Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 1299 Lava World

The old monster and Taoist Gu were recovering their true essence at a very fast speed, but Gu Hongyu knew that it would be extremely harmful to consume the true essence in such a short time and then recover it in a very short time. However, both of them were different from ordinary people, and their bodies had also been tempered by the heavenly tribulation. I hope everything is safe!

Soon a group of dense spiritual mist surrounded the old monster and Taoist Gu. In an instant, the mist released a strong light, which compressed the fierce spiritual flow approaching them back three feet.

Then, before Gu Hongyu could see the figures of the old monster and Taoist Gu in the light group, he heard the old monster speak quickly: "Boy, two in the east, seven in the west, twenty-four in the south, and nine in the north"

He finished speaking all the remaining six grooves in one breath, and Gu Hongyu also followed the old monster's instructions and put the spiritual stones into the grooves purely by relying on the strength of his body.

When all the spirit stones were put into the grooves, the whole hall suddenly shone brightly. A beam of light like a star made Gu Hongyu unable to open his eyes. When he recovered, everything in front of him changed.

The previous hall disappeared. The environment where Gu Hongyu stood was actually a place full of this face. The heat waves made him unconsciously use his vitality, but the surging magma in the surrounding low-lying areas seemed to pounce on him and swallow him at any time.

Continuing to look around, Gu Hongyu finally saw the figures of the old monster and Taoist Gu.

The two seemed to have exhausted their true essence and mental strength at this moment, and they all collapsed on a steaming solid rock.

"Master, Taoist Gu, are you all right now?" Looking at them, Gu Hongyu breathed a sigh of relief and immediately ran towards them.

However, Gu Hongyu ignored the harsh environment here. The surface looked like solid rocks. When he stepped on the area he passed by, it suddenly collapsed. The loose rocks fell into the low-lying magma, not only stirring up the already fierce magma, but also causing a large amount of blazing flames to appear at the collapsed position.

Gu Hongyu was shocked, and then used his other foot to step back ten steps backwards. As soon as he dodged, a flame and the magma that followed covered the collapsed area.

But this was not over yet. Gu Hongyu, who was just glad that he had escaped a disaster, was horrified to find that the seemingly solid rocks at the edge of the magma pool were very fragile. After he stepped on them just now, they cracked one after another. Instantly, many rocks fell into the magma pool.

"Boy, calm down and don't be impatient." The old monster's weak voice told him.

But at this time, Gu Hongyu didn't listen at all. He was busy dodging the cracked rocks. Seeing that the solid rock path leading to the old monster and Master Gu was about to break, and there was no other path around, he had no choice but to decide to take a gamble.

He calculated the speed of rock cracking in his mind, and also calculated the time difference between the cracked rock falling into the magma pool to form flames and the magma backflow. He immediately found a foothold in the middle of the rock with lightning speed, lightly touched it, raised his vitality, and tried his best to fall towards a position more than ten meters wide in the distance.

As soon as his feet landed on the ground, the rocks and the entire rock face that he had stepped on collapsed. Even though Gu Hongyu was standing more than ten meters away, he was invaded by waves of heat waves and the lava that rushed back. As he continued to retreat further, the flames and lava immediately engulfed the place where he had just stood. When the lava tide receded, a layer of solidified lava was left behind, but it was just a layer of lava ash, and their texture was also loose and brittle.

"You are really brave, kid. If you had fallen into the lava pool just now, we would have been helpless in our current state." The voice of Master Gu came to the ears of the frightened Gu Hongyu.

Gu Hongyu was already very close to the old monster, but this time he was not reckless. He tried carefully and stepped on the harder rocks and finally met up with several people.

At this time, Gu Hongyu had too many doubts in his mind. When the old monster and Taoist Gu took out a large number of spiritual materials and stones again, he couldn't help asking: "Master, Taoist Gu, where exactly is this place? Were we not under the Potala Palace just now? There is an independent plane space there, but how come we are here now?"

"Humph, startled, people who practice Taoism should analyze and reason by themselves, can't you think more about it yourself?" Although the old monster was mentally exhausted, he was not polite in scolding people.

Gu Hongyu scratched his head. The old monster was right, but Gu Hongyu had become dependent on them. Once there was a problem that he couldn't solve, he would habitually ask the two of them, and the other party was so experienced that they could answer any question.

This state is very good, but it is too comfortable. It is not good for Gu Hongyu's future independence. Gu Hongyu is ashamed of his thoughts. He is no longer a rookie cultivator. There are countless materials in the cultivation world in his mind. He has systematically learned some of these things some time ago, and most of them are shelved. Now he thinks that this is simply a waste of heaven's gifts.

Looking at Gu Hongyu's stunned look, the good old man Gu Daochang cheered up and laughed: "The world of cultivators is much more complicated than your current world. The knowledge to master is very broad. Gu kid has learned a lot of knowledge in the cultivation world, but it is still relatively basic. During this period of time, he followed us on adventures. To be honest, these encounters are unknown even to the cultivators of the ancient cultivation world."

"Spend more time to learn about all aspects of the cultivation world in the future. I'll tell you about the current situation." At this point, Master Gu took a breath, sorted out his thoughts and said again: "We are currently in the underground of the ancestral star, which is relatively close to the core of the earth, but these are not the key points. According to my estimation, this is just a transit station. There will be a teleportation array not far away for us to leave."

"Then where will we go? Will we go home after all the trouble just now?" Gu Hongyu asked puzzled.

"No!" Master Gu said firmly: "As long as we find the teleportation array, the next place will definitely open your eyes."

At this point, Gu Hongyu didn't know how to ask this question. At this moment, the old monster and Master Gu were ready to recover their true essence and mental strength again. Gu Hongyu was around to protect them, watching the continuous eruption and backflow of the ground fire and magma not far away, and feeling the infinite changes of the world. To be continued.

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