Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 1291 Perfect Rescue

Boom boom boom The helicopter flapped its wings, rolling up the tender branches and a few clumps of reeds.

After Gu Hongyu had settled everything, the medical team finally arrived.

Hey, the situation in the village seems to be different from what the leader told us. Didn't they say that there are many drug dealers and mercenaries guarding the village? Why don't I see anyone on the plane now? Shen Tao is an intern who graduated from the military academy and volunteered to be sent to the village. He is also a well-trained soldier.

Like him, several companions around him also found the subtle situation in the village. A pilot in charge of the radio has pulled up the intercom on the helicopter and shouted loudly in the roar of the wings: Report to the commander of Team A, the situation in the village is a bit strange. Until now, the helicopter has not seen the drug dealers in the sky above the village. Something must have happened here that we don't know.

At this time, someone spoke on the intercom: You shout to the village and let the drug dealers welcome you. If the other party still does not move, the helicopter will drop the medical team as planned and leave first. Let the medical team hide the micro intercom and camera. We will always collect the latest situation of the village.

Shanying received it, over! The co-pilot answered and turned off the communication.

However, just as the medical team was about to descend to the village with the rope, Gu Hongyu in the village put the blue bird Qiongqi and other wild beasts into the fairy source space and appeared under the helicopter and looked at everyone on the helicopter with a smile.

Who are you? The people on the helicopter felt a little strange about Gu Hongyu's rash appearance, and the co-pilot with the intercom asked directly.

Gu Hongyu waved to them and did not tell them his identity: Now everything is done here, you contact Commander Huang and let all their special police come up!

Everyone on the helicopter still didn't believe Gu Hongyu's words, and the co-pilot asked on their behalf: Why should we believe you, who are you, and what about the other drug dealers and villagers in the village?

I don't need to explain to you, just tell Commander Huang that my name is Gu Hongyu, or you can come down and I will talk to Commander Huang directly. Gu Hongyu stood below and said softly, but everyone on the helicopter could hear it clearly in the environment of strong noise interference.

The co-pilot saw Gu Hongyu's calm and composed appearance and tried to contact Commander Huang, and relayed the situation described by Gu Hongyu. Unexpectedly, Commander Huang directly asked the helicopter to descend, and he wanted to take the initiative to talk directly with Gu Hongyu.

Comrade Xiao Gu, what you said just now is all true. Are all the drug dealers under your control? Only then did I connect to the call with Gu Hongyu, and I heard the impatient voice of Commander Huang on the intercom.

Gu Hongyu said lightly: Commander Huang, can we trust each other? Now don't you see that the drug dealers did not go down the cliff to kill the hostages, the helicopter is next to me and everyone is safe and sound, don't you even dare to try to climb up the cliff?

No, no, no, just in such a short time, how can you solve hundreds of criminals by yourself? This is simply incredible. At this moment, not only Commander Huang, but also Staff Officer Wang beside him was also shocked and inexplicable. Everyone doubted Gu Hongyu's words.

Okay, I won't say more, that's all. Gu Hongyu turned off the communication after he finished speaking.

In the end, Commander Huang still believed Gu Hongyu's words and climbed carefully from the passage below the cliff until everyone stood on the top of the cliff. The mountain was outside. A small team that came up couldn't believe that the scene in front of them was real.

The mountain village was silent everywhere, but when the team waiting to reach the top reported the situation of the mountain village to Commander Huang and entered the alley of the mountain village, they were once again stunned by the scene in front of them.

At first, one or two bodies were lying or lying in the alley. Judging from the expressions on their faces after death, these people were completely unaware of the threats they suffered when they died. There was no fear and their faces were not distorted.

But as we went deeper into the alley, we found that most of the dead were gathered in groups of three or five. They died in different situations. Some were terrified, some were afraid, some begged for mercy, and some were scared to death. Some had their heads cut off, some had a fist-sized hole in their chests, and some were burned for unknown reasons, like charcoal. These places were simply hell. Was it really like what Commander Huang said that all of this was done by one person? The other person was simply a killing machine.

Captain, I found a living person. This person still has a pulse, but no matter what I do, he doesn't seem to wake up. A special police officer reported to the leader.

Well, I know, you keep an eye on him, Xiao Liu, you report the situation in the village to your superiors immediately. We need more reinforcements here. The dead bodies in the alley must be taken away as soon as possible to avoid affecting the lives of the villagers in the village. The special police captain said so.

Gu Hongyu thought so too. Although he controlled all the drug dealers, he did not immediately release the villagers imprisoned in the ancestral hall. He led the medical team and two pilots from the helicopter to the stone houses in the mountain village, while the drug dealers were jumping up and down in anger.

Damn it, what's going on? Why can't we get out? Even the bullets bounce back. Brother Long stood not far from the door of the stone house and cursed.

However, his scolding was useless. Many drug dealers are now on the verge of psychological collapse, especially when they encounter the "invisible curtain wall" that people can't get out of and bullets can't penetrate. They all think it is a punishment from God, and everyone is hijacked by a power beyond ordinary people.

The medical members and the two pilots who saw the strange incident in the stone house were completely upset at this moment, pointing at Gu Hongyu and saying: You, what kind of witchcraft or magic did you use on them?

Gu Hongyu smiled faintly: Don't ask me, as long as the residents of the village can be rescued, what does witchcraft and magic have to do with it!

When it's time to pretend, you must be calm and calm, especially Gu Hongyu's serious expression, which made the medical team and the two pilots hate it.

Soon the advance team met with Gu Hongyu and his team. Not long after, Commander Huang personally led a large force to arrive. Looking at Gu Hongyu, who was still acting as if nothing had happened and behaved politely, Commander Huang had countless grass mud horses running through his heart.

He is a real genius. He climbs rocks as if he were walking on flat ground and deals with hundreds of criminals easily. If he is not a genius, then who is qualified?

Comrade Xiao Gu, you have worked so hard. On behalf of the residents of the village and all the special police, I want to thank you, said Commander Huang excitedly.

Gu Hongyu smiled slightly: Saving innocent lives is what I should do.

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