Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 174: Minesweeping Investigation (Please Order)

Recently, Honghu Village has been very exposed. First, the beautiful scenery of Honghu Lake and the surrounding swamp wetlands and reed marshes attracted many foreign tourists. Later, the discovery of the Great Bustard and the Giant Carp Gold Brick once again increased the popularity of Honghu Village. Then, Gu Hongyu and Chen Luofeng carried out a comprehensive relocation of Honghu Village. /

Before this matter was over, the lake began to spread the news that boneless transparent fish and pufferfish were found. They also took this opportunity to create a diving club. After a series of events, the name of Honghu Village has always been inseparable, making Honghu Village truly enter the sight of all walks of life on the Internet and in the news.

Different experts and professors rushed to Honghu Village in batches, which also attracted the attention of many interested people. Following the things found in Honghu Village recently, everyone soon realized that there were creatures in Honghu Lake in Honghu Village that were unheard of in other lakes, and the species of this creature may not have been fully explored.

Faced with curiosity about the unknown field, many netizens who are interested in this aspect, regardless of the distance of the journey, even took leave to form a group to go to Honghu Village, making the popularity of Honghu Village exploded.

Uncle Aza is undoubtedly the happiest and the most distressed. Facing the swarming crowds was something he dared not think about before. Now the increase in tourists naturally means that the villagers can earn more benefits. It is such a happy thing to be able to stay at home every day and make money.

But because there are too many tourists here, the village can't keep up with the needs of tourists in any aspect. Tourists go out for food, accommodation and transportation, but the food conditions in the village can't meet the taste and diversity of tourists. Some farmers' homes are even daunting.

Tourists dare not stay in such conditions, but it's not bad to play. Tourists who come here basically appreciate the beauty of Honghu Village, or find fun for themselves. There are still many things to play in Honghu Village, such as outdoor barbecue, fishing, bird watching, diving, and scenery viewing... These can keep many tourists in a hurry.

As for the pets in Gu Hongyu's home, they are now the stars of Honghu Village. The golden and silver wolf cubs are almost as tall as an adult's thigh. They look extremely powerful. From a distance, they look like lions and not like prairie wolves at all.

Although they look fierce. These two wolf cubs never take the initiative to bite people. Generally speaking, they are very docile. Villagers and frequent tourists can approach them and take photos with them. At night, these two guys usually guard the door of the wooden house and bark to warn if a stranger appears. If you get closer to the wooden house, you may attack. This situation has not happened yet. But there are several people who have been frightened, including tourists and villagers. Even Uncle Aza, who is very familiar with the two wolf cubs, treats Gu Hongyu in the same way at night. It's really amazing to say.

The foal Lightning is also growing well. All the original problems are not visible on it. After a few months of raising, it is almost grown into an adult horse. It is tall and handsome, especially the lightning mark on its forehead has not faded but become more obvious. It has a pair of cunning big eyes. Many tourists, big and small, will be fascinated by Lightning at the first sight.

As for the very alert little gray rabbit, now except Gu Hongyu who can catch it, other people can hardly see its trace. Once, Gu Hongyu didn't see the existence of the little gray rabbit for half a month. He thought that it was caught by others or made into a delicacy. He didn't want to wait for a few more days. This guy actually brought back six rabbits, one big and five small. In just ten days, he actually became a father and brought his family back. This move made the whole family very happy.

The most popular one is the Coke parrot that followed Gu Hongyu at the end. This guy relied on his unique skill of speaking. He said all kinds of auspicious words to the tourists. He also pretended to be cute and got more and more food and toys. The small box that was previously given to Mei Ning for safekeeping was almost full.

The most important thing is that Coke is so popular that there are even die-hard fans on the Internet. After a tourist came to Honghu Village and met Coke, he specially prepared a special video about Coke, which was immediately popular among more netizens.

Gu Hongyu was very happy during this period. As the reputation of Honghu Village increased, the vegetables and fruits planted next to him were also praised by many tourists from afar. As long as people who tasted these delicacies would take some back when they left, it seemed that vegetables, watermelons and the original traditional beef and mutton jerky of Honghu Village had become a signboard here.

Watermelons are now coming to an end. The growth cycle of vegetables will slow down as the temperature gradually drops. However, the greenhouse can effectively resist the cold current. Even if the cycle is longer, it will not be delayed for long, and the profit of vegetables will not be affected at all, because the price of vegetables in winter will form a blowout growth.

Last month, when Gu Hongyu saw the amount of money transferred by Lin Yuantao and others, he couldn't believe it. More than 20 million yuan, this was just the sales income for one month. However, he also knew that watermelon had increased the sales too much. If there was no watermelon to shock the market next month, the sales would only be 6 or 7 million yuan.

Faced with tens of millions of funds, Gu Hongyu was not as excited as he was at the beginning. He transferred part of it to Honghu Industrial, and the part he invested with Chen Luofeng's investment was finally not short of money. The other part was planned to be invested in the construction of the contracted land.

It's funny to say that the utilization rate of the land of 10 square kilometers is just over one-fifth. If it weren't for the planting of 1,000 acres of watermelons and grassland development, the vegetable greenhouse would only occupy one-fiftieth of the total contracted area.

There is money and labor in Honghu Village. It was hard to find idle villagers, but the neighboring village is waiting for Gu Hongyu to speak. As long as he calls, he will guarantee to provide sufficient manpower.

The village party secretary of the neighboring village is very jealous of Uncle Azha. Since Gu Hongyu came to their village, all the changes have been seen by others. Now every household in Honghu Village is running fast towards a well-off life, but they are still toddling. There is no comparison!

Now it is a very practical idea to find something for the villagers in Honghu Village to do. Working in Honghu Village for a few months can at least make their villagers have a lot more money during the New Year!

As the saying goes, autumn and winter are the best seasons to plant trees. Gu Hongyu thought about digging the tree pit before the winter frost formed. There was also ready-made fermented fertilizer here, so he did all the preparations before planting fruit trees.

Just when Gu Hongyu was planning to go to the provincial capital to buy fruit seedlings, he was blocked at home by a group of experts.

The leader of the team this time was really high-ranking. Gu Hongyu smiled and said, "Mr. Li, Mr. Meng..., what are you doing today?"

"Xiao Gu, we have had quite a few expedition members come here in the past few days. Thank you for your care!"

Expert Meng did not directly answer Gu Hongyu's question at first. He looked at the experts around him who kept giving him a cold look and shook his head and said, "It's like this. Last time we went to the bottom of the lake to investigate, it was all thanks to you borrowing equipment and professional divers accompanying us. But these few days we studied the animals we found and felt that there were more mysteries waiting for us to investigate, so we came to ask for help."

"Didn't I say last time that as long as it doesn't exceed the general principles, I will never be vague about where I can help. Tell me, what do you need me to do this time?" Having tasted the sweetness of the increase in tourists, helping the experts is helping himself, and Gu Hongyu spoke with great dignity.

Gu Hongyu's generosity made the experts who came here a little awkward to talk to. In the end, it was Elder Li who said, "Xiao Gu, the equipment and manpower allocated to us by the state may arrive in two days, but now we can't wait. There must be more creatures in the lake that we haven't discovered, so we decided to conduct a carpet survey of the bottom of the Red Lake. The equipment and manpower required are a bit too much, I don't know..."

During this period, there are probably more than 20 professionals who have come here one after another. They live in tents and eat meals prepared by Gu Hongyu and several villagers. Everything is simple but it's okay.

Now the request made by Elder Li seems simple, but the Red Lake Diving Club is extremely short of equipment and manpower. Liang Qinghui originally planned to purchase a batch directly but was stopped by Gu Hongyu. Seeing that the weather is getting colder, the diving activities will gradually become deserted. If the lake freezes in the future, these diving equipment will be completely vacant and it will not be cost-effective.

However, looking at the expectant eyes and prior promises of the experts, Gu Hongyu gritted his teeth in his heart. Even if he didn't make money from tourists in the next few days, he had to meet the needs of the experts. If they found anything else, he would be the biggest beneficiary in the end.

Thinking of this, Gu Hongyu said firmly: "Mr. Li, please report the data to me. I will help you coordinate this matter immediately and ensure that I will not hinder your investigation."

"Xiao Gu, thank you so much..." Expert Meng said first.

The other experts also said words of gratitude.

Gu Hongyu stopped their thanks with both hands, and Mr. Li also told him about the previous plan.

Liang Qinghui once again showed his side as a soldier. He took the needs of the country as his own business. Soon, more than 20 sets of equipment and accompanying personnel were arranged. At this moment, Gu Hongyu could still hear the protests of other tourists outside the diving club, but these were insignificant.

The weather was good in the afternoon, and the sun did not hide in the clouds.

All the researchers who were about to dive were ready. Soon, the sound of ducks diving was heard from the lake. Two or three people dived less than ten meters away from the lake. It seemed that they were determined to find out all the secrets of the Red Lake.

The planned plan was carried out as planned. The experts began a carpet-style minesweeping survey of the Red Lake!

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