Xianyu Technology Overlord

Chapter 1599: Wrong love at first sight

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Sometimes things are always full of drama. This is the case with biochemical viruses in Shangguo. Who would have thought that the delivery of biochemical viruses would even have innate merits. Innate merit, that is the super fortune that even saints are jealous of.

However, it is a pity that this kind of virtue is not important for the merchant country; let us not talk about whether the introduction of the virus will cause public anger. Just talking about the merit itself, the merchant state cannot hold it. Therefore, Li Xiancai took the opportunity to make a decisive decision, and directly handed this merit to Bixia Yuanjun.

After all, Li Xian is not alone. The entire Shang State and its tens of billions of lives are all pinched in Li Xian's hands. As a qualified king, Li Xian had to consider the crisis of ordinary people.

But what's more dramatic is that Bixia Yuanjun was spreading the virus in front, and Shang Guo then rescued it. This matter is really a bit perfect and impeccable.

That is, why do you feel that your conscience is a bit sore... Forget it, dead friends don't die poorly, Shangguo takes care of itself, and cares about others!

Li Xian packed his mood and summoned me not to be alone.

My non-solitary face is very tangled, Li Xian can find such things as: unbearable, helpless, reassuring, eager to try from my non-solitary face at a glance...

Speaking of which, Li Xian can also understand my feelings of not being alone. This is a really good person, this is not derogatory. In fact, if Shangguo now engages in a good person to vote, I am definitely alone.

At the beginning, when the Shang Kingdom was not established, I swear not to be alone: ​​to make the young without the suffering of the prey, and the old without the sorrow of the crying child.

Later, after coming to Shangguo, I was not alone in supporting the whole medical system of Shangguo. Although Li Xian's support is indispensable, if I am not alone, such as the nature and ability, there will be no Shangguo's current medical system.

This is a great man who put all his mind into medical treatment. But unfortunately, the world is always imperfect; one of my non-solitary disciples, Yao Tong, became the person in charge of Shangguo's biological and chemical weapons. A teacher who wants to save people wholeheartedly, teaches a disciple who kills people wholeheartedly.

Well, of course, there is Li Xian's credit, but no matter what, this thing makes me a little unacceptable. To this end, Li Xian also talked to me many times, and finally let this old man understand that sometimes, in order to make the people of Shangguo live better, they must kill the enemy. As for the weapon that kills the enemy, you don't have to struggle so much.

Recently, with the release of biological and chemical weapons, it was almost difficult for me to fall asleep without being alone. However, I finally got good news today. Your Majesty is preparing to set up a group of mobile medical teams to cruise and rescue the world, which makes me a little excited.

Li Xian asked me not to sit down alone. For such an old man who is dedicated to serving others, Li Xian is also very respectful, and never shows the dignity of the emperor or the king in front of me, even in many cases. The student's identity came. In any case, Li Xian married Gu Yueyuhua, and in some ways it was a half disciple of me.

After sitting down, Li Xian came straight to the point and directly talked about the medical team's questions about cruising around the world. Finally, Li Xian added: "This will not only realize the dream of treating the sick and saving people, but also Shangguo will take the opportunity to go out and see the world."

I did not nod and nod: "I know that there is no pure thing. But no problem, the medical matter is left to me, and I will not interfere with the rest."

I am not alone or even stupid. I even know that the Shang State cannot simply do good deeds. Everything in the country must be subordinated to the overall interests of the country. If you are not in a commercial country, but in another country, you have no place to stand. Therefore, although I am not alone, sometimes I get angry, but it is also enough.

It's just that this biochemical virus thing really makes me a little unacceptable. Fortunately, the compensation method given by Shangguo is also good, as is the medical team that can roam the entire fairy world.

As soon as the idea of ​​the Shangguo parade medical team was established, it was immediately connected with the Han Wuxian Kingdom. The Han Wuxian Kingdom is close to the Shang State. In just a few days, there have been ‘patients’ there. It was passed around, mainly carried by practitioners who were walking around.

However, compared with the remaining three immortals, the incidence of the Han Wu immortals can only be regarded as drizzle, and there are some infected people near the border.

But the situation is not very optimistic. You should know that the practitioners are not the guys who can relax, and they run fast one by one, and they can run across half a country in a blink of an eye. If not controlled, Han Wu Xian Guo also

Shangguo is about to take the initiative to submit an application to Hanwu Xianguo, which is the matter of the Shenting parade medical team. He does not want Hanwu Xianguo to contact Shangguo on his own initiative. The Crown Prince and Zhou Qing of the Han Wuxian Kingdom took the initiative to lead the negotiation team to Shangguo.

This time, the action of the Han Wuxian Kingdom was remarkably popular. At the same time when the news was sent out, the team had already got up; after receiving the reply from Shang Guo, they had reached the border of the two countries through the teleportation array.

At this moment, Zhou Qing's face suddenly changed, and then there was a crazy dry cough. The two maidservants who were waiting for Zhou Qing around looked a little melancholy-not worried about the prince, but worried about themselves, wouldn't they be infected?

This strange illness that suddenly broke out has caused great panic. This time the prince nominally visited Shang Guo, but actually went to Shang Guo for help.

Crown Prince Zhou Qing coughed for a while, and suddenly a bodyguard came to report: "Your Highness, Shang Guo's aircraft has arrived."

This is a row of small aircraft. The aircraft carried the prince and his party and flew directly into the teleportation array. The current transmission array of Shangguo has reached an internal diameter of three feet, which is larger than that of Han Wuxian Kingdom.

And compared to the traditional teleportation array of the fairy world, the teleportation array of the Shang Kingdom does not require any fairy stone or the like. In addition, the inside of Shangguo's teleportation array can be sports cars, which is one of the characteristics of Shangguo.

Zhou Qing only felt that there was a dim light flashing around, but after the tea time, the surroundings were suddenly bright, and a bustling, unprecedented world appeared in front of Zhou Qing.

"This is Anyang? This is the high-rise building of Shangguo?" Zhou Qing didn't say anything, but deep inside, she was really shocked. Although I have seen the overview of Shangguo in computers and jade slips, being on the scene is another experience.

Prosperity, this is prosperity.

There are all kinds of flying machines in the sky and underground. Pedestrians and flying cars go their own way without interference. There are dazzling advertisements everywhere, and the streets are full of fashionable beautiful women. Compared to the relatively conservative, almost uniform fairyland, everything here in Shangguo is full of novelty.

The eyes of His Royal Highness were gradually attracted by various beauties. The women of Shangguo are confident and individualized, and they have all kinds of dresses and thousands of styles of dress.

When he came to the Prime Minister's Office, His Royal Highness' eyes suddenly became blind. He stared at Xie Yuhua who came to meet him without blinking. If you are the most confident woman in Shangguo? Not Queen Xia Qingqing, but Prime Minister Xie Yuhua of Shang Guo!

Although Xia Qingqing is good, Xia Qingqing does not care about anything now; by contrast, Xie Yuhua's leadership of Shang Guo's politics has witnessed the great state of Shang Guo's soaring during his tenure, and is now also responsible for Shang Guo's foothold in Xianjie. . This is a real superwoman!

In the past, Xie Yuhua could simply take it out to write a legend and then make it into a series.

A confident, beautiful and capable woman is the most attractive.

The prince stared at Xie Yuhua, and now there was no one else in His Royal Highness' eyes. Only Xie Yuhua's figure came slowly.

Xie Yuhua, Xie Yuhua frowned slightly, this kind of eyes have actually seen a lot, but this is the first time such a strong. But at this time, Xie Yuhua represented Shang Guo, but he couldn't follow his temper. He could only greet Zhou Qing and his party with a formal smile, and then turned around to lead the way.

But Zhou Qing, the crown prince, seemed to have fallen in love at first sight, and even stupidly followed closely behind Xie Yuhua.

Next to it, Shang Yuan’s diplomat Li Yuanming finally couldn’t stand it any longer. He took a step and stopped in front of Zhou Qing and said to Zhou Qing with a smile: “Forgot to introduce your Highness, this is our Prime Minister Xie Yuhua, her husband It was Fu Minghui, the commander-in-chief of the Shangguo Central Army and one of the commanders of the Shangguo.

Shang Guo politics is a little special. Although we have emperors, the details are all the responsibility of the Prime Minister. "

Ah... Zhou Qing woke up suddenly, a strong disappointment flashed in his eyes, and there seemed to be a little heartache.

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