Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 127: The Innate Realm

Since Gu Hongyu showed his skills and amazed the villagers again last time, many villagers were even more respectful to him when he walked around the village later. Even Lai Qiang, who had encountered trouble when he came to Honghu Village, smiled at him. For a while, Gu Hongyu was very powerful in the village.

Maybe it was because he was making money, Lai Qiang had changed a lot now. In the past, people in the village said that Lai Qiang's family was supported by women, but since Uncle Azha found Gu Hongyu and told him that Lai Qiang wanted to work on his farm, Lai Qiang had a stable job and his status in the village had changed from being looked down upon to being envied by others.

After inspecting various things in the village, nothing happened that worried him. Even the newly built 250-acre vegetable greenhouse was full of young seedlings, which made people happy. In the future, the vegetables would be circulated and the money would be in hand.

"Hongyu, was it you who did the Zhang Caikui incident last time? Now the county is in chaos. No one could have imagined that there was a big tiger hidden in a small county. The arrest of the tiger attracted the applause of the citizens!" Before returning to the wooden house, Peng Minghao called to ask about this matter.

However, Gu Hongyu didn't want to tell anyone about this matter, so he said with a smile: "There is a god above your head, and God is watching you. There is a saying that it is not that there is no retribution, but that the time has not come. If you do too many things that hurt the heaven and the law, you will always be punished!"

However, Peng Minghao on the other end of the phone was not grateful: "Don't tell me these vague things, just tell me directly, is this matter related to you? I know that you were trying to find out about Zhang Caikui a few days ago."

"Then I also tell you that this matter has nothing to do with me. I checked his background just to think about how to deal with him, but he was about to get into trouble, so I didn't pay attention to this matter anymore!" Gu Hongyu replied.

Peng Minghao said again on the phone: "That's too much of a coincidence. After you investigated Zhang Caikui, he was in trouble. Many of the people pointed to you!"

"Pointed to me?" Gu Hongyu said unhappily: "Nowadays, everything in society is about evidence. Whoever points to me, what does he want to do? Is he still jealous of the lake and other things I contracted? No matter who comes, I will take it."

"Hongyu, don't be angry. It's just the two of us talking. If there is nothing else, just ask. If it's not true, then it's not true!" Peng Minghao is still sure in his heart that this matter is related to Gu Hongyu.

Gu Hongyu is also fearless. The gloves used in the crime were all burned, and the stolen goods were stored in the space, so there is no need to worry about others finding them. Even if Peng Minghao doesn't know what happened today, Zhang Caikui went in, but calling him is like asking for punishment.

In fact, Peng Minghao knew it through insider information. Zhang Caikui took all the charges, but he denied any money-for-power transactions with him or the officials involved. His only hope was that these people would help him at a critical moment.

Some people were indeed trustworthy, so they began to ask about Zhang Caikui's recent actions in a roundabout way. They also knew that he had gone to Honghu Village and parted ways with Gu Hongyu unhappily. Director Li of the Wildlife Conservation Institute confirmed that many of the news were indeed very unfavorable to Gu Hongyu, so Peng Minghao called to ask.

Gu Hongyu didn't know about these at all. But it would undoubtedly be difficult for others to find out about him, and the only thing to worry about was that some people would not play by the rules.

Hanging up Peng Minghao's phone call was just the beginning. Soon some people who were familiar with him called to ask about the situation. Even Peng Minghao didn't tell him, how could Gu Hongyu tell these things to others, so he always replied on the phone that it was none of his business and it would have nothing to do with him.

The sun was already high. In the county where the Zhang Caikui incident was making a lot of noise, Gu Hongyu didn't want to be disturbed, so he simply threw his phone in the wooden house and ran straight to the stone platform on the deserted mountain where he usually practiced.

I don't know if it was because his thoughts were clear or what, but Gu Hongyu soon entered a state of calmness. The fire-based immortal method was originally just one step away from the final step, but today Gu Hongyu felt that the barrier was loose.

There is a way. Restraining the excitement in his heart, Gu Hongyu calmly abandoned the more focused Yuanxingqi method.

I don't know how long it took. He only felt that his body was like a thousand horses galloping, and the blood was like boiling water running around his body at a much faster speed, and they all rushed to Gu Hongyu's Baihui acupoint.

Is this the posture of opening the Ren and Du meridians to achieve innateness in martial arts novels? There was no time to think about it, and it felt like something exploded in the soul and he could no longer feel anything.

It was unknown how long it took for Gu Hongyu's consciousness to return to his body. He was still sitting cross-legged on the stone platform without moving, and he didn't even open his eyes, but it seemed that every move around him was under his control.

At this moment, he was still integrated with the world. The gentle wind, the gravel in the air, the thriving plants in the distance, and the various creatures in Honghu Lake in the distance were like an invisible net passing by them, reading their joys, sorrows, anger and happiness.

A smile hung on the corner of Gu Hongyu's mouth. He slowly opened his eyes. The scenery in front of him seemed brighter and more novel. The things that were usually ordinary in his eyes now seemed to have a color.

But it didn't matter. Gu Hongyu suddenly propped himself up and jumped on the spot. A magical scene happened. The height of his feet from the ground when he jumped was more than 3 meters. With his current mental state, it was common for him to jump directly to the second floor.

After a few jumps, Gu Hongyu suddenly smelled a stench. He looked around and couldn't find the source, but the smoky feeling was still so strong. Then he smiled and found that his arm was covered with a layer of stench. The black and inexplicable shells are now dry and cracked, some have fallen off, and some are still firmly attached to his body, and the foul smell is emanating from this thing.

Cutting off hair and cleaning marrow? Gu Hongyu immediately became excited. According to the massive information transmitted to him from the stone tablet, he learned that after crossing from acquired to innate, there will be a body cleansing effect of marrow and hair removal, which is similar to the last time a layer of mucus appeared on the surface of his body. The difference between Tianyuan.

The benefits gained by Gu Hongyu from entering the innate realm this time are far more than these. A large part of the information about the space stone tablet inheritance was sealed. Now a small part of the seal is automatically opened, and the innate cultivation techniques that appear inside are not Said, there is actually a basic method of refining medicine!

The name sounds a little disappointing. This is not alchemy, but an introductory method to lay the foundation for future alchemy. The Medicine Temple is based on refining medicine. Compared with other cultivation sects, you have to practice Qi before you can touch alchemy. The Medicine Temple is in Some preliminary basic training in this area can be done at the innate stage.

For cultivators, the pills refined in the innate stage can only be called medicine instead of elixirs, because they have basically no effect on them and are classified as money-losing transactions.

But Gu Hongyu smiled happily. The pills that are useless to cultivators there are like panaceas for mortals. If you learn this skill, it will be like a heifer going to heaven - awesome!

But he couldn't care about that now, because Gu Hongyu jumped into the lake with a splash. The stench on his body was already unbearable, and he couldn't wait to wash off the dirt on his body.

After cleaning up and feeling refreshed, he went ashore and changed into another set of clothes. Fortunately, there was no one here, otherwise someone would have been stunned immediately, not because of Gu Hongyu's naked body, but because of his proud figure. , there is no fat on the whole body, the body is well-proportioned, neither fat nor thin, it is perfect.

Looking at the sun that was already setting in the west, Gu Hongyu slowly walked back to the wooden house. All the pets at home immediately gathered around him, especially the two wolf cubs who kept sniffing at his whole body, as if there was some smell that attracted them. Obsessed.

Gu Hongyu squatted down, but the wolf cub that he had been taught actually started to stick out his tongue to lick his face again. He quickly got some fruits from the space to send these two guys away, and Gu Hongyu took the opportunity to escape from their clutches. beat.

The little pony looked at Gu Hongyu and howled loudly. His head gently touched Gu Hongyu's palm. This was a gesture of intimacy between the two of them. Gu Hongyu also gave it food produced by the space and kneaded it. He rubbed its head and then left.

The little gray rabbit is already very familiar with Gu Hongyu, but for some reason it always kept a certain distance from Gu Hongyu before, but it has always been attached to this wooden house. Gu Hongyu can usually touch it by himself. But when there are many people there is no trace of it.

Gu Hongyu also fed it with food today, but what surprised him today was that when he was playing with the wolf cubs and foals, a strange feeling appeared in his heart, as if he could understand the thoughts of the animals in front of him. Now with Xiao Hui The feeling of being together comes again.

With several animals experiencing this situation, Gu Hongyu naturally discovered the clues, and soon a look of excitement appeared on his face again. He didn't expect that after entering the innate realm, he would still have it, as if he had practiced telepathy. His magical skill is that he can sense what others are thinking, but now Gu Hongyu can only sense it with pets who are close to him.

The innate realm is so powerful. Gu Hongyu has been shocked several times in his heart but has not yet explored all the abilities given to him at this stage. At this time, Gu Hongyu hopes that someone can also practice immortality and discuss it with him.

Using his skills, he focused on sensing the consciousness emanating from the pets at home. At first, Gu Hongyu could only know their kindness to him, but slowly, a voice suddenly sounded in Gu Hongyu's spiritual level: "Boss, can you You can’t give me any space spring water!”

Gu Hongyu was overjoyed. That consciousness was conveyed by Xiao Pony. Gu Hongyu could clearly feel it. He could not translate it clearly before, but now it is. What is very funny is that he understood the first sentence of "Beast". Yu actually asked him to give him water, so funny!

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