Xianxia version of Water Margin

Chapter 243 Unstoppable

Although she was ruined by Jiang Hongfei, Liang Hongyu did not cry.

Maybe as Jiang Hongfei said, everyone must be responsible for what she has done.

Since she had chosen to capture the thief first and the king failed, it was natural for her to be retaliated by Jiang Hongfei.

After all, if she had won, Jiang Hongfei might have been cut to pieces on the crossroads of Bianliang City in Tokyo.

In such a comparison, she is actually quite lucky.

The next morning, Jiang Hongfei got up early, then patted Liang Hongyu's butt who was still pretending to sleep, and said: "Get up early, we will set up camp at the fourth watch and continue marching."

After that, Jiang Hongfei got up, washed and dressed neatly under the waiters of Gao Liang and other women, and then left without looking back.

After Jiang Hongfei left, Gao Liang came to the bedside, sat down, and then said to Liang Hongyu:

"If this were normal when he was not busy, he might play with you for a while longer, and he would be happy to do so."

"But that's not possible now. We have to compete with another rebel army and the Song Army for time. He doesn't have time to waste on you."

"Actually, if you hadn't attacked him yesterday, he wouldn't have touched you in a short time."

"He is treating you like this to teach you a lesson, to teach you to be obedient in the future. Otherwise, what will happen if the army is in chaos and cannot be kept safe."

"As for why he revolted, I will tell you slowly later."

"Now, I give you two choices. One is, you get up by yourself, pack up, and follow us obediently. The other is, we help you get up, and then tie you up and follow us."

Faced with such a choice, Liang Hongyu, who didn't want to toast or eat as a penalty, could only silently choose the former.

But Liang Hongyu's clothes had been torn to pieces by Jiang Hongfei, and she couldn't wear them anymore.

Just when Liang Hongyu was at a loss, Hua Baoyan brought Liang Hongyu a brand new military uniform.

In addition, Hua Baoyan also brought Liang Hongyu a long knife, a long spear and a set of armor.

Liang Hongyu has been martial arts since she was a child, and has a natural interest in things like swords and guns.

So, after getting dressed, Liang Hongyu couldn't hold back, picked up the long knife and pulled it out.

In an instant, the sound of dragons roaring and tigers roaring was heard, and at the same time, the long sword glowed with a murderous intent like autumn water!

Liang Hongyu said subconsciously: "This knife..."

Hua Baoyan introduced at the side: "This sword is made of hundred-refined snowflake iron. It has twenty-seven forbidden ways. It can chop gold and iron like mud."

When Liang Hongyu heard this, the affection on her face flashed away.

Hua Baoyan added: "The official said that your short sword cannot be used on the battlefield, so just throw it away. Your dagger is not bad, so I'll give it back to you."

After saying that, Hua Baoyan took out Liang Hongyu's dagger and gave it back to her.

Seeing the dagger, Liang Hongyu couldn't help but think of the scene when Jiang Hongfei took the dagger away from her, and she blushed. She secretly spat: "You're a disciple!"

Hua Baoyan took the long spear over again and said to Liang Hongyu: "This spear is also made of hundred-refined snowflake iron. It has twenty-four restrictions. The same is true for this set of armor. I also helped you pick one." A Dawanling horse, you should familiarize yourself with these as soon as possible. We may go to the battlefield at any time, and if we go to the battlefield, everyone may not be able to take care of you. At that time, you will mainly have to rely on yourself."

Liang Hongyu hesitated for a moment and asked, "Are we really going to the battlefield?"

Hua Baoyan smiled and asked, "Don't you think we are just the playthings that the officials carry around?"

Liang Hongyu wanted to say: "Isn't it?"

Seemingly seeing Liang Hongyu's true thoughts, Hua Baoyan said: "We women who follow the officials, none of us has a hundred and eighty lives on our hands, and Sister Liqing has thousands of lives on her hands. We are not flower vases.”

"Thousands of lives on your hands?!!!"

Liang Hongyu looked at Chen Liqing, who was almost like a fairy, with some disbelief - Liang Hongyu really couldn't believe that Chen Liqing had killed so many people!

At this time, Liang Hongyu saw Qiong Ying, who was not as old as Chen Liqing, and looked her up and down.

Although Liang Hongyu said nothing, Hua Baoyan understood what Liang Hongyu meant: "Has she also killed a hundred and eighty people?"

Hua Baoyan looked at Qiongying and said with a smile: "Don't underestimate her. When she was thirteen, I was no match for her. I don't know how strong she is now."

Liang Hongyu didn't expect that little Qiongying could be so powerful.


It should be said that Liang Hongyu did not expect that these women from Jiang Hongfei were so powerful.

Liang Hongyu couldn't help but think: "There seems to be something interesting here?"

Soon, Liang Hongyu packed up and had breakfast with Gao Liang and the other girls.

After the meal, Liang Hongyu saw Hua Baoyan help him choose the Dawanling horse.

This horse is nearly one foot long from head to tail, and nearly eight feet tall from hoof to spine. The mane is divided into flames, and the tail is swayed by the morning glow. The rouge is swept all over the body, and the red leaves are gathered on both ears. In the morning, when approaching the Purple Sea, four cold stars burst out from the horse's hooves; at dusk, when turning to the sand embankment, a ball of fire rolled on the spot. Anyone who sees it can tell that this is a good horse.

Liang Hongyu looked at the other women's mounts, and they all looked similar.

Liang Hongyu secretly thought: "Where did this thief get such a good horse from Xidi?!"

Liang Hongyu rode on the Dayuan spirit horse and followed the girls out of the camp. Then she saw the people of Chizhou, almost in full force, marching out to send Jiang Hongfei and the others off. Many people were reluctant to leave Jiang Hongfei and Fang Baihua, and begged Jiang Hongfei and Fang Baihua to come back again. Stay in Chizhou for a while.

Until Jiang Hongfei said that he and others had to go to liberate other places, otherwise they would not be able to preserve the results of the uprising. Moreover, if he and others left, someone would stay and lead them to continue to uphold justice and publicly try those high-ranking officials, wealthy families, and gentry. The rich family has forgiven everyone's debts, divided their fields, and distributed their grain. Everyone can rest assured that the people of Chizhou let Jiang Hongfei, Fang Baihua and the others leave.

Liang Hongyu was puzzled by this. She couldn't understand why rebels like Jiang Hongfei and Fang Baihua were so popular with the people.

Gao Liang saw Liang Hongyu's doubts, and she winked at Hua Baoyan.

When Hua Baoyan saw it, she nodded, then rode up to Liang Hongyu and said, "At first glance, you look like a young lady from a wealthy family. You never leave the front door or step out of the door. Don't you know the sufferings of the people?"

Liang Hongyu didn't say a word, but her ears perked up.

Hua Baoyan said: "Zhao Ji was extremely extravagant and lustful, and his ministers even shamelessly proposed that the master should make the world his home and peace his entertainment. How can he spend so many years without toiling in vain? For this reason, the exorbitant taxes and miscellaneous taxes are extremely heavy. Zhao Ji The monarchs and ministers also made great efforts to build the Huashi Gang and built Genyue Longlived Mountain for Zhao Ji. Today, the amount of Ruijin has increased from more than ten to more than 2,200, a sudden increase of hundreds of times; the total amount of tea interest money has increased from 30,000 in the early Song Dynasty. The number of coins increased to more than 4 million coins; not to mention the increase in taxes, the court also issued salt banknotes, and bought coins for public plunder."

After a pause, Hua Baoyan continued: "Exploitation other than taxation is even more serious. Corruption and accumulation are spreading all over the country, and states and counties are unscrupulously aggravating corruption; officials are treacherous and wantonly extorting; loan sharks are taking advantage of the people's hardships. , taking advantage of the opportunity to exploit us for huge profits."

Hua Baoyan looked at the poor people: "The people have lost all their wealth, hanged themselves in the water, and died in a foreign land. Orphans and widows, weeping to heaven, there are tens of millions of them! Those who hear it are sad, and those who see it shed tears." The souls groan and long for the birth of a savior.”

Having said this, Hua Baoyan looked at Liang Hongyu: "Don't you understand why these people welcome us so much? Let me tell you, what they welcome is not us, but hope, and we are their hope."

Hua Baoyan's words shocked Liang Hongyu, and she couldn't help but wonder: "Is this really the case?"

Not to mention that Liang Hongyu's thoughts gradually changed.

He only said that the army continued to march.

Two days later, the former army arrived at the border of Xuanzhou.

Some soldiers also reported to Zhao Jian, the magistrate of Xuanzhou.

After hearing this, Zhao Jian sneered and said: "How dare these thieves come to attack my city. I also thought of coming to arrest you. Today you just come and tie me up. This is God's teaching that I have succeeded. Pass it on to the left and right." Give the order, gather the troops and horses, go out of the city to meet the enemy, and bring the people up to the city to watch me kill the enemy."

Zhao Jian gave the order and went down. In front of the tent, there were officials with military positions such as commander, supervisor, commander, commander, and commander. They each led the troops and horses. After taking a look at the training field, the generals arranged to go out of the city to meet the enemy.

There were also those high-ranking officials, wealthy families, and gentry who took the initiative to send bankers and servants out of the city, fully armed.

Zhao Jian led five thousand Song troops and armed landlords and gentry outside the city, lined up in formation, waved flags, shouted, beat drums and sang gold, waiting for the rebels to arrive.

However, it was said that the former army Shi Bao and Lu Zhishen led eight thousand troops to arrive. The two armies met each other, facing each other with flags and drums, and each held strong bows and crossbows to stop the formation.

The horns were blown and the drums were beaten in both armies.

Zhao Jian also wanted to send generals to fight in a duel.

On the rebel side, Wu Jiao went directly to his back and pulled out his magical sword, muttering something in his mouth and shouting: "Quick!"

I saw a black energy rolling up among the rebels. That air dispersed into the air, flying sand and rocks, shaking the earth and the sky, and blowing strange winds, sweeping across the enemy.

The soldiers of Song Dynasty immediately couldn't look at each other. They were so frightened that the horse that sat down roared wildly, and everyone turned around and left.

Shi Bao waved his sword, and Ma Qijun immediately came out of the formation to kill the generals.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Zhishen also commanded the Zhennan Army to step forward to cover up the killing.

In an instant, the Song army was dashed to pieces by the horses of Ma Qijun. They were intermittently calling for brothers and looking for their sons and masters.

Most of the five thousand soldiers were killed by Ma Qijun and Zhennan First Army, and Zhao Jian died in the chaos.

Taking advantage of this great victory, Ma Qijun took advantage of the flying bridge and rushed directly into Xuancheng. Then he opened the city gate from inside the city, lowered the suspension bridge, and the Zhennan Army entered the city in large numbers.

Xuancheng is broken!

By the time Jiang Hongfei personally led the Chinese army to Xuancheng, the battle in Xuancheng was over.

After resting for a day in Xuancheng and arranging the personnel to help Tian, ​​the army continued to march towards Hangzhou.

Two days later, with guns, knives and water rushing, and men and horses rushing in, the rebel front army reached Guangde Army.

The Guangde Army has one of the few forbidden troops in the southeast, and Du Jian Lin is also a rare general in the southeast. The people of the Guangde Army feel that they are capable of fighting.

Therefore, after hearing that the rebel army was attacking Guangde Army, Qian Dafang and Lin Xian of Guangde Army heard about it, so they invited the generals to come and discuss important military matters.

Lin Xian said: "This group of rebels is unusual. They first went to Jiangzhou, then to Chizhou, and then to Xuancheng after a battle. They should not be underestimated. They must make many traps before they can capture his powerful generals."

Qian Dafang didn't understand military affairs, so he could only listen to Lin Xian's plan. He sent soldiers and strong men to dig dozens of pits in front of the city with hoes and shovels. They were covered with empty earth and soldiers were ambushed everywhere, waiting for the rebels. come.

Before Jiang Hongfei set off for the expedition, he sent Shi Xiu to lead the Jin Yiwei to go first to find out the news.

Not long after, Shi Xiu sent someone back to report: "The Guangde army has laid countless traps in front of the city. They are just waiting for my troops to arrive and use the traps to defeat our army."

Wu Yong listened and laughed: "Not surprising! I have a way to deal with it."

Then, Wu Yong explained his coping method to Jiang Hongfei in detail.

The next day, Jiang Hongfei personally led the army to Guangde Army.

At noon, Jiang Hongfei's army and horses went down to the stronghold, dug trenches on all sides, and dropped iron caltrops. After passing the order, all the troops were instructed to surrender to the stronghold separately. They usually dug into the trench and dropped thistles.

The next day, the two armies faced each other.

In the middle area are the many traps laid by Lin Xian.

Wu Jiao repeated his old trick and released that strange wind again.

In an instant, flying sand and rocks shook the earth and the sky, and a strange wind blew, sweeping past the enemy.

The soldiers of Song Dynasty immediately couldn't look at each other. They were so frightened that the horse that sat down roared wildly, and everyone turned around and left.

At this moment, more than a dozen flying bridges appeared out of thin air, and they crossed over the pits.

Shi Bao waved his sword, and Ma Qijun immediately came out of the formation to kill the generals, rushed onto the flying bridge, and went straight into the Song army's formation...

Next, all armies jumped over the many traps arranged by Lin Xian through flying bridges and attacked the Song army...

The rebels take another victory!

October seventeenth.

Jiang Hongfei and Fang Baihua led the overwhelming rebel army to Huzhou City.

The dignitaries, wealthy families, and gentry in Huzhou City were frightened. On the one hand, they defended the city, and on the other hand, they quickly sent people to negotiate with Jiang Hongfei to see if the people in Huzhou City could use money and food to buy Jiang Hongfei not to attack Huzhou. city.

Jiang Hongfei said to the people who came to negotiate: "Okay, but I want five million pieces of spiritual money, one hundred thousand pieces of silk, twenty thousand sets of armor, three thousand war horses, one thousand cattle, sheep, pigs, donkeys and mules, and one hundred grains." Wan Shi, as long as the people in Huzhou City hand over these things, I will not attack Huzhou City."

The visitor said: "There is so much property in the land that I can't even get it out even with all the efforts of my city. Can I be merciful and give it a small amount?"

Jiang Hongfei said: "Noise! ​​If I don't see these belongings in three days, I will attack the city immediately. After the city is broken, all the dignitaries, wealthy families, and gentry in the city will go to the public trial to be judged by the people, and their homes will also be confiscated." .”

The visitor quickly went back to report the matter to the dignitaries, wealthy families, and gentry in Huzhou City.

The dignitaries, wealthy families, and gentry in Huzhou City gathered together for a meeting to discuss how to come up with Jiang Hongfei's blackmail...

At the same time, Shi Xiu found Lu Xing'er in Huzhou City and said to him: "Our army is attacking the city at midnight tonight. Can you open the city gate in conjunction with the inside and outside?"

Lu Xing'er had long wanted to revolt, and had already gathered hundreds of people, some of whom were responsible for guarding the city gates, so opening the city gates was a piece of cake for him.

That night, it was three o'clock.

The gates of Huzhou City were wide open, and thousands of rebels, led by the Huzhou Rebels led by Lu Xing'er, poured into the city.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Hongfei secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Now only Hangzhou is left..."

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