Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 111: Protected Area (Please subscribe and vote for the third update)

The great bustard is a large ground-dwelling bird in the family Bustidae of the order Craniformes, and is also a typical grassland bird. \u003cBinghuo#中..Mainly inhabit open plains, arid grasslands, savannas and semi-desert areas, and also appear along rivers, lakes and adjacent dry and wet grasslands.

Their food is very miscellaneous. They mainly eat young leaves, buds, young grasses and seeds of plants, as well as insects, grasshoppers, frogs and other animal foods, especially farmland pests such as weevils, rapeseed goldenrods, and locusts. Sometimes they also eat Eating grains scattered on the farmland, etc. Young birds mainly eat insects, and plant food gradually increases with age and seasonal changes.

Their distribution is also quite broad, including southern Europe, northern Morocco, the Middle East, northern Afghanistan, Central Asia, southern Siberia, Mongolia, and east to eastern Russia. They are also occasionally seen in India and Japan.

However, due to social development, population increase, and frequent human activities, large areas of grassland have been converted into farmland. The breeding area of ​​the great bustard has been shrinking, and the population has declined sharply.

It is now known that the great bustards have disappeared in many countries in the world. The number of recorded great bustards in such a wide area in China is less than 400. In the past few years, the great bustard was listed as a first-level protected animal.

Listening to Expert Lin's explanation, Gu Hongyu and Secretary Wei both learned a lot. It turns out that this big bird, which is so inconspicuous in front of them, is so famous in the eyes of the experts. I remember that last time Peng Minghao came to hunt, he seemed to have killed one. , Professor Liu must not let Professor Liu know about this matter, Gu Hongyu secretly decided in his heart.

With the discovery of the great bustard, the experts immediately became busy, setting up cameras quickly and observing the situation in the reed marsh attentively.

Great bustards live up to expectations, although they are very vigilant birds. But there are a lot of them. Occasionally, a few will fly out of the reed swamp and then fly back quickly. But even this still makes the experts as excited as children.

Gu Hongyu estimated that the number of great bustards that flew back at the beginning was over 10. If this number was announced, it would attract many tourists to come and watch. Only then did Gu Hongyu really understand the worries of the experts just now. They do not want this, which may be the last paradise of the great bustard, to be abandoned by human factors.

"Were those big bustards flying just now really big?" Secretary Wei approached Gu Hongyu and said with a strange expression.

Gu Hongyu said casually: "Didn't you hear what Expert Liu just said? The male of this kind of bird can weigh more than ten kilograms, with a wingspan of more than one meter. Even the compact female bird can weigh up to 3 kilograms. Think about it. Can the head not be too big?”

"Hey, for such a big guy, I just don't know if this kind of bird meat tastes good?" Secretary Wei swallowed involuntarily as he spoke.

Gu Hongyu was stunned. This guy got so strong that it was less than 2 hours after lunch. He was thinking about food again, and even had his mind set on the great bustard. He couldn't help but say: "The great bustard is a national first-level protected animal. If Expert Liu hears what you just said, he will at least be criticized for a long time. "

"Haha. I was just thinking about it in my mind!" Secretary Wei finally woke up and realized that he had just said something unreliable.

Are you still thinking about it? Gu Hongyu made an unscrupulous guess: I am afraid that the demise of the Great Bustard is related to those foodies. An adult Great Bustard has much more meat than pheasants and wild ducks, which is suitable for a feast for those hunters.

The experts spent the entire afternoon observing birds. Young people couldn't sit still. Gu Hongyu and Secretary Wei simply started looking at the wild fish in the swamp. The fish they caught were basically as long as one finger. I put all the small fish in the plastic bags I brought with me, and I caught several kilograms with just my hands in one afternoon. The harvest was pretty good, enough to make a meal of pickled cabbage and wild fish soup in the evening.

In the afternoon, the experts also gained a lot. In addition to seeing flocks of great bustards. They also saw many rare domestic birds, such as bar-headed geese, black-necked cranes, crested pochards, ruddy shelducks, magpie ducks, fish gulls, and common mergansers, all of which were treasures for them.

Professor Qin and the others still had some lingering thoughts when Gu Hongyu called them back, but Gu Hongyu didn't say much and only pointed at the sky. The sun had already dropped to the horizon at that time, which was to remind them to pay attention to the time. It will be too late if you stay any longer.

There are still many dangers in the grassland at night, just like the last time I hunted. No one can be sure that no carnivorous guys will come out to hunt, and these wildlife experts naturally understand. So everyone decided to come back tomorrow.

But at this moment, Gu Hongyu has made a decision. He decided to summon the gold bricks tomorrow to let these experts take a look, so as not to worry them all the time. But this time, Gu Hongyu guessed wrong. In fact, he didn't need to summon the big fish at all. appeared, because these experts were deeply attracted by the birds at this moment.

Returning to the cabin and eating the food cooked by Gu Hongyu again, the experts in the evening no longer had any concerns about their image. As a result, just like Secretary Wei at noon, they could only take a walk to eat after dinner.

Gu Hongyu also accompanied them around the lake at night. Fortunately, the moonlight was good tonight, otherwise the experts would not have dared to take a walk in the dark.

"Xiao Gu, I think the environment here is pretty good in all aspects. Is this what you plan to do?" Secretary Wei asked curiously.

Gu Hongyu shook his head and said: "You have to eat one bite at a time. Everything must be done step by step. If you develop quickly, you may be top-heavy. I don't have enough funds now."

Many experts have seen the greenhouses, melon fields and pastures built by Gu Hongyu this afternoon and still have a high sense of agreement with what he said.

However, Professor Qin spoke up and said: "Just like Xiao Gu said that some things should be slowed down, but there is one thing that cannot be delayed."

"What you are talking about is related to the great bustard we watched this afternoon?" Gu Hongyu had something in mind.

Professor Qin nodded: "Yes, this kind of great bustard is indeed rare in our country. It is rare to see it here. If we submit what we heard today to our superiors, they will definitely pay high attention to it. There will be more people here in the future." may be subject to regulation.”

"Being put under control means that this big lake may not belong to me in the future?" Gu Hongyu looked a little strange.

Expert Liu explained: "If this place really attracts the attention of the superiors, the swamp across the lake and this large lake are very likely to be designated as a bird sanctuary, and of course they will be included in the control!"

Gu Hongyu felt a little irritated. If this place was expropriated by the state, that would not be what he wanted to see. A thought came to his mind and he quickly said: "Does the state allow private individuals to establish bird sanctuaries?"

"Well... there don't seem to be any restrictions in this regard in China. However, Xiaogu's establishment of a bird sanctuary is completely a public welfare undertaking. It can be regarded as a task that has no benefits and may be thankless. Is it possible? You...?" Professor Qin was amused by Gu Hongyu's idea, but still explained to him patiently.

But before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Gu Hongyu: "As long as private individuals can establish bird sanctuaries, then I will apply for it."

"Xiao Gu, I'm very happy to hear what you said, but now I have to remind you that a lot of money needs to be invested in doing this every year. The country has this obligation and has the strength to do it, but if you personally contribute the money Can you bear it?" Expert Liu advised Gu Hongyu to think carefully.

Gu Hongyu also had other ideas in mind. He asked again: "Do you know what conditions are needed to build such a bird sanctuary, how much money is needed, and what is the approximate annual investment?"

Expert Liu answered quickly this time: "Private establishment of a protected area requires you to sign some agreements with the state, including that the number of birds in your protected area must reach a certain number within a certain period of time. If the number of birds in your protected area is not reached, the state has the right to take back the management of the protected area. The second is to ensure that the environment in the protected area is not damaged and is conducive to the growth of birds in the protected area as much as possible. Naturally, the main thing is to treat and breed the birds in the protected area, and there are other things. There are a lot of details, but if these are done well, the rest should be fine.”

"As for how much money is needed, it depends on the specific geographical location and the specific protected animals and plants. If a protected area is established here to protect the breeding of great bustards, it is to provide a good habitat and prevent them from being disturbed. This will first depend on the land price. It doesn’t cost much, the environment is pretty good and doesn’t require any modifications. The only thing that needs to be done is not to artificially interfere with their living environment.”

“Secondly, you need to invest a lot of money every year to hatch and rescue endangered birds in the reserve. This requires you to establish a hatchery, a breeding center for young birds, and a rescue station for sick birds. You also need to invite professional personnel and provide them with wages and research support. Instruments and equipment, if you do this seriously, it might cost tens of thousands.”

After Expert Liu kept talking so much, the others were fine. Secretary Wei and Gu Hongyu were a little swollen. They didn't expect that there were so many things that needed to be done to establish a bird sanctuary. Dozens of things a year. Tens of thousands is not a small amount, and most people really can't afford it.

But is Gu Hongyu an ordinary person? The answer is obviously no!

His consideration is that there are hills, lakes, deserts, and grasslands here. Although there are no access roads in the early stage and it may be remote, the development potential is immeasurable. Plus, with the gimmick of a bird sanctuary, he is afraid that it will not attract people. Tourist?

Gu Hongyu, who has abundant capital in hand, is very excited and has a big outline plan for the future of Honghu Village. Now that he has joined the bird sanctuary, it is not just a matter of falling asleep and meeting a pillow, and then he is overjoyed!

It just so happened that his buddy Peng Minghao was still a local aboriginal, so he could find them about the bird sanctuary. Even if Peng Minghao failed, Chen Luofeng would definitely support Gu Hongyu's idea.

Bird Sanctuary Gu Hongyu decided in his heart that there is only one word - build!

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