Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 154 Holiday Visitors (Please order on the seventh day of the first lunar month)

(I will go back to work on the ninth day of the lunar year. I will resume updating twice a day. I hope my fellow readers will support me!)

The village has achieved very good results after various TV and Internet promotions. After some tourists came on the night of September 30, there was an endless stream of visitors on the National Day. *,,

Gu Hongyu was woken up by the ringing of the phone early in the morning. Many friends he knew called him one by one and told him that they would come tomorrow, which meant that he should be prepared to entertain them.

Gu Hongyu smiled bitterly after hearing this. The number of people who called him directly was at least ten. If you add relatives and friends, there would probably be another twenty or thirty people. People nowadays really don't spend the holidays at home but run around. Well, he has something to do today.

However, cooking is just his hobby. Gu Hongyu doesn't want to cook in person whenever friends come over. Anyway, the ingredients are all produced in the space, and as long as the cooking skills are not bad, the dishes will not taste bad, so he simply invited a few villagers to prepare a few tables.

After preparing today's ingredients in the space and quietly taking them out, the sleepy little brother Gu Hongchen rubbed his eyes and asked, "Brother, what delicious food did you make this morning?"

Last night's dishes aroused the appetite of the whole family. Although a large table of exquisite delicacies could not resist the chopsticks of everyone, they did not say that they were devoured in a flash, but at least they kept eating without even talking and chatting. The relatives of both sides were a little polite at first, but they were captured by the dishes in a moment.

Seeing the little brother eagerly asking for delicious food early in the morning, Gu Hongyu said unhappily, "You lazy bug. You don't get up at this time during school, do you?"

"How can it be, isn't it a holiday today? I finally got a chance to sleep in!" Gu Hongchen immediately refuted.

Gu Hongyu pointed to the ingredients in the inner room and said, "Many friends will come today. Hurry up and get the ingredients out. I have invited several villagers to come and cook. Breakfast has been prepared long ago. Millet porridge with pickles. We will eat when we are done."


After breakfast, Gu Hongyu once again took his family to visit the vegetable greenhouse, watermelon field, grassland, and the reed marsh and swamp area on the other side of Honghu Lake. No matter who saw everything in Honghu Village, even Gu Hongyu's parents who had walked through it were still amazed.

There are many things to do. Due to limited time. Gu Hongyu took them for a rough tour and returned to the wooden house at ten o'clock. It's not that Gu Hongyu treated Mei Ning's parents differently, but he had other ideas in his mind.

At this moment, there are many tourists by the lake, many of whom come here to see the giant carp. But there are also many people who are leisurely fishing by the lake with fishing gear. Many facilities are not very complete now. Gu Hongyu also let those anglers in the Red Lake do what they wanted, but the fish in the lake were not so easy to catch, and very few tourists could get anything.

Pretending to look out from the railing. Gu Hongyu exuded consciousness to summon the giant carp Yuanbao in the lake. Soon, his parents, who were still chatting in a friendly manner, were interrupted by the crowd around them. Before his mother knew the situation, Zhuantou asked Gu Hongyu: "Xiaoyu, is this village usually so noisy?"

However, as soon as the voice fell, his younger brother Gu Hongchen pulled his mother's arm and said in shock to the lake: "Mom, look at the lake, there is such a big fish!"

Jinzhuan is getting more and more crazy now. The noise he made when he appeared was huge and the lake water splashed. People who didn't know really thought they had encountered a water monster.

The tourists who were just wandering around the lake stopped immediately and took out their camera equipment to take a lot of photos of Jinzhuan, and the fishing tourists also threw away their fishing rods and paid close attention to the figure of Jinzhuan that appeared and disappeared in the lake.

Following an instruction from Gu Hongyu's mind, the gold brick suddenly jumped out of the lake, drew a golden streamline in the autumn sun, and then fell into the lake and disappeared, but the picture of it staying in the air was fortunately photographed by many tourists.

And the impression left by the photographers at that permanently frozen moment was only the majestic and domineering image of the gold brick.

"Brother, it's great. I took several photos of the big fish flying out of the water. It's so shocking. I have to send it to the group immediately so that my classmates can take a good look." Gu Hongchen said with joy as he danced in front of the photos on his mobile phone.

Mei Ning had seen the scene of Jin Zhuan jumping out of the water several times, but she was excited every time. Looking at Gu Hongchen's appearance and the shock of the crowd, she smiled and introduced: "Uncle, aunt, dad, this fish can understand Hongyu's words. You can observe it carefully in the future. I have touched it with my own hands!"


"No way..."

"Xiaoyu, are you so good?"


Gu Hongyu still said modestly: "Forget it now. When there are fewer people in the future, I will call Jin Zhuan to swim to the wooden house so that you can also touch it. It is a docile big guy."

After watching the performance of the giant carp, Gu Hongyu's relatives and friends also came one after another. The most of these people were undoubtedly Chen Luofeng and others, and Peng Minghao, who took the initiative to stay in Qingzhen on duty during the holiday. The news that this guy was promoted to deputy mayor has spread. Gu Hongyu called him and he also acquiesced. This holiday duty is to compete for performance!

"Brother Chen, don't you spend the holidays at home?" When a large group of people walked towards Gu Hongyu, he greeted loudly.

Everyone greeted Gu Hongyu, among whom Chen Luofeng smiled and said: "It seems that Brother Gu does not welcome us today?"

Gu Hongyu waved his hand and denied: "I don't have such an idea, I just feel confused!"

Now that traveling during festivals is becoming more and more popular, Chen Luofeng did not explain that a small figure immediately appeared behind her and said crisply: "Uncle Gu, I am Xiao Lele, are the pony and the two dogs at home?"

"It turned out to be Lele, welcome, welcome, the animals at home are all out today and I didn't see them, but they will definitely come back at noon. It's not far from noon now, can you wait?" Gu Hongyu squatted down and said softly to Xiao Lele.

In the process of welcoming and seeing off, Uncle Azha also followed to the wooden house by the lake to help. Although there are more things to do with more people, his face has always exuded a very contagious smile. Now the popularity of the village is much more prosperous than before. More people means that the villagers can increase their income a lot.

Gu Hongyu was able to talk to his family and Chen Luofeng just now, but there were many tourists coming today, and some of them were the first to meet Gu Hongyu. This time they brought their friends to Honghu Village again, so Gu Hongyu had to go to socialize.

It was noon, and the villagers had almost prepared the dishes for lunch. Just as he was about to check again, someone came to him.

The man was about the same age as him, and his clothes did not reveal his identity, but he spoke very arrogantly: "You are Gu Hongyu, our director wants to come with me!"

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