Xianyu Technology Overlord

Chapter 152: Come and go

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(Special notice, too many updates, too few data, affect the book's score (⊙﹏⊙)b Tomorrow will resume a day and two more changes.)

"Tomorrow morning, go to the main palace of Anyang City to celebrate!" The mighty voice came. The victory and the madness of the battlefield stimulated the soldiers in the **** battle to forget everything else; there was only one thought in their hearts-charge, charge!

Three kilometers away from the right wing of Zhongshan County, Beichen Yuqing and others watched the 20 warcraft that landed slowly, and a large number of shells were transported.

By the way, it also brought Xu Ren's next order-one hour, that is, two hours later, the raid again! After the cannonballs were polished, they were withdrawn again, and there would be warcraft to transport the cannonballs. Then sneak attack. Your task here is harassment, which is enough.

This process will continue until dawn tomorrow! This time, it is not to kill the enemy's vital strength, but to hold back the enemy, especially the enemy's "heart", making them feel that Anyang has no way to go and is struggling in the end.

Beichen Yuqing doesn't quite understand Xu Ren's plans yet, but he did not hesitate to execute!

After the ammunition had been replenished, the big troops stayed on the defensive position and Yan Zhengqing was in charge; and Beichen Yuqing led a few elites and Liu Leigang's team to continue the sneak attack!

Needless to say, the brutality of this battle, Anyang has indeed reached the most urgent juncture, and it is indeed desperate. Therefore, the next attack by Beichen Yuqing and others is not so much a disguise as a true performance.

And Zhongshan County is also fighting for time, adding a variable point every night; Shi Chengsong can’t wait to get through Anyang now, and will immediately announce that Anyang and Zhongshan County will become the territory of Cai State, so as to be protected.

Before the positions of the two sides, they had already shed blood and drifted, and the front was contested several times. As we approached dawn, the fu seals of both sides were almost used up, and Anyang also began to experience the embarrassing state of insufficient ammunition.

After hearing the sound of artillery from Anyang, Shi Chengsong finally smiled: "Xu Ren is just like that, maybe he thinks well, but Anyang is too small after all."

When Shi Chengsong commented on Xu Ren, Xu Ren had already come to the top of Shi Chengsong's head.

Two Anyang aircraft that have been sealed for a long time, flying high at two thousand meters, are hidden by shadows, thin clouds, and invisibility spells. If you don't pay attention, you won't see it at all.

As for Xu Ren, looking at the brightly lit and handsome Chinese military camp underneath, he smiled a little proudly, "True cooperation, since you are so cooperative, I can't live up to your kindness.

Everyone noticed that the wind escape technique was wrapped around the shells to hide the falling wind.

In addition, the aircraft is now landing, listening to my orders. "

Landed, still landing! Two thousand meters...one thousand eight hundred meters...one thousand five hundred meters...one thousand two hundred meters...

Suddenly, Xu Ren saw the chaos below, and someone was looking up.

"Just now, let go!"

The masters on the two aircraft immediately pushed down all the large shells with a total of 90 tons. But these shells wrapped in a layer of wind escape almost blended into the night and were hard to see.

Not to mention, Xu Ren still has a cover! The sky, small-caliber artillery and machine guns began to show power, and they seemed to want to behead the plan.

Seeing this, Shi Chengsong laughed, "It turns out that this is your last resort, but nothing more! What can the two small warcrafts do!"

With that said, a layer of guardianship was lit up on the surface of Daying.

But at the same time, the shells under multiple cover finally landed! What does it feel like ninety tons of explosives explode together?

No one ton of explosives can be used to hit a tunnel; ninety tons explode together, and the world loses its color. The Chinese military camp in Zhongshan County was torn by an explosive shock wave in an instant, and the cloth and the like were shredded into silk thread as soon as possible. The soldiers close by turned into a **** blood...

Rumble... The sound of a violent explosion came out, and the explosion of dust caused the two aircraft above to shake, and the shock wave on the ground was raging 100 meters away. It can be clearly seen that shock waves raged from one circle to another, and the surrounding soil, debris, corpses, etc., were pushed out layer by layer.

Thick smoke from the central flame rolled into the air, wrapping the aircraft.

Seeing this, Xu Ren once again, "The aircraft immediately fell, and everyone entered the explosion zone, cutting off all the corpses that could be seen; live, unimportant kill immediately, important live catch! Hurry!"

In fact, Xu Ren didn't have to worry too much. This violent explosion directly shocked the soldiers in Zhongshan County. Is it... Heavenly Tribulation? Or is it a more severe punishment?

The world of spiritual practice is not good at this point, it is easy to think of these things!

As for Xu Ren, the accompanying elites above the foundation period immediately fell off and began to cut their heads.

That Shishan Song of Zhongshan County and Shi Mingquan of Cai Guo did not die! The defensive formation launched last time really saved their lives, allowing them to escape the first wave of the explosion. But although he didn't die, he was still unconscious, his internal organs were displaced, and Zhenyuan was shaken.

Before Zhangcha Kungfu, the Anyang elite with the aftermath of the explosion returned to the aircraft; Xu Ren immediately ordered a return flight. Looking at the unconscious Shi Chengsong and Ye Mingquan, Xu Ren smiled happily-this time the air raid and beheading plan achieved a great success beyond imagination!

The high-level officials in Zhongshan County are basically reimbursed!

In the sky, Xu Ren let his men shout:

"Shi Chengsong is dead!"

"All generals are dead!"

"Zhongshan County collapsed, and now leave the team, no blame!"

"Hurry up and be caught, but you will be sent to the Huangling to be a slave and buried!" (This is also Xu Ren's shouting.)


The two aircrafts were circling continuously in the sky; while the soldiers in Zhongshan County, listening to the still faintly exploding explosions in the air, watched the slowly spreading smoke and burning flames from the Chinese military camp... and finally collapsed!

A large number of soldiers finally threw down their armor under the persuasion of Anyang soldiers, and ran away with their legs; in the surrounding mountains, the fleeing army stepped out of countless mountain roads for a while.

At this moment, the soldiers in Zhongshan County have only one idea-do not get caught, and go home and pretend to be a good man!

At this moment, the ground army in Anyang began to attack again. Zhongshan County, which had already begun to collapse, even wished to have two legs! Once this army is defeated, it will be irreversible like a bomb battalion, and the defeat will be faster and faster.

By the time of dawn, when the first rays of the sun were falling on the battlefield in Chaoyang, the war was over! Anyang won by virtue of his own strength. Of course, Li Liang in Kaiping County in the north did help a lot. Although there are various chains in Kaiping County, Li Liang still pieced together 50,000 soldiers, dispersing a considerable part of the military power of Zhongshan County.

In the sky, two aircraft flew over slowly, the Anyang soldiers on the ground cheered; then began to cry, this sudden outbreak of battle, Anyang paid more than 5,000 casualties! The decisive battle of one day yesterday caused Anyang to lose about three thousand again!

Xu Ren looked at the broken battlefield below, suddenly took out the feather fan and gently swayed, and his face rarely appeared a bit gloomy: "The people who stand by and hold back at the critical moment, you, have to pay the price!

The war ended so quickly, are you ready? "

(Wrong typo question, welcome to ask. It is indeed checked and sorted out before uploading, but the code word is already a venomous one day, and omissions are inevitable. Welcome to point out.)

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