Xianxia version of Water Margin

Chapter 246 Jiang Yan: I won’t keep my word.

Jin man: "There are ten generations like Yao Xing, how dare I go forward?"

Hailing King Wan Yanliang said: "The independent general's surname is Yao, and he is loyal and filial to the Southern Dynasty."

If you don't read the novels, just look at the official history, and evaluate purely by personal force, the most powerful general in the Song Dynasty must be Yang Zaixing, and the second most powerful general is probably Yao Xing.

When Yao Xing got older, he used 400 cavalry to resist more than 100,000 Jin soldiers at Weizi Bridge from morning to noon. He personally killed hundreds of Jin soldiers. Later, due to lack of reinforcements, he was eventually killed by the enemy.

In that battle, Yao Xing conquered the Jin people he fought with, and also asked Wan Yanliang, the emperor of the enemy country, to write poems for him, which shows his fighting power.

Yao Xing, who was still just a young general, fell into the hands of Jiang Hongfei. How could Jiang Hongfei not conquer him?

Speaking of which, Jiang Hongfei's process of conquering Yao Xing was actually quite simple.

Jiang Hongfei just led Yao Xing to hold a public trial for more than ten days to cancel debts, divide land, and distribute grain.

When Yao Xing saw that the high-ranking officials, wealthy families, and gentry in Hangzhou City all had a lot of potential in their homes, while the poor had no room for excellence. We also see that the property of the rich is spread all over the state, while the poverty of the poor is not exempt from ravines. In this way, nobles, bureaucrats, and landlords are still using all means to plunder peasants' land, annex and counterfeit goods, and exploit the poor in every possible way, causing the poor to commit suicide, flee, and sell their children, daughters, and wives. Some drowned their newborn children alive, and their families were destroyed. Yao Xing, who had an innocent heart, voted for Jiang Hongfei, determined to follow Jiang Hongfei to change this injustice.

Since Jiang Hongfei did not bring any of his personal guards, Jiang Hongfei mobilized a thousand elites from various armies and used the good horses he had captured along the way to form a new personal guard, which was then led by Yao Xing.

November 15th.

Jiang Hongfei asked the leading troops to kill pigs and sheep. They had enough chicken, duck and fish to reward each army.

November 16th.

Jiang Hongfei and Fang Baihua personally led the army northward.

November 17th.

Shi Bao, who was the forward, sent back the news that their Ma Qi Army had captured Chongde City.

Another six or seven days passed.

Along the way, Yanguan, Xinshi Town, Wudun Town, Qingdun Town, Tongxiang, Haining, and Haiyan were all captured by Shi Bao, Pang Wanchun, Liang Jin and others.

All armies surrounded Xiuzhou.

In the Fang La Uprising in history, after Fang La's rebel army captured Hangzhou, Fang La sent Fang Qifu to lead the Northern Expedition.

Fang Qifu captured Chongde County in one fell swoop, besieged Xiuzhou northeast of Hangzhou, and divided his troops into Huzhou to respond to Lu Xing'er's uprising.

However, due to the delay in Fang La's action, the Zhao and Song Dynasties appointed Tong Guan as the Xuanfu envoy, Tan Zhen as the Zhizhi envoy, and Liu Yanqing as the capital commander. They led the imperial army and the Sixth Route of Shaanxi's Fan and Han troops, 150,000 horses, to go south.

And this was the first group of people from the Zhao and Song Dynasty to go south.

Later, the Zhao and Song dynasties successively sent various armies, totaling hundreds of thousands of people, to march towards the two Zhejiang provinces.

Due to Fang Qifu's lack of men and horses, he was attacked by Song Zhaonian, the governor of the state, who was huddled in the city, and Wang Ziwu, the commander of the army, tried to clear the country and attack Xiuzhou City for a long time.

Later, the Gyeonggi Forbidden Army, Dingfeng Spearmen, and Xihe Fan Han soldiers led by Wang Zhen arrived near Xiuzhou City.

Wang Ziwu and Wang Zunli cooperated with each other to attack Fang Qifu's tribe. Fang Qifu was caught off guard and did not make preparations to "encircle the point for reinforcements", so they had to fight and retreat.

In the end, Fang Qifu's tribe retreated to a wilderness of ten miles between Jiaxing, Haining, and Chongde, and was surrounded by the Song army on all sides.

After a whole day of brutal fighting between the two sides, Fang Qifu's 60,000-strong army was killed and only about 20,000 people were left, who broke through and moved to Hangzhou.

Later, Wang Zhen joined forces with Zhe Kecun and other troops who arrived later, and continued southward, approaching the city of Hangzhou. The Fang La Uprising began to end...

However, according to the calculation of time, Song Jun would still have three months to cross the river.

Jiang Hongfei is not as slow as Fang La.

If Jiang Hongfei wanted to occupy the southeast, within these three months, Jiang Hongfei would have already reached the Yangtze River and completely controlled the Yangtze River.

November twenty-four.

The Chinese army led by Jiang Hongfei and Fang Baihua arrived at Xiuzhou City, and then more and more rebels gathered.

At this time, Xiuzhou had implemented the policy of strengthening the walls and clearing the countryside, strengthening the city walls and clearing out grain buildings in the countryside.

Jiang Hongfei knew that Song Zhaonian and Wang Ziwu would definitely neither fight nor surrender.

Therefore, Jiang Hongfei didn't talk nonsense, but ordered that the entire army come to a place near Xiuzhou City, and set down the village gate on the opposite side, and the entire army rested.

In the evening, Jiang Hongfei used the tactics he used in Hangzhou City, which was to use hot air balloons as the main attack. He and his women also went into battle in person, and defeated Xiuzhou City in one fell swoop.

By this time, Lin Ren and the others had arrived in Hangzhou by sea.

Jiang Hongfei transferred Lin Ren and others, leaving a thousand people to protect them in Xiuzhou to fight for Tianxingdao. Jiang Hongfei joined the Zhennan Five Army led by Lu Xing'er who came from Huzhou and continued northward.

The second day of December.

Jiang Hongfei led the Ma Qi Army, the Zhennan Second Army, the Zhennan Third Army, and the Zhennan Fifth Army to the Suzhou City.

Zhu Meng and other dignitaries, wealthy families, and gentry in Suzhou City were frightened. On the one hand, they defended the city, and on the other hand, they quickly sent people to negotiate with Jiang Hongfei to see if the people in Suzhou City could buy Jiang Hongfei with money and food. Do not attack Suzhou City.

Jiang Hongfei saw that Zhu Meng and the others also had such a lucky mentality. Unexpectedly, Jiang Hongfei repeated his old tricks. On the one hand, he offered Zhu Meng and the others five million pieces of spiritual money, 100,000 pieces of silk, and 20,000 sets of armor. Three thousand war horses, one thousand cattle, sheep, pigs, donkeys and mules each, and one million dan of grain were extorted at a sky-high price. On the one hand, Shi Xiu was sent to contact Shi Sheng and asked him to find a way to earn money to open the city gate tonight.

But despite all his calculations, Jiang Hongfei never expected that Zhu Meng and the others would extort the sky-high price they demanded.

Not only that, before it got dark, Zhu Meng and the others took the five million coins, one hundred thousand pieces of silk, 20,000 sets of armor, three thousand horses, one thousand cattle, sheep, pigs, donkeys and mules, and one million Shi Liang was sent out of Suzhou City.

Finally, Zhu Meng and the others sent Jiang Hongfei a hundred beauties.

Obviously, Zhu Meng and other high-ranking officials, wealthy families, and gentry in Suzhou heard about what Jiang Hongfei did in Huzhou.

At this time, Jiang Hongfei was roasted on the fire.

Let's attack Suzhou City. Jiang Hongfei just doesn't keep his word. The reputation of integrity that Jiang Hongfei has built for many years will be destroyed in one day.

Let's not attack the city of Suzhou. Jiang Hongfei would not be reconciled just to see that these high-ranking officials, wealthy families, and gentry in Suzhou could bring out so much property.

It was only then that Jiang Hongfei remembered that Zhu Meng's house in history was later confiscated, and his family's land deed alone had as much as 300,000 acres.

Moreover, you must know that in Suzhou city, there is not only one Zhu family, but also a large number of dignitaries, wealthy families, and gentry. How much wealth and supplies is this? ! ! !

Jiang Hongfei regretted that he asked for too little.

Jiang Hongfei thought to himself: "Should I attack Suzhou City now? Or Suzhou City? Or Suzhou City?"

That's right.

Jiang Hongfei is still the same young man as before, and has not changed at all. He still has a bottom line as a human being, and he cannot give up real benefits for the so-called reputation.

Furthermore, if Jiang Hongfei kept his word to enemies like Zhu Meng, he would have to break his promise and punish righteous men like them.

You know, Jiang Hongfei has already sent Shi Xiu to inform Shi Sheng that they are going to earn the city gate.

Jiang Hongfei could still tell clearly which was more and which was less.

Of course, Jiang Hongfei's current status is no longer what it used to be, and he still has to find some way to cover up his ugliness.

But that's all for later, there are military advisers, literati, etc. who will help Jiang Hongfei deal with the aftermath.

Now, let’s take down Suzhou City first, and then talk about other things.

In order to facilitate the operation of those military advisors and scholars, Jiang Hongfei played a trick and asked Fang Baihua to give the order to attack Suzhou City with Shi Sheng inside and outside according to the plan made in advance.

That night, Shi Sheng revolted in Suzhou City, led his people in a bloody battle, and opened the gates of Suzhou City.

Under the leadership of the Suzhou rebels led by Shi Sheng, Fang Baihua led various armies and poured into Suzhou city.

Both sides cooperated internally and externally to capture Suzhou City in one fell swoop.

Shi Sheng was originally born into a wealthy family. Only because he had a very beautiful Taihu stone in his home, he was persecuted by the officials of Suzhou Yingfeng Bureau headed by Zhu Meng. In the end, the Shi family was ruined and Shi Sheng's father was also murdered. Thorn with Salmon Island.

Because of this, Shi Sheng hated the dark Zhao Song Dynasty and was determined to overthrow the dark rule of the Zhao Song Dynasty.

It is precisely because of this that Shi Sheng risked a narrow escape and led a group of people who, like him, wanted to overthrow the dark rule of the Zhao and Song Dynasties to help Jiang Hongfei and Fang Baihua open the gate of Suzhou overnight.

After the city was broken, Shi Sheng led his people straight to Sunlao Bridge.

Who would have thought that Shi Sheng hurriedly arrived a step too late. The main members of Zhu Meng's family had already escaped from the city through another gate along with many officials, gentry and nobles.

Just when Shi Sheng thought he couldn't get revenge, Zhu Meng and the others bumped into Jiang Hongfei and his party who had just entered the city.

Although Zhu Meng and the others also have many powerful Qi practitioners around them, as well as more than 500 fully armed bankers and servants.

But those Qi refiners were no match for Yao Xing, Gao Liang and others, and their bankers and servants were no match for Jiang Hongfei's personal guards.

In the end, the Qi refiners under Zhu Meng were either killed by Yao Xing and Gao Liang, or they took advantage of the chaos to escape. The same was true for the more than 500 villagers and servants, and almost all the officials, gentry and nobles such as Zhu Meng were killed. Caught.

After Shi Sheng heard about this, he came to Jiang Hongfei to ask for Zhu Meng's family.

Jiang Hongfei understood Shi Sheng's mood, but he still said to Shi Sheng: "You are not the only one who hates that generation. How about I set up a public trial in a few days to announce the Zhu family's crimes, and then teach you how to deal with his family in public?" "

Shi Sheng burst into tears of gratitude.

After Shi Sheng left, Jiang Hongfei asked people to search Zhu's house.

As a result, not only did the Zhu family really have more than 300,000 acres of land deeds, but also spiritual stones, spiritual artifacts and other properties (not counting antique calligraphy and paintings and other treasures whose value is difficult to calculate). A rough calculation turned out to be less than 20 million yuan, and no less than silk. 200,000 horses, more than 400,000 dan of grain, no less than 10,000 sets of sophisticated soldiers and armor, more than 3,000 fine horses, and tens of thousands of livestock. Zhu Meng alone had hundreds of wives, concubines, and maids, including Zhu Meng's brothers, nephews, and nephews. The total number of his wives, concubines, and maidservants exceeds 2,000, and even the slaves of the Zhu family are all dressed in fine clothes and jade belts.

Jiang Hongfei really didn't expect that Zhu Meng's family was so rich!

This made Jiang Hongfei couldn't help but go to Zhu's house to have a look.

Looking at this, Jiang Hongfei, who had been bombarded by the information explosion of later generations, couldn't help but be stunned.

Purple pillars, golden beams, golden bricks and jade tiles represent the ultimate luxury in the world.

The Zhu family is not just a family, it is clearly a small palace.

It is no exaggeration to say that it was enough for Jiang Hongfei to ascend the throne and proclaim himself emperor in the Zhu family.

Shi Sheng said to Jiang Hongfei: "There is a saying here that a gold belt or a silver belt means the Zhao family is bad in the world and the Zhu family is bad."

Jiang Hongfei tasted the product.

300,000 acres of land and this huge wealth that even shocked Jiang Hongfei, how much people's wealth and sins do they represent behind them? ! ! !

However, in Jiang Hongfei's view, the source of all these sins still stems from Zhao Ji's extravagant desires and his love for flowers and stones.

In order to satisfy Zhao Ji's crazy love for exotic flowers and stones, Cai Jing, who wanted power, set up the Yingfeng Bureau in Suzhou, spent a lot of public property to search for flowers and stones, and transported them by boat from the Huaihe River and Bianhe River to Bianliang City in Tokyo. Only then did Zhu Meng have the opportunity to become so arrogant that he accumulated such a huge amount of wealth through various cruel means without a bottom line, and his life was extravagant and corrupted to the extreme.

As the saying goes, if something is good at the top, it must be good at the bottom.

It is said that because Zhu Meng's commotion was too great, the people in the southeast were living in dire straits. In the end, even Cai Jing couldn't stand it and told Zhao Ji that Huashi Gang was disturbing the people. Zhao Ji then prohibited Zhu Meng from occupying official grain ships and prohibited the digging of tombs and destruction of graves. Room.

After Zhao Ji spoke, Zhu Meng restrained himself slightly.

But not long after, Zhu Meng returned to his old ways and started a large-scale construction project to build a Taoist temple and Shenxiao Temple. He also pretended that the area around Sunlaoqiao in Suzhou where he lived had been given to the Zhu family by an imperial edict, forcing hundreds of households around it to be demolished within five days. move.

With Zhao Ji acting as a backer for Zhu Meng, the people did not even dare to protect themselves, so they had to pack up their things and move out in panic.

Not only that, the Zhu family and his son built a large garden in Suzhou, which was similar to the palace palace, and recruited thousands of people as personal guards.

To borrow a sentence from the history books: "Zhu Meng and his father, brother, sons and nephews have been living in poisonous prefectures and counties for twenty years."

Originally, Jiang Hongfei was worried that it would be difficult to find irrefutable evidence to kill all the Zhu family members.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Hongfei sent people to search randomly and found irrefutable evidence of the Zhu Meng father and son and the Zhu family's heinous crimes.

Jiang Hongfei had people engraved all the seizures from Zhu Meng's house on a huge stone tablet. The various crimes committed by Zhu Meng's family were engraved below, and the crimes related to Hua Shigang were particularly detailed.

Fearing that the stele would be destroyed, Jiang Hongfei asked the Suzhou Yingfeng Bureau to print 10,000 copies of the "Zhu Family Crime Records" based on the stele and distribute them.

Obviously, what Jiang Hongfei wanted to do was not to crucify Zhu Meng, but to use Zhu Meng to convict Zhao Ji of being a coward.

In this way, Jiang Hongfei would have enough reasons to rebel and gain more support from the world.

In the end, Shi Sheng and other people who had a deep hatred for the Zhu family took it upon themselves to cut Zhu Meng, Zhu Meng's father, brother, sons and nephews to pieces on the crossroads.

The men of the Zhu family, including all the slaves of the Zhu family, were beheaded and all the women were sent back to Shuibo Liangshan for redistribution.

——Everyone related to the Zhu family was investigated at all levels, and no one was spared, including the family members of the Zhu family's slaves.

The Zhu family, which had caused trouble in the southeast for twenty years, became history and was nailed to the shame rack of history.

And the Zhu family is just the beginning.

Again, there is more than one Zhu family in Suzhou...

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