Xianxia version of Water Margin

Chapter 248 Fang La: I can only pretend to be a grandson first

A hundred people, all kinds of things; a thousand people, covering the clouds and the sky; ten thousand people, boundless; a hundred thousand people, covering the earth and the sky.

And the people Fang La brought were hundreds of thousands, if not one million.

Not to mention anything else, the aura of the black waves shook the sky and the earth, like locusts passing by.

Fang La was going to use this momentum to make Jiang Hongfei retreat in spite of the difficulties, give him the two Zhejiang provinces, and then roll back to Jian'erwa.

Faced with Fang La's intimidation, the city gates of Hangzhou were opened wide, and then the Wei Army, Tabai Army, Po Enemy Army, You Yi Army, Xuanfeng Army, Tiefutu Front Army (controlled by Bian Xiang), Tiefutu Rear Army (Hu Yanzhuo) The people under his control), Ma Qijun, and the Guards came out in droves.

Next, in addition to the Zhennan First Army that stayed in Hangzhou City and the Zhennan Fourth Army that stayed in Jiangzhou, the Zhennan Second Army, the Zhennan Third Army, the Zhennan Fifth Army, the Zhennan Sixth Army, the Zhennan Seventh Army, and the Zhennan Eighth Army military.

In total, Jiang Hongfei led a horse army of 27,000 and an infantry of 30,000. A total of less than 60,000 horses came out to show off their muscles.

Judging from the number of people alone, the people Jiang Hongfei brought out were less than one-tenth of the army led by Fang La.

But anyone who knows a little bit about the army will know that the two armies are not of the same magnitude at all when they see that Jiang Hongfei's men and horses are all equipped with the equipment of the Zhao and Song Imperial Army.

What's more, there are nearly 30,000 horse troops in Jiang Hongfei's army.

If used properly, one cavalry army can even be worth ten infantry armies.

What frightened Fang La and the others the most was that Jiang Hongfei also had the luxury of having 6,000 heavy cavalry.

This thing is definitely a nightmare for infantry in this world. Let alone six thousand, maybe six hundred can determine the outcome of a battle.

Let’s look back at Fang La’s rebel army.

There are many people.

But in fact, there are less than 300,000 Qi refiners in Fang La's rebel army.

In other words, the remaining hundreds of thousands are civilians who can carry things and provide assistance, and have no combat power at all.

And among the less than 300,000 Qigong warriors, some of them were new to Fang La's rebel army. They didn't even have any weapons at hand. They could just use a kitchen knife or a hoe as a weapon.

Even the elite of Fang La's men were only 10,000 elite equipped with the equipment of Cai Zun and Yan Tanna's army and the equipment of Guo Shizhong's army. Compared with the worst army under Jiang Hongfei, they were slightly insufficient.

Ma Jun?

Fang La could barely scrape together 3,000 Qi warriors who could ride horses, and matched them with the 1,000 spirit horses Jiang Hongfei gave him and the miscellaneous captured horses. As for whether they could fight, it was hard to say. .

Let's put it this way, even though the troops brought by Jiang Hongfei are far less than the army brought by Fang La, if the two sides really fight now, Fang La will most likely lose.

Until this moment, Fang La didn't know why the world said that Jiang Hongfei, who had always been secretive, was the leader of the four bandits.

Seeing Jiang Hongfei's display of strength, Chen Houtong immediately said to Fang La: "Holy Duke, we can only outwit him, but we must never be able to defeat him!"

Wang Gong Laofu also reminded Fang La: "His infantry troops are better, and their murderous intent is not too strong, but his horse troops all have a murderous intent. They must be elites in hundreds of battles. They are the strongest soldiers in the world. Our army is difficult to defeat." also."

With the reminder from the well-informed Chen Houtong and Wang Gonglaofu, Fang La no longer dared to compete with Jiang Hongfei.

At this moment, Jiang Hongfei said: "Brother, you are very busy. I asked you to come and meet me. I have been waiting for you for two months, and you really taught me how to wait."

Fang La said loudly: "Oh, Brother Jiao Xian has been waiting for so long. I feel sorry for you. But the people in western Zhejiang have long been unable to bear the dark rule of Zhao and Song Dynasty. Letters of help arrived like snowflakes. Brother Jiao is really sorry." I couldn't bear to see them in dire straits, so I went to rescue them first, and then I missed meeting my wise brother."

Jiang Hongfei said leisurely: "It doesn't matter that you missed meeting me. It's just that you missed the opportunity to fight, but it's a small loss at a loss."


Fang La didn't understand, what did Jiang Hongfei mean?

Fang La didn't make random guesses, but asked directly: "What do you mean by this, brother Xian?"

Jiang Hongfei didn't answer and asked instead: "Brother, do you really want me to talk about this in front of the two armies?"

Fang La still understood the truth that "a ruler who is not secret will lose his ministers, a minister who is not secret will lose himself, and a few things that are not secret will cause harm."

This would be troublesome if Jiang Hongfei said something that would affect the morale of the army and cause the rabble under him to scatter like birds and beasts.

Thinking of this, Fang La said: "How about you and I send a message?"

Jiang Hongfei said noncommittally, "How about you and I go for a walk?"

Fang Fei immediately reminded Fang La: "Be careful of fraud."

Fang La was deeply convinced.

In the past, it was okay for him to meet Jiang Hongfei alone, because there was no conflict of interest between the two at that time.

But things are different now. Now Jiang Hongfei occupies most of the two Zhejiang areas. He occupies the two big states in western Zhejiang and the only way to western Zhejiang. The two of them are the two largest forces in the southeast. If he kills them Jiang Hongfei, then he can dominate the southeast, and vice versa.

Let's put it this way, now Jiang Hongfei has been promoted to Fang La's number one threat. Fang La uses himself to save others and feels that he is also a thorn in Jiang Hongfei's side, so Jiang Hongfei quickly eliminates him.

Therefore, in the face of Jiang Hongfei's invitation, Fang La delayed in replying and planned to use dragging tactics to deal with the matter.

Seeing this, Jiang Hongfei said with some disappointment: "Then send two people to talk to my men."

After saying that, Jiang Hongfei ordered his troops to retreat without waiting for Fang La's reply.

Obviously, Jiang Hongfei was unhappy and didn't even spare the last bit of face for Fang La.

Many people in the Fang La Rebel Army can understand this.

Jiang Hongfei made an appointment with Fang La in mid-to-late December, and Jiang Hongfei specifically told Fang La, the messenger: "Let me make it clear first that I can stop, but you have to tell brother Fang La and tell him to come to Hangzhou as soon as possible. The two of us will discuss it carefully." Wait, how to fight later, I have a feeling that the Song army is about to go south, we have to block the Yangtze River quickly, otherwise Brother Fang La will have a war in the future."

As a result, Fang La delayed the meeting until mid-January.

Some people may say that from mid-to-late December to mid-January, which is less than a month, Fang La came very quickly, right?

How can this be so?

This year is leap December.

In other words, it took Fang La two months to come to see Jiang Hongfei.

To be honest, if Fang La came later, it would be too late.

But Fang La still led nearly a million troops to the city of Hangzhou.

What does Fang La want to do? Jiang Hongfei didn't say anything, but how could he not know?

Now, Jiang Hongfei wanted to have an honest talk with Fang La regardless of the past grievances, but Fang La was still resisting.

This undoubtedly tore off the last bit of skin between Jiang Hongfei and Fang La.

Shouldn't Jiang Hongfei be embarrassed by Fang La?

Fang La also knew that what he did was a little unethical.

The key is, Fang Laman thought that with his current strength, he could intimidate Jiang Hongfei.

But the result is that his current strength is still not enough for Jiang Hongfei.

What to do? Fang La can only pretend to be a grandson first.

Fang La comforted himself: "A little impatience will ruin a big plan." Then he sent Fang Wei and Chen Houtong, who had a good relationship with Jiang Hongfei, to see Jiang Hongfei.

However, what made Fang Wei and Chen Houtong smile bitterly was that Jiang Hongfei, who had always been very talkative before, did not see them at all this time. Instead, he sent Wu Yong and General Lu to see them.

As soon as they met, General Lu said straight to the point with an iron face: "My lord has received clear news. The Zhao Song court has appointed Tong Guan as the Xuanfu envoy, Tan Zhen as the Zhizhi envoy, and Liu Yanqing as the capital commander. , led the Forbidden Army and the Sixth Route of Shaanxi Fan and Han soldiers, 150,000 people, and went south soon. This was the first group of people from Zhao Song Dynasty to go south. The Zhao Song court also planned to mobilize more people to go south, with a total of hundreds of thousands of people. Head towards Liang Zhejiang."


Fang Wei and Chen Houtong were both shocked beyond measure!

Then Fang Jie asserted: "This is absolutely impossible! Even if the defenders could not withstand the pressure and report in time, the court would be informed, gather for discussion, mobilize the army, and allocate food and wages. It all takes a lot of time. How could the army be sent out so quickly?! "

General Lu sneered: "Quickly? More than four months have passed since the uprising in early October. Can Zhao and Song send out a large army even if they mobilize their troops normally? And you have calculated everything, but you have not calculated that Zhao Song The Song Dynasty is planning to send a large army northward to join forces with the Jin Dynasty to destroy the Liao Dynasty and regain the Sixteenth Prefecture of Yanyun at the beginning of this year. The 150,000 troops, together with food, grass, and baggage, have already gathered in Daming Mansion, Beijing, and are ready to set off at any time! All of this is because of your own cleverness and misleading others. Has!"

General Lu has reason to be angry.

Originally, Jiang Hongfei had already led his army north to capture Jinling, preparing to lock the Yangtze River.

However, Fang La and his group, out of selfish motives, threatened Jiang Hongfei with the outbreak of civil strife, forcing Jiang Hongfei to stop in Suzhou and not allowing Jiang Hongfei to continue heading north.

If it was just like this, then forget it, but after Fang La and the others stopped Jiang Hongfei, they were still procrastinating and did not lock the vital Yangtze River themselves.

The key is that during this process, Jiang Hongfei had urged Fang La and his group countless times.

But it was okay if Jiang Hongfei didn't press. The more Jiang Hongfei pressed, the more Fang La and his group ignored Jiang Hongfei's words.

All the great advantages were delayed by Fang La and his group.

Now, the decision-makers of Shuibo Liangshan have decided to abandon the two Zhejiang areas that will definitely become the main battlefield and retreat to Fuzhou, which is easy to defend and difficult to attack.

The Liangzhe area is the hometown of General Lu.

Who would be willing to give up their hometown if they could?

But as a person with an overall view, General Lu understood that there was a certain reason for the decision made by Shuibo Liangshan's decision-makers.

If the Liangshan Army fights the official army in the front, no one can guarantee whether Fang La and his gang of troublemakers will cause trouble behind the scenes. What's worse, what if Fang La and his gang accept the Zhao and Song court's recruitment?

In short, if Shuibo Liangshan does not withdraw from the two Zhejiang areas, the variables will be too great.

That's why the decision-makers of Shuibo Liangshan made the decision to hand over the two Zhejiang provinces to Fang La and the others.

In this way, Shuibo Liangshan will have more strategic space and room for maneuver.

After a moment's reaction, Chen Houtong confirmed with Wu Yong and General Lu: "Is this true?"

Wu Yong said leisurely: "You don't believe it either."

Chen Houtong thought for a moment and realized that there was no need to lie to them in Shuibo Liangshan.

The key is, this will be confirmed soon.

After all, if we follow what Wu Yong and General Lu said, then the leading troops of the Song Army will probably reach the Yangtze River soon.

Chen Houtong calmed down and asked, "What are your family's plans?"

Wu Yong said bluntly: "My master will give your family two ways to go."

Chen Houtong said: "I would like to hear the details."

Wu Yong didn't show off, and said bluntly: "First, if your family merges into my family, your sage will come to Shuibo Liangshan to be the third head of the family. In the future, when my lord aspires to dominate the world, he will give your sage a title." King, when the time comes, you don’t have to worry about how to resist the Song army’s attack, you can just obey my orders.”

Seeing that the first way Jiang Hongfei gave Fang La was to annex Fang La, and from the looks of it, it was a complete annexation.

Chen Houtong didn't even need to ask Fang La. He also knew that Fang La, who had always dreamed of becoming an emperor, would definitely not accept such a condition.

So Chen Houtong asked: "What about the second way?"

Jiang Hongfei has already discussed with Wu Yong, Liu Huiniang, and General Lu. If Shuibo Liangshan can really annex Fang La's power, Shuibo Liangshan will not be unable to change the overall strategy. You must know that the southeast is also one of the four corners, and its geographical location is even greater than that of Hebei. The place of the Four Wars was even better, and it was from here that Zhu Yuanzhang unified the world.

It's a pity that the southeast is the area where Fang La and the others rely on for survival. If they are unwilling to cooperate, Shuibo Liangshan will not be able to easily control the southeast. If the two wars break out again, it will only be to take advantage of the Zhao and Song Dynasties.

Therefore, Wu Yong couldn't help but feel a little regretful when he saw that the usually wise Chen Houtong didn't consider this first option!

Wu Yong took a deep breath and said: "The second way is for your family to spend 100 million yuan to buy all the prefectures and counties that my family has conquered in the southeast. My family will retreat to Fujian and cede the battlefield to your family."

The second path Jiang Hongfei gave Fang La made Fang Xie and Chen Houtong's eyes brighten.

Fang Wei immediately bargained and said, "This hundred million coins is too much..."

Before Fang Wei could finish speaking, Wu Yong said, "What? Too expensive? In this case, my family will give your family 100 million yuan, and your family will sell the Muzhou and Shezhou that your family captured to my family, and the entire army will retreat to Fujian." .how?"

During the Anti-Japanese War, Fujian was known as "the indisputable territory of military strategists", mainly because it was neither a grain-producing area nor an important economic or military center.

China's grain-producing areas are mainly concentrated in the Northeast Plain, East China Plain, the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River Plain, the Guanzhong Plain, and the Chengdu Plain.

These places are plains with large arable areas, so they are the primary targets of the Japanese invaders.

More than 90% of Fujian's territory is composed of hills and mountains. It is said that there are eight mountains, one water and one farmland, and the arable area is very small.

The area of ​​cultivated land determines economic development and population. Fujian's special landform caused neither economy nor population to be prominent during the Anti-Japanese War.

As for its military significance, Fujian's geographical location determines that it is not a battleground for military strategists - its interests are relatively small.

——The Japanese invaders had a very strong purpose in invading China. They occupied the Northeast because the Northeast had an industrial base and was a major grain-producing area. It had a vast territory and abundant resources, and could use it as a springboard to covet China. After that, the lands targeted by the Japanese invaders were economically important towns, such as some important economic towns in the Central Plains and the South. Or there are major metallurgical provinces, such as Jiangxi or Hunan. Or maybe it's for strategic purposes, to open up mainland transportation lines or something. Fujian during the Anti-Japanese War was not included in this list, so the Japanese army did not divide its troops to attack Fujian.

Gu Zuyu, a geographer in the Qing Dynasty, once made a comment about Fujian: "If Fujian is used to conquer the world, Fujian's military strength, money and food will not be enough to achieve this goal."

This can be said to be a good summary of Fujian.

If Fang La and the others were asked to give up the rich and prosperous areas of Zhejiang and Zhejiang and go to that dead place in Fujian, even if they beat Fang La to death, Fang La would definitely not go there.

Shuibo Liangshan is willing to give 100 million to the two military prefectures of Muzhou and Shezhou. If they are unwilling to give 100 million to the nine military prefectures and more than 100 counties occupied by Shuibo Liangshan, it is really unreasonable.

Fang Wei quickly pulled back and said, "It's not that your family's nine military prefectures and more than 100 counties are not worth 100 million. It's just that my family only conquered two military prefectures and less than twenty counties. How could it be possible to have such a Duolingqian, do you think we can discuss it with the Great Sage Tian and ask him to be accommodating?"

Wu Yong said: "No matter how small it is, can it be worthy of such a large piece of rich and developed land?"

After a pause, Wu Yong said: "How about this? You go back and talk to your Shenggong. What if he is willing to sell Muzhou and Shezhou for 100 million?"

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