Xianyuan Farm

Main text Chapter 12 Return to school [Please recommend and collect]

On the way back, Gu Hongyu bought a few empty foam boxes filled with vegetables at the farmer's market. When he went home yesterday, he told his parents that vegetables would be delivered back. Now he must make up for this lie.

It was not eleven o'clock when we arrived at home. There was no one at home at this time. His father would not come back until after get off work in the afternoon, and his mother should be buying vegetables at the market at this time. Gu Hongyu felt guilty, having to work hard for his tight family. It would cost a lot of money, but he immediately swore in his heart that this embarrassing situation would get better soon.

The two foam boxes filled with vegetables were moved to the door of the kitchen, then he carried the orchids back to the bedroom, closed the door and entered the space again.

The Xianyuan space is still the same, full of spiritual energy. Ever since various vegetables were planted, the air has been filled with refreshing fragrance. The spring water trickles, and Gu Hongyu goes straight to the spiritual spring with orchids and grass. He plans to Plant orchid grass near the spiritual spring.

Yesterday the stone tablet conveyed too much information to him, including the news about Lingquan. When the space is complete, it is absorbing the natural power from the outside world all the time to replenish the loss in the space, and Lingquan is the spiritual spring of the entire space. The place where spiritual power is gushing out is where the spiritual power is strongest. Planting orchid grass in this place is the best location.

Planting orchid grass is a very demanding matter. The soil must be soft but not poor in water permeability. After planting, the environmental requirements are very high. Anyway, orchid grass is a relatively delicate plant.

However, Gu Hongyu now has a magical space. He randomly planted the orchid grass he bought next to the spiritual spring, and then poured some spiritual spring water on it without any rules. There was no skill at all, but the orchid grass was watered in the spiritual spring. After that, the leaves that had been reluctant to pull out suddenly stretched out one by one. After a while, the stems and leaves looked like weeds after they were upgraded in space, and each one looked completely crystal clear, green and delicate.

Although he knew that space was extremely unnatural, Gu Hongyu was still deeply shocked by the space after seeing such situations several times.

Suddenly, Gu Hongyu felt that it was really cost-effective to plant orchids. After all, there is still a certain instability in cultivating orchids. First, you have to bet on them blooming. If the flowers that bloom are rare or unusual, then you will make a profit. , but once it’s just common colors, there’s no point.

What would it look like if we planted some ginseng or other precious Chinese medicinal materials in space? Looking at the huge changes in space to plants, Gu Hongyu was eager to move.

The town still has too few resources. If he went to school in Xichuan Province, the large flower and plant markets around it would have much more varieties and attractions than here. At this time, thoughts of returning to school began to linger in Guhong. Yu's heart keeps spreading.

At dinner, his father came back tired. Looking at his tired face, Gu Hongyu felt sad. He had given enough to the family, and now he should not bear all the burdens of the family on him. Shoulder.

The mother walked out of the kitchen with the food, looked at the father and said with concern: "Go and wipe your sweat. Today Xiaoyu's classmate actually mailed two boxes of vegetables. He said that the fish was difficult to carry and would be frozen for him next time." Send it again, that classmate is really nice to Xiaoyu!”

After a while of nagging, he basically told his father all the big and small things today. After tidying up, his father smiled and said: "Well, after eating this kind of vegetable, people will panic. Why don't you come back this time?" You should thank your classmates well from now on, and don’t let others suffer!”

"Well, I know!" Gu Hongyu said hesitantly: "Dad, Mom, I will go back to school tomorrow. I may not be able to go home until I have settled down at work..."

"What's going on? Why are you leaving again after coming back less than two days? Your school has nothing to do with you. Isn't it okay if you go back a few days later?" Mother took over before Gu Hongyu could finish speaking. Said over the topic.

Gu Hongyu made up a random reason: "This time it's not a school thing. One of my classmates is starting a business now and almost has no manpower. He asked me to help him. In the past, he also provided food and accommodation and some compensation. Why don't you call me today? Ask me what I mean."

The father put down the bowl and said seriously: "You have to go, don't mention the reward for your classmates' help. Make more friends outside and find more ways to go. When you haven't asked others for help, the vegetables we eat should be given by your other classmates." ”

Well, his father is just like his character. He would rather suffer a loss for himself than owe a friend. Hearing this, Gu Hongyu felt ashamed and immediately said: "Yes, we are all good friends who have been classmates for four years. I even asked I didn’t even ask how much it would cost, I just wanted to help.”

"Well, then go ahead. There's nothing to worry about at home!" After his father said that, he picked up the bowls and chopsticks again and started eating.

When her mother saw her father's statement, she naturally had no objection. She just continued to serve Gu Hongyu with dishes of this kind and that during the next meal, until his bowl was so piled that he could no longer put it in, and finally stopped.

The mother is worried when her son travels thousands of miles away. Faced with the scenes in real life where there are few people getting together and many separations, the mother always expresses her worries and concerns vividly. Gu Hongyu secretly thought in his heart that he would definitely have a place to live and settle outside in the future. It is necessary to bring the family together. If you have a family, you will not be a rootless duckweed.

Gu Hongyu had booked his train tickets in the evening, because it was far away from the train station and he had to go out very early in the morning. It was only four o'clock in the morning. When Gu Hongyu got up, his mother was already making breakfast for him.

Gu Hongyu held back his inner feelings but said in a blaming way: "Mom, why don't you take a rest? I'll just go out and buy some food!"

"What are you talking about? Food outside is not as delicious as homemade food. Here, boiled eggs and your favorite big white steamed buns, take them with you on the way, and call home more often when you get there!" Mother said as she handed Gu Hongyu a big bag of things.

Gu Hongyu took it honestly and rushed out the door. He didn't want to stay anymore, afraid that if he stopped, tears would flow uncontrollably and be seen by his mother. Only his back and affectionate voice were left: "Mom, I will start working soon. I will earn money to take you over to live. I will also ask my classmates to mail the vegetables back..."

He slowly transferred to several buses and safely got on the train from Shancheng to Xichuan. It actually didn't take much time to get there by train. At about 5 o'clock in the afternoon, Gu Hongyu returned to the university campus where he had been for 4 years.

I carried my things and walked back to the dormitory that had been uninhabited for several months. I thought there was no one in the dormitory, but a suppressed voice came out. Damn, who is messing around in there...

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