Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 1279 Psychic Body (Subscription Request)

Without waiting for the old monster to appease him, all the wild beasts and monsters calmed down after a while. Even the powerful spirit beasts who were hiding in Tibet were rushed together by the disciples of Piaoxue Sect. These people also It's not that they got nothing. They were allowed by the old monster to catch swimming fish in several newly created pools. As for whether they could catch it or not, it all depended on their abilities.

His eyes shifted. From the moment the last fragment came into contact with the mark on Gu Hongyu's wrist, it was as if his body and soul were separated.

** became a battlefield where all the fragments merged, and the soul was not restrained by the white light. However, Gu Hongyu's soul could not be far away from his body. His soul was like a bystander quietly observing what happened next. Everything.

A body without a soul is an empty body. I don’t know who said this, but it is very appropriate in the current situation.

The final fusion of the Xianyuan space caused Gu Hongyu's entire body to break apart, starting from the mark on his wrist. Just when all the fragments came together, the burnt skin of Gu Hongyu's wrist turned over again. It cracked open, revealing the bloody bones and muscles inside.

However, this was just the beginning. The tragic situation at the wrist was a trigger. Then the skin of Gu Hongyu's entire arm burst, then the other arm, then the legs, spreading from the legs to the neck, and finally The whole head and even the scalp all over the body were blood red.

The epidermis was completely destroyed, but the energy had not stopped yet.

Next came the tendons. This time, the explosion of the tendons all over his body came most directly. Almost in an instant, the tendons all over Gu Hongyu's body seemed to explode. Many broken tendons were exposed one by one without the protection of the skin. Outside, it looked extremely miserable and terrifying.

It wasn't over yet. After the tendons, it was Gu Hongyu's turn. Just like the tendons, in less than a stick of incense, all the bones in his body were broken. This is called a complete 'powder' fracture. No matter how superb medical skills are today, they can only do nothing against Gu Hongyu.

At this moment, Gu Hongyu couldn't be described as a "human". He was like a ball of mud paralyzed in the middle of the square.

The ball of white light seemed to have finally had enough, and emerged from Gu Hongyu's body, and then began to hover over his broken body.

The color of the light group is changing, yellow, orange, red, green, blue, and purple are like neon lights. Each ray of light shines on this unknown space. Even the disciples of Piaoxue Sect seem to be intoxicated physically and mentally.

"Old Wei, now has reached the most critical period. I didn't expect that Gu Xiaozi would be a blessing in disguise this time." Gu Daochang and Old Wei were guarding Gu Hongyu from the moment the white light enveloped him.

The old weirdo stared at Gu Hongyu who was surrounded by several haloes, and said without looking back: "This kid is indeed a lucky person. I think he will be fine next."

"Yes, he is so lucky. After the physical transformation of this fragment upgrade, his spiritual root cultivation is not inferior to that of the psychic body at all. This is better than the talent of alien spiritual roots and simple single spiritual roots. With even more top-notch talent attributes, there will be no hindrance to him in learning any method or method in the future. Thinking about it, I feel a little envious now," said Daochang Gu with a sigh.

Yes, in countless years of cultivation, even if someone like Daozhang Gu has experienced life and death and endured endless years, a perfect cultivation talent like Gu Hongyu is extremely rare in the world of cultivation. Even rare ones cannot describe Gu. Hongyu’s experience.

The old man smiled and said: "Haha, according to my search, when ancient cultivation was at its most prosperous, the boy's talent was not unborn. There were only three people in total. Once these people were discovered, they were taken over by the super sects in the ancient cultivation world. Come on, we don’t have the strength to touch that level at all. It is said that only one of these three people has grown up. Although the other two were trained by super sects, they are also hunted by other super sects. Such evil and hostile forces are It’s impossible to let them grow.”

"As for the monster who grew up in the end, do you know what myths and legends he has been handed down?" Without waiting for Daoist Chief Gu to answer the old monster, he started to explain: "That monster finally unified hundreds of thousands of planes. Space helped the Ancestral Star establish itself as the center of the world of cultivation and become a place of pilgrimage for all monks. It created an era in which people were respected in the world of cultivation, and made immortal contributions to the human race in the world of cultivation. "

"You're talking about Emperor Haotian, right?" Daochang Gu interjected in a timely manner.

"Haha, who else but him? Although the boy has the same evil talent as him, he can never reach the great achievements created by Emperor Haotian." The old monster sighed.

Daochang Gu laughed this time: "Old Wei, you are too ambitious. Now is the Age of Dharma Ending. Even if we restore the spiritual energy of the Ancestral Star, there are still countless planes and spaces that are disconnected from the Ancestral Star. Without even space coordinates, it is impossible to create a larger pattern if we want to restore the glory of the ancestral star. "

"Hmm, I'm overthinking it. When Gu Xiaozi's cultivation level increases, let him practice the laws of time and space, and then slowly find the plane space that is closely connected with the ancestral star. This will not be bad." After the old monster spoke, It is inevitable that there will be some longing.

While the two were talking, Gu Hongyu's body changed again in the seven-color light ball. A colorful ball of light in the misty seven-color light once again penetrated into Gu Hongyu's mud-like flesh and blood.

Instantly, Gu Hongyu's flesh and blood seemed to be floating in the air by an invisible force, and the colorful light ball quickly moved in the flesh and blood that was about to be broken into pieces. Gradually, Gu Hongyu's bones were combined piece by piece, and the broken tendons were quickly connected. The broken flesh and blood grew rapidly on the bones and tendons again, and then the red and tender skin was like a prairie fire. In half an hour, Gu Hongyu was reborn.

As the ** transformation was completed, the colorful light ball in Gu Hongyu's body gradually disappeared, and even the entire colorful light on the square seemed to be dimmed.

At this time, Gu Hongyu's soul floating above the square seemed to be pulled by an invisible force, and then the body and soul were perfectly reunited again.

Gu Hongyu's body had a soul, and his body also regained consciousness. When he was waiting to experience the perfect spiritual body, Gu Hongyu was suddenly shocked. He suddenly found that after the fragment fusion, his cultivation level dropped sharply again, from the previous peak of the foundation-building stage to the peak of the late innate stage. This is a full two major realms and six levels. (To be continued.)

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