Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 1341 The First Earth Cultivation Alliance Conference

The migration teleportation array came to an end, and the old monster and Gu Daozhang began to devote their energy to repairing the spiritual energy leakage of other countries. Gu Hongyu originally wanted to participate, but one thing happened that forced him to change his mind.

After more than two years of development, the country of Huaxia actually has more than a hundred cultivating sects. Some sects are constantly skirting the rules previously agreed with the head of Huaxia. In private, there are even those who violate the rules and are not allowed to participate in secular struggles. Treaty, this seriously trampled on Gu Hongyu's inner bottom line. He had to summon some powerful sects to reiterate the alliance treaty, and he made up his mind that as long as someone commits a crime again, he will deal with it severely if he catches one. .

The top secular leadership of China is helpless against the cultivator alliance with transcendent strength. Several top leaders have been questioned at some levels because the cultivators had their support when they entered China and built sects.

"Comrade Gu, we don't need to say more about the seriousness of this matter. Nowadays, the personal safety of ordinary people in the secular world cannot be guaranteed. In the past year, we have received reports of missing persons and strange murders involving more than 2,000 people. If this continues, society will definitely be in panic. Now I hope you will use your courage to solve this difficult problem." This is when the No. 1 leader finally got on the phone after looking for Gu Hongyu several times.

No way, Gu Hongyu spent most of his time in the Medicine Temple or the Immortal Source Space. In real life, he was like an invisible person, and it was difficult for others to meet him.

Gu Hongyu did not explain this issue to Chief No. 1. The other party could guess it without explaining. Listening to the chief’s complaints, Gu Hongyu said in a deep voice: “Chief, anything will cause certain pain in the development process. Now that things have already If it happens, then I will definitely minimize the impact of labor pain, and I will never ignore the wanton brutality of powerful cultivators facing ordinary people who have no power to restrain themselves. "

"Okay, we old guys are pretty sure we can get Comrade Gu's answer." Chief No. 1 spoke in a very happy tone on the phone. He put aside his worries and immediately asked other questions: "Comrade Gu, I heard that you The Temple of Medicine has been rebuilt and is located in the former Haojiawan Village. Should we find some time to see it? "

Gu Hongyu thought for a moment and replied: "That's no problem. I will arrange the time. I will inform you when it is confirmed."

"Okay, that's it!" Chief No. 1 said and hung up the phone.

The reason why he agreed to the request of Chief No. 1 was because Gu Hongyu had a huge plan in mind. First, it has been almost three years since the monks entered China and established a sect. In fact, many high-ranking officials and ordinary people are secretly spreading the truth about the cultivation sect. existence, this time Gu Hongyu wants to bring the world of cultivation and cultivators to the forefront openly.

Secondly, he decided to ask the cultivators represented by various sects who came to the earth to go to the Medicine Temple to hold the first Earth Cultivation Alliance Conference there. The conference would formally and clearly reiterate the rights and responsibilities of the cultivators on the earth. There are obligations and areas that cannot be violated. These will form treaties and regulations to bind cultivators. If there is any violation, the entire alliance should resist and arrest the offenders.

The mortal world has the rules and regulations of the mortal world, and the world of cultivation should also have the rules of the game of the world of cultivation.

The current cultivation alliance on earth is a very decentralized organization. Many cultivators who established sects only informed each other and then joined the alliance verbally. There were neither restrictions nor rights and obligations that should be implemented. Therefore, in many sects Whatever you want to do, go according to your own wishes. It would be strange if nothing happens.

"Have you heard? It is scheduled to be the last day of the year. The ancient sect leader will call all the cultivators to the Medicine Temple to hold the first cultivator alliance conference. I heard that many requirements and restrictions will be put forward at the alliance conference, but they will also be given permission to join. The sects in the alliance have many benefits. The first benefit is that as long as the sects joining the alliance can obtain resources from each other at a small cost..., the general meaning is mutual benefit, mutual hostility, and common development! "

"Haha, I think the ancient sect leader's Medicine Temple is the largest on earth. He must be bent on seizing the leader of the alliance. Humph, based on the strength of the ancient sect leader, I will definitely not agree, but there are others behind him. With these two backstage actors whose strength is unfathomable, it looks like we can only make do with it!”

"Don't forget how we came to Earth. Speaking of respecting the Medicine Temple as the greatest, it is logical and natural. However, it seems that the ancient sect leader is not coerced by force. Everyone chooses who they want..."

"This time the Alliance of Cultivators will formally outline some programs and terms. Everyone on Earth must abide by the alliance treaty. We cultivators will definitely be restricted in the future, just like we cannot attack mortals at will, nor can we show ourselves in front of them. The powerful ability is really a bit troublesome.”

"Is this trouble? We didn't have similar terms in the big world. Don't forget that mortals are the cornerstone of our cultivators. Think about it for yourself. Even if both parties are cultivators, the offspring of their partners will not necessarily be the same. If you have the talent for cultivation, then most of the seedlings for cultivation can only be selected from mortals. Without mortals, where would the cultivators come from? "

"But there are so many mortals on the earth, what does it matter if we just kill a few of them?"

"Some of the parents here are also mortals, so if other cultivators killed your family members, do they deserve it?"

"You..." The person arguing was at a loss for words and was angry.

Gu Hongyu's call for action As time went by, the entire Chinese cultivation world knew what they should know, and what they shouldn't know. This group of people was the people of the ancient martial arts sect.

The ancient martial arts sect was between the modern martial arts family and the ancient cultivation sect. Some sects inherited and spread the incomplete secrets of the ancient cultivation world. The ancestors of the ancient martial arts sect created various exercises that were in line with the period of spiritual energy dissipation based on the content of the incomplete secrets. Because these exercises were mixed with some principles of ancient cultivation, their martial arts and mental formulas were not comparable to some martial arts exercises created in modern times.

Near the end of the year, Honghu Village began to be crowded with people. Those people were not cultivators, but many representatives of the ancient martial arts sect who came here to admire their reputation. Of course, there were people from the Lieyang Sect.

"Friend Gu, I really didn't expect that you were actually a cultivator, and the leader of a cultivator sect. I really didn't recognize the gold and jade before. It was really presumptuous." The leader of the Lieyang Sect bowed and apologized at the first sight of Gu Hongyu.

"Master, what are you talking about? Guests are welcome. I think the ancient martial arts sects are quite complete this time. In this case, why don't we attend the first Cultivator Alliance Conference together?"


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