Xianxia version of Water Margin

Chapter 270 Immortal Medicine

The tall young man who pricked up his ears to eavesdrop on Ma Wu's words had a tiger's head and a swallow's forehead, square cheekbones and big ears, a face like a crown jade, smeared lips, and an extraordinary appearance.

This person's surname is Zhang and his given name is Zhongxiong. He is the second son of Zhang Shuye, a famous minister of the Zhao and Song Dynasties.

Historically, Zhang Zhongxiong once led troops with his father and brother to fight against the Jin Dynasty, but later surrendered to the puppet Qi Dynasty and the Jin Dynasty and became a traitor.

Unlike others who were defeated and captured in the Valley of the Evil Ones, Zhang Zhongxiong was actually deliberately captured by the Liangshan Army and sent to the Valley of the Evil Ones.

Zhang Shuye once carefully studied Shuibo Liangshan.

Combining the information obtained from the people captured by the Song Army in Shuibo Liangshan, Zhang Shuye felt that it would be too difficult for the Song Army to defeat the Liangshan Army on the frontal battlefield, and it would be almost impossible to succeed.

Although Zhang Shuye has not yet confirmed it, he made a rough estimate based on information from all sources: the Liangshan Army alone has 60,000 to 70,000 horse troops, 60,000 to 70,000 elite infantry troops, and 20,000 to 30,000 elite navy troops. A total of nearly 200,000 elite troops, and more There were one to two hundred thousand garrison troops, and Zhang Shuye also found out that there were two armored heavy cavalry in the Liangshan Army.

This strength is not at all inferior to the soldiers and horses Gao Qiu brought this time.

The only thing that made Zhang Shuye feel relieved was that Jiang Hongfei was greedy for Hebei and transferred most of his troops to Hebei to garrison and attack cities and plunder territory.

This gave them a chance to win.

But they have a chance to win, but not much.


Just because Dazhai, the headquarters of Shuibo Liangshan, is protected by 800 miles of water, and Liangshan has been built by Shuibo Liangshan's engineers and prisoners like an iron barrel. In addition, there are hundreds of thousands of troops hidden on Liangshan, thousands of Trying to get tens of thousands of tons of food in from the outside is nothing more than a dream.

Zhang Shuye thought for a long time and felt that only by blooming internally could it be possible to break through Shuibo Liangshan.

And once the Liangshan Army loses its water base in Liangshan, it will be like rootless duckweeds with the possibility of being wiped out.

Later, Zhang Shuye learned by chance that there was a Valley of Evil in Shuibo Liangshan, and there were 10,000 to 20,000 Shuibo Liangshan criminals imprisoned in the valley for a long time.

A large part of the criminals in Shuibo Liangshan were loyal to the Zhao and Song Dynasties.

What made Zhang Shuye think it was an opportunity even more was that after Zhang Ji and Yun Tianbiao were defeated, 70,000 to 80,000 of their men were imprisoned in the Valley of Evil.

Zhang Shuye boldly imagined that if he sent people to sneak into the Valley of Evil, contact those who were still loyal to the Zhao and Song dynasties, and attack the Liangshan Dazhai with explosives during the decisive battle between the Song Army and the Liangshan Army, the Liangshan Army would definitely be in chaos. At that time, regardless of whether those prisoners in Liangshan could capture the Liangshan Dazhai, it was enough for the Song Army to defeat the Liangshan Army.

The more Zhang Shuye thought about it, the more he felt that this was Song Jun's only chance, so he set out to find the place of death.

The Death Room is one of the five rooms in Sun Tzu's Art of War.

The five rooms are divided into: cause room, inner room, reaction room, life room, and death room.

"Yinjian" is also called "countryside". Countryside refers to using the relationship between relatives and friends in the enemy's camp to penetrate into the enemy's interior, find out news, and collect intelligence.

Internally, they were willing to spend a lot of money to bribe enemy officials to act as spies. For example, during the Warring States Period, the Qin State bribed Guo Kai, the favorite minister of the King of Zhao, and others, and killed Zhao State's famous general Li Mu with the help of a knife.

The opposite is to use the power of the Great Shift to hit people and try to make the enemy's spies consciously or unconsciously used by us, so as to disrupt the enemy's hearing and hearing and collect various intelligence.

The purpose of life is to allow your spies to escape skillfully after completing the task of collecting intelligence, and return to the base camp safely to report the enemy's situation.

In the life of death, one has to have a heart as hard as a stone and a blood as cold as ice water. "You can't let go of your children and you can't trap the wolf." You must deliberately spread some false information to lure the enemy into being deceived at the expense of your own spies. The representative figure is Su Qin. When the horn of the Five Kingdoms' attack on Qi sounded, Su Qin completed his mission, his identity was exposed, and he was executed by Qi.

The matter is serious, and no one can trust Zhang Shuye.

Finally, Zhang Shuye looked at his eldest son Zhang Bofen.

Zhang Bofen was born with a broad forehead and square cheeks, sword-shaped eyebrows at the temples, sparkling eyes, a voice like a bell, and calm deeds, quite similar to Zhang Shuye's demeanor when he was young.

Zhang Shuye felt that Zhang Boxen might only have a chance to succeed in this kind of thing.

Zhang Bofen knew that this matter was a narrow escape, but he did not shirk it, let alone blame Zhang Shuye, but readily agreed.

However, Zhang Zhongxiong was young and energetic and had a high self-esteem. He took the initiative to ask Zhang Shuye to take the place of death in Zhang Bofen's place.

Later, after Zhang Shuye vetoed Zhang Zhongxiong's request, Zhang Zhongxiong left a letter to Zhang Shuye and Zhang Bofen, and then ran off to take action on his own.

Now that Zhang Zhongxiong has successfully sneaked into the Valley of the Evil Ones, he is going to follow the plan made by Zhang Shuye and try to contact Jin Chengying, Haransheng, Ma Yuan and others, and persuade them to lead the crowd when the decisive battle between the Song Army and the Liangshan Army takes place. Let's go to attack Liangshan Dazhai...

At the same time, in Liu Huiniang’s room.

Liu Huiniang used a brush to write down five names on the rice paper - Li Gang, Chen Yu, Jin Chengying, Haransheng, and Ma Yuan.

Jiang Hongfei hugged Liu Huiniang from behind, looked at the five names at the same time, and asked, "Why write their names?"

Liu Huiniang said: "If Zhao Song wants to attack the Valley of Evil, they will definitely not be able to get around the five of them, especially the last three."

Jiang Hongfei asked with great interest: "Madam seems to be very sure that Zhao Song will attack the Valley of Evil?"

Liu Huiniang said: "A woman's intuition. And this is Zhao Song's only strategy that can threaten me, Shuibo Liangshan, so we must not be careless."

Seeing Liu Huiniang being so cautious, Jiang Hongfei felt more and more that he had picked up a big treasure.

Jiang Hongfei said to Liu Huiniang: "Halan Sheng and Ma Yuan have already expressed to Chen Daozi that they are willing to surrender to me at Shuibo Liangshan. They also asked Chen Daozi to speak kindly to them. I have already sent Chai Daguan to go there in disguise." Contact the two of them, and according to the plan we made, we will teach them to suffer for a while and then go to the Political and Education Office to study. To say the least, even if they are unreliable, Yan Qing has already sent people to lurk in Jin Chengying and Ha Any disturbance around Lan Sheng and Ma Yuan will not escape our surveillance."

Speaking of this, Jiang Hongfei hesitated: "It's just...will Zhao Song contact Li Gang and Chen Tao? Outsiders should not know that they are here with me. The key point is that other than me, others may not know their talents. ."

Liu Huiniang said: "Jin Chengying, Haransheng, and Ma Yuan are all reckless and will never achieve anything. If they want to achieve something, they must have someone who can make decisions to lead and strategize. Looking at the entire Valley of the Wicked, the only people with this ability are There are two people, Li and Chen, and they can still walk freely and are loyal to Zhao and Song Dynasty, so the Nu family listed their names first."

Jiang Hongfei said: "Then I'll give him two another place to live."

Liu Huiniang heard this and said with a smile: "The official really loves and protects them both."

Jiang Hongfei asked with a smile: "Why do you say this?"

Liu Huiniang rolled her eyes at Jiang Hongfei: "The official is testing me again?"

Without waiting for Jiang Hongfei to answer, after a pause, Liu Huiniang said to herself: "The official changed places for the two of them, obviously because they were afraid that they were really involved in this matter, and the official didn't know whether to kill them or not."

Liu Huiniang was right. Jiang Hongfei had made up his mind. As long as the Valley of Evil dared to blow up the prison, Jiang Hongfei would carry out a massacre in the Valley of Evil and solve these worries once and for all.

For this reason, Jiang Hongfei had already transferred Bu 11th Army and Bu 13th Army, and brought back the murderers Li Kui, Bao Xu, Li Gun, and Xiang Chong.

And just as Liu Huiniang guessed, Jiang Hongfei was reluctant to let go of the two great talents Li Gang and Chen Yu, so he protected them to prevent them from taking the wrong path and embarrassing himself.

Jiang Hongfei pinched Liu Huiniang's little nose: "You are really a roundworm in my belly!"

Liu Huiniang said very Versailles: "What's so hard to guess? If you think about it for a while, you can guess the official's intention."

Jiang Hongfei shook his head. It was boring to chat with such an extremely smart person. He felt like he was being crushed by his IQ.

"Forget it, it's better not to humiliate yourself."

Jiang Hongfei picked up Liu Huiniang by the waist.

Liu Huiniang said: "Wait a moment, I still have some work to do."

Jiang Hongfei said: "The work is never finished. It's not too late to do it after you have rested."

Jiang Hongfei kissed Liu Huiniang's pretty face and said, "If I tire you out, then my losses will be great."

Jiang Hongfei didn't tell lies.

Liu Huiniang has many good things, but there is one very bad thing about her, that is, her health is very bad.

In the original work, Liu Huiniang fell ill and almost died because she was too focused on her work.

Now, Jiang Hongfei has been working hard on Liu Huiniang in recent years, but Liu Huiniang has never been able to give birth to a son and a half for Jiang Hongfei.

Jiang Hongfei is really not bragging.

Not to mention normal women, women like Li Qingzhao, Mrs. Cai, and Mrs. Jia who had difficulties in conceiving in their original families, all got pregnant smoothly with Jiang Hongfei.

Jiang Hongfei, who practices the "Su Nv Sutra" handed down by Jiutian Xuannu, definitely has super fertility, which can even be said to be unparalleled.

But even Jiang Hongfei could not get Liu Huiniang pregnant.

Needless to say, the problem must lie with Liu Huiniang.

Jiang Hongfei once visited An Daoquan, Kong Hou and Mou Jie to see Liu Huiniang. They all diagnosed that Liu Huiniang was congenitally weak and difficult to conceive, and they all prescribed Liu Huiniang's health care prescriptions in an attempt to help Liu Huiniang improve her physical condition, but the results were all negative. Satisfactory.

In Kong Hou's words: "It's not the three of us who are unwilling to contribute, but we are not gods. How can there be Ganoderma lucidum elixir? It can only use bark and grass roots. Madam Liu's problem came from her mother's womb. We are really going back." There is no way."

Liu Huiniang was worried about not being able to give birth to a son and a half for Jiang Hongfei.

Therefore, after listening to Jiang Hongfei say, "If I tire you out, then my losses will be great." Liu Huiniang couldn't help but said, "It is a serious crime for the slave family not to be able to give birth to children for officials. If we can no longer help officials, To conquer the world, what is the meaning of this life for the slave family?"

Although looking at Liu Huiniang's genes, the child she gave birth to Jiang Hongfei would definitely be the same, but to be honest, Jiang Hongfei really didn't lack Liu Huiniang to give him a child.

Let's put it this way, there are many women who can give birth to children for Jiang Hongfei, but the only woman who can help Jiang Hongfei conquer the world is Liu Huiniang.

But then again, if Liu Huiniang could really give birth to a son and a half daughter for Jiang Hongfei, of course Jiang Hongfei would also be willing.

Moreover, Liu Huiniang has been saying that Gao Qiu's only possible strategy to defeat Shuibo Liangshan is to incite the prisoners in the Valley of Evil to attack Dazhai during the decisive battle between the two armies.

But in Jiang Hongfei's view, Gao Qiu still had another chance, and that was when Liu Huiniang, whom Jiang Hongfei relied on most, had an accident.

The biggest time bomb on Liu Huiniang's body is her poor health.

What if, during the decisive battle between the Song Army and the Liangshan Army, the intensity was too great and beyond the endurance of Liu Huiniang's delicate body...

Jiang Hongfei was unwilling to face such a situation.

After thinking about it, Jiang Hongfei said: "Chen Daozi's Qianyuan Liguang Mirror can determine good or bad luck. Why don't I teach him to come over and see if he can find a way to cure your body."

As a woman, how could you not want to have children?

As wise as Liu Huiniang, she is not exempt from vulgarity, so she said "hmm" and agreed to Jiang Hongfei's proposal.

The next morning, Jiang Hongfei called Chen Xizhen over and explained the reason for calling him over.

Chen Xizhen agreed without saying a word.

That night, Jiang Hongfei asked someone to clean a clean room, Liu Huiniang was lying on the bed, and Chen Xizhen used incense flowers, lamps and candles to offer the Qianyuan Dilight Mirror.

After everything was ready, Chen Xizhen recited the mantra, and the mirror surface was covered with Gang Qi.

Jiang Hongfei concentrated his breath and looked at the bronze mirror, which was only three inches in size and empty.

After paying attention for a long time, Jiang Hongfei was dazzled by what he saw, but he saw that the mirror gradually became the size of a wheel.

When I looked again, I saw black clouds surging inside the mirror, filling the mirror with darkness, and lightning dancing in the shadows of the black clouds, flickering unsteadily.

After a while, the electric light gradually stopped, the black clouds dispersed, and a high mountain appeared in the mirror.

On that high mountain, I saw a child of three or four years old, naked, jumping up and down on the mountain, coming and going like flying. There is a demon leopard squatting in the valley, very ferocious and ferocious. There was a man at the foot of the mountain, sitting on the back of a cow, playing a flute, with two boys following him.

Soon, I saw that the mountain gradually changed its appearance, all those figures disappeared, but a pagoda emerged from the mountain.

The tower has seven floors, a majestic golden wall, but no top. There are three more thatched huts under the tower, with an old monk sitting on a futon.

When I looked again, the top of the tower was suddenly in full swing, and in front of the old monk, there was a young woman, bowing and worshiping, acting and behaving like Liu Huiniang.

After a while, I saw a ball of fire falling from the sky and falling directly in front of the tower. For a while, the mirror was filled with fire, like a sun, dazzling.

After an unknown amount of time, the fire light subsided, and there was still a three-inch bronze mirror, empty.

Seeing that there was no change in the Qianyuan Liguang Mirror, Chen Xizhen put the mirror away, looked at Jiang Hongfei, and asked: "My lord, can you see what the mirror said?"

Jiang Hongfei did not answer immediately, but first helped Liu Huiniang up, and then told Liu Huiniang what he saw.

After hearing this, Hui Niang smiled bitterly: "That's the case, I'm afraid the slave family's end has come."

Chen Xizhen asked in surprise: "Why did your virtuous niece say this?"

Liu Huiniang said: "Uncle, you used to say that my meritorious deeds are like a seven-story pagoda, only one roof is missing. Now the roofless pagoda in the round light suddenly has a roof, and I am bowing to the Sangha for refuge. Isn't this scene mine? ending."

Chen Xizhen thought for a while and said, "No, my virtuous niece will not explain it like this. The sage said: If you are meticulous in your words, your theory will be lived in vain. If you follow what your niece said and can only understand the last paragraph, aren't those scenes above just words and empty words? The sign from the gods must not be like this. I think that since the realm of Gaoping Mountain appears in the round light, my niece's destiny must be on that mountain. According to the seven-story pagoda, it may be that my niece's achievements will be completed in the future."

Jiang Hongfei spoke at this time and said: "What my father-in-law said is true. The mountains in Gaoping Mountain are beautiful and contain many fairy medicines. They can prolong your life and prolong your life, not to mention improve your body? That child is the same as the monster leopard. He must be a plant." Elf. Since the gods have given us a sign, I think there must be a savior for my wife."

After hearing what Jiang Hongfei and Chen Xizhen said, Liu Huiniang nodded silently, indicating that she approved their interpretation.

Jiang Hongfei said: "In this way, ordinary people will definitely not be able to catch the elves of the grass and trees. I will go there myself and get the elixir to heal your body for my wife..."

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