Xianxia version of Water Margin

Chapter 252 Dutou Wusong

The once fearless and passionate tiger-fighting hero has now been smoothed away by life. His eyes no longer had the sharpness and determination of the past, but were replaced by a kind of depth and calmness.

The years have left traces on his face, making his once handsome face look a bit vicissitudes of life. His figure is no longer tall and tall, but slightly stooped, as if he is carrying the burden of life. His steps were no longer strong and vigorous, but seemed a little staggering, as if every step carried heavy memories.

Over the years, Wu Song has been working hard, hoping to make achievements in his official career, honor his ancestors, and make his wife and son his wife.

But after several years in the officialdom, Wu Song understood that the traitors in the imperial court were in power, and the sycophants were in power. They would not use anything unless they were close relatives, and they would not take anything except money. An ordinary person like him who had no background and could not use the spiritual stone to control it wanted to To go further, it is simply wishful thinking.

Wu Song once thought about quitting Du Tou, who could see his head at a glance, but he couldn't live up to Wu Dalang's expectations. Moreover, he didn't know what to do if he didn't work in Du Tou.

In this way, Wu Song worked for six or seven years, from a passionate young man to a mature and stable Wu Dutou who has no ambition, constantly and aimlessly messing around.

Wu Song led twenty soldiers to the Lion Tower.

Seeing Wu Song coming, the shopkeeper hurried forward to greet him: "Wu Dutou, did you just come back from the night patrol?"

Recently, the Liangshan Army has mobilized in large numbers.

Dengzhou changed the king's flag overnight. Seeing that the situation was not good, the king of Zhizhou led his family to surrender to Shuibo Liangshan. Dengzhou was all owned by Shuibo Liangshan.

Laizhou also changed the king's flag overnight. The governor of the state, Zhao Mingcheng, escaped to the capital with his family because his ex-wife Li Qingzhao was Jiang Hongfei's concubine.

The situation in Qingzhou is the same as that of Dengzhou and Laizhou. The prefect Murong Yanda was beaten to death by Thunderbolt Fire Qin Ming after Qingzhou City was captured. All the men in his family went to the public trial, and none of them could walk down. Women were all redistributed in Shuibo Liangshan. It is said that Qin and Ming got several of them.

The current situation in Qizhou, Zizhou, Weizhou, Mizhou, and Yizhou is similar.

It can be said that the entire Jingdong East Road is already flooded with water.

The situation on Beijing East and West Road is similar.

Yanzhou, Xuzhou, Shanzhou, Yunzhou, Puzhou, and Jezhou seemed to have the surname "Shuibo Liangshan" overnight.

Yanggu County is on the edge of Yunzhou and has become the only remaining county in Yunzhou that is still under the control of the Zhao and Song Dynasties.

Faced with such a tense situation, the county magistrate ordered that the two chiefs of Yanggu County conduct night patrols every day to control chaos in Yanggu County.

In fact, this can only be maintained barely, because the people of Yanggu County are already in chaos-all the people in Yanggu County feel that Yanggu County will be defeated by Shuibo Liangshan sooner or later.

Not only Yanggu County, but also those knowledgeable people in Yanggu County believe that the next stage of Shuibo Liangshan’s goal must be Hebei.

The knowledgeable people in Yanggu County are not targeting without aim.

You know, Yanggu County is very close to Hebei, so people in Yanggu County know that people in Daming Prefecture and Kaide Prefecture have their hearts set on Shuibo Liangshan.

Now that Shuibo Liangshan has begun to conquer cities and territories, how could it not incorporate the two important towns of Damingfu and Kaidefu into its territory?

And once Shuibo Liangshan wants to annex Damingfu, Yanggu County, which is on the way from Shuibo Liangshan to Damingfu, will inevitably be conquered by Shuibo Liangshan first.

In response to this, the dignitaries, wealthy families, and gentry in Yanggu County were all frightened to death. Some packed up their belongings and ran away overnight, while others hurriedly exempted their clients from debts and rents, and also gave money to those they had offended and bullied. They apologized, hoping that if they went to trial, the people they had offended would be generous and let them go.

On the contrary to these dignitaries, wealthy families, and gentry, the poor people have begun to celebrate the coming of their new life.

Many poor people even thought that as long as the heroes from Liangshan came to Yanggu County, they would immediately open the city gate and let the heroes from Liangshan into the city.

In short, Yanggu County is currently in a turbulent stage with many people thinking about change.

Today's Wu Song is no longer the martial arts hero he was many years ago. His personality changed. He no longer gets angry easily or shows his emotions easily. He learned tolerance and restraint, and learned to stay calm and rational under the pressure of life.

Facing the restaurant owner's attentive reception, he responded with a smile: "My husband is afraid of chaos, so he ordered Zhao and I to not slack off."

Wu Song's smile also became more reserved and deep, no longer the kind of bold and uninhibited laughter, but a light and reserved smile.

In the past few years, Wu Song's life has become ordinary. He no longer travels around, seeking excitement and challenges, but lives his life peacefully with his elder brother Wu Dalang.

Although Wu Dalang never looked for him because of his high vision, Wu Song also never looked for him.

But to be honest, to a certain extent, Wu Song and Wu Dalang have lived the life they wanted to live.

Wu Song also learned to cherish the life in front of him and to find happiness in the ordinary. Although his life is no longer as thrilling as it once was, it is more peaceful and satisfying.

As soon as Wu Song sat down, he heard several people talking outside:

"Tong Taifu's battle in the southeast does not seem to be going well. The people there are no longer willing to accept the rule of the imperial court and cooperate with the southern army to block the official army step by step, making it difficult for the official army to move forward."

"I don't blame the people there, but it's really the imperial court that didn't give them a way to survive. The Hangzhou "Zhao Zao Bureau" and the Suzhou "Ying Feng Bureau" were ordered by officials to search for rare cultural relics in the southeastern region. The Huashi Fleet was Wherever they pass, the local people have to provide money, grain and civil services; in some places, bridges are demolished and cities are even destroyed to allow the fleet to pass. This often makes the people in the south of the Yangtze River miserable. In addition, exorbitant taxes and excessive taxes are imposed. If I were in the southeast , I will also rebel!”

"It's as if our place here is better than the southeast. As for the west city, we asked for the deed from A to B, and then from B to B. After repeated inquiries, until there was no deed to prove, it was said to be public land, and the land was measured. West of Jing, In Gyeonggi, Jingdong, and Hebei, the imperial court seized wild land, deserted fields, abandoned embankments, abandoned weirs, beach retreats, silted land, lakes, etc., suppressed the people from accepting tenants, and forcibly expropriated money from public land. Beautiful fields among the people were all referred to as wild lands. All the land in Lushan County was included as public land, so there were many bankrupts. Some people were rich and beggars in the market at night. A total of more than 34,300 hectares of land were acquired before and after. Still standing Renting a calculation boat, calculating the daily and monthly lessons, the benefits of cattail fish, lotus root and gourd are all detailed. In Queshan County, in order to demand money for renting public land, more than a thousand good people were beaten to death. How can we use public land to conquer Taishi? That Hua Shi Gang?!"

"It's true. Hua Shi Gang is particularly harmed by Xicheng!"

"Hush, be careful what you say and don't talk about state affairs!"

"What are you afraid of! Our Yanggu County will soon be merged into Shuibo Liangshan. One day the Great Sage will protect us! The court? Now that they have too much to take care of themselves, what can they care about us little people who can hardly even eat?"

"Yes, Fang La occupies the southeast, Wang Qing occupies the southwest, Shuibo Liangshan has just conquered Shandong, and if Hebei is conquered, it will be regarded as occupying the northeast. Tian Hu has recently conquered the northwest. The imperial court is currently besieged on all sides, and it is probably not in the mood to care. What do we little people say?”

"Speaking of Tian Hu, is it true that he obtained the imperial seal?"

"This matter is not false. I heard that last year, the Zhaosong Palace was stolen by Qian Qian, the leader of the Shuibo Liangshan Secret Special Operations Battalion, the world's best thief. At that time, Qian was really good at it. Not only did he steal from the palace He stole many treasures, including the Imperial Seal and the Eight Treasures of the Emperor. Later, the Great Sage gave the Imperial Seal to Tian Hu, the Mandated Treasure to Wang Qing, and the Emperor's Treasure to Tian Hu. After arriving at Fangla, I left behind on my hands the 'national treasure of the town', 'the treasure of the emperor's travels', 'the treasure of the emperor's trust', 'the treasure of the emperor', 'the treasure of the emperor's travels', and 'the treasure of the emperor's trust'."

"I have also heard about this. It is said that an official who had lost all his jade seals got a large piece of beautiful jade two feet square from Khotan. The texture and color of this piece of jade were very good, just like cut fat. . The official family used this piece of jade to make another treasure. The button of this treasure is a red chi, and the inscription on the treasure is "scope the heaven and earth, praise the gods, protect the peace, and live forever." There are insects and fish carved on the treasure, which are exquisitely made and almost It is close to the jade seal passed down from the country. This treasure is nine inches long, and its French style is also similar to the jade seal passed down from the country. The name of the treasure is "Dingming Bao". The first eight treasures were combined into nine, and the official issued an edict to commensurate them with "nine treasures". "Ding Ming Bao" is the first of the nine treasures. Since then, officials have used the Ding Ming Bao to issue edicts, and this treasure has been used in internal affairs, diplomacy, canonization, worship, and military use!"

"In this case, it should be true that the official family lost all their jade seals. No wonder Tian Dasheng, Tian Hu, Fang La, and Wang Qing were able to gain momentum. It turned out that it was his four families who divided the national destiny of the Song Dynasty."

"Hey~! Everyone, in your opinion, if the Song Dynasty falls, who among the four will be the emperor?"

"It must be the Great Sage."

"Why? That Tian Hu has the imperial seal in his hand."

"If you have a jade seal to pass down the country, you may not be able to become an emperor. If you don't have a jade seal to pass down the country, you may not be able to become an emperor. The jade seal to pass down the country has been passed down for thousands of years. After passing through the hands of countless people, how many people have become emperors?" One? When Taizu of the Song Dynasty ascended the throne, he did not have a national jade seal, so he founded the Zhao and Song dynasties. Moreover, this national jade seal was given to Tian Hu by the Great Sage Tian. If the Great Sage Tian wanted to keep it, how could he not keep it? Yes, please don’t forget that the Great Sage Tian still has the Six Directions Jade Seal in his hand, which should be worth the Jade Seal of the Shangguo Kingdom?”

"I am also optimistic about the Great Sage, but not because of this, but because of what the Great Sage has always done."

"What do you mean by this?"

"You see, when the Great Sage of Heaven took Shandong, except for those high-ranking officials, wealthy families, and gentry who were harming the countryside, bullying men and women, relying on the strong to bully the weak, seizing strong points, buying and selling, bullying and dominating the market, they were put on public trial. "Tai, for other people, there are only advantages and no disadvantages. How can such a benevolent and righteous king rule the world?"

"If it comes to that, I have been to Liangshanbo, and it is almost like a fairyland. People do not pick up things on the road, and the houses are not closed at night. The people have enough food and clothing, live and work in peace and contentment. How can the great sage of heaven rule the world in this way?"

I heard that my former brother Jiang Hongfei now has a chance to conquer the world, but the court he has always been loyal to imposes exorbitant taxes and excessive taxes. There are countless scientific sects and unpaid labor, and Huashi Gang and Xicheng do not give the people a way to survive. The country is in danger of subjugation. , which really makes Wu Song sigh!

At this time, there was a man of medium build, with a fair face, a single eyebrow and narrow eyes, a slightly aquiline nose, a thin mouth, and a somewhat flat temple. Wearing sapphire blue on his head, a gentleman's uniform with a ribbon tied around his waist, and pink-soled satin shoes on his feet, he walked into the Lion Building.

As soon as he saw this high official, Wu Song recognized him.

This person's original capital was not very rich. He was born into "a well-to-do family in Yanggu County", and his father, Ximenda, ran a herbal medicine shop. However, after his short period of operation, his capital increased sharply and his economic strength expanded dramatically, which not only had a great impact on the business community, but also had a great impact on the political community. This is a man whose hands and eyes can reach the sky.

This person is Ximen Qing, a high official from Ximen.

After Ximen Qing entered the Lion Tower, he walked straight towards Wu Song.

When they were still far away, Ximen Qing enthusiastically hugged Wu Song and said, "Wu Dutou!"

Wu Song immediately stood up and returned the salute: "Master Ximen!"

Ximen Qing came to Wu Song and his two tables and saw that there were only a few side dishes and no drinks on their tables. He immediately said: "Shopkeeper, please bring us the wine and meat. Wu Dutou and all the brothers have worked hard." How can you be stingy with food and wine? All of them will be charged to my account."

Wu Song didn't shirk it, because he guessed that Ximen Qing must have something to ask him for.


After setting up a banquet for Wu Song and others, and chatting with Wu Song for a while, Ximen Qing tried to say: "I heard that Wu Dutou and the Great Sage Tian are sworn brothers, Wu Dutou's two precious swords, and the good horse at home. They are all gifts from the Great Holy Heaven, is there such a thing?"

When Wu Song heard this, his heart tightened!

But on the surface, Wu Song said with a smile: "Officials, please don't joke about losing your head. I have never met the Great Sage Tian. How can I know him?"

Seeing that Wu Song refused to admit it, Ximen Qing scolded: "Wu Dutou still wants to hide it from me? My dear brother, Brother Wu has already spread the news about your relationship with Tian Dasheng. Before I come to see you, I went to the street specially. Brother Wu Brother Yun, who sells pears, is preaching about the process of your acquaintance with the Great Sage."

After a pause, Ximen Qing added: "You and Tian Dasheng met at Xiao Xuan Feng Chai Jin's village. Tian Dasheng cherishes your ability and keeps you by his side all day long. He has made you acquainted with many people in the world. Hero, I once took you to have a drink with Tian Hu. Also, the Great Sage Tian wanted to keep you as a leader in Shuibo Liangshan, to be the commander of the Fourth Infantry Army, in charge of five thousand troops, but you were reluctant to leave Brother Wu alone. When I was at home, I didn’t stay in Shuibo Liangshan, but came to my Yanggu County to become the head of the capital.”

After hearing Ximen Qing speak in such detail, how could Wu Song not know? Wu Dalang must have spread the word, otherwise Ximen Qing would not have known such detail.

In response to this, Wu Song couldn't help but frown, secretly blaming Wu Dalang for being lax and saying anything fatal.

Ximen Qing was also a man with an exquisite heart. Seeing that Wu Song was not happy, he immediately advised:

"My Wudutou, you are too conservative. Now that our Yanggu County will be included in Shuibo Liangshan, it is just around the corner. Wudutou has such a relationship, what else can you hide or tuck in? This is when Wudutou is in your glory! Brother Wu has already said that all the surrounding counties and counties were conquered by Shuibo Liangshan, leaving Yanggu County alone. It is all because you are here, Wudutou, in Yanggu County, and the Great Sage Tian did not do it for your sake. Send the army directly, as long as you say a word, our Yanggu County will be able to avoid this disaster of weapons!"

Having said this, Ximen Qing waved, and a boy brought two boxes.

Ximen Qing reached out and opened the two boxes at the same time. One box contained ten bright east beads, and the other box contained two wild ginseng plants worth at least eight taels.

Ximen Qing placed the two boxes in front of Wu Song: "A small gift is not a sign of respect. When the heroes of Liangshan come, Wu Dutou will definitely say a few good words for me."

Before Wu Song could speak, Ximen Qing added: "Brothers will not put Wu Dutou in trouble. When the heroes from Liangshan come to my Yanggu County, I will take the lead in donating all my land to bring glory to Wu Dutou... …”

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