Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 167 Space Killer (Please order)

Suddenly, Gu Hongyu had a flash of inspiration. He still had the space spring water that all the animals he met could not resist. How could he forget the existence of this killer weapon?

Without even thinking about it, looking at the two big guys approaching, Gu Hongyu casually led out a large amount of space spring water.

As expected, the spring water had a fatal attraction to any animal.

Now the two big guys, whether crocodiles or pythons, ignored Gu Hongyu and rushed straight towards the space spring water he had sprinkled.

Gu Hongyu patted his chest. It was a close call. He almost became food in the mouths of the two big guys!

But before he could catch his breath, the two big guys began to move quickly towards him again. Although he had sprinkled a lot of spring water just now, he still couldn't resist the two big eaters. In just a short while, the spring water was cleaned up.

This is not a solution. Gu Hongyu quickly shone the flashlight around. There was no low-lying place to hold water here. Later, he thought of the space and immediately took out a relatively large wooden basin, put it on the ground in front of him, and then filled it with spring water.

Gu Hongyu didn't need to worry about the rest. The spring water in the basin immediately attracted the two big guys again. Gu Hongyu made up his mind to take the things from the stone platform as soon as possible and leave. It was too dangerous here.

The wrist mark near the stone platform gave him a burning feeling again. With the experience of the last time, Gu Hongyu resisted and moved to the stone platform, searching for things that were very attractive to the space.

The stone platform was very smooth. It seemed that this was either the nest of the crocodile or the python. Only years of crawling and friction could cause the current appearance.

There were quite a few miscellaneous things on it, in addition to a large pile of stones. There were actually man-made things, but not on the stone platform. Gu Hongyu clearly saw a rusty thing that looked like an iron rod. He didn't know if it was washed here by groundwater. He wondered if it was the collection of one of the two guys. If it was the latter, then the intelligence of these two guys exceeded his previous estimate.

No matter what, in order to save time, Gu Hongyu rarely went to pick and choose. As long as there were things, he accepted them into the space without rejection, including the corroded iron rod. There were also various stones on the stone platform. It was strange that he felt that these stones were much heavier than ordinary stones, but Gu Hongyu didn't care about them at this time.

When the mark on his wrist was hot and emitting a faint fluorescence. Gu Hongyu knew that the thing he wanted was nearby. Then the two big guys seemed to be alarmed at this time. They didn't rush to drink water at this time, and crawled towards Gu Hongyu.

Gu Hongyu was so depressed!

The water filled in the big basin was very convenient for the python to drink, but it was a bit troublesome for the crocodile. The crocodile was naturally very dissatisfied when he saw the python drinking water comfortably. It took the initiative to tease the python and entangle with it. Now at least half of the water in the basin is still retained.

But at this critical moment, when Gu Hongyu was getting closer and closer to the object, the two big guys didn't entangle and fight. As they ran towards him, their momentum could really scare people.

Just when Gu Hongyu decided to get into the space to avoid risks, he accidentally glanced at the crocodiles and pythons that rushed over, and immediately doubts arose in his mind. These two big guys didn't seem to be coming for him. What they were paying attention to was on the stone platform, maybe it was what Gu Hongyu was looking for.

So Gu Hongyu quietly leaned towards the edge of the stone platform and made way for the passage blocking the crocodiles and pythons. Sure enough, the two big guys ignored Gu Hongyu and crawled towards the stone he had just lifted.

Weird, the things that have a fatal attraction to animals are now abandoned by them. Is there anything more important in them than the space spring water?

At this time, the gold brick that had just escaped came back. His emotions fluctuated greatly through his consciousness, and his consciousness happily expressed that the things that made him yearn for it were here, and that direction was where the crocodiles and pythons were entrenched.

So that's how it is. No wonder the animals here are taller than those in other places. Could it be that the reason they are like this is because of that mysterious thing? Gu Hongyu couldn't help but be more curious about this thing.

As soon as the crocodile and the python returned to the stone platform, they crowded in the place where Gu Hongyu had just picked and picked. Maybe they were evenly matched in the fight before, but now they are living in peace.

It seems that this stone platform is not the home of one of the guys, but their common territory.

The crocodile and the python entrenched on the stone platform may be very comfortable to be close to the mysterious thing. The originally ferocious faces now give Gu Hongyu the feeling of becoming docile.

I don't know if this is his intuition or because he gave them the space spring water just now.

With a plan, Gu Hongyu became a little bolder and tried to send out a kind consciousness to communicate with them. It seems that the only way to take it by force is to take it by force!

As expected, they are the two most intelligent guys in the cave. As soon as Gu Hongyu sent his kindness, there was a response from the other side.

Maybe they don't know how to communicate with other creatures through consciousness, but the strange consciousness that appeared in Gu Hongyu's consciousness is correct, and there are two of them. Both the crocodile and the python have this kind of spiritual communication.

At first, it was very troublesome to communicate with strange animals through consciousness, because they didn't understand the names of many things that humans called them. Fortunately, there was Jin Zhuan, a natural diplomat, by his side.

Maybe they are all water animals, or maybe the python and crocodile are indeed animals with relatively high Ganoderma. It didn't take long for Gu Hongyu and Jin Zhuan to explain with their consciousness, and the crocodile and the python gradually understood some of their simple words and human names.

When Gu Hongyu was teaching them, he even thought strangely that the intelligence of the two big guys in the cave was equivalent to that of a 3-4 year old human child. Their ability to accept and understand was too strong.

However, as the communication deepened, Gu Hongyu suddenly understood one thing. First of all, the crocodile and the python have lived for a long time. As far as he knows, the life span of crocodiles can reach 70-80 years, and the longest life span of pythons is also 70-80 years. The two big guys in the cave obviously far exceeded the constraints of this life span. Could it be that this is also due to the influence of that mysterious thing?

Their wisdom will naturally improve slowly with the growth of years, and with the influence of the mysterious object, it makes sense that they can grow to this point. Existence is reasonable. Now they are standing opposite Gu Hongyu alive. The two sides seem to be living in harmony at this time. If outsiders know about this, it will probably cause an uproar!

There are still thousands of questions in Gu Hongyu's heart that he didn't ask, because he just looked at the time and it was 3 o'clock in the morning. If he continues to stay at the bottom of the cave, he may not be able to return to the wooden house tomorrow morning. If his family gets up and doesn't see him, who knows if they will be anxious to look for him everywhere!

There is no time. The only thing now is to convince the two big guys in front of him to see if they can get the mysterious thing that many animals yearn for and is very useful to them under the premise of peace and friendship.

Before this, Gu Hongyu had also thought of arranging the place for the crocodile and the python. If they were willing, Gu Hongyu was willing to take out the huge space this time without being afraid of the loss of spiritual energy inside. Anyway, the mysterious object that was about to be obtained would definitely be of great benefit to the space. Between getting and paying, the benefit obtained was undoubtedly huge.

Trying to show a great kindness again, Gu Hongyu boldly approached the crocodile and the python, and he brought the two big guys into the space in a flash.

Changed a scene, the crocodile and the python stayed in the space for a while, thinking that Gu Hongyu, who had just disrespected them, wanted to punish him severely, but with the spiritual energy floating in the air and the surrounding environment, they stopped immediately.

From the initial anger to the heartfelt joy, both the python and the crocodile conveyed their happy mood fluctuations to Gu Hongyu in their consciousness, with a little gratitude in it.

Gu Hongyu was also very happy to see that things were evolving in the direction he expected. He told the crocodile and the python through his consciousness that if they liked this place, they could stay there forever. They could catch the fish in the stream and pond as they pleased. Gu Hongyu had invested a lot of money for the mysterious object.

The environment and atmosphere in the space made the crocodile and the python like it even more. They felt that if they lived in the space all the time, the benefits would be much greater than living on the stone platform outside the cave.

Almost without thinking, the python and the crocodile immediately agreed to Gu Hongyu's request through their consciousness.

Gu Hongyu was so happy that he almost jumped up. Everyone was happy. This was a real win-win situation!

After pacifying the crocodile and the python, Gu Hongyu couldn't wait to leave the space. Now there would be no one on the stone platform to interrupt him from looking for the mysterious object.

Then he immediately shrank back as soon as he left the space. Just when he got the python and the crocodile into the space, a group of big rats occupied the stone platform. It was really a case of monkeys becoming kings when there was no tiger in the mountain. This was unacceptable.

Without hesitation, he picked up the gas bottle, left the space, lit a fire, and started the war between man and rat. The rat was fooled once, but this time it was smart. Seeing Gu Hongyu, the strange creature, and the flames, they were defeated and fled in all directions.

After taking a breath, Gu Hongyu sat on the stone platform. This trip made him exhausted.

The water spirit here is abundant. He cast a recovery spell on himself. Gu Hongyu stood up and walked to the pile of stones he had picked up before and continued to sweep the things inside into the space. He knew from the communication with the python and the crocodile consciousness that many of the stones here were found by them because these stones gave them a very comfortable feeling. Because the cave was dark, Gu Hongyu could not tell what these stones were. He thought that they might be good things!

Suddenly, the temperature of his wrist mark rose instantly. If it was just roasting and boiling, it was like a needle piercing his heart.

At this time, he was holding a stone in his hand. Was the mysterious object this inconspicuous stone?

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