Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 1269 Go to Himalaya (Subscribe)

The short-term changes in the three villages of Honghu Village, Ma'aozi Village and Haojiawan Village made many villagers who signed the eviction agreement begin to regret it. Many of them could not come forward directly, so they went through some people who were still in the village. The villagers informed Gu Hongyu's family and expressed their apologies in their words.

But the current approach is all in vain. In order to eliminate those people who are unjust and unfaithful, Gu Hongyu has invested a lot of money this time, and it is impossible to take it back with just a few good words.

Since those villagers made the decision earlier, they now have to pay for the decision they made.

"Hongyu, is there really no room for negotiation in this matter?" Since there were many regretful villagers, the leader of Qingzhen Development Zone stopped Gu Hongyu before he planned to follow the old monster to find the last fragment of the fairy source. Peng Minghao is also a staff member of the development zone and is now trying to dissuade him.

Gu Hongyu smiled: "We are both old classmates, Minghao, and we have been together for several years. You know my personality. Once I make a decision, I basically won't change it."

"It's not that there won't be any change basically. It's not absolute. Now many villagers are going to the development zone to cause trouble. I think you can be accommodating. You don't need to pay for the resettlement of the villagers at all. Why not Why?" As the district director of Qingzhen Development Zone, Peng Minghao was unable to get off the horse, so he could only bite the bullet and continue.

"Minghao, Minghao, why didn't those villagers come to my place and make trouble instead of going to your district government? In my opinion, your district government is a bit too weak. Everyone agreed on the relocation and signed it in black and white. With their own names, they have no reason and no shame to dare to make trouble here, and your district government is just controlled by a small group of public opinion."

Seeing that Peng Minghao and others looked a little ashamed, Gu Hongyu softened his tone and said, "Tell the truth to the villagers who signed the agreement. I have nothing to do with them on official business. It's okay if you don't want to move out." , then we should compensate Xianyuan Group according to the liability for breach of contract, and I will not donate any of this money to left-behind children in remote mountainous areas in China.”

"What compensation should they pay in the agreement?" Peng Minghao asked.

Gu Hongyu had a smile on his face: "It's not a lot, that is, one compensation for one. If I renege on the previous agreement now, not only will I not be able to pay a penny, but the villagers who signed the agreement will have to compensate me for everything they need to resettle." The cost is not too much, right?”

"That's not much. I've seen your relocation conditions this time. There are tens of millions of people nearby. You are the only one in the country who has the courage to resettle villagers according to these conditions. However, now it seems that you are giving these people What a big hole!" Not only Peng Minghao smacked his tongue, but even the staff who came with him were also surprised.

"Haha, I think it's worth it if I can use money to reduce the criticism of my family from the villagers. Otherwise, it may be too late to regret it if my family suffers real harm in the future. This is why I am strengthening the security forces in several villages now. Do you think this is true?" Gu Hongyu said slightly.

"What do you want me to say if you do this..." Peng Minghao sighed: "Okay, I will relay what you just said to the villagers. Whether they can understand it or not is none of my business. How do you want to petition? In this way, our development zone government will let you go, but I would like to see them sue you. "

"There won't be any obstruction from my side. It just depends on whether they have the ability to make the unreasonable into reasonable. Let's wait and see!" When Gu Hongyu spoke, he actually didn't take this matter to heart at all.

After negotiating with Peng Minghao and other development zone government officials, they were once again extorted from the other party for some unique agricultural products. This group of talents changed their faces and walked away.

After Peng Minghao met the development zone, the district government became less anxious about the noisy villagers. Those villagers who besieged the district government were treated as if they did not exist as long as they did not really hinder the public affairs. No, when the villagers went to the petition office However, I was treated politely, and the district office staff were always courteous and served me with tea and water, and the service was attentive.

After several days of tossing, the villagers were exhausted physically and mentally. In the end, there was no one to petition. It is said that a tree needs a skin and a person needs a face. Even they themselves know what is right and wrong. Even if they sued the Supreme Court, they This is just unreasonable.

But something that surprised Gu Hongyu was that there were indeed a few villagers who were so courageous that they were willing to pay hundreds of thousands in liquidated damages rather than move out and live in new buildings.

Of course, their approach yielded huge gains a few years later. These people also claimed that their decision was the most correct choice in their lives. These are things for later and will not be mentioned here.

Anyway, the incident in Honghu Village has come to an end, and the family's mood has regained its luster. This is what Gu Hongyu hopes to see most.

But then there was another farewell, because Gu Hongyu was about to set off again.

This time the time has come to follow the old monster and the others out, and the place they need to go is the Himalayas.

The Himalayas (Sanskrit: himaalaya, meaning snow area), means "hometown of snow" in Tibetan.

Located on the southern edge of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, it is the highest mountain range in the world, with more than 110 peaks reaching or exceeding 7,350 meters above sea level. It is the natural boundary between the East Asian continent and the South Asian subcontinent, and also the natural border between China and India, Nepal, Bhutan, Pakistan and other countries. It starts from Nanga Parbat Peak (8,125 meters above sea level) in Kashmir in the west and ends at Nanga Bawa Peak (7,782 meters above sea level) at the big bend of the Yarlung Zangbo River in the east. It is 2,450 km long and 200 to 350 km wide.

According to Laoguai, the location of the last Xianyuan fragment may be at the junction of China and Nepal, where there is a very likely transmission channel of the plane space, and the Xianyuan fragment has drifted into that unknown plane space.

Lumbini in Nepal is the birthplace of Sakyamuni, the founder of Buddhism, but 80% of the people in Nepal believe in Hinduism, and a few of them believe in Buddhism and Islam.

There are often scenes shot in Nepal in the movie, which is a mysterious and profound place.

The last piece of space debris is in the border area with Nepal. Is there any mysterious connection between them?

Perhaps he saw through Gu Hongyu's thoughts, and the old monster said calmly: "Let's set off after things here are done. There is no point in thinking about it."

Master Gu also said: "Gu kid, you are about to get the last piece of Xianyuan fragment. Just treat this trip as a journey. There is no difference from usual." (To be continued.)

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