Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 159: Many treasures at the bottom of the lake (Please order)

The scenery at the bottom of the lake couldn't be said to be charming. It was the strongest moment of the afternoon sun. Dots of light were refracted through the lake water. Gu Hongyu looked at the bright sky above his head. ;

The lake water is very pure. Gu Hongyu can clearly see the surrounding aquatic plants with his naked eyes. Generally speaking, this section of the lake bottom is not the deepest place. Apart from the aquatic plants covering his knees, he can only see small fish. Three or two.

Everyone made hand gestures and continued to move forward. When they reached a place where the lake bottom sloped downward again, the depth of the lake bottom in front increased a little. As the team passed by Gu Hongyu, he observed that the height of the steep slope at the bottom of the lake was probably three to five meters again.

Suddenly, there was a sudden commotion at the front of the team. A teammate walking in the front row fell to the bottom of the lake. When everyone hurriedly approached him to help, they saw him waving vigorously, and then left an empty hand. He took out a clam shell from his feet that was bigger than a bucket. It turned out that he tripped over the clam shell.

Everyone wanted to laugh but couldn't laugh out loud under the water. They could only start making gestures to visually despise him. However, this guy ignored everyone and continued to patrol the area where he stumbled. Hui Hui actually found a lot of big clam shells for him, and even raised the clam shells high as a demonstration to everyone. Gu Hongyu thought that this guy must have fallen in love with these lake shells. Did he want to get them? Go back to cooking.

Even though he was wearing diving equipment, Gu Hongyu could still tell from his behavior that he was Liang Qinghui. As he expected, he actually put the clam shells into a net bag he carried with him. He was not satisfied with finding a dozen or so. Searched around again.

There were obviously many such shells at the bottom of the lake. Gu Hongyu and others also found many lake shells around where they were standing. In the end, everyone simply handed all the shells to Liang Qinghui and put them into his pocket. After a while, the small ones were The net bag is already full and there is no more space to fit in.

Liang Qinghui is also very flexible. When he saw that the lake shells were full, he tightened the mouth of the net bag and used a rope to connect the net bag with the path-finding rope, so that he did not have to spend a lot of time carrying the shells. , anyway, everyone will return the same way later, so just take it back then.

Everyone was very happy to have harvested the lake shells. Shells generally can only survive in environments where the water quality is not polluted. Their meat is of good quality and rich in nutrients, and it’s really rare and delicious when made into dishes, but if you don’t know how to cook it, you won’t be able to cook them.

After getting ready, we continued to move forward. As the depth of the dive increased, everyone's visibility became worse and worse. Gu Hongyu estimated in his mind that the total height of their dive was about 20 meters. But this is not the deepest part of the Red Lake.

It's unimaginable. How was the Red Lake created by nature on the desert-like plain?

At this time, everyone rushed into a large patch of aquatic plants at the bottom of the lake. Those aquatic plants were no longer the knee-high ones just now. Gu Hongyu was at the back of the team and watched as the teammates in front disappeared as soon as they entered the aquatic plants. But fortunately there was a rope navigation, so he didn't worry about getting lost.

Upon entering the aquatic plants, Gu Hongyu was surprised to find that the aquatic plants were as tall and straight as trees on land. Some branches were also distributed on the stems of the algae, which swayed slightly with the flow of water at the bottom of the lake.

These algae are up to 3 or 4 meters high! Gu Hongyu sighed inwardly.

Here Gu Hongyu saw many small animals living in the algae, some unknown small fish, as well as finger-long green shrimps, crabs that were showing off with their claws raised under the strong light of the flashlight, etc...

Suddenly, the front of the team started to stir again. This time it was not Liang Qinghui, but the man right next to him who suddenly threw himself in one direction. The blisters and debris on the bottom of the lake caused almost all the other team members present. Covered.

No one knew what he was doing, and their sight was blocked again, so they could only wait quietly for the floating debris to sink in.

When the lake water became clear again, everyone discovered that the team member who had just fallen to the ground also raised a hand, and wasn't there a live crab in his raised hand?

The crab was bigger than a hand. Even though it was caught, it was still struggling hard, looking unwilling to give in. However, like Liang Qinghui, the team member also took off the net bag he carried and threw the crab in it. After finishing After these things, he pointed his finger at everyone.

Is this an order for everyone to catch crabs? While Gu Hongyu was thinking, others had already started to take action, and they were searching for a big fat guy at the bottom of the lake.

Working with them is still quite unfamiliar. Gu Hongyu thought in his mind that this group of people had been active together for a long time, and others could accurately understand it even without words, a look or a gesture.

Although he knew that there were a lot of big crabs in the lake, and he caught a lot of them the last time he went into the lake, what made everyone almost ecstatic this time was that the bottom of the lake at this location was simply a nest of crabs.

Large crabs shuttled back and forth among the roots of algae. Under the bright flashlight, everyone began to start a war of disparity in strength with the crabs. Of course, in the end, only humans could win, and the crabs that were caught could only win. Being able to stay in the net pocket and surrender.

After this scene, everyone once again harvested two net bags of crabs. This was the result of careful selection. The crabs were all about the size of a palm. Everyone who was smaller than this size almost reached a consensus that Don't take a look at it.

It was late autumn, the season when crabs were fat and yellow. With these two net bags of crabs, there would be another delicacy on the table to make people salivate.

As usual, the net bags containing crabs were tied to the navigation ropes and everyone continued to move forward. After a while, they had these harvests. It seemed that they could get more surprises if they continued.

After passing through a patch of algae, a completely different environment was presented in the flashlights in everyone's hands. It was strange that there was basically no such dense algae in other places on the bottom of the lake after walking out of the algae.

The scenery of the lake bottom in front of everyone was illuminated by the flashlight and was clearly visible to everyone.

A lake bottom with rugged rocks and complex terrain still looked dark and deep even under the illumination of the flashlight. There was no small fish swimming or aquatic life activities, which made Gu Hongyu feel that this place was a bit weird.

Chen Luofeng, who was walking at the front of the team, made a gesture to everyone. Gu Hongyu quickly understood that it was some basic sign language that everyone taught him when they helped him put on the diving equipment. It meant asking others whether to continue.

The opinions given by everyone standing in place were obviously different, but according to the principle of minority obeying majority, the number of people who agreed and opposed was five to three. This result determined that everyone continued to go down. Gu Hongyu, who was curious about the unknown, also voted in favor.

Before going down to the lake, Gu Hongyu had communicated with Jin Zhuan through consciousness. Generally speaking, there was no great danger under the lake. But I don’t know what it would be like if I entered the wonderful place described by Jin Zhuan.

Obviously, everyone is just wandering around the bottom of the lake. No passage to enter the vast underground water system has been found yet. Although this exploration of the bottom of the lake was initiated by Gu Hongyu, people have selfish motives. Before he entered the mysterious underground water system, Gu Hongyu would not make public the secrets described by Jin Zhuan. At least the place described by Jin Zhuan, which many aquatic animals yearn for, also aroused Gu Hongyu's curiosity. He had a feeling that that place would be of great benefit to the Xianyuan Fragment Space.

He followed the team silently. Soon there was a commotion in front. Could it be that there was another treasure?

Gu Hongyu also scrambled to swim forward, and saw everyone looking for something at the bottom of the lake with very low visibility. At this time, the people in front did not even turn on the strong flashlight, and the people behind did the same. What was going on?

After observing quietly for a moment, he saw several teammates picking up something from the bottom of the lake and putting it in the net bag. Upon closer inspection, it was a kind of shellfish that Gu Hongyu seemed to have seen on the Internet. After thinking for a while, he suddenly remembered that the shellfish in the Red Lake was the same as the shellfish in Qinhu Lake.

After a while, Gu Hongyu also caught several shellfish. Under the illumination of the strong flashlight, the shellfish in his hand showed a very charming bright red color, and it also had very complex patterns. This kind of shellfish is both ornamental and delicious. It seems that Chen Luofeng and others are also people who know the goods. There is no reason to let go of this kind of shellfish.

The bottom of the lake looked like it had been swept by a group of thieves. Soon, two large net bags full of red lake snails were collected. A teammate in the team even danced a weird dance on the bottom of the lake. It seemed that everyone was very happy with the continuous harvest.

Unexpectedly, some people were too happy and sad. The bottom of the lake was originally uneven, and they accidentally fell down after jumping around. Then the other teammates could only see a turbid splash of water on the bottom of the lake.

After a little repair, everyone observed whether the gas cylinders and equipment they were wearing were damaged. In fact, they didn’t go into the lake for a long time. Now the oxygen in the gas cylinders was not even half used up. Chen Luofeng didn’t ask everyone whether they would return and walked towards the deeper bottom of the lake.

The next section of the road took a long time, but no one had any harvest. Under the illumination of the flashlight, they could only see the general outline of the dark bottom of the water. The sunlight on the top was basically difficult to reach here.

At this time, Gu Hongyu had an intuition that if he kept walking, he would walk into the underwater world described by the giant carp gold brick. This feeling burst out from his heart uncontrollably, but Gu Hongyu believed that this intuition was real and correct!

Walking quietly behind the team, Gu Hongyu repeatedly illuminated the surrounding environment with strong electric light. He silently recorded the appearance of the surroundings in his heart, so that he could know the direction if he came down alone next time.

But suddenly he felt something rushing towards him, turned quickly in the water, and then pointed the flashlight in the direction of suspicion. Sure enough, he saw a figure flashing silver in the electric light and disappeared in a flash.

This creature is not very big, but its body is streamlined, just like a big eel. It is simply a sharp sword in the water. If it hadn't dodged urgently just now or the electric light hadn't been irradiated, would this guy have rushed straight over? Did it regard Gu Hongyu as prey or was it playing a joke on him?

Unknown creatures always bring him uncertainty, so Gu Hongyu began to be careful, otherwise it would be funny if he capsized in the gutter.

The movement just now also startled the other team members, and they shone their strong flashlights at Gu Hongyu one by one. Gu Hongyu immediately shook his head at them to indicate that it was okay, and the large group continued to move forward.

They were getting closer and closer to the entrance of the underground water world he sensed, but at this moment everyone felt that the flow rate of the nearby lake water suddenly increased, and they all seemed to be flowing rapidly in one direction.

It’s not like that, it’s true, because Chen Luofeng, who was walking in the front, was involuntarily sucked by a stream of water at this time, and the others hurriedly pulled the navigation rope to pull him back.

It was a close call, this was the first thought of everyone after pulling Chen Luofeng back.

After being frightened, everyone thought it was time to return, so they started to return following Chen Luofeng’s gesture!

However, the harvest at the bottom of the lake was not bad, and everyone’s trip was not in vain!

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