Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 1261 Outer Gate Servant (Subscription Request)

Not only the old weirdo and Taoist Gu were satisfied with Gu Hongyu's performance, but also Sect Master Qi and Elder Bai who were beside them were very satisfied. After Taoist Master Gu finished speaking, Sect Master Qi hurriedly answered: "Deacon Gu, although He is young, but his cultivation is already at the peak of the Foundation Establishment Stage, and he will soon enter the Golden Core Stage. In addition, he is mature and stable. When we first met him, he lacked knowledge of the world of cultivation, but this time the cultivation classics came to him casually, and he already had it. The foundation for becoming a great master.”

"This kid needs more training." The old monster responded lukewarmly, but if you look at his expression carefully, you will see a flash of joy in his eyes.

At this time, the old monster's thought was very simple: This kid finally didn't embarrass him.

Regardless of what Gu Hongyu took the opportunity to teach his disciples, while everyone was waiting for them to wake up from their brief epiphany, Sect Leader Qi and Elder Bai personally led the group of people to the next platform.

However, after walking to the next building complex, not only Gu Hongyu, but also the old man and Daozhang Gu were in a trance, because the building in front of them looked so familiar. Isn't this the same courtyard where they lived in the previous Luoxia Sect? Unexpectedly, Sect Leader Qi and Elder Bai used a platform at the foot of Lingshan Mountain to copy it for them.

Then Gu Daozhang said to the sect leader with a gentle face: "You are interested, we are very satisfied here."

"This is what we should do. When our Luoxia Ling Sect moved our sect, I heard the old weird elder saying that it was a pity to leave that small courtyard. So we rebuilt one here, but Luoxia has never been here. That place used to be nice, so Elder Wei and Daoist Gu will stay here for the time being, while more than 300 people will live in another courtyard, but everyone will have to squeeze in," Sect Leader Qi said enthusiastically.

"It doesn't matter, we are very satisfied with this place."

"I took a look just now. There are at least more than a hundred houses on this platform, which is enough for two people to live in one room."

"Su Xin, how about the two of us share a room?"

"I want the one close to the square, so I can sleep more during morning exercises."

"I want to be close to the old weird master and the ancient master, and I can ask them in time when I have any questions about cultivation."


I just heard that it is possible to divide the houses into separate houses, and it is such a high-end and high-end courtyard. In addition to these, the spiritual energy on this platform is more abundant than other platforms. No one with more than 300 people can resist this temptation, but they did not say it clearly just now.

But at this time Gu Hongyu stood up and said: "Sect Master Qi, I accept your kindness, but everyone present must follow the rules of the Luoxia Sect. No one has special treatment and cannot even suffer a little bit." Why can I live in such a house?”

Seeing Gu Hongyu's firm words, Sect Leader Qi felt a little embarrassed and began to seek the old monster's opinion: "Old weirdo elder, what do you think should be done about this?"

The old monster said calmly: "My apprentice did the right thing in this matter. Just do as he said. Letting them live here now is a disguised harm to them."

Sect Leader Qi and Elder Bai were shocked when they heard what the old monster said, and then they thought in unison that it was just like what the old monster said. Those three hundred people didn't have the strength to live here at all. If they were arranged to live here, , Firstly, it contributes to the pampering attitude of this group of people. In addition, how to explain to other disciples that they are not concerned about being few but concerned about injustice. Once the sect loses the atmosphere of fairness and justice, can it still be good?

At this time, let's not mention that the world of cultivation is basically about the jungle, and there are also back doors and connections, but no matter what, first of all, you have abilities and superhuman talents, and you should be able to endure hardships and endure loneliness.

Now it's fun. With the strength of more than 300 people, they have now changed into an environment that is completely different from the previous courtyard.

The building complex where the outside servants of Luoxia Lingzong live is similar to the Tongzi Tower in China at the end of the last century. There are three-story buildings with a long corridor, and each house houses eight outside servants. Places with many people naturally There are all kinds of places, just like the dormitories of college students. The smell of sweat and foot odor are everywhere. The most annoying thing is that there is no environment for meditation and practice here. If you want to go to the sect's separate practice room to practice, you must turn in the money. A certain amount of spiritual coins will do.

Looking at such an environment, almost half of the people were dejected, and it was no different from heaven to hell.

"Master Gu, are we really going to live here in the future?"

"No way. Will we still have a chance to get ahead in the future?"

"Master Gu, why don't you go discuss it with the sect and let us live in the dormitory of the outer disciples? At least it's a single room with an independent private space!"

"O heaven and earth, that Bodhisattva who saves suffering can help me escape from the sea of ​​suffering..."


Many people were complaining. Some people were silent but stayed in place without making any movement. Only a few people opened their backpacks and started to arrange their beds.

Gu Hongyu looked at each dormitory, and then stood in the small square below the dormitory without saying anything.

After waiting for half an hour, more than 300 people accepted the reality, made their beds and went downstairs. Gu Hongyu stood in front of these unmotivated disciples and said dissatisfiedly: "Is the situation in front of you beyond your imagination? , your previous encounters still make you feel that the world of cultivation is too beautiful?"

"Cultivation is an act that goes against nature. You have to constantly adapt to the environment here. You must also learn to be able to unite your mind and hands and stay calm in a noisy environment. If you can reach this point, you can think about it. When faced with danger, if others don't have your skills, it will determine a person's life or death. Have you never thought about this? "

"But Master, our realm is so low, and we have to do a lot of labor every day to ensure our cultivation time. In addition, we have to prevent bullying from powerful outer disciples above. In the future, wouldn't we be busy with work all day and have no intention of practicing? Then When can we meet your requirements and return to Earth?" Su Xin was used as a representative of public opinion by other brothers.

Facing this straight-minded man, Gu Hongyu was speechless, but he had to say something: "Opportunities are for those who are always prepared. At this stage, you don't have to be busy learning any spells or improving your cultivation. In fact, Outer door chores train everyone’s basic abilities in an all-round way. As long as you have a good foundation, everything you do will be easy.”

"Master Gu, when you met the old strange master, did he teach you this way?" Su Xin asked nervously again.

Gu Hongyu shook his head: "My situation is different from everyone else's, but I regret that I did not receive guidance from a famous teacher at the beginning of my spiritual practice. Even though I had many adventures, I never dared to improve my cultivation. This The reason is that the foundation has not been laid firmly. Now your cultivation will be affected after you rush up. In the end, when you stand at a certain height, you will find that you have no strength to go up at all. Is there any use in regretting at that time? "(To be continued.)

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