Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 1319 A rare opportunity to change one's cultivation talent

The popularity and reputation of Xianyuan Group has excited all the businessmen who deal with it. Since cooperating with Xianyuan Group, this group of people has almost never worried about the sales of Xianyuan farm products. It can be said that they are just making money while lying down. , effortlessly.

Lin Yuantao is the most prominent representative among this group of people. As the general agent of Xianyuan Group in China, he makes hundreds of millions in profits every year just relying on this relationship, and in the new year he is very sure that his profits will exceed 100 million. Billions, this is something he never dared to think about before.

In addition, Lin Yuantao's family status and social status have also grown to a very important position.

He, who was looked down upon by the Shen Fengzhu family before, has now almost become the core of the entire Shen family. Even Shen Fengzhu's father has always followed his lead and has completely lost all his previous arrogance.

Because of Lin Yuantao's status as the national general agent of agricultural products of the Xianyuan Group, he was touted by countless dealers in the country. Throughout the New Year, people would come to his hometown from time to time to pay him New Year's greetings and make connections. They offered him good words, flattery, gifts and specialties. .

However, Lin Yuantao clearly understands his current situation. All his achievements today are due to his relationship with Xianyuan Group. Therefore, Lin Yuantao is not ambiguous at all when it comes to work issues. He also conducts fair inspections of his dealers and absolutely does not allow violations. The dealers disrupted the Xianyuan agricultural products market.

The more important reason is that Lin Yuantao thinks that he and Gu Hongyu have always maintained the close brotherhood. As long as he can control Gu Hongyu in terms of agents and dealers, even if there is less profit now, in the long run The current profits are simply not worth mentioning.

Not to mention Lin Yuantao's performance, Gu Hongyu saw it with his eyes and knew it well. He suggested Lin Yuantao several times last year to work in Xianyuan Group. His position is no lower than that of Lin Feiyu and Aubrey. From the annual salary plus annual dividends Its profits have far exceeded one billion, and the work burden is much simpler than what Lin Yuantao is engaged in now.

Lin Yuantao's rejection was actually expected by Gu Hongyu. After all, the two grew up together and knew each other's personalities very well. So when Qingzhen was building a football training institution and an art training school, he thought of Lin Yuantao's older children. Lin Yuan.

"Yuantao, are you okay with Fengzhu and Xiaoyuan recently?" Gu Hongyu called Lin Yuantao one night.

On the other side of the phone, Lin Yuantao was very happy to receive the call: "Okay, everything is very good, but it is not as comfortable as your Honghu Village. Every day, I face a large blue lake, endless national parks, and various towns in Qingzhen. It’s a unique scenery that won’t change even if the gods come.”

"Haha, in that case, why not come to Honghu Village for a while? I say you should also learn to delegate power and be as comfortable as I am." Gu Hongyu joked on the phone.

"Well, I was born with a hard life. Many things will change without me, and I have to do it myself!" Lin Yuantao sighed.

After chatting for a while, Gu Hongyu got to the point: "Yuantao, I have another purpose for calling you this time. I suggest you send Xiaoyuan to Qingzhen to go to school..."

Before he finished speaking, Lin Yuantao interrupted: "Hongyu, Xiaoyuan is only a little over two years old. Isn't it too early to send him to school with you? Do you have any hidden secrets?"

Gu Hongyu did not refute on the phone, but said calmly: "There are some little secrets. This time I have some free time and plan to personally teach a group of children between one and three years old. Maybe their growth will exceed Just imagine!”

"Damn it, you said you would personally teach children under three years old, did I hear you correctly?" Lin Yuantao said in shock, and finally realized: "Oh, by the way, I heard that Taotao and Xiaoxi had a banquet at your home not long ago. Zhong Zhan shocked everyone by revealing his skills. Is this also the result of your professor? "

Gu Hongyu smiled: "Although it's not all, it can be considered. In addition to your Xiaoyuan, I also plan to call Xiaofei from Minghao's family, as well as several children of my relatives, and my boy. There are 7 or 8 girls in total!”

"Can I ask, what can you teach them? If we send the children to you, can we adults be with them? Let me think about it first..." Lin Yuantao's thoughts were a little confused. After all, his child was only two years old. Children have to be far away from their parents, and no parent is not worried.

"There are many things taught, including music, chess, calligraphy and painting, as well as popular education nowadays. In short, it will not disappoint you, and it will have no side effects on the children, and your parents can also come and accompany you. I ask that you can't do it during class. Watch, you and Fengzhu have discussed this carefully." After Gu Hongyu said this, he hung up the phone.

Then Gu Hongyu called Peng Minghao again. The boy was also hesitant and did not give a clear answer on the phone. However, because he lived close to Gu Hongyu, the other party also said that he would bring his whole family there in the next two days. Honghu Village visited Gu Hongyu and asked him face-to-face about the purpose of doing so.

Neither of the two children had reached an agreement, which made Gu Hongyu shake his head a few times with a wry smile. To be honest, Gu Hongyu himself didn’t quite understand why the old weirdo suddenly made such a weird request. Yes, Gu Hongyu and What Lin Yuantao and Peng Minghao said were all suggested by the old monster.

According to what Gu Hongyu learned, the old monster and Daozhang Gu did not rush over to establish the sealing circle after learning about the location of the next loss of spiritual energy. Instead, they went underground for a period of time to seal the place. Abyss, and he hasn't come back for a long time recently. When they found Gu Hongyu yesterday, the two of them smiled, so the old monster made that weird request.

Gu Hongyu still remembers the firm words in his mouth at that time. He first said this: "Boy, tomorrow you let us take your son and daughter away, and I will make them become the smartest people in the world." ”

But before Gu Hongyu could agree, the old man shook his head and said regretfully: "I almost forgot, your two little guys are very serious now. We can't get a clear answer from them, or... Find some other children, preferably two or three years old."

At that time, Gu Hongyu looked at them with an incredible look, as if he were listening to heaven's book. Isn't it a big joke that children of a certain age can make them the smartest people, even if these children all have the talent of cultivation? , but can they have the cultivation talents of Taotao and Xiaoxi? Then how can they become very smart people?

Seeing Gu Hongyu's astonished look, Daochang Gu smiled slightly: "Gu boy, this matter is worth a try. Even if it doesn't succeed, it will have no impact on the child. But once it succeeds, we can find a shortcut, a way to make it easier for everyone." It is an extremely rare opportunity for a child with spiritual talent to become a person with excellent spiritual talent attributes.”

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