Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 146 Wishful Thinking (Please Subscribe)

"Xiao Li, what did you just say? Are you crazy about money?" Before Gu Hongyu, the real owner, could speak, a villager next to him said in surprise.

In their view, Gu Hongyu's replacement of the current simple and dilapidated house with a newly built garden house was a very benevolent and benevolent thing. However, it was obvious that several villagers such as the Li family and the Zhou family were not satisfied with this result, and they still Make even more rude requests.

"I'm telling you, Lao Zhangtou, our two families usually don't deal with each other. Now you should stop interrupting. It's not your turn to talk here!" The young man from the Li family said arrogantly.

As expected, he was a bully who ran rampant in the village. He was unreasonable when he spoke or silent. This made several people on the side frown and slightly stopped thinking about not getting involved in this matter and asking for trouble.

Gu Hongyu was angry and pretended to feel uncomfortable in his heart. Although he was not inferior to the Li Zhou family in terms of power, he still had to worry about the opinions of other people in the village. People in the village valued peace when they behaved. He did not surrender to Leisandou in the first place. Before deciding to invest in Honghu Village.

After teaching the villager named Lao Zhangtou, the young and strong man from the Li family faced Gu Hongyu and said proudly: "How about it? My idea should be easy for you."

Before Gu Hongyu could speak again, he said again: "We have also heard some rumors about demolition in the city. They resettle first and then acquire the land, but the prerequisites must also follow the opinions of the local people. If the opinions are not unanimous, we have The right to refuse demolition.”

Gu Hongyu found it very funny that he could slap someone in the face with such arrogance after working outside for several years. I showed a touch of sympathy to the young man from the Li family in front of me: "You really think that I can't do anything about the matter in front of you. You have my life in your hands, so I can only say wishful thinking to you."

Seeing Gu Hongyu's leisurely and confident look, the young man surnamed Li and the other gangs felt incredible. They thought that they were local landlords, and Gu Hongyu was just an outsider and a big fat kid who needed to be slaughtered. Sheep, as long as they have a tough attitude, Gu Hongyu will immediately give in. Not only agreeing to their request for one person and a store, but at least compensating for other conditions is a good result. But now they are disappointed.

"The opinions we put forward do not violate any laws. And if you don't do what we say, then we can only refuse to move." The young man surnamed Li said forcefully again, but something felt wrong mentally.

They have been working outside and are actually quite concerned about the situation in the village. When Gu Hongyu first entered the village, they learned from their parents that a rich man had invested in the village. Contracted a lot of land in the village. In fact, they haven't taken this matter to heart yet.

But as Gu Hongyu’s investment in the village continues to increase. When their results were getting better and better, they listened to their fathers outside talking about things in the village, and they always got involved in Gu Hongyu, so they started to pay attention, until this time the entire village was relocated. They feel that if they operate it well, they can get a lot of benefits from it.

As for the other younger generations of the Li family and the Zhou family, they are classmates. Although they didn't work in the same place, they were always in contact as long as there were no conflicts, so this young man from the Li family came up with a plan to jointly fight against Cao.

Of course, they are not Sun Quan or Liu Bei, and Gu Hongyu is naturally not Cao Cao. These strategies are of little use to Gu Hongyu. In their view, the idea of ​​a fatal threat is just childish and cute. This is what Gu Hongyu There has been no rush to mobilize villagers to relocate and unify their thinking.

After the young man surnamed Li finished speaking, Gu Hongyu made a clear statement: "Your idea exceeds our bottom line. Besides, it is unfair to other villagers. Why can you get one more store? If everyone If we do this, we will lose more than we gain, and I can only apologize for your thoughts!”

"Then we also tell you clearly that if you want to expropriate our houses and land, there is no way, not even windows!" The young man from the Li family said bravely. He was organizing this matter. If it goes wrong, He will receive complaints from other companies, and his future relationships may become strained.

Stomping leisurely with his hands behind his back, Gu Hongyu said slowly: "I have already asked someone to survey the location of your house in the small village. It is at the very edge of the village. To be honest, even without your participation, our entire project would have no impact. It won’t have any impact at all. At most, I will develop towards the Red Lake. You just saved me a lot of money by not buying a garden house. Shouldn’t I still thank you!”

Gu Hongyu's words shocked all the villagers. They didn't expect that Gu Hongyu had such a trump card that he hadn't brought out yet. Now that he brought it out, it would be a move to kill the enemy immediately!

"This..." The young man from the Li family looked confused. Without the biggest threat to rely on, he had nothing to do at this moment.

The middle-aged old Li on his side slapped his thigh and said suddenly: "It means that there were many outsiders walking around the surroundings in the past few days, and sometimes they would write and draw on a piece of white paper with a pen. Could that be it?" Are you considering our position in the village?"

After hearing what Lao Li said, people from other families also said the same thing one after another. Now their hearts are pounding and they have not been able to extort more benefits. Now if the old boss really stops levying this from them, Not to mention the several dilapidated houses and the garden house that cannot be moved in, I am afraid that I will be mercilessly laughed at by the villagers in the future!

Is this considered stealing a chicken but losing a handful of rice!

Thinking of the serious consequences, the young man surnamed Li said harshly again: "Old man, it's not just that. In the past, we leased my family's land to you for contract farming. Now we plan to farm it ourselves. Can you also return the land to us?" To us?"

This time, a trace of violence flashed in Gu Hongyu's eyes, and he asked with a stern face: "Do your words represent the opinions of your family or the opinions of your family?"

Gu Hongyu looked at the family members of several families who had not agreed to the demolition until now. Many people retreated in the face of Gu Hongyu's dazzling eyes. Only the Zhou family and the Li family were the strongest and were still standing with him. United front.

It's clear at a glance, in this matter. It seems that the Li family and the Zhou family are really determined to part ways with Gu Hongyu.

But Gu Hongyu said: "We all signed the agreement in the original land lease contract. I remember one of the requirements was that Party A would contract Party B's land for 20 years, and the price would change based on the annual land market. If When Party A fails to abide by or violates this article, all the building facilities above will belong to you, and it will also have to compensate you for a lot of losses, of which the re-cultivation fee is a huge sum. But don’t forget that Party B is under Party A’s control. If Party A regrets the investment and affects the construction period or normal operation, we will be compensated for the corresponding investment and all losses on the corresponding land, and the land will not be re-cultivated, and we will not be responsible for the land boundary differences caused. Not responsible."

"Just compensate. You built greenhouses on those lands and planted watermelons. There are also grasslands where lambs are grazed. How much does it cost? We can use them to make money for you, too." Li The young man at home still stubbornly fought back what Gu Hongyu said. It can be said that he is now a bit vicious.

Gu Hongyu smiled, and now he felt more and more that he could easily control the situation.

"Since you are willing to pay compensation, I will give in this time. Let alone other losses, just compensate me for the cost of construction and current economic losses!"

"Just tell me how much it is, I don't want to talk to you anymore!" The young man from the Li family threw away his arms and looked a little angry.

"The total land contracted by your family is about 15 acres. Now you only need to pay 300,000 yuan, and the land will be returned to you." Gu Hongyu said seriously after thinking for a while.

But what he said shocked the people around him. An investment of 20,000 yuan per acre, how much money would Gu Hongyu have to invest now? Then they discovered that Gu Hongyu might also be knocking on the Li family.

The young man from the Li family said angrily: "Boy, I'm not threatening anyone. Are you kidding me with the number you just mentioned?"

"I don't have time to play with you. What I just said is all true." Gu Hongyu said calmly.

"Then quickly tell me how you got so much money. If you can't figure it out, I'll show you the power of my fists." The young man from the Li family became angry with embarrassment.

But when most people thought that Gu Hongyu was going to suffer this time, Gu Hongyu said: "Okay, I will convince you. I spent tens of millions of yuan to rebuild 300 acres of greenhouse land, but this is not the point. , many villagers should know that the vegetables inside are more expensive than other vegetables. To tell you the truth, the average price of vegetables is 14.5 yuan, and the price of vegetables will increase when the weather drops soon. Secondly, the current selling price of watermelon is 11.5 yuan, and the price of lamb is 11.5 yuan. Because there is no way to know the market price yet, I won’t include it for you. Your vegetable greenhouse and melon field are 4 acres and 8 acres respectively. Think about it. Even if the minimum yield of vegetables per acre is 3,000 kilograms, melons There are 4,000 kilograms of watermelons produced in the land, how much are they worth?”

What Gu Hongyu said was actually very kind. He didn't make any fuss with the young man named Li. The current figures can withstand scrutiny.

Hearing that, no one in the Li family or the Zhou family asked Gu Hongyu to give up the land anymore. Now it is a great thing to have monthly rent every year. Even if the land is taken back from Gu Hongyu, not only can he earn Gu Hongyu's income through hard work The rents Yu gave them were quite good.

Everyone was familiar with Gu Hongyu's strength and sharp words. Suddenly, several families behind him slipped away while Gu Hongyu wasn't paying attention. They didn't even say hello to the Li family. It seemed that they might go back this time. Attitudes will change.

Seeing that there was no excitement, the others left one after another, and soon only Uncle Aza and Gu Hongyu were left.

"Xiao Gu, look at what happened today. They have almost agreed in their hearts. I'm afraid they will come to you privately in the future. I think you will accept it when the time comes!" Uncle Aza is a kind-hearted person, and others almost stepped on him just now. He had it on his face, and now he was actually saying good things to them again.

However, Gu Hongyu didn't think so in his heart. He could make trouble and end it as soon as he wanted. I'm afraid it wouldn't be such a good thing. Gu Hongyu also made up his mind that even if he finally agreed to the demolition work, he would still say it to several families. .

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