Xianxia version of Water Margin

Chapter 250 Start bleeding each other

The news of the uprising in the southeast grew louder and louder, and finally became so loud that Wang Fu could no longer contain it.

Zhao Ji was shocked when he learned about it and hurriedly sent Tan Zhen to the southeast to lead the local army and people to suppress the rebellion and capture the rebel brothers Fang La and Fang Baihua.

Tan Zhen is tall and burly, and looks like a military general. Moreover, he pays great attention to dressing up, keeping his appearance neat and tidy, and standing and sitting as he should. He also likes to talk about military affairs, boast, and package himself. Zhao Ji and all the civil and military officials of the Zhao and Song dynasties felt that he was the second best eunuch in Tongguan and a good eunuch in war.

In fact, Tan Zhen is just a guy who talks on paper.

There are four reasons why Tan Zhen stands out:

First, Tan Zhen was the first to engage in transshipment, that is, to transfer property from the southeast to Kaifeng Mansion.

In fact, with Tan Zhen's ability, he simply couldn't do this job that required strong scheduling ability.

But Tan Zhen was lucky enough to have one of the world's most capable ministers as his partner.

Tan Zhen's partner was Chen Tao, a famous anti-Jin general in the Northern Song Dynasty.

When it comes to famous generals in the Two Song Dynasties, the first thing people think of must be the famous generals in the Southern Song Dynasty such as Yue Fei, Han Shizhong, Wu Jie, and Liu Qi.

But in fact, there were also famous generals in the Northern Song Dynasty.

And Chen Tuo is a well-deserved one of them.

What is even more rare is that Chen Yu is also good at both civil and military skills.

It is no exaggeration to say that Chen Yu was just unlucky. Otherwise, his achievements would definitely not be inferior to those of Yue Fei, Han Shizhong, Wu Jie, and Liu Qi.

Chen Tuan was a well-educated scholar who was promoted to Jinshi. Moreover, no matter where he was an official or what he did, his political achievements were extremely outstanding.

In history, Chen Tao created the "economic system money". In seven roads including Huai, Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Hu, and Fujian, he increased the collection of wine sales, vinaigrette, commercial tax, dental tax, deed tax, boss money, and building shop money. An additional 20 coins were collected for economic purposes, which raised enough military expenses for the Song army to suppress the Fangla Uprising.

In addition, the water conservancy project in Hangzhou was also built by Chen Tao.

The most important thing is that there were five epic defense battles during the Song Dynasty, two of which were fought by Chen Tao.

Everyone knows Zongze.

But few people know that Zongze only got the position of deputy marshal by chance, while Chen Yu was the marshal whom everyone expected.

In other words, when the Zhao and Song dynasties were facing annihilation, the monarchs and ministers of Zhao and Song believed that Chen Tao could turn the tide and preserve the country and the country of the Zhao and Song dynasties.

However, at that time, Chen Tuo was trapped in Zhongshan Fucheng fighting for the defense of Zhongshan. Later, the Jin Kingdom heavily besieged Zhongshan Fucheng. Chen Tuo clung to the wall for half a year. In the end, he was unfortunately killed by the rebel general Sha Zhen. Seventeen members of his family were killed together.

Only then did Zhao Gou give the position of marshal to Wang Boyan.

If Chen Yuan had not died, the Battle of Song and Jin Dynasties might have been rewritten to some extent.

Later, when the Jin soldiers entered the city and saw Chen Tao's body, they stood in awe and praised him as "a loyal minister of the Southern Dynasties" and buried him in Tiezhu Temple.

It can be said that Chen Yu is the talent that any monarch desires.

Extremely loyal.

Extremely capable.

Extremely steadfast.

When Tan Zhen was engaged in transfer, he partnered with Chen Tao. Needless to say, his political achievements were second to none and very dazzling every year.

It is worth mentioning that if Chen Fu had not been serving as the transfer envoy to Huaibei and Huainan, Zhao Ji would have been kept in the dark by Wang Fu until now.

Second, Tan Zhen was very lucky, and he was lucky enough to get Xuan Gui, the "national treasure".

This Xuan Gui is about one foot and two inches long. Twelve mountains are carved on both sides, like mountain statues in ancient times, with sharp tops and bottoms. There are thunder-inch inscriptions on it, but there are no ornaments on the bottom. It is black on the outside and red on the inside. There is a small hole in the middle, and your fingers can penetrate into it. It is a sacred treasure that the king of Zhou held in charge of Zhengui and could suppress the national destiny.

Tan Zhen began to be favored by Zhao Ji by offering Xuan Gui to Zhao Ji.

At that time, Tan Zhen presented Xuan Gui in the Daqing Hall, and Zhao Ji said in public: "With this treasure to control luck, who can shake the Song Dynasty?!!!"

Third, Tan Zhen has extremely strong backers.

Tan Zhen had a close relationship with the eunuch Liang Shicheng.

Liang Shicheng was a scholar among the eunuchs, and he and Tong Guan happened to be the same in literature and martial arts. He appears to be loyal and honest, but in fact he is treacherous. He is a famous person around Zhao Ji, and he takes all orders from the emperor. He mostly chose junior officials who were good at calligraphy to learn to imitate Zhao Ji's imperial edict handwriting, mixed it with the imperial edict and promulgated it according to the decree, so that no one in the court could distinguish it. In other words, he even had the ability to change Zhao Ji's imperial edict. So much so that even Cai Jing and Cai You, their father and son, wanted to fawn over him. People regarded him as a "hidden minister" and he held hundreds of official positions.

Also, Liang Shicheng said that he was the son of Su Shi.

The so-called son refers to the son born after the pregnant concubine was abandoned.

Most people in the world do not believe that Liang Shicheng is Su Shi's son, but this may be true.

In this era, a famous scholar like Su Shi had many concubines around him, not to mention that Su Shi was a romantic guy. It is said that he once dismissed all his concubines in Huizhou, leaving only one Wang Chaoyun as his companion.

Due to party strife, the Zhao and Song dynasties banned reading Su Shi's articles, and even his letters were destroyed by the government.

Liang Shicheng begged Zhao Ji, "What crime did my late father commit that led to this?"

Since then, Su Shi's articles have gradually appeared.

Liang Shicheng also took great care of the descendants left by Su Shi, and the relationship between the two families was also very good.

In addition, Liang Shicheng still had some talents. In the third year of Daguan, he took the imperial examination and ranked first and eleventh in the high school Jinshi.

It is precisely because of this that Zhao Ji has always been very fond of Liang Shicheng and has great trust in Liang Shicheng.

Liang Shicheng and Tong Guan have never dealt with each other, so Liang Shicheng wants to find someone he likes to replace Tong Guan.

The person Liang Shicheng selected was Tan Zhen, who "knows how to command troops".

In addition, Liang Shicheng had a very good relationship with Wang Fu, who replaced Cai Jing as prime minister.

Wang Fu treated Liang Shi as he treated his father.

It can be said that the reason why Wang Fu was able to successfully replace Cai Jing was largely because Liang Shicheng helped Wang Fu.

——Master Liang is with Zhao Ji every day, and he is very good at figuring out Zhao Ji's thoughts. Wang Fu relied on Liang Shicheng's reminders to guess Zhao Ji's thoughts repeatedly, so that Zhao Ji introduced Wang Fu as a confidant, thinking that Wang Fu could replace Cai Jing and help him take charge of the rudder of the giant ship of the Zhao and Song Dynasties. In addition, Wang Fu firmly supported the plan of the United Jin Dynasty to destroy Liao and regain Yanyun Sixteen Prefectures, but Cai Jing did not support this plan. Wang Fu got his wish and became the prime minister of Zhao and Song Dynasty.

Now, Liang Shicheng, Wang Fu and Tan Zhen formed an iron triangle, preparing to take over most of the rights of the Zhao and Song Dynasties.

Liang Shicheng and Wang Fu are also vigorously cultivating Tan Zhen and preparing to replace Tong Guan with Tan Zhen.

It is precisely because of this that Wang Fu recommended Tan Zhen to come to the southeast to quell the rebellion when he saw that the incident in the southeast could not be suppressed, and Liang Shicheng mediated, so Tan Zhen came to the southeast to destroy Fang La and Fang Baihua.

Fourth, like the previous emperors of the Zhao and Song dynasties, Zhao Ji did not trust military generals, so he especially liked to use non-threatening eunuchs to lead his troops.

Therefore, Wang Fu and Liang Shicheng recommended Tan Zhen to come to the southeast to quell the rebellion, which was exactly what Zhao Ji wanted. Zhao Ji immediately sent Tan Zhen as the envoy of the two Zhejiang systems to be fully responsible for the counterinsurgency work in the southeast.

As soon as Tan Zhen arrived in Zhenjiang, he summoned the Jiangyin Army, Xingguo Army, Xinyang Army, Hanyang Army, Tianchang Army, Gaoyou Army, Jian'an Army, Huaiyang Army, and Lianshui Army to Zhenjiang, gathering an army of 50,000, plus nearby troops. The landowners' armed forces who took the initiative to surrender were said to be an army of 200,000 people, but in fact they had 80,000 troops.

Someone suggested to Tan Zhen that the 80,000 men and horses should stay in danger and wait for the imperial court to send a large army, and then go south together to wipe out the rebels.

Others suggested to Tan Zhen that the top priority is to train soldiers and horses, use defense as offense, and wait for action.

But Tan Zhen came here with the purpose of using those villagers to gain military merit. How could he wait for others to share his achievements?

Therefore, Tan Zhen immediately rejected the idea of ​​​​those timid generals, and wanted to divide his more than 80,000 troops into two parts, one part going straight to Hangzhou along the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, and the other heading south from Jiangning Mansion to Shezhou , actually wanted to eliminate Jiang Hongfei and Fang La at the same time.

At this time, someone who had escaped from Suzhou told Tan Zhen that Fang La had sent General Fang Qifu to lead 70,000 elite troops to the north, hoping that he was preparing to seize the Yangtze River.

When Tan Zhen heard that Fang La's rebels came to die, he suddenly had an idea and wanted to organize a great battle in Runzhou to eliminate the main force of Fang La's rebels, and then send his troops south to capture the four prefectures of Fushu, Xiu, Hu, and Hang in one fell swoop.

In other words, Tan Zhen actually wanted to decide the outcome in one battle and leave his reputation as a good fighter.

To be honest, this is not only because of Tan Zhen's blind optimism, but also because the previous peasant uprisings were not difficult to eradicate, and they were purely for the sake of military merit for the Song Army officers and soldiers.

So Tan Zhen really didn't take Fang La's rebel army seriously.

Tan Zhen's unrealistic, impatient and aggressive ideas met with widespread opposition.

Faced with Tan Zhen's radical approach, Chen Tao even advised: "The top priority is to defend the passage across the river and establish an invincible position first. Zhenjiang City and Jinling City are both fortified cities, and there are more than a hundred hills on the left and right, which will be beneficial to us." The army set up a defensive formation. Although the ant thieves are numerous, they cannot spread out in our defense area. Our army defended according to the danger and blocked the ant thieves from heading north, which is a great achievement."

In the third year of Shaosheng's reign, Zhao Ji was named King Duan by Song Zhezong as the military governor of Pingjiang and Zhenjiang.

In the third year of Zhenghe, Zhao Ji upgraded Zhenjiang from a prefecture to a prefecture.

——This is the first city in Zhejiang and Zhejiang areas to be upgraded from a prefecture to a prefecture.

This shows that Zhenjiang has a relatively high status in Zhao Ji's mind.

The reason why Zhenjiang received Zhao Ji's attention was not only Zhao Ji's personal emotions, but also because Zhenjiang's geographical location was extremely important.

There is a natural barrier on the Yangtze River to the north of Zhenjiang. It is a strategic military town in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River. It can stop the invading troops from going south. It is also connected in all directions and can go anywhere. It has been a battleground for military strategists throughout the ages.

Anyone who knows the military knows that such a key strategic location must be grasped as soon as possible to ensure that it is foolproof.

Therefore, Chen Yu gave Tan Zhen good advice.

But in the face of Chen Tuo's kind words, Tan Zhen responded by sending Chen Tuan to prison.

Tan Zhen sent Chen Tao to prison on the charge that Chen Tao had lost six million shi of autumn grain, which not only supported the enemy but also made Kaifeng Prefecture's food supply this year tense.

Chen Tuo was the transshipment envoy to Huaibei and Huainan, and was also in charge of the autumn grain transportation work in the two Zhejiang areas. It must be a serious crime to let Jiang Hongfei rob six million shi of autumn grain.

However, Chen Yu finally reminded Zhao Ji that there was a rebellion in the southeast, which could be regarded as a meritorious service. If someone was willing to speak kindly for Chen Yu, Chen Yu would not be imprisoned.

But while Wang Fu was covering up the matter, Chen Fu kept telling the truth over and over again. Chen Fu had offended Wang Fu a long time ago. How could Wang Fu not deal with Chen Fu?

Also, Tan Zhen had made many achievements with Chen Tao, but he was also angry with Chen Tao, and now he is just in time to take revenge.

Therefore, Chen Tuo, a powerful minister who played a decisive role in the historical Square La Uprising, was jointly convicted by Wang Fu and Tan Zhen and thrown into prison.

Tan Zhen killed the chicken to scare the monkeys and dealt with Chen Tuo who opposed his battle.

Tan Zhen also found all those who opposed the war and did their ideological work one by one, repeating that if they did not crush the rebellion of the southeastern ant thieves with thunder, they would become the sinners of the Zhao and Song Dynasty.

Others no longer dare to object.

Therefore, although Fang La's Yi army rushed slowly, the Song army crossed the Yangtze River first.

However, at Tan Zhen's insistence, after the Song army crossed the Yangtze River, they did not rely on strong cities such as Zhenjiang and Jiangning to defend themselves. Instead, they set up a posture in Runzhou to fight Fang La's rebel army.

After Fang Qifu came to Runzhou, he heard that the Song army had crossed the river. He regretted it. He thought to himself: "If Shenggong could have come to see Jiang Yan a few days earlier, why should I be so passive?"

Then, Fang Qifu heard that Tan Zhen had dispatched troops and ordered his Song army to assemble in the Lianhu area of ​​Danyang, seemingly wanting to fight him.

Fang Qifu was overjoyed. If he defeated Tan Zhen's Song army in one battle, he would still be able to recapture the Yangtze River.

Both sides have the intention of war.

As a result, the Battle of Danyang Lake began.

Before the war started, Tan Zhen thought he was going to massacre a group of farmers.

After taking over, Tan Zhen realized that his opponents were a group of lunatics who were not afraid of death. They chanted curses and rushed to kill without fear of death.

The Nan soldiers under Tan Zhen had not experienced battles for many years and no longer knew how to fight.

Originally, Tan Zhen's Nan soldiers could still rely on their equipment advantages, and they also had some cavalry troops.

But after the war started, Tan Zhen discovered that the equipment of Fang La's rebel army was not very good, but the weapons in their hands were not bad.

As a result, after a three-hour battle between the two sides, the Song army was defeated.

When the timid and cowardly Tan Zhen saw this, he did not resist at all, and immediately fled the battlefield with his own troops and most of the civilian staff of the Zhejiang Road Envoy Department.

The coaches all ran away, and the command system of the Song Army was immediately paralyzed. The morale of the Song Army's officers and soldiers immediately dropped to the bottom. The battle formation was soon completely overwhelmed by Fang La's rebel army, and the Song Army's officers and soldiers fled out of the battlefield in competition.

But Fang Qifu decisively put in the reserve team and surrounded the Song army.

In the end, the Song army was annihilated with almost 50,000 troops, while Fang La's rebel army only lost less than 20,000 troops.

There is no doubt that Fang La's rebel army achieved a great victory.

What made the Zhao and Song dynasty even more defeated was that before the war, Tan Zhen only thought about victory and did not expect defeat. Moreover, as soon as the battle was defeated, Tan Zhen fled across the river as soon as possible, ignoring the crucial Zhenjiang. Don't even ask.

As a result, the Zhao and Song Dynasties almost lost Zhenjiang.

Fortunately, at the critical moment, Wang Zhen, who had been marching for three consecutive days, led the Gyeonggi Forbidden Army and the Dingli Gun Platoon to cross the Yangtze River in time, and fought with the Fang Layi Army of Fang Qifu Tribe who came to capture Zhenjiang under the city of Zhenjiang.

The two armies fought until late at night, and could not tell the winner. In the end, they had to withdraw their troops and fight again tomorrow...

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