Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 1267 Rumors and Discussions (Subscription Request)

Gu Hongyu's method was very simple. He hired a person to wander around Honghu Village without showing up directly. He found out a lot of inside stories in one day, and the villagers usually carried these things behind Gu Hongyu's and his family's back. talk.

Yes, what Gu Hongyu guessed is indeed the case.

Regarding the relocation of various projects in Honghu Village, even the Folk Street was immediately arranged to be relocated to the Film and Television City, which made the villagers complain.

The interests of some villagers have been severely damaged, and some people feel that they do not like leaving Honghu Village to other villages. Some people even think that the compensation plan proposed by Xianyuan Group is unreasonable. Some people have received many discounts in the folk street, and the folk street has moved away. The benefits he enjoyed will no longer exist.

All the bustle in the world is for benefit. All the hustle and bustle in the world is for benefit.

Gu Hongyu finally swallowed the bitter pill of being too good to the villagers in the past.

There is a very interesting phenomenon, that is, one of the two people is always kind to others at the beginning, but if he treats others badly only once, the other person will remember the only mistake, and the other person will treat others more and more. However, being tolerant and generous to others occasionally is often used as a talking point by others to show off.

Now Gu Hongyu is like the former kind of person. He is so good to the villagers of Honghu Village that now even a slight lack of communication makes the villagers talk behind their backs. This is the so-called love of rice and hatred of rice!

The moment he learned the result, Gu Hongyu felt an unknown anger in his heart. The homeless man who was hired at that time was frightened by his expression on the spot: "Sir, calm down first. Can you give me your wages?" I'm done."

Although he was scared to death, that man was really a man who wanted money rather than his life.

Gu Hongyu took out a thousand yuan, which was the reward he had agreed to before, and threw it on the back seat of the car. Gu Hongyu said gloomily: "Don't let anyone know about this, okay. Okay, you can take the money and leave."

"Yes, yes, I'll get out immediately." The idle vagrant took the money and ran away without a trace.

Some villagers in Honghu Village have gone too far. Now Honghu Village, Ma'aozi Village and Haojiawan Village are all his private territory. He allows these people to still live in the same place without moving. This is because he is being lenient. I understand. He understood the difficulties of the villagers, but those villagers were a little pushy.

Should we build some resettlement houses in other villages in Qingzhen and relocate all the villagers in his private territory? This idea has been swirling in Gu Hongyu's mind, but after much thought, he will not consider it for the time being. Others are unkind but he cannot be unjust. , A person who practices Taoism should be broad-minded and cannot be compared with ordinary people.

But how to solve the worries of his parents is what Gu Hongyu urgently needs to deal with at the moment.

The next night, Gu Hongyu and Mei Ning hugged each other on the bed after having fun. Mei Ning curled up in his arms like a cat and asked in a calm tone: "Brother Yu, you have found out everything." Well, is this true?"

Mei Ning Gu Hongyu did not hide anything: "Yes, this is all caused by our relocation project. Now nearly half of the villagers in the village have opinions against us, and many of the messages were spread by them."

"But you don't have to worry. At least half of the villagers are loyal to us. They support everything Xianyuan Group does. One elderly villager patted his chest when he heard the bad comments about my family and said, 'You guys Everyone should not forget what Honghu Village was like before, and what kind of life you live now. You must be grateful and have a conscience. ' I felt ashamed for some of the villagers when I heard this."

"That's good, does Brother Yu think of any way to deal with the current unfavorable remarks about my family?" Mei Ning stroked Gu Hongyu's well-proportioned chest with her small hands.

"Hmph, as long as I give enough benefits, the villagers will immediately respect my family again, but I don't need such a wallflower that will fall down in the wind. Even if I do more love and charity, I will no longer be willing to spend an extra penny for those white-eyed wolves. ." Gu Hongyu said decisively.

Mei Ning became a little uneasy: "Brother Yu, you are not afraid of making things worse by doing this. Although this kind of thing is not good for anyone, brother Yu, don't forget that you are a celebrity now, and there are media classes on the Internet to make trouble, so Once the image is erected, it will be completely destroyed.”

Gu Hongyu borrowed the words of a certain sketch: "I think celebrities are just names. Some things must not be compromised, otherwise things will only get worse and worse. And I don't want to be a bad person anymore. No matter what, I have to be a human being." If we have principles, those who don’t like us can say sarcastic things about us behind our backs, and they have the nerve to do so.”

"Then it's up to you, I will always be your backing." Mei Ning's voice was soft but firm.

At the end of the conversation, there was another Wushan incident, which was overwhelming...

A few more days passed. During this period, the old monster and Director Gu who disappeared mysteriously reappeared in Honghu Village. They found Gu Hongyu and Director Gu told him good news: "Gu boy, this time your The space debris is definitely gone, finish your work quickly and go out with us."

"Really, where is the last fragment?" This news really made Gu Hongyu excited.

"Haha, it's better not to tell you for the time being. You will find out naturally if you follow us." Daochang Gu also played it safe this time.

Gu Hongyu really wanted to drop what he was doing and leave with Daochang Gu and the others immediately, but when he thought that his parents would be criticized because of his affairs, Gu Hongyu immediately gave up the idea.

"Master Gu, how about this? Give me five days to deal with the things in my hands. The rest of the time is up to you."

"It is you who got the fragments of the immortal source, not us. You can handle it yourself. The old monster and I are just trying to deduce the forbidden formation these days." The old monster waved his hand and left expressionlessly.

On the third day after the old monster and his companions returned to Honghu Village, a shocking news came out in the village.

"What, boss Gu will not live in Honghu Village anymore, and his family will move to the film and television city?"

"You said Honghu Village has such a beautiful environment, and there is such a large lake nearby. What is boss Gu thinking?"

"Alas, Honghu Village, Ma'aozi Village and Haojiawan Village are said to be built into pristine parks. All the humans here have to leave. The sooner they leave, the higher the compensation given by Xianyuan Group. Boss Gu is setting an example!"

"Both bosses Gu have moved away, and there are not many other projects left. What's the point of living here? Since all the business has to go to other villages, I might as well move away. This is also a response to the call of Xianyuan Group. I hope to get satisfactory compensation!"

"Count me in. There is no popularity here now. It's better to move away..."

"I'll move away too."

"Me too." (To be continued.)

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