Xianxia version of Water Margin

Chapter 239 Fang Baihua’s Uprising

Farewell to Jiang Hongfei, Fang Baihua led Bu Yi Army, Ma Qi Army, and Shui Sixth Army under the banner of Zhao and Song Forbidden Army and headed straight for Zhenjiang by waterway.

When they arrived in Zhenjiang, Fang Baihua and his party opened the pass using the procedures copied by Xiao Rang and Jin Dajian, and then went upstream along the Yangtze River and headed straight to Jiangzhou.

——Wang Qing promised to give up Jiangzhou to Jiang Hongfei, but in fact, Jiangzhou is still under the control of the Zhao and Song Dynasty. If Jiang Hongfei wants Jiangzhou, he must defeat Jiangzhou first.

To be honest, if Jiang Hongfei really came to help Fang La in the uprising, the best thing for the troops sent by Jiang Hongfei to do after arriving in Zhenjiang is to take advantage of the situation and seize Zhenjiang, and then seize Jiangning Mansion with lightning speed, and then seize the areas along the Yangtze River in turn. They blocked the Yangtze River and did not give the Song army a chance to go south.

If Jiang Hongfei did this, the chance of Fang La's uprising succeeding would at least double.

However, the reason why Jiang Hongfei strongly supported Fang La's uprising was not to push Fang La to the throne of emperor, but to hope that Fang La would attract the most capable troops of the Zhao and Song Dynasty to go south and dump Shandong and Hebei to Jiang Hongfei.

It’s not that Jiang Hongfei looked down on Tian Hu and Wang Qing. They were absolutely unable to withstand the most capable troops of the Zhao and Song dynasties. Only Fang La’s rebel army, who had been persecuted by Zhao Ji’s monarchs and ministers and brainwashed by Manichaeism, could barely hold them back. Only by occupying the troops that were going to be used to regain the Sixteenth Prefecture of Yanyun could the troops be severely damaged.

It is precisely because of this that Jiang Hongfei strongly supported Fangla's uprising.

Besides, Zhang Shun led the Sixth Shui Army, carried the Bu Yi Army and the Ma Qi Army and drove through Chizhou without any danger. It was only a short distance away from Jiangzhou.

Fang Baihua held a pre-war meeting on the main ship.

Wu Yong, Lu Zhishen, Shi Bao, Zhang Shun, Shi Xiu, Xiao Rang, Dai Zong, and Ling Zhen attended the meeting, while Yang Chun, Ma Lin, Wang Dingliu and others were responsible for restraining the armies at this time.

At the meeting, Fang Baihua changed from her weak and shy behavior in front of Jiang Hongfei. Instead, she sat there with a marshal's air and said:

"I am young, and I am a female generation. I am not as good as all my uncles. They are all heroes who have been famous for a long time. I should not be in charge of them all. However, my family officials think that it is better for me to be the ruler of this city. He also Yingmo is a wise man who knows people and is good at assigning them. Since this is the case, I will do my best. I also hope that all uncles will work together to make a name for my family officials and Shuibo Liangshan in the southeast, and complete the strategic goals set for us by my family officials. "

Fang Baihua's performance made Wu Yong and others nod secretly.

——Although Fang Baihua has not yet demonstrated her ability to command troops or other abilities, at least in terms of momentum, she is still very good.

Wu Yong and others responded in unison: "No!"

Fang Baihua directly named Shi Xiu without any delay: "Leader Shi Xiu, come and tell us about Jiangzhou's intelligence."

Shi Xiu walked out of the queue in an orderly manner and bowed to him: "Jiangzhou magistrate Cai Dezhang was greedy as an official and arrogant in his work. Jiangzhou is a place with a lot of money and food, and it has a lot of people and things, so Cai Jing specially taught him to come here to be an official." As the prefect, he did very little during his tenure, and Jiangzhou was also in a state of chaos. Now that Cai Jing has become an official, Cai Dezhang has lost a strong backer, and he can just muddle along without any worries."

Giving Fang Baihua and others some time to digest, Shi Xiucai continued: "The main garrison here in Jiangzhou is the Nankang Army. Their troops are stationed along the coast, with both land and water forts. There are more than 3,500 people in total, and eight large and small ships. There are more than ten ships, according to what our Jinyiwei sent people to inquire about and what the hotel's intelligence system collected. This army has not gone to war for a hundred years. On weekdays, it just intercepts passing ships and takes advantage of them. It has no combat power at all. "

Shi Xiu added in detail: "The two Song armies closest to Jiangzhou are the Wuwei Army we just passed by not long ago, and the Xingguo Army upstream. The situation of these two troops is similar to that of the Nankang Army. , there is nothing to fear."

Zhang Shun is from Jiangzhou. He dominated the Xunyang River with his brother in his early years, and later went to Jiangzhou to work as a fisherman. He knows the environment here, especially the waters here very well.

Originally, Jiang Hongfei had the intention to transfer Li Jun back to conquer Jiangzhou and then take control of Jiangzhou.

But later, Zhang Shun took the initiative to ask for help. Jiang Hongfei felt that Zhang Shun was loyal and meticulous, and he was from Jiangzhou. He should be able to capture and defend Jiangzhou, so he agreed to let Zhang Shun lead the Sixth Army to attack Jiangzhou.

Zhang Shun took over the conversation and said: "The generals of these three armies are all familiar with them. It is true that as leader Shi Xiu found out, their combat power is not as good as that of the ordinary Xiang army."

After a pause, Zhang Shun added: "However, the terrain here is long and narrow, and there are several dangerous places. It is really easy to defend but difficult to attack, so we have to defend it."

After speaking, Zhang Shun took out the map of Jiangzhou drawn by Xu Guanzhong, and then circled for everyone one by one the dangerous places that needed attention and the first place to seize.

Jiangzhou has always been a battleground for military strategists, so everyone was mentally prepared for what Zhang Shun said.

Everyone discussed for a while, and seeing that no one had a good attack method, Wu Yong said with a smile: "Since the defenders here in Jiangzhou are not strong, and they are less capable of training and fighting, I have a plan to knock down the mountain and shock the tiger..."

At Wu Yong's suggestion, Liangshan's army feigned a land attack and used the naval force to directly attack the water village.

In this battle, Fang Baihua personally took charge, while Shi Bao, Lu Zhishen, and Zhang Shun served as commanders respectively.

The Liangshan Army used the Shenji Battalion led by Ling Zhen to control the red cannon in a feint attack.

Hearing the sound of artillery fire that was like the divine thunder from the Nine Heavens, and seeing the bolides flying in one after another, I saw the Liangshan Army boat division cover the river and come up to attack, frightening the defenders to abandon the city and run away.

All more than 80 large and small ships were captured by the Liangshan Army.

The Liangshan Army also captured Qing'an in one fell swoop.

Fang Baihua ordered the army to march to Xiaogushan.

Shi Bao defeated the defenders with a blitzkrieg, and the Liangshan army stationed at Hukou.

Zhang Shun defeated the Song navy patrolling the river again and took advantage of the victory to pursue them to Jiangzhou.

Cai Dezhang personally led his troops to fight.

Zhang Shun divided the Liangshan fleet into two wings and implemented the tactic of attacking from both sides. He defeated the Song army and captured more than a hundred ships.

Cai Dezhang was forced to abandon Jiangzhou and retreat to Ezhou.

Fang Baihua and Lu Zhishen entered Kejiang Prefecture and then Tunchunkou, and at the same time divided their forces to capture Nankang and other counties.

At this time, Fang Baihua sent someone to recruit Cai Dezhang with a letter of surrender from Mrs. Cai.

Cai Dezhang was not a great hero to begin with, nor was he sincere to the Zhao and Song dynasties. Now that he had a personal letter from his sister, he thought that Jiang Hongfei was his cheap uncle no matter what, and would eventually give him a way to survive.

So, Cai Dezhang simply led his people to surrender in Kaicheng...

Liangshan's army captured Jiangzhou in one fell swoop, including surrounding prefectures and counties.

According to Jiang Hongfei's prior instructions, Xiao Rang was temporarily appointed as the magistrate of Jiangzhou, and the people he led immediately began to work on behalf of heaven.

Not much to say about this aspect. The heroes of Liangshan are now extremely familiar with the process of acting for the sky.

But at the same time, Jiang Hongfei also gave Fang Baihua and others two tasks: first, to raise a team in the southeast; second, to recruit as many craftsmen, shipwrights, and sailors as possible to occupy the shipyard. In short, we just want to find ways to continue to grow Shuibo Liangshan.

No one expected that Liangshan's army captured Jiangzhou in one fell swoop, and the people of Jiangzhou were very receptive to Shuibo Liangshan's actions. The key is that the people of Jiangzhou saw that Liangshan's heroes would forgive their debts, allocate their fields, and When sharing the food, everyone was grateful to Jiang Hongfei and Shuibo Liangshan. Wu Yong rolled his eyes and took it into consideration.

Wu Yong found Fang Baihua and others and said to them: "Why should we wait for the Manichaeans to start an uprising? Why don't we start the uprising directly in Shuibo Liangshan? In this way, we will definitely grow faster and be able to better complete the assignment of the village leader." The mission given to us.”

Wu Yong's words caused an uproar among everyone.

Xiao Rang immediately raised an objection: "This is a good thing, but the leader of the village is not well-known in the southeast. Even if he ascends to the top and calls out, there will only be very few followers?"

Wu Yong retorted: "When the village leader first occupied Shuibo Liangshan, how many people knew the name of the village master and knew the name of Shuibo Liangshan? Today, at least the whole Jiangzhou knows the name of the village master and knows that I am Shuibo Liangshan." , why can’t you give it a try?”

Hearing what Wu Yong said, Shi Bao and Lu Zhishen were a little eager to give it a try. Zhang Shun and others didn't know whether they should do this?

As for Fang Baihua, she was in a bit of a dilemma!

Fang Baihua understood that Wu Yong wanted to help Shuibo Liangshan obtain greater benefits in the southeast, but in that case, it would undoubtedly be like sharing the cake with her brother Fang La.

If Fang Baihua was just Fang La's sister, she would definitely not support such a thing.

But Fang Baihua is now married to Jiang Hongfei and is from Shuibo Liangshan. She also has to fight for Shuibo Liangshan's interests.

After much hesitation, Fang Baihua said to Dai Zong: "Chief Dai, please go back to the mountain immediately and ask my officials for instructions on what we should do."

Then, Fang Baihua said in a tone that left no doubt: "Until clear instructions are received from my officials, we will act according to the original plan."

Fang Baihua's handling method was very safe, and Wu Yong could not fault it.

But Wu Yong still added to Dai Zong: "After you go back, you must also tell the village owner the attitude of the people of Jiangzhou towards the village leader and towards me, Shuibo Liangshan."

After Dai Zong accepted the order, he immediately got up and hurried back to Shuibo Liangshan at night, and then told Jiang Hongfei all about Wu Yong's thoughts and the attitudes of Fang Baihua and others.

In addition, Dai Zong also focused on what Wu Yong asked him to say about the attitude of the people of Jiangzhou towards Jiang Hongfei and Shuibo Liangshan.

The reason why Jiang Hongfei never thought of copying Shui Bo Liangshan's model in the southeast is not because Jiang Hongfei couldn't think of it, nor because Shui Bo Liangshan couldn't do it, but because Jiang Hongfei didn't want Shui Bo Liangshan to cause fire and burn himself, especially when the sharp sword of the Zhao and Song Dynasties had already appeared. Sheath, but it’s not yet clear who it will hit.

——During this critical period, Jiang Hongfei would rather lose some of his profits than let the elite Song army that was preparing to recapture the Sixteen Prefectures of Yanyun go south.

Let me ask, under this strategic strategy, how could Jiang Hongfei launch an uprising in the southeast under the banner of Shuibo Liangshan?

Jiang Hongfei said to Sun Jing, Zhu Wu, Liu Huiniang, and Xu Guanzhong: "This Wu scholar..."

After thinking about it, Wu Yong also had good intentions, so Jiang Hongfei did not say harsh words, but changed his tone and said: "It's hard for him to think about the copycat everywhere. I blame him for this because I didn't explain the current situation clearly to him. "

Sun Jing said: "I quite understand Wu Xuexue. It would be a pity if Jiangzhou's public opinion is lost."

Xu Guanzhong said: "Is there a way to get the best of both worlds?"

Liu Huiniang said: "It's not impossible."

As soon as Liu Huiniang said this, Jiang Hongfei and others all looked at Liu Huiniang.

Liu Huiniang didn't hide it, she said bluntly: "Just in the name of Fang Baihua."

Jiang Hongfei and others reacted for a moment, and then suddenly realized!

In fact, Liu Huiniang's idea is very simple. She just gives Fang Baihua a random name, such as "Saint Girl", and then uses the banner of the Saint Girl to revolt. When publicizing to the outside world, she does not promote that Fang Baihua is Jiang Hongfei's concubine, but only promotes that Fang Baihua is Jiang Hongfei's concubine. Fang Baihua is Fang La's sister. When necessary, it can be said that the Saint's Rebel Army is a branch of Fang La's Rebel Army, but in fact the Saint's Rebel Army comes from Shuibo Liangshan.

In this way, the advantage is that Shuibo Liangshan belongs to Shuibo Liangshan, and the "black pot" belongs to Fang La's rebel army, so there is no need to offend Fang La.

——Fang La's rebel army is not actually a unified rebel army. They are actually composed of various rebel armies. It's just that they all use Fang La's banner and nominally listen to Fang La's dispatch, but in fact they fight on their own.

Liu Huiniang's words awaken the dreamer.

Jiang Hongfei said: "In that case, I will go there myself and help them sort it out."

Just leave.

Jiang Hongfei only took Gaoliang, Chen Liqing, Hua Baoyan, Hu Sanniang, Liu Huiniang, Qiongying, Su Jinniang and Dai Zong with him, and then he flew them to Jiangzhou with an auspicious cloud.

With Jiang Hongfei's current level of spiritual power, coupled with his knowledge of the "Spirit Transformation Technique", he can already fly to Jiangzhou in one breath.

However, for the sake of safety, when passing by Luzhou on the way, Jiang Hongfei took everyone to rest for a while before flying to Jiangzhou.

Fang Baihua and others were surprised when they saw Jiang Hongfei coming in person!

After taking Jiang Hongfei and his party to the Jiangzhou government office, Fang Baihua and others paid their respects. Jiang Hongfei told Fang Baihua and others their improved plan.

Finally, Jiang Hongfei used the secret technique of sound transmission to tell Wu Yong why he didn't adopt his plan.

Wu Yong suddenly realized it and accepted the improved plan of Jiang Hongfei and others.

So, after Jiang Hongfei and others packaged it, Saint Fang Baihua was released.

Xiao Rang sent people to gather the people of Jiangzhou in front of the government office, and Fang Baihua went to the public hearing stage.

Jiang Hongfei taught Fang Baihua from behind and said: "All countries in the world have the same principles. Children plow the fields and weave cloth, and work hard all year round. They have little food and cloth, and their fathers and brothers squander it all. If they don't get what they want, they will be whipped and tortured. Are you willing to accept it?"

The people of Jiangzhou, led by Wu Yong's pre-arranged entrustment, all replied: "No!"

Fang Baihua followed what Jiang Hongfei taught her and said: "After squandering money, I also gave it all to my enemies. My enemies relied on my property to make themselves rich, but instead they robbed and bullied me. However, the enemy's property will not be used as an insult." It’s useless! How are you, gentlemen?”

The people of Jiangzhou, led by Wu Yong's pre-arranged entrustment, all responded angrily: "Is this right?!"

Fang Baihua also followed what Jiang Hongfei taught her: "Today, the taxes and servitude are heavy, the officials plunder and extort, and the farmland and mulberry trees are not enough to supply. The people I depended on for my life, lacquered bamboos and fungus, have all been taken away without leaving any trace. The people are born, and the officials are established. , It is supposed to support the people, but it is so cruel! How can the hearts of heaven and humans be free of resentment? Moreover, the corrupt officials have squandered and wasted property, and bribed the two captives in the west and north every year, all of which are the blood of my innocent son from the southeast! I am alone! The people are working hard all the year round, and their wives are cold and exhausted. They can't get enough to eat in one day. Why do you think this is the case?"

This time, there was no need for those to lead the way. The people in Jiangzhou shouted loudly: "Yes!"

On the first day of October in the second year of Xuanhe, the saint Fang Baihua revolted in Jiangzhou. With the call of crusade against Zhu Meng and the purpose of doing justice for heaven, she saw high-ranking officials, wealthy gentry, gentry and their minions all seized on the public trial, and the people We have been suffering from these people's robbery and extortion for a long time, and as expected, everyone responded.

Within ten days, tens of thousands of people gathered...

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