Xianyu Technology Overlord

Chapter 125: How is it possible? !

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(Recommended ticket recommended ticket. Wow haha ​​O(∩_∩)O ha!)

With Niu Shanguan to the north, Beichen Yuqing and Yan Zhengqing took 10,000 recruits, tens of thousands of veterans, and the locomotive team led by Liu Leigang to march through the mighty progress without any hindrance along the way!

Some people think that Anyang will send troops to attack Luliang County and Zhongshan County, but almost everyone thinks that Zhongshan County should be the first! After all, the north of Zhongshan County borders on Kaiping County under Li Liang's control, which is a natural advantage.

But now Anyang has given up this powerful condition and directly marched to Luliang County.

Lvliang County, with little precautions, was easily broken through. The mighty army went south and gathered tens of thousands of broken soldiers along the way, all in custody!

Bei Chen Yuqing looked at the bumpy ground bombarded by naval artillery around him, and a trace of terror flashed in his eyes. Fortunately, this terrible weapon was in his own hands. But thinking of Li Xian's expectations for the future-with the rise of Anyang, gunpowder and other weapons will inevitably become popular, Bei Chen Yuqing still has a little shadow.

Shaking his head and throwing away this bad shadow, Beichen Yuqing finally ordered: "Binggui is fast and moving at full speed. The next goal is where the left general Guo Guibang of Luliang County is located, Qingniu Town!"

Yan Zhengqing personally took the lead and led the commando team composed of hundreds of masters of the base period to advance quickly. They even used the flying type of Zhuanzhuo to accelerate, one by one seems to be flying fast to the ground, quickly surpassed the locomotive team, disappeared Without a trace.

Then came the locomotive team, which also advanced at full speed. This time I chose to march here and Niushanguan, the most important thing is that it is close to the sea and the terrain is flat, which is very conducive to locomotive travel; of course, is it close to the sea, but also conducive to the bombardment of ships and sea supply!

More teams are advancing behind, but at full speed.

Along the way, ordinary villagers and so on, everyone did not hurt, but they shouted: "Following the orders of the Eastern Governor of Daxia Kingdom and Anyang Mu Li Xian, come to arrest Zhao Guoshan, the thief, and go to Beijing to face the saint. Retreat!"

The army is advancing in such a magnificent way. For most ordinary villagers and the like, this is a lively thing-anyway, it seems that the people in Anyang are very good, and Qiu is not guilty; instead, his own soldiers often Come here to fight the autumn wind.

However, it was said that the fast-escaped Niushan Gatekeeper Zheng Yuezhong constantly agitated the true period of the foundation period, and continued to use the Fuzhuan that the defender was qualified to store; so it was a step by step and left quickly.

With just a meal, Zheng Yuezhong came to Qingniu Town, which is 50 miles away; Zheng Yuezhong at the moment is already disheveled, ragged, servant, bloody, and pale.

Not to mention being injured by the shells, and so desperately running for fifty miles, Zheng Yuezhong's body is already in an extremely overdrawn state.

Before flying to Qingniu Town, Zheng Yuezhong yelled: "The Niushan Gatekeeper will report Zheng Yuezhong to Anyang and raid!!"

"What?!" The teenager outside the gate of Qingniu Town was shocked and quickly helped Zheng Yuezhong to find General Guo Guibang.

Guo Guibang is observing the sand table and deducing Anyang's possible military operations; when he is getting better, his soldiers rush in. "General, great things are not good, Anyang breaks through the Niushan Pass! Niushan Gatekeeper Zheng Yuezhong is already outside the door."

"Call in...I'll go out!" Guo Guibang heard that things were urgent, and Guo Guibang didn't care about anything else. He flew out of the inner hall with a flick of the figure. At first glance, he saw the embarrassed Zheng Yuezhong.

"Say, what's going on? How many troops are there? Who leads the team? Where is the enemy now?" It is worthy of General Zuo. Even if things are urgent, every sentence is asked to the core.

Zheng Yuezhong fell to his knees with a puff: "General Left, quickly and quickly prop up the protective formation of the city wall to the limit!

I didn’t see the main enemy. What I saw was the sudden appearance of three large ships at sea! There was a cannon on the big ship, and that kind of artillery shell was fired at Niu Shanguan two miles away. A cannonball is about the size of a person and can blow up the walls directly.

They fired three times and the soldiers were already defeated.

I took the soldiers back to the rear of the large camp, and the huge shell fell again, and the whole camp was blown up.

A single shell can kill hundreds of people! terrible! "

Guo Guibang frowned straight, "But who knows who leads the team? How many people? How big is the big ship? Except for the ship, what is the situation on the ground?"

"I...I... didn't see it!"

Guo Guibang was furious: "You ran away without seeing the enemy?!"

"General Zuo, the explosion is so violent that we can't withstand it! After several explosions, there are no more warriors left. All are dead, all are dead..."

Guo Guibang frowned, and Zheng Yuezhong seemed terrified. He couldn't ask any more specific information at all. But one thing is certain, Anyang launched an attack, but actually launched an attack from the sea! Now, the situation is dangerous!

Everything is completely different from Guo Guibang's expectations.

Taking a deep breath, Guo Guibang calmed himself down and issued a series of orders.

First of all, the city wall defense... try your best! This is the hinterland, and the city walls are nowhere near the border defense. Of course, there is still a little defensive ability, chat is better than nothing.

Secondly, immediately dispatch soldiers to go north and search the beach to see the situation.

Thirdly, immediately send personnel to inform the state of Nanfang, Luliang County and Nanliang Prefecture about the war.

Fourth, rectify soldiers and prepare for war!

The soldiers who went out to investigate didn't leave before ten miles, and they met the Anyang commando: hundreds of masters at the foundation stage. Where the investigating soldiers in Luliang County were the opponents of the commando, most of them were killed in a single interview, and the rest scattered.

The commando team did not chase, but continued to rush south, straight to Qingniu Town.

It’s tea time again. The commando who used Fuzhuan to see Qingniu Town. Qingniu Town is closing its gates at this moment. The soldiers on the city walls are still panicking to prepare for war. The soldiers of Luliang County who have never had actual combat experience are really panicked!

If there is pre-war mobilization, it might be better, but who would have thought that the war broke out suddenly without even a warning.

Yan Zhengqing took a look and was overjoyed: "Chong! Occupy the city gate!"

On the walls of Qingniu Town, General Guo Guibang is mobilizing soldiers urgently, so that these soldiers who are first exposed to the war should not panic. Suddenly, I saw the flashes of spells in the north, and more dust.

"It's so fast! It's all done with Fu Zhuan!" Guo Guibang's pupils squeezed; and after seeing the person in front of the Anyang commando, Guo Guibang took a breath. "Oh fuck! It turned out to be Cai Zheng, the commander of the country. !"

The situation is extremely critical. Guo Guibang can no longer care about anything else. Seeing that the soldiers are not ready yet, Guo Guibang immediately ordered his 1,000 soldiers to go out to meet the enemy. "Must not let the enemy rush into the city! City gate officer, close the city gate!"

However, the next moment Guo Guibang was shocked!

I saw that Yan Zhengqing and other commandos suddenly sacrificed flying swords, and a brilliant light flashed over, and more than one hundred personal soldiers fell more than one hundred, and the personal soldiers' weapons, etc., were directly cut off!

"Top-level instruments! They use top-level instruments! Little Anyang, where come so many top-level instruments!" Guo Guibang's face changed completely!

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