Xianxia version of Water Margin

Chapter 260 A husband is more valuable than his wife

After Jiang Hongfei led the army to Dongping Mansion, he learned that Shi Wengong had already won for a while and killed Dong Ping, the leader of Dongping Mansion.

Seeing that the head presented by Shi Wengong was indeed Dong Ping's, Jiang Hongfei could even see fear, unwillingness and nostalgia on Dong Ping's head, and he was filled with sighs!

It was not that Jiang Hongfei had never thought about it. If Dong Ping was captured and then brought to him, he took the initiative and said: "The young general who was captured will die easily. It will be a blessing if he can be forgiven and allowed to live in peace!" Cheng Wanli said Sir, I am Mr. Tong Guanmen's Xiamenguan. I have been given such a good job and will not harm the people. If the Great Sage of Heaven is willing to tolerate Dong Ping, I will open the city gate and enter the city to collect money and food together as a reward." , should I accept him? Or should I not accept him?

Don't blame Jiang Hongfei for having such thoughts. In fact, as long as Jiang Hongfei can abandon Cheng Waner, Dong Ping may become a very useful knife.

The key is to plan the attack. When facing a fortified city, you must not fight without fighting. After all, if you kill ten thousand enemies, you will lose eight thousand. Especially in such a tough battle, the proportion of battle losses will definitely not be small.

Therefore, when encountering such a situation, as long as the people in the city are willing to dedicate the city, Liangshan Army will definitely provide some amnesty and preferential policies. This is also Jiang Hongfei's consistent position.

But then again, the premise is that Jiang Hongfei can let go of Cheng Wan'er, and that Dong Ping, a petty person, won't mind that he once ruined Cheng Wan'er's reputation. Otherwise, Dong Ping can easily be taken advantage of by someone with ulterior motives and become a slut. Unstable factors within Boliang Mountain.

In short, if Dong Ping is still alive, Jiang Hongfei will inevitably have to make a choice that is not easy to make.

Now, Shi Wengong helped Jiang Hongfei avoid this choice. While Jiang Hongfei was sighing, he became more and more pleased with Shi Wengong.

Jiang Hongfei said to Shi Wengong: "Thank you for your hard work, dear brother. Go and have a rest. Tomorrow we will have to break this fortified city."

Shi Wengong responded: "No!" and then left with a happy face.

After Shi Wengong left, Jiang Hongfei, who had been marching for a whole day, also rested.

Listening to the drumbeat outside, it's already three to five o'clock.

Jiang Hongfei, who was sleeping with Chen Liqing and Liang Hongyu in his arms, suddenly heard Qiong Ying and Pang Qiuxia coming into the tent to report secretly: "Just now, the soldiers who ambushed the road mentioned a spy. He said he was a close relative of the official and had a secret plan to see the official. I'll wait for you." It’s not easy to tie him up.”

After hearing this, Jiang Hongfei opened his eyes, let go of Chen Liqing and Liang Hongyu, slowly sat up, and asked suspiciously: "Who is he? What does he look like to you?"

Qiong Ying said: "He wrapped his face in green silk and didn't allow us to see it. He said he was afraid of leaking the news and would not meet the officials until he met him. We searched him and found no weapons. He is waiting outside the tent."

Liang Hongyu reminded Jiang Hongfei: "Beware of fraud."

Chen Liqing didn't take it seriously and said: "What are you afraid of him doing? If he dares to act rashly, I will kill him."

Jiang Hongfei stretched out his arms, and Chen Liqing and Liang Hongyu skillfully helped Jiang Hongfei put on his clothes.

By the time Chen Liqing and Liang Hongyu also got dressed, Gao Liang had already brought Hua Baoyan, Hu Sanniang, Su Jinniang, and Yan Zhengu and brought weapons from the tents on both sides.

At this time, Jiang Hongfei asked Qiong Ying and Pang Qiuxia to bring the person who claimed to be his closest relative.

Not long after, the man was brought to Jiang Hongfei's tent by Qiong Ying and Pang Qiuxia.

I saw that the man was six feet five six, a little fat, and his steps were sloppy. He did not look like a powerful Qi practitioner. His face was covered with green silk, and he was wearing a green shirt with large sleeves. He stood in front of him with his hands hanging down.

Jiang Hongfei asked bluntly: "Who are you? How are you related to me? What's your secret plan?"

The man said: "The villain is a close relative of the Great Sage Tian. Today, he will not shy away from swords and axes and come to offer this plan. If the Great Sage Tian follows the villain and disciplines the Great Sage Tian, ​​he will regain the Dongping and Dongchang areas once and for all."

Jiang Hongfei was very suspicious, and he couldn't tell who this person was from his voice, so he asked: "Who is this person? He is already here, and he still wants to hide his head and tail?"

The man shook his head and said: "Secrets must not be leaked. Please ask the Great Sage to step back and let the villain meet face to face with the Great Sage."

Jiang Hongfei refused directly: "They are all my closest people. No matter who you are, I will not distrust them because of you. I will give you two choices, or you can take off the green silk yourself and explain why you came to me. Or I can teach them how to take off your green silk and see which relative of mine you are."

As soon as Jiang Hongfei finished speaking, the girls started gearing up, like Chen Liqing and Hu Sanniang, who were even more eager to give it a try.

When the man saw it, he could only take off the green silk and reveal his face.

Jiang Hongfei looked at it under the light and was really surprised.

Who is this?

He is none other than Cheng Wanli, the governor of Dongping Prefecture!

Jiang Hongfei smiled and said, "Why are Governor Cheng Weiye here? When did Governor Cheng and I become relatives again?"

Cheng Wanli said: "Cheng Wanli came to apologize."

After taking a look at the women around him, Cheng Wanli really didn't want them to see this side of him.

But Jiang Hongfei didn't give him this face. There was no other way. Cheng Wanli could only bite the bullet and said: "Everyone in the world knows about Xie's affair with my little girl. Because of this, my little girl has been unable to marry anyone else. Now she has been waiting for three years." If you have more than enough, it is not too much to give your little girl an identity. And if my Dongping Mansion is destroyed, what will you do with my daughter? Most likely, you will bring her into your house? When you are dying, it is not wrong for the villain to say that you are in mourning. "

Jiang Hongfei was speechless.

Jiang Hongfei can only say that if a cultural person is shameless, he will be invincible.

Jiang Hongfei said: "Then what are you asking for?"

Cheng Wanli breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that Jiang Hongfei acquiesced to the relationship between them.

——Cheng Wanli knew that as long as his relationship with Jiang Hongfei was solid, he would definitely not be in danger. After all, not everyone is as ruthless as Dong Ping, unable to retreat from the enemy, but willing to surrender to thieves even under threat. And seeking, killing parents and marrying their daughters.

Cheng Wanli replied: "I pray to the great sage: Although the villain is a scholar, he is also a good man. He is not willing to be beaten and killed in the battle. If a man is responsible for his work, how can he harm others? If you want to be a villain, This is your city, and I will dedicate it to you tomorrow. If you want to solve the problems in Dongping and Dongchang once and for all, I came here alone at night because I have a plan to surround Wei and save Zhao..."

Let's say that after Zhang Ji received Cheng Wanli's letter asking for help, he quickly showed it to Mrs. Jia.

After reading this, Mrs. Jia thought to herself: "Shandong has lost so many prefectures and counties. My officials have already committed unforgivable crimes. Fortunately, I have concentrated Shandong's 80,000 troops here one after another to preserve the strength of the First World War. The imperial court is thinking of this." My officers are still useful, so I haven't killed them all. Now Gao Taiwei is coming to suppress Shuibo Liangshan, and issued a strict order to teach my officers to guard Dongping and Dongchang, so that they can enter Hebei from here and regain Hebei, and force the Liangshan army. Divide the army and reduce the pressure on Lieutenant Gao. If we lose this place, not only my officials will be punished, but my whole family will be in danger, so Dongping Mansion must be saved."

But Mrs. Jia then thought again: "But saving Dongping Mansion is not easy!"

Mrs. Jia has been dealing with Liang Shanjun a lot in the past few years. She knows how powerful Liang Shanjun is. The key point is that she knows that although her husband Zhang Ji once served as the general manager of Yanzhou in his early years, he was frail and cowardly. He only relied on his ancestors' Yin Lu to get promoted. Until he was promoted to the current general of Shandong Zhenfu, he himself had no ability. If he was expected to rescue Dongping Mansion, he would definitely be beaten by a meat bun and never come back.

Looking at Zhang Ji again, when he heard that he was going to rescue Dongping Mansion, his face changed with fear and he backed down. Mrs. Jia had even less confidence in him.

After hesitating again and again, Mrs. Jia said: "How about... let me try it?"

——Although Mrs. Jia has been in charge of military affairs for a long time and has great prestige and status in the hearts of the soldiers, she has been behind the scenes for a long time, with Zhang Jidai in front of the stage to inform her. Now, in order for the troops and horses of the headquarters to take the initiative to attack, the general must go out in person, but Zhang Ji naturally does not have such courage and courage, so it is very difficult. After careful consideration, Mrs. Jia considered that suppressing the bandits was a major military and state matter, and did not care about the suspicion of a woman commanding the troops. She wanted to rush to the front of the army in person and sit in charge of the central army to adapt to changes.

Zhang Ji knew that her wife had been smart and alert since she was a child, had read poetry and books, was well-informed, and had a clear understanding of worldly affairs. In particular, she was gifted with a pair of sharp eyes. No. 100 people in the mansion could tell the difference between a good person and a bad person at a glance. And everything will come true in the future. He has been able to have an unimpeded official career in these years. Although his ancestor Yin Lu opened the way, what is more important is that his wife strategized.

Therefore, when he heard that Mrs. Jia said that she wanted to take charge personally, Zhang Ji was immediately overjoyed: "If Mrs. Jia is willing to go this way, my husband will be relieved."

——Although Zhang Ji is mediocre and has no achievements, he respects Mrs. Jia very much. All military affairs and the deployment of soldiers are all decided by Mrs. Jia. Let's put it this way, he has a blind trust in Mrs. Jia.

Seeing that Zhang Ji didn't worry about her safety at all, but instead trusted her blindly, Mrs. Jia couldn't tell what she felt in her heart.

After thinking about it, Mrs. Jia explained it to Zhang Ji to avoid Zhang Ji's resistance, so she said: "I have never been to the army in person. Today, the troops are suddenly used. I have never been familiar with the soldiers, so I am afraid that it will be inconvenient to respond. I shouldn’t show my face in public. But this is a national event. My family has received favors from the emperor and I have not been able to repay him in any way. Today, it is absolutely necessary to do it. How can I not go?"

Zhang Jidao: "Madam, there is no need to be burdened. My husband knows your ability, and so do all the generals. We will definitely obey your orders."

At this point, Mrs. Jia could only put on the command arrow and soldier talisman with Zhang Ji, put on a ceremonial guard of honor to appease the general, and set off in costume.

Not long after, Zhang Ji, Mrs. Jia and his wife arrived at the camp, and were received by soldiers of all sizes.

Mrs. Jia stood beside Zhang Ji and raised the Chinese army's tent.

Mrs. Jia first gave a clear speech about the imperial court's kindness and the current situation, and all the generals obeyed her orders. Then they assigned the war guards one by one according to the roads of Dongping Prefecture.

The next day, when the order was sent, they set off together, and the 80,000 men and horses were so powerful that they attacked Dongping Mansion with fire and water, and guns and cannons rolled like lightning.

On the way, Mrs. Jia specially called for Zhang Qing and Jin Chengying, who had no feather arrows, and said to them: "Whether Dongping Mansion can be saved this time depends on the two generals."

Mrs. Jia knew that Zhang Qing was born as a tiger rider, and he was good at flying rocks to hit people. There are two lieutenants under his command: one is called Hua Xianghu Gong Wang, who has tiger spots tattooed all over his body and a tiger head around his neck, and can fly a spear immediately; the other is called Huaxiang Hu Ding Desun, who has scars on his cheeks and neck. , it will cause the fork to fly immediately. The combination of these three people, no matter how powerful a master you are, will probably be defeated by them.

Jin Chengying was born in Wu Jieyuan, and his strength was extraordinary.

Zhang Ji has many generals under his command, but the only ones who can really take advantage of them are Zhang Qing, Jin Chengying and Dong Ping of Dongping Prefecture.

Zhang Qing said: "Madam, please don't worry, the general will never be at odds with that puddle grass thief!"

Jin Chengying also said: "Shengying will also do his best to repay Madam's great kindness."

At the beginning of last year, the Liangshan Army attacked Guangji Army, and the prefect Zhang Ge asked his friend Jin Chengying for help.

At that time, Jin Chengying did not have enough troops, so he turned to Zhang Ji to move his troops. It was with the help of Mrs. Jia that he was able to achieve success, and finally secured an important town for the Zhao and Song Dynasties to fight against Shuibo Liangshan. Jin Chengying also established He made great contributions and became a famous general in the Zhao and Song Dynasties.

Mrs. Jia knew that now was not the time for a decisive battle with the Liangshan Army, so the purpose of her trip was not to defeat the Liangshan Army, but just to save Dongping Mansion and scare away the Liangshan Army.

For this purpose, Mrs. Jia ordered her 80,000 troops to form a sparse formation and head to Dongping Mansion.

The Liangshan Army's informants along the road were frightened when they saw the Song Army coming to reinforce Dongping Prefecture with banners and smoke everywhere. At a glance, there seemed to be more than 100,000 soldiers and horses, and they sent the news to Jiang Hongfei.

When Jiang Hongfei came to attack Dongping Prefecture and Dongchang Prefecture this time, he actually only brought more than 30,000 regular troops, including auxiliary troops, only 60,000 to 70,000 troops.

If you look at it this way, the troops and horses led by Zhang Ji and Mrs. Jia seem to be more than double the number of troops brought by Jiang Hongfei.

In response, Jiang Hongfei asked Liu Huiniang: "Madam, what do you think of this matter?"

Liu Huiniang smiled and said: "It's just a sparse formation. He has at most 80,000 troops."

Then, Liu Huiniang asked Zhu Fu, who came to deliver the news in person: "How did he march?"

Zhu Fu replied: "He led the three armies, big and small, to march together. Everyone wanted to fight. Everyone wanted to fight. The whole group of people and horses followed the team, which was very neat. There were four front army groups, the vanguard general led the march; the rear army four groups, combined with the rear general. Supervision; the Eighth Route Army and horses on the left and right, with wings and flags urging supervision; Zhang Ji and Mrs. Jia and his wife controlled the Chinese army, and the president selected 20,000 elite soldiers. The troops were divided into nine teams to support each other, and the flags were arranged in five directions, and scouts were widely sent to spy. Road. We are well-equipped with weapons and weapons and don’t seem to be easy to get along with."

After hearing this, Liu Huiniang said: "The person who leads the troops on the other side is the general of the army. Let's cancel the ambush plan we made before and fight directly."

Jiang Hongfei didn't talk nonsense and happily asked Du Bo and Lu Junyi, who were ambushing the Song army, to withdraw.

Besides, Zhang Ji and Mrs. Jia mobilized the troops. Zhang Qing was the main vanguard, Gong Wang and Ding Desun were the deputy vanguards, and Jin Chengying was the co-pioneer. After that, the couple were fully clothed and supervised personally. The war drums sounded three times, and all the armies were mobilized. We went all the way to the foot of Dongpingfu City and got off the Zhaizha on the opposite side.

The next day at dawn, Zhang Ji, Mrs. Jia and his wife were in the wilderness of Pingchuan. Eighty thousand troops formed a formation, beating drums and shouting.

At the same time, the Liangshan Army, led by Jiang Hongfei, came to the gate of Dongpingfu City and formed a formation with 30,000 horses. Jiang Hongfei was wearing a gold armor with a wild goose feather ring, and under his crotch was a famous horse from Dayuan. Under the gate, the horses were reined in. Dozens of generals lined up.

A war begins...

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