was actually caused by Song Jiang himself.

By the time Jiang Hongfei led his people to Naitou Mountain, Jiang Hongfei had made arrangements for all the leaders of Naitou Mountain except Wu Yong and Dai Zong. He also made a decision to divide the leaders and minions of Naitou Mountain into two garrison forces, one of which was placed in the garrison. Naitoushan was handed over to Chao Gai and others for education and training, and a group was decided to be brought back to Boliangshan Dazhai for education and training.

Seeing Jiang Hongfei's delay in making arrangements for him and Wu Yong, Dai Zong was so anxious that he didn't eat a bite of food or drink a sip of wine at the subsequent banquet.

Looking at Wu Yong again, he should be eating, drinking, and talking and laughing with the people around him.

However, Dai Zong could see that Wu Yong was willing to talk to the people around him, but the people around him were all avoiding contact with Wu Yong, or at least they did not dare to show too close to Wu Yong.

——Because they are afraid of Wu Yong, a guy with sores on his head, pus on his feet, and bad water in his stomach, these people dare not ignore Wu Yong. You can imagine how much suffering Wu Yong will have to deal with!

As for Dai Zong, no one paid any attention to him.

Dai Zong was a direct descendant of Song Jiang and had done many secret things for Song Jiang, such as going to Zengtou City to spread songs.

If Dai Zong does not get Jiang Hongfei's attention, Dai Zong's life will be difficult in the future. Without others, just Shi Wengong, Su Ding and other people from Zengtou City can make him drink a pot.

The key is that everyone else made the right choice and jumped into the water directly in Liangshan. Only he and Wu Yong chose Song Jiang. They should have died with Song Jiang, but they escaped by chance and had to throw themselves into the water. Liangshan.

The key point is that Jiang Hongfei is not Chao Gai who repays evil with kindness. If Jiang Hongfei doesn't say that he will retaliate, he is definitely a ruthless person who can't tolerate evil in his eyes.

Now, Jiang Hongfei has arranged positions for all the other leaders of Naitoushan, so that they can start their new lives immediately. Only Wu Yong and Dai Zong were thrown out, which seems to be a good proof of this point.

How could Dai Zong not be worried about his future?

Throughout the banquet, Dai Zong was looking for opportunities to say a few words to Jiang Hongfei to express his sincerity.

But all the leaders of Naitoushan gathered around Jiang Hongfei, toasted to Jiang Hongfei, and expressed their sincerity to Jiang Hongfei.

Even Shi Wengong, Su Ding and other former leaders of the market were approaching Jiang Hongfei and toasting to Jiang Hongfei, hoping to become familiar with Jiang Hongfei.

In this case, how could it be Dai Zong's turn to talk to Jiang Hongfei?

As a result, Dai Zong did not find a chance to talk to Jiang Hongfei until the banquet was over and Jiang Hongfei went to rest.

Dai Zong refused to give up and hung behind Jiang Hongfei, wanting to continue looking for opportunities to talk to Jiang Hongfei.

However, Chao Gai, Gongsun Sheng, Li Ying and other senior officials of Naitoushan all mobilized to diligently send Jiang Hongfei back to his resting place. Wanqi Danian even took advantage of the opportunity and asked Jiang Hongfei to wait on Naitou Mountain on the grounds that he did not bring anyone to serve him. His fourteen-year-old sister came to serve Jiang Hongfei.

In the end, until Jiang Hongfei asked Chao Gai and others to go back and take Su Jinniang and Wan Qidani's sister Wan Qishi back to the room to rest, Dai Zong failed to find a chance to contact Jiang Hongfei.

Knocking on the door in the middle of the night to pull Jiang Hongfei out of the gentle country to express his sincerity to Jiang Hongfei?

After all, Dai Zong had served at the prison level of Jiangzhou's two hospitals. He was a senior manager of the prison system. He was equivalent to Jiang Hongfei's previous municipal deputy warden. He was a division-level cadre. How could he be so unruly?

Dai Zong, who really couldn't find a chance, had no choice but to go back to Wu Yong.

As a result, Wu Yong was still pouring and drinking.

When Dai Zong saw it, he said anxiously: "My good brother, how can you still be so stable? Everyone else has already had a position, but you and I are the only ones who can't live. It must be the village master who blames you and me for choosing Song Gongming brother instead of drowning in the water." Liangshan doesn't know how to promote, so it doesn't want to use you or me. Why don't you think of a way quickly, otherwise how can you and I gain a foothold in Shuibo Liangshan?"

Wu Yong smiled and said: "You, you are usually quite steady, why are you so impatient today?"

Dai Zong smiled bitterly: "How can we be the same as in the past? In the past, I had no friendship with brother Song Gongming, so why should I worry about the future? Now, the person in charge has been changed from brother Song Gongming to the leader of the village. I have lost all my advantages, and I am also under the influence of brother Song Gongming. I was so implicated that I missed the opportunity to surrender to the leader of the village. How can I be prudent? You usually have the most ideas, so think about where you and I should go."

Wu Yong shook his head and said: "The fact that you can say these things shows that you don't understand what your real advantage is, nor do you understand our new lord."

Dai Zong was startled: "My real advantage?"

Dai Zonggang saved Wu Yong's life, and Wu Yong and Dai Zong had no conflict of interest, so Wu Yong did not hesitate to give Dai Zong some advice.

After taking a sip of wine, Wu Yong said: "Your real advantage is not your relationship with Song Jiang, but your magical skills and your ability to do things."

Putting down the wine glass, he picked up a piece of cooked beef and ate it. Wu Yongcai added: "Yes, Brother Jiang Yan's master and apprentice Ma Ling can also do magic. But how can Brother Jiang Yan find this talent capable of magic?" How much? Taoist Master Ma Ling is from a mountainous background, so how can he be more effective than his virtuous brother in doing such delicate things?"

Dai Zong's eyes lit up when he heard this. He felt that what Wu Yong said made sense.

After a pause, Wu Yong continued: "What's more important is that Brother Jiang Yan is a person who has achieved great things. How can he not tolerate you with his big heart? If you keep your heart in your heart, Brother Jiang Yan will definitely use it." your."

Dai Zong felt that Wu Yong was right, and he was no longer as eager as before.

But Dai Zong couldn't help but ask: "Since Brother Jiang Yan can use me, why don't you assign me a position today?"

Wu Yong said with a smile on his face: "Brother Jiang Yan is giving me time to teach me how to make suggestions and suggestions. It has nothing to do with you."

Dai Zong really admired Wu Yong's confidence.

You must know that Shuibo Liangshan is not Naitou Mountain. Sun Jing, Zhu Wu, Xiao Jiasui, and Xu Guanzhong under Jiang Hongfei are all world-famous counselors. Compared with them, Wu Yong's reputation is really inferior, not to mention his ability. One and a half stars.

In addition, Wu Yong had chosen Song Jiang before. He was forced to choose to join Jiang Hongfei only after Song Jiang and his gang were completely destroyed by Jiang Hongfei.

But Wu Yong actually had a mysterious confidence and felt that Jiang Hongfei would definitely use him and give him a chance to make suggestions.

What made Dai Zong dumbfounded was that the next morning, Jiang Hongfei actually sent someone to ask him and Wu Yong to meet him.

Dai Zong hurriedly straightened his clothes and ran to Wu Yong to tell Wu Yong the great news.

After hearing this, Wu Yong smiled and asked, "How is it?"

Dai Zong actually admired Wu Yong's judgment, but he deliberately said: "It just happened to teach you."

Wu Yong shook his feather fan and said, "You don't understand. This is a tacit understanding between the counselor and the mastermind. If brother Jiang Yan is not such a courteous and virtuous corporal, how can I serve him?"

Dai Zong sneered: "Don't forget, you and I..."

Wu Yong interrupted Dai Zong's temptation: "Brother Jiang Yan is open-minded and generous, knows people and is good at responsibilities. How can he be obsessed with such trivial matters? Just put your heart in your belly."

While the two were talking, they arrived at Jiang Hongfei's residence.

Su Jinniang walked out of the room and invited Wu Yong and Dai Zong in.

After entering the room, Dai Zong saw Jiang Hongfei sitting at the main table eating porridge, and Wan Qi sitting next to Jiang Hongfei, serving Jiang Hongfei tenderly.

The attentive Dai Zong noticed that Wan Qi, who was still wearing her hair in a girl's bun yesterday, had now styled her hair in a young woman's bun. It was self-evident what she had gone through last night.

Looking at Wan Qi's pretty face that was still a little childish, Dai Zong did not think about Jiang Hongfei destroying the young flowers, but thought to himself: "I have heard for a long time that brother Jiang Yan likes women, and it turned out to be true when I saw him today. It's a pity that I don't have a sister or a daughter. , if so, maybe we can avoid some detours.”

As for why Jiang Yan accepted the Wanqi family so happily, Dai Zong knew without asking Wu Yong that this was Jiang Hongfei's way of appeasing the people in Naitoushan and letting them join Shuibo Liangshan with peace of mind.

Let's put it this way, not to mention the original Shejiaoling group, but also other people in Naitoushan, as long as they know that Jiang Hongfei took over the Wanqi family last night, they will definitely feel a lot more at ease. On the contrary, if Jiang Hongfei refuses to take over the Wanqi family, These people will be suspicious and may cause trouble.

In Dai Zong's view, Jiang Hongfei was right to do this.

Anyway, if Dai Zong had a sister or daughter whom Jiang Hongfei took in, he would definitely not be as worried as he is now.

Wu Yong and Dai Zong came to the table and said, "I've met my brother!"

Jiang Hongfei said: "Sit down and eat together."

Then, Jiang Hongfei patted Wan Qi's little butt again and said to her: "Go and serve porridge to Wu Xuexue and Dean Dai."

After hearing this, Wanqi wanted to get up and serve porridge to Wu Yong and Dai Zong.

Wu Yong was not at all as arrogant as he had been in front of Dai Zong before. Instead, he said to Wan Qi very diligently: "My lady, please don't move, and the young man can do what he wants."

After saying this, Wu Yong quickly went to serve the porridge.

Wu Yong was like this, so Dai Zong naturally showed more attentiveness.

The two returned from serving the porridge, and Wu Yong sat down at attention.

And Dai Zong just sat down on the side.

Jiang Hongfei did not prevent Wu Yong and Dai Zong from expressing their stance through practical actions.

When Jiang Hongfei was full, he took the handkerchief from Wan Qi's hand and wiped his mouth, and then asked Wu Yong directly, who just took a few sips of porridge: "What can the scholar teach me?"

Wu Yong immediately put down his chopsticks and said, "Brother, the opportunity has come to divide Zhao and Song!"

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