Xianxia version of Water Margin

Chapter 277 Recruitment

In the hanging arch hall.

Su Yuanjing, a close official of Zhao Ji, who was worshiping the Taiwei in front of the palace, said to Zhao Ji: "I heard that a large flag was erected on Liangshan Mountain in Shuibo, and I wrote the four words 'Practice for Heaven'. This is the art of the people. The people's hearts are already Ambush, do not add troops. Jiang Yan, the leader of the thieves, is not like Fang La, Tian Hu, and Wang Qing who built palaces, pretended to be civil and military officials, internal ministers and foreign generals, and proclaimed themselves false kings. Moreover, Fang La, Tian Hu, and Wang Qing are currently causing rebellion, and everywhere The army and horses are unable to cover up. In my foolish intention, these desperadoes in the mountains are all guilty of official punishment and have no way to escape. So they gather in the mountains and forests and do whatever they want. If you send a Dan edict and send a minister, until Shuipo Liangshan gave good words and advice, and then offered generous rewards to persuade Anlai to surrender. This way he can defeat the other three bandits, both public and private. I beg for your majesty's holy advice."

Su Yuanjing looks handsome and has no beard. He is generous and kind to his subordinates. He is the opponent of powerful traitors such as Tong Guan and Gao Qiu. He often reported to Zhao Ji the sufferings of the people in the court hall and recommended loyal ministers and good generals. He has always opposed the use of troops against Shuibo Liangshan, and strongly advocated the recruitment of Shuibo Liangshan.

Earlier, Zhao Ji had no intention of recruiting Shuibo Liangshan. It can also be said that Zhao Ji did not bother to recruit Jiang Hongfei and his group of bandits.

But this time Shuibo Liangshan defeated Gao Qiu, and Zhao Ji saw the crisis of the demise of the Zhao and Song Dynasties. He was frightened, so he had the idea of ​​recruiting Shuibo Liangshan.

This is why Zhao Ji did not deal with Hou Meng who advocated recruiting peace.

Only then did Zhao Ji call Su Yuanjing to discuss the matter of recruiting Shuibo Liangshan.

Zhao Ji said: "What you said is very appropriate, and it is exactly what I want."

Zhao Ji then took the initiative to ask: "Who should I send to recruit people?"

Su Yuanjing said: "Originally, it was most appropriate to send Hou Meng to go. He often said that Jiang Yan was rampaging Qi and Wei as a mere bandit. There were hundreds of thousands of officers and soldiers who dared not resist, so his talent must be superior to others. Now Qingxi is robbing, It would be better to pardon Jiang Yan and ask Fangla to redeem himself. However, Jiang Yan is now too powerful, and it will be difficult to do this unless he sends important ministers to recruit him. "

Zhao Ji nodded, feeling that what Su Yuanjing said made sense, and asked: "Who do you think Aiqing is suitable for taking on this important task?"

Su Yuanjing said: "It is appropriate for me to carry out this recruitment with my status, but there is one person in the court who is more suitable than me."

Zhao Ji asked: "Who is he?"

Su Yuanjing said: "I pay homage to the Third Division of Yitong of Kaifu, the Military Envoy of Zhenhai, and the Shaobao Cai You."

Zhao Ji was puzzled: "Why is Cai You more suitable than you?"

Su Yuanjing explained: "Cai Shaobao had a sister who was originally married to Liang Taishu of the Daming Palace in Beijing. After Jiang Yan captured Daming Palace that year, he kidnapped the Cai family and took it as his own. I heard that the Cai family went to Jiang Yan and worked for Jiang Yan. The next child, after all calculations, Cai You is Jiang Yan’s uncle and brother, the two are related, and having this relationship will be of great benefit to Zhao An without any harm."

Zhao Ji and Cai You not only have a relationship between monarch and minister, but they also have a very good personal relationship. In private, they often do not follow the courtesy of monarch and minister.

Even Cai You's wife, Song, also followed suit. It is said that she entered and exited the palace as if she were at home, very casually.

Cai You, Wang Fu, and Li Bangyan were all Zhao Ji's favorites, and Zhao Ji often held banquets in the palace to entertain them.

The so-called Qu Banquet is a private banquet held by the emperor. It is a way of leisure and entertainment for the emperor. This is not a pioneering work of Zhao Ji. It should be regarded as a tradition in the Zhao and Song palaces. The participants are usually members of the royal family and close officials. They often Composing poems, admiring flowers, acting, singing and dancing, etc. at the banquet.

Cai You has a smart mind and is very good at dealing with situations. Once, at the beginning of the banquet, Zhao Ji produced a first couplet and asked Cai You to read the second couplet. The first couplet is: Father-in-law and son-in-law. Cai You blinked a few times and said: The master is the master. The couplet was very clever, and Zhao Ji and Long Yan were so happy that everyone in the audience praised it.

Now, Su Yuanjing proposed that Cai You recruit An Jiang Hongfei, and Zhao Ji thought it was very suitable.

However, Zhao Ji did not expect the relationship between Jiang Hongfei, Cai You and Mrs. Cai.

This made Zhao Ji hesitate!

After thinking about it, Zhao Ji still said to Zhang Di: "Go and invite Cai You."

Soon, Cai You, who received Zhao Ji's order, came to Chui Gong Hall.

Zhao Ji asked Cai You, "What does Ai Qing think of Jiang Yan?"

Cai You didn't even hesitate and said: "What is the Dao for rebels against the country? I only hate that I am weak, otherwise I would fill up his pond and trample him to pieces. I would capture Jiang Yan and his gang of rebels alive and liberate the capital." It is my wish to cut the corpse into thousands of pieces!"

Cai You's reaction made Zhao Ji feel relieved.

Zhao Ji believed that even though Jiang Hongfei and Cai You had a little relationship, if Cai You was asked to choose between him and Jiang Hongfei, Cai You would definitely choose him without hesitation.

Zhao Ji was not blindly confident, but Zhao Ji had already asked Cai You to choose between him and Cai You's father, Cai Jing. As a result, Cai You chose him happily and was willing to break with Cai Jing.

Therefore, Cai You is Zhao Ji's most trusted person, no one else.

In addition, Cai You passed Zhao Ji's test again.

Zhao Ji then said to Cai You: "Jiang Yan's group, with the big inscription on the flag 'Practice for Heaven', did not dare to invade the state capital before, refused to disturb the good people, singled out corrupt officials, were rich and unkind, powerful and slanderous people" . He should not afford to build a palace, should not pretend to be a civil and military bureaucracy, should not be a minister at home or abroad, and should not proclaim himself a false king. He should hope to recruit people early and be willing to contribute to the country. It is just that the ministers who are jealous of the virtuous and capable are blocking them, and they do not let their subordinates express their feelings and teach them. I have not paid much attention to his intention to recruit people to peace. He has only recently begun to attack the city and seize territory in order to gain the attention of the court. I intend to recruit this group of thieves to peace, but I wonder what your wishes are?"

When Cai You heard that Zhao Ji excused Jiang Yan and Shuibo Liangshan and wanted to recruit Jiang Hongfei and Shuibo Liangshan, he immediately changed his words and said, "The same is true for me."

Zhao Ji said: "In that case, Ai Qing will go to recruit An Jiang Yan on behalf of the court. How about that?"

Cai You was horrified: "Is this my duty to recruit you?!!!"

Zhao Ji looked at Cai You and asked with a smile: "Ai Qing, you don't want to worry about the country?"

Cai You immediately responded: "I am willing!"

Seeing that Cai You agreed, Zhao Ji smiled and said, "I personally wrote the imperial edict to you with my own pen!"

Then, Zhao Ji asked him to go up to the imperial case, brush away the edict paper, and write the edict personally on the imperial case. The ministers on the left and right held the imperial treasure, and Zhao Ji used it himself. He also ordered the treasurer to collect 100 gold medals, 300 silver medals, 100 pieces of red brocade, 300 pieces of green brocade, and 500 bottles of yellow seal royal wine, all of which were given to Cai You. I also gave him twenty pieces of horses from the outside and inside, and a gold-lettered imperial flag, which will be sent within a few days.

In fact, Zhao Ji also knew that Cai You was not talented in doing great things.

But now that four bandits have emerged, the Zhao and Song dynasties are in danger, and the building may collapse at any time.

At this time of life and death, Zhao Ji must not be the kind of talent who will definitely argue with Shui Bo Liangshan and then break up with Shui Bo Liangshan. He must be a crooked talent like Cai You who can adapt to the wind.

Let's put it this way, what Zhao Ji wants now is to recruit people to Shuibo Liangshan at all costs, and then use Shuibo Liangshan to pacify the other three bandits.

This can be said to be one of the few ways out for the Zhao and Song Dynasties.

For this way out, Zhao Ji had the consciousness to let Jiang Hongfei extort a large sum of money.

In other words, what Zhao Ji wants is not temporary gains and losses, but the complete elimination of the four major bandits, his four most serious worries.

Let’s talk about Cai You.

After receiving the order to recruit Shuibo Liangshan, Cai You's face suddenly looked like a bitter gourd.

When Lehe saw it, he hurriedly stepped forward and asked with concern: "Ms. sir, you went to the palace, why did you become like this?"

Lehe is now not only Cai You's confidant, but also Cai You's main adviser. Therefore, upon hearing Lehe's inquiry, Cai You told Lehe everything about Zhao Ji asking him to recruit Shuibo Liangshan.

After listening to this, Lehe asked calmly: "I wonder what my husband is worried about? Is he worried about not being able to complete the task of recruiting Jiang Yan, or is he worried about his own safety?"

Although Cai You was more worried about the latter, Cai You said righteously: "My Cai family has been deeply favored by the emperor for generations. When I came here, I was even more honored and favored. Even if the Liangshan grass bandits kill people like crazy, I am not afraid. What I am worried about is naturally that I will not be able to fulfill the official's trust and cannot share the official's worries!"

When Lehe heard this, he knew that Cai You was not telling the truth.

Based on Lehe's understanding of Cai You, Cai You was not afraid of screwing up the mission entrusted to him by Zhao Ji. Anyway, based on his relationship with Zhao Ji, even if he was in trouble, he would still be rich and prosperous.

Therefore, Lehe concluded that Cai You must be worried about his own safety.

Therefore, Le He first reassured Cai You: "My husband is on this trip, and he will be fine."

Cai You hurriedly asked: "How do you say this?"

Lehe reminded Cai You: "Did your husband forget Mrs. Cai?"

After Lehe's reminder, Cai You immediately thought of his sister, Mrs. Cai, and said to himself: "Yes, my little sister is now Jiang Yan's concubine, and I am also Jiang Yan's uncle. It doesn't matter who he harms." It will be detrimental to me!"

At this time, Lehe said: "Moreover, my husband sent a villain to inquire about the whereabouts of Mr. Cai Jiu, and the villain has already found out."

Cai You asked, "Oh? I heard about it. Where is he now?"

Lehe replied: "It turns out that it was the Liangshan bandits who conquered Jiangzhou. Cai Jiuxiang was later captured by the Liangshan bandits and sent to Shuibo Liangshan. Now he is serving as a Tongzhi in Laizhou, but his name has been changed. That's why we have been searching for so long. , just found him.”

Cai You said in shock: "Laizhou is not Jiang Yan's fellow..."

Having said this, Cai You quickly covered his mouth!

The Cai family actually became an official in Shuibo Liangshan. If this news spread, it would be a big trouble.

Lehe understood Cai You's worries. He said: "The Liangshan bandits probably didn't want to expose this matter, so they asked Cai Jiuxiang to change his name. Otherwise, there would be no need to do this."

After a pause, Lehe added: "Since the Liangshan bandits did not harm Mr. Cai Jiu and taught Mr. Cai Jiu to serve as an official with them, I believe that Mr. Cai will be treated politely when he goes to recruit people."

Cai You felt polite and immediately felt relieved, but he still said nonchalantly: "Even if he has harmful intentions for me, I am not afraid. So what if I shed my life and blood for the sake of the Song Dynasty?!"

Lehe laughed and said, "My husband is not afraid, but this relationship will also be beneficial to my husband in fulfilling the official trust."

Cai You nodded, agreeing with Lehe's statement.

Without thinking, Lehe changed his tone and said, "It's just that even if my husband has this kind of relationship, it will be difficult to fulfill the official trust."

Cai You frowned and asked, "Then why?"

Lehe did not answer and asked instead: "May I ask my husband, what kind of favorable conditions did the officials give Shuibo Liangshan to teach my husband to persuade Jiang Yan to accept the recruitment?"


Only then did Cai You remember that Zhao Ji only asked him to recruit people, but he didn't tell Jiang Hongfei and the people in Shuibo Liangshan what conditions they wanted to recruit!

Cai You thought angrily: "It's hard for a clever woman to make a meal without rice. You don't tell me any conditions. How can you recruit me?"

Lehe said: "I made a wild statement to my husband. If the imperial court gives Jiang Yan official positions such as martial arts master, martial arts master, pacifier, propaganda envoy, and general manager of the military and horse capital, he will definitely not be able to recruit him."

Hearing what Lehe said, Cai You couldn't help but feel embarrassed!

You must know that the Zhao and Song Dynasty's traditional recruitment was to give these official positions. However, the ministers in the court would not trust these strong men who were recruited.

Only strong men like Shi Jiedu, who have made lifelong contributions to the Zhao and Song dynasties, have the opportunity to serve as Jiedushi.

Cai You thought for a while and said, "Then I can get a military governor for Jiang Yan?"

Lehe shook his head: "Jiang Yan, a powerful man, must not be interested in the illusory official position in our government. If he wants it, he must control the policies."

The so-called "ji" means to control with military and political pressure, and "ji" means to comfort with economic and material interests, that is, to set up special administrative units in minority areas to maintain or basically maintain the original society of ethnic minorities. The organizational form and management agency recognize the political dominance of their chiefs and leaders in their own ethnic groups and regions, and appoint local leaders of ethnic minorities as local officials. Except for those who are politically subordinate to the central dynasty and have economic obligations to pay tribute, the rest All affairs are managed by the minority leaders themselves.

During the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period, feudal separatism was fierce. On the basis of Jisi Prefecture, the indigenous leaders in the minority areas took advantage of the opportunities of the Central Plains countries to fight against each other and attacked each other, using the large to defeat the small and the strong to swallow up the weak. The expansion forces of some powerful clans gradually broke away from the control of the central dynasty and became small independent kingdoms that were geographically closed.

After the Zhao and Song dynasties unified the mainland, they adapted to the situation formed during the Five Dynasties, adopted the Tang Dynasty system and perfected the policy of restraining and restraining officials, established their chiefs, made them self-controlled, and further won over the leaders of ethnic minorities. Those who were powerful were given more territory.

Although Cai You is uneducated, he is still very familiar with the policy of restraint.

Apart from anything else, the famous Zhe Family Army of the Zhao and Song Dynasties, including the well-known Yang Family Generals, were actually powerful families governed by the Jisi policy.

But whether it's the Zhe family or the Yang family, what they inherited is just one state.


With the Linzhou Yang family and Fengzhou Wang family falling into decline one after another, the three states of Linzhou, Fu, and Fengzhou are now under the hereditary rule of the Zhe family.

But even if it is the Zhe family, it is just a hereditary rule of three states.

Moreover, the Zhe family lived in Fuzhou for hundreds of years, guarding China at home and fighting the barbarians and Di outside. In order to alleviate the worries of the Five Dynasties and the Zhao and Song Dynasties, they all allowed his father, son and brothers to pass on his family to his descendants.

Even the treacherous and sycophantic Cai You couldn't help but ask: "How virtuous and capable is Jiang Yan? Is he worthy of hereditary rule over Shandong and Hebei, two important territories of our Song Dynasty?"

After reacting for a while, Cai You understood. What Le He said was not a policy of restraint. It was clearly to find a suitable excuse for Jiang Yan to separate Shandong and Hebei...

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