Xianxia version of Water Margin

Chapter 283 The details

The water is in Liangshan.

Jiang Hongfei looked at Cai You, who had brought him a lot of gifts, including twenty beauties, and said with a smile: "You are so polite, Shaobao. You and I are really relatives, there is no need to be like this."

Cai You quickly said: "The last time Cai You came as an envoy, he was warmly received by the leader of the village. Wang Fu sent his cronies as an envoy, but was beheaded by the leader of the village, Li Kui. Cai You is not a good person, how can he do it? No expression?"

Cai You thought to himself: "It's not strange that there are many gifts, but just because of these gifts, you can't kill me?"

The reason why Jiang Hongfei acquiesced to Li Kui killing the envoy sent by Wang Fu was because Lehe came back with news that Cai You was more suitable to be negotiated with Shuibo Liangshan than Wang Fu, and it was easier to get it from Cai You. What Jiang Hongfei really wanted.

Of course, Jiang Hongfei would not say this.

Jiang Hongfei followed Cai You's words and said with a smile: "I had a good discussion with Shaobao, but it was replaced by those two bossy disciples who thought they were trying to replace Shaobao. How could I tolerate them?"

Cai You hurriedly accompanied him and said cautiously: "Yes, yes, very yes, we are both a country of etiquette. Is there anything we can't talk about properly without having to argue fiercely?"

Jiang Hongfei nodded: "Shaobao and I agree. Then I wonder why Shaobao came to my place again?"

Cai You hurriedly said: "The matter between the two families needs to be resolved urgently, and Cai Youcai came uninvited. Please forgive me."

Politics is the purpose, war is the means, and war always serves political purposes.

Jiang Hongfei has won the initial stage of the war, and now it depends on how much results Jiang Hongfei can achieve with this stage of victory.

In addition, Jiang Hongfei, who had almost captured the entire Hebei Province, could no longer just focus on the Zhao and Song Dynasty.

Don't forget, Jiang Hongfei's territory will soon border Yandi.

But now the Liao Kingdom is at the end of its war effort and cannot defeat Lu.

In other words, Jiang Hongfei has a chance to regain the sixteen states of Yanyun that have been separated from the Han people for more than two hundred years.

Speaking of this, we must first talk about the Zhao and Song dynasties who joined forces with the Jin Dynasty to destroy the Liao Dynasty and regain the sixteen states of Yanyun.

At the beginning of this year, before Jiang Hongfei took over Shandong, Wanyan Aguda sent envoys to Dengzhou. Wang Shizhong, who was in charge of Dengzhou in place of Zongze at that time, sent people to escort them to the capital.

——Two years ago, when Zongze turned sixty, he was appointed as an official in charge of the Hongqing Palace in Yingtian Prefecture, Nanjing. He retired to Dongyang, Zhejiang, and settled in a valley, where he planned to spend his later years. In March, because Gao Yanzhao and others falsely accused Zongze of improperly renovating the "Shenxiao Palace" in Dengzhou, Zongze was dismissed from his post and sent to Zhenjiang Prefecture for supervision.

Zhao Ji also regretted his alliance with the Jin State at that time, so he ordered Wang Shizhong to temporarily keep the Jin envoys in Dengzhou and prevent them from coming to the capital.

——Zhao Ji did not want the Jin envoy to appear in the capital at that sensitive time. He was worried that the maritime alliance would be discovered by the Liao State's secret operations. If the Liao State also took the opportunity to send troops southward, wouldn't the Zhao and Song Dynasty be in danger?

Therefore, after the Jin envoy arrived in Tokyo, he was almost put under house arrest by Zhao Ji and his ministers in the Tongwen Hall. No one ever talked to them about the attack on the Liao Kingdom from the north and the south.

At the end of October, Wanyan Aguda and other Jin people waited for a year but still could not wait for Huolu and Dadiwu to return to the Jin Kingdom.

On the way, Wanyan Aguda sent two more envoys to the Zhao and Song Dynasties, but this time the envoys were detained by Shuibo Liangshan who had occupied Dengzhou at that time.

Wanyan Aguda didn't believe it. There were accidents in both waves of envoys, so he concluded that the Zhao and Song Dynasty did not have the sincerity to unite, so he must have detained the envoys he sent.

Wanyan Aguda was very disappointed with this. He called Wanyan Wu Qimai, Wanyan Xieye, Wanyan Zonghan, Wanyan Zongwang and others to a meeting to discuss countermeasures.

Wanyan Aguda said: "The Song Dynasty detained our envoys and did not mention a word about the alliance. Did it mean to sever diplomatic relations?"

Wanyan Zonghan said: "Perhaps there are changes in the Song Dynasty. I think it is better to wait for it."

Wanyan Aguda thought for a while and said: "Then let's wait and see. If the Song Dynasty doesn't join us in the attack, then we will start taking action on our own. I want to send troops to seize Zhongjing immediately. What do you think?"

All the senior officials of the Jin Kingdom said: "The armies have been stationed here for a long time. Our Dajin warriors are very energetic and their horses are strong. Taking this opportunity to attack Zhongjing is the best strategy."

Therefore, Wanyan Aguda appointed him and Wanyan Wu's fifth brother Wanyan Xieye to command the internal and external armies, and Wanyan Zonghan, Wanyan Zongwang, Wanyan Pujianu and other generals were deputy commanders.

Wanyan Aguda warned them: "The political platform of the Liao Kingdom is stagnant, and both people and gods have abandoned it. Now I am gathering elite troops and horses to march towards Zhongjing to conquer for the people. The army must pay rewards and punishments, and supply food and grass in a timely manner. Do not disturb the surrendered people. Don't disturb the surrendered people." The army must seize the opportunity and advance without reporting everything. If Zhongjing is captured, all the etiquette, music, ceremonials, books, documents, etc. must be turned over and must not be left behind."

Then, Wanyan Aguda made another bold decision, appointing the Liao surrendered general Yeluyu Jian as the vanguard of the army.

Wanyan Aguda's skills in recognizing and employing people were very good, and Zhao Ji and Yelu Yanxi were indeed incomparable.

The so-called art of knowing and employing people is the art of leadership and the art of controlling people. If a country's top decision-maker makes a major mistake in identifying and employing people, it will definitely affect the country's destiny and historical direction.

Zhao Ji had a big problem in this regard, and Yelu Yanxi had an even bigger problem in this regard.

Yelu Yujian was once a famous and fierce general in the Liao Kingdom. The reason why he rebelled against the Liao Dynasty and surrendered gold was really out of necessity.

Yelu Yujian was also a member of the Liao clan, and he and Yelu Yanxi were still brothers-in-law - Yelu Yanxi's concubine Wen and Yelu Yujian's wife were biological sisters.

Concubine Wen's name was Xiao Sesu, and she had three sisters. Concubine Wen was the second in line. Her eldest sister was married to Yelu Tahaoli, and her third sister was married to Yelu Yujian.

Concubine Wen was very talented in literature. When she saw that Yelu Yanxi was dissolute and immoral, he hunted and wandered around in the fields all day long and had no regard for political affairs, she once wrote a song to satirize him. His words say:

"Don't complain and block the dark red dust. Don't hurt yourself because of the difficulties and fear the barbarians. It's better to block the path of evil and choose virtuous ministers. You must lie down on the firewood and taste the courage to inspire the brave men to sacrifice their lives. You can head towards the north of the Qing desert and sleep on the clouds of swallows at night."

Yelu Yanxi had six sons, but it was never decided who would be the crown prince.

And because Yelu Yanxi was particularly fatuous, the people of Liao hoped that a new king would replace Yelu Yanxi and end the end of the Liao Kingdom.

Concubine Wen had a son, King Yelu Ao and Lu Ao of Jin. He was the second among the six sons of Yelu Yanxi. He was virtuous and famous.

The eldest son of Yelu Yanxi, King Yelu Xi Nilie of Zhao, was somewhat mentally retarded and could not be the crown prince.

The Liao people all hoped that Yelu Ao and Lu Ao would be the crown prince to replace Yelu Yanxi, a faint king.

The third son of Yelu Yanxi was King Yelv Ding of Qin, and his mother was Yelu Yanxi's concubine named Xiao Guige.

Concubine Yuan's brother was named Xiao Fengxian, who served as the privy envoy of the Liao Kingdom. He was one of the most powerful traitors in the Liao Kingdom. He had a very close relationship with Yelu Yanxi and won Yelu Yanxi's trust.

Xiao Fengxian always wanted his nephew, Yelu Ding, to be the prince and succeed Yelu Yanxi as the emperor in the future.

But the reputation of Yelu Ao and Lu Ao was obviously higher than that of Yelu Ding.

This made Xiao Fengxian very distressed, and he had been thinking of ways to get rid of Yelu Ao and Lu Ao.

Last summer, someone reported to Xiao Fengxian that Concubine Wen's eldest sister and younger sister met in the military.

Xiao Fengxian seized this opportunity and said to Yelu Yanxi: "What is the purpose of Concubine Wen's elder sister and younger sister meeting in the army? It is obvious that Yu Jian is making friends with Xiao Yu, Ta Huoli and others, conspiring to support the king of Jin. Emperor, I am trying to make you the Supreme Emperor."

Yelu Yanxi believed it to be true, and immediately ordered Xiao Yu, Ta Huoli and others to be killed, and Concubine Wen was given death.

Yeluyu saw that he was leading his troops outside at that time, and was horrified when he heard the news. He felt that Yelu Yanxi would definitely not let him go because of his cruelty and ruthlessness, and would definitely send people to kill his whole family, so he led more than a thousand troops to join the Jin Kingdom.

Yelu Yujian rebelled against Liao and paid gold, which was beyond Wanyan Aguda's expectation. He never expected that even a descendant of the Liao clan like Yelu Yujian would surrender to him, which also made him overjoyed!

Therefore, as soon as he saw Yelu Yujian, Wanyan Aguda greeted him very warmly: "Come on, come on, come here and sit with me."

Yeluyu was a little frightened when he saw it. He hurriedly knelt down to pay homage and said: "I pay homage to His Majesty the Emperor of Jin. The Lord of Liao indulges in hunting and neglects political affairs. He likes to hang out with sycophants and stays away from loyal and upright people. The punishments are heavy and the people are miserable. . I know little about military matters, and I once made suggestions to the Lord of Liao, but he did not listen or observe. The territory of Dajin is now expanding day by day, so I led three thousand tribesmen, five hundred chariots, and tens of thousands of livestock to surrender."

Wanyan Aguda said with a smile: "Keep your people for yourself. If you can perform meritorious service for me, I will definitely not reward you and put you to good use."

Wanyan Aguda entertained him with a banquet and promised to let Yelu Yujian continue to command the army he led, which greatly moved Yelu Yujian.

So, Yelu Yujian asked Wanyan Aguda and told him everything he knew.

This allowed Wanyan Aguda to further understand the absurdity and incompetence of Yelu Yanxi, further grasp the internal reality of the Liao Kingdom, and further enhance his confidence in overthrowing the Liao Kingdom.

Seeing revenge, Yeluyu willingly sacrificed his life for Wanyan Agu.

Not long ago, the Jin army marched towards Liao Zhongjing.

That day, the northwest wind blew very fiercely, screaming in the wilderness.

Yelu Yujian led the vanguard, braved the wind and snow, marched more than 300 miles day and night, and made a surprise attack on Liaozhongjing.

The Liao army defending the city learned that it was Yelu Yujian who led the army to attack the city, gave up resistance, and surrendered to Kaicheng.

That is to say, not long ago, the Jin people had captured three of the five capitals of the Liao Kingdom (Liao Shang Jing, Liao Tokyo, Liao Zhong Jing, Liao Nanjing, and Liao Xijing), leaving only Liao Nanjing (Yanjing) and Liao Xijing (Liao Xijing). Yunzhongfu), namely the sixteen states of Yanyun.

The Jin Kingdom has the tendency to swallow up the Liao Kingdom like a snake. If there is no intervention from external forces, the Jin Kingdom is likely to take advantage of the trend and conquer the sixteen states of Yanyun.

If that is the case, not to mention that the Han people will lose a God-given opportunity to regain the Yanyun Sixteenth Prefecture, and Shuibo Liangshan will be in big trouble.

The Jin people are extremely ruthless and greedy. As neighbors with the Jin people, especially when there is no natural defense, they are not allowed to come to the land of Shuibo Liangshan to harvest grass and valleys every year?

In this case, the land of Shuibo Liangshan will never have peace.

Moreover, the prerequisite for Hebei to be used as the land of Longxing is that it must have the land of Yan.

Hebei, which owns the land of Yan, is surrounded by mountains and seas on three sides and the Central Plains to the south.

The Yanshan Mountains act as a barrier against the nomads from the north of the Great Wall heading south, protecting Hebei and even the entire Central Plains.

Juyongguan, Shanhaiguan, Songtingguan, Gubeikou, Lengkou, Xifengkou and other passes guard several traffic channels through the Yanshan Mountains.

The Taihang Mountains are an important barrier to the right flank of Hebei Province.

Zijingguan, Daomaguan, Jingxingguan, Fukou and other passes guard the passage through the Taihang Mountains.

There are some east-west rivers in the hinterland of the Hebei Plain, such as the Juma River, Tuo River, Zhang River, etc., which can also be used by the Central Plains regime to establish a river defense system in its war against the northern nomads.

In short, the Sixteen Prefectures of Yanyun, especially Yandi, are very important to Shuibo Liangshan.

The Liao Kingdom is currently on the verge of being beaten by the Jin Kingdom, and there are only tens of thousands of horses left in Yan.

It is no exaggeration to say that Yan Di is now like a naked beauty. As long as the strong man Shui Bo Liangshan dares to act decisively, this beauty will belong to Shui Bo Liangshan.

In other words, now is the best time for Jiang Hongfei to seize Yan Land and get a real land of Longxing for himself.

But then again, the current Liao Kingdom also defeated the Zhao and Song Dynasties in history. Therefore, strategically, Jiang Hongfei can despise the Liao Kingdom, but tactically he must pay attention to the Liao Kingdom.

Specifically, Jiang Hongfei could not engage in a two-front battle, lest he would be exposed.

On the other hand, although the Zhao and Song Dynasty also had many problems, a skinny camel was bigger than a horse, and a centipede insect was dead but not stiff. The key was that the Zhao and Song Dynasty also had Fang La, Tian Hu, and Wang Qing. If Jiang Hongfei was here at this time, The Zhao and Song dynasties fought too hard, and they might get burned and lose the chance to compete in the Central Plains first.

In other words, for the Zhao and Song Dynasty, the war has reached this level, which is actually just right, and too much is not enough.

Therefore, even though Jiang Hongfei acted so tough, in fact Jiang Hongfei also wanted peace talks.

Based on this, seeing Cai You coming to discuss peace again, Jiang Hongfei smiled slightly and said, "Since Zhao Ji has sent Shaobao here, I must give Shaobao some face. How does Shaobao want to solve the problems between you and my family?"

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