Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 144 The Village is Changing (Please Subscribe)

The call ended only when Gu Hongyu's phone ran out of battery.

When his parents heard that he had a girlfriend and that they had arranged for the parents of both sides to meet during the National Day and Holidays, they immediately became interested. They asked about all aspects of Mei Ning's news in detail.

Gu Hongyu naturally told them everything he knew about these inquiries, and praised Mei Ning. As a result, his parents agreed to go to Honghu Village immediately on the phone.

Gu Hongyu was very happy that his parents agreed to it so easily. His parents, who had never left the mountain city for most of their lives, could finally go out and walk around. He had this idea in mind when he chose Honghu Village as the place for his parents to meet.

After putting down the phone that had been automatically turned off, Gu Hongyu suddenly saw Mei Ning standing in front of him, staring at him with deep affection. Gu Hongyu was worried that Mei Ning had heard the call at first, but he calmed down when he saw her eyes.

Mei Ning did hear Gu Hongyu's call. It was true that the soundproofing of the wooden house was not very good. When Mei Ning heard Gu Hongyu calling, she didn't care. However, her name kept appearing in the phone call, which attracted his attention. Later, she listened carefully and found that Gu Hongyu was calling home. He also praised her fiercely, almost saying that there was no one on earth who was hard to find in heaven, which made her blush and heartbeat.

The reason why she walked to Gu Hongyu's door was because of her excitement, and his love drove her there involuntarily. She didn't alarm Gu Hongyu because he was too focused on the phone call. From the side, Gu Hongyu's profile looked very angular and beautiful, and he couldn't help but look at her infatuatedly.

From the beginning, the two of them looked at each other silently, to the later affectionate chats, and then slowly lying on the bed together and sleeping in each other's arms, Gu Hongyu kept his promise and didn't force her to occupy her. But the other fortresses that should be conquered have been unguarded to him, and the development speed of this situation is not slow. Gu Hongyu plans to take steady steps and advance step by step. One day, Mei Ning will belong to him completely.

The morning sun shines into the window lattice, and two people are lying on a bed in the wooden house. Their posture is quite ambiguous. The woman's clothes are messy and curled up in the man's arms, and the man's big hands unconsciously hold the girl's plumpness, his lower body is also tightly against the girl's buttocks, and one leg is still on the girl's body.

At this moment, the girl's beautiful eyelashes fluttered, and she may feel something. Her face immediately turned red like a ripe cherry. Even if she woke up, she dared not move rashly and could only keep her appearance honestly.

This girl is naturally Mei Ning who came to the door last night, and the one who is still sleeping soundly is Gu Hongyu.

But Mei Ning didn't wait too long. Gu Hongyu held her plump hand and moved it away, but immediately moved to her thin waist. She pressed hard on his body.

Mei Ning immediately felt something strange about Gu Hongyu's lower body. She struggled hard but couldn't get free. Her whole body was tightly held by Gu Hongyu's hands.

Mei Ning suppressed the strangeness in her heart and felt that she couldn't go on like this. She gently called out, "Hongyu, Hongyu, it's light outside, get up quickly."

An awkward situation of getting up was inevitable, but the embarrassing person was mainly Mei Ning. Gu Hongyu was even proud of it. He was also thinking that after the parents of both sides met this time, they would live together openly. Seeing Mei Ning's performance in the morning, Gu Hongyu knew that her heart had begun to slowly loosen.


Morning exercises, making breakfast, and feeding are the unshakable things in the morning.

From time to time, Gu Hongyu also summoned the giant carp gold bricks with excitement to make the tourists who came here scream excitedly. Some people think that seeing the giant carp is a sign of good luck. All you can think of is Gu Hongyu's prank!

Everything in the village is still running as before. Gu Hongyu's vegetable greenhouse and melon field also bring him a considerable income every day. The lambs are growing day by day. Gu Hongyu thinks that this winter will be another big income.

However, in the future, the lambs may be consumed without leaving Honghu Village, because the increasing number of tourists will become potential consumers.

In addition to the villagers who have things to do, the most lively place in the village is the place where the house is still being built. Many idle villagers will go there to join in the fun, and the sparse trees next to the construction site have become a temporary gathering point for these people.

Many villagers are discussing the future development of Honghu Village. Many people have many opinions, but their unified opinion is that good days are coming. When it comes to key tasks, Gu Hongyu always sighs a few words verbally, and then praises unanimously.

Gu Hongyu doesn't care about these false names. As long as the villagers can benefit, he can benefit after the resort is built. In short, this is a win-win situation. It is enough to do things with a clear conscience for so long.

"Boss Gu, how come you have time to come to the construction site today?" A villager greeted with a smile.

He said this as if he hadn't been to the construction site for many days. After Chen Luofeng found the construction team, he just left it alone. Gu Hongyu came to supervise the construction every day. All matters, including meals, fell on his head. The task was arduous.

However, it was common for villagers to use inappropriate words. Gu Hongyu didn't pay much attention to it and said lightly: "You came early enough today!"

"Boss Gu, you don't know that not only our villagers come to see the construction site here, but also many tourists are curious about what will be built here. Of course, we will go forward to explain to the tourists. This is our future housing to surprise these tourists!" Another villager also said with a smile.

Gu Hongyu smiled after hearing this. These villagers are really cute.

"What is the attitude of the villagers who did not agree to relocate at the beginning? Are they still unwilling to relocate?"

A hot-tempered villager immediately said: "Boss Gu gave us such good conditions. I really don't know what those families think?"

A villager who knew the reason said: "I heard that the elders of these villagers still have no objection. It was their children working outside who told them that they did not agree to relocate. I don't know how they agreed?"

"Damn it!" Gu Hongyu cursed secretly in his mind. Gu Hongyu should understand the thoughts of those villagers. The children working outside are probably dragging it out like this just to get more benefits.

Well, Gu Hongyu really couldn't afford to delay this matter, but if they really wanted to gain more benefits, even if they took advantage of him this time, they would always give it up later. He had a lot of thoughts in his mind, and there would be no shortage of profitable projects as long as there were tourists.

"Are you free today?" Gu Hongyu didn't dwell on that matter and immediately changed the subject.

"Haha, we came to see what the future house return will look like. Seeing it change day by day always warms our hearts!" A villager replied.

"By the way, Mr. Gu, how long will it take to complete the construction?"

There was nothing to hide, Gu Hongyu replied positively: "Although we have a short planning time, we have sufficient funds. The normal planning time is less than 5 months, but the current construction progress has exceeded our plan. At this speed, you can move into your new home in 4 months."

"4 months, that means we can move in before the end of this year, which is really unimaginable."

This progress not only surprised the villagers, but also Gu Hongyu at first, but a person in charge of the construction party told him: "The houses you build are all low-rise buildings. As long as the building materials can keep up, it is no problem to build a house in a few days."

As the houses were built, Gu Hongyu found a phenomenon that the villagers in the small village were also changing in their hearts. The most intuitive thing is that the economic conditions are better now. Every household can be seen wearing new clothes from time to time, and some villagers even bought motorcycles.

With good conditions, people's spirits naturally rise. The villagers who used to be very dull can now talk to people. Not everyone is born dull, but the poverty in the past made them speechless and looked down upon. Now that they live in a place where tourists come from thousands of miles away, they naturally have a sense of pride.

They can make money and have a bright future. The villagers give people a different feeling. The village is also full of joy and peace that almost never existed before. The most representative of this is that Uncle Azha has been smiling for a while.

Another day later, Gu Hongyu and the whole village were delighted to find that there were wandering merchants in Honghu Village. It seems that the fame here is not only known to tourists, but also noticed by some vendors with keen business minds.

For this, Gu Hongyu is happy to see it happen.

It was too troublesome to buy things in the small village before. The things sold in the grocery store in the village were all necessities of life, but if you wanted more than that, you had to go to the town or county to buy them. It was very inconvenient for tourists to come, and it felt a bit difficult to spend money. If Gu Hongyu hadn't asked the villagers to build a new supermarket, this problem would have been the most acute problem in the village.

The vendors brought not only a variety of small commodities, but also some folk crafts with local characteristics, and there were a lot of things to play and eat, which immediately aroused the interest of tourists. Of course, the business that day was quite good.

Then many villagers in the village who were smart and had a skill also had a lot of ideas, and they all thought about doing something at home. For a while, there were fewer idle people on the construction site.

One noon, Gu Hongyu had just finished inspecting his project and went home. At this time, a villager chased after him and shouted: "Boss Gu, there is news about those families who don't agree to relocate. I heard that their younger generations who worked outside have returned collectively! Do you want to go and see!"

"Did their younger generations come back together?" Gu Hongyu asked, but he was thinking that there was something strange about this matter.

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