Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 182: Guard Station (Please subscribe)

Soon, the remaining bricks held by others had also been seen. Gu Hongyu took turns exchanging with them and found out that some of the patterns and carvings on the remaining bricks should be the same thing, while some were obviously depictions of other things. picture.

Generally speaking, among the several patterns carved on the remaining bricks, the most numerous ones are animals, including two pieces of cranes, one suspected to be a bat, and an unknown beast. At first glance, they look very powerful and ferocious, and the lines outlined in a few strokes look like... Draw them alive, lifelike and lifelike!

"I really didn't expect that such a strange thing could be found here. Do you think this is an ancient tomb or some other building?" Peng Minghao asked the people present after watching.

"It's probably not an ancient tomb. In our country, there are very few tombs decorated with exquisite stone bricks. There are only a handful of them until now. It is unlikely that they will appear here. I guess it should be a living room quilt of a wealthy family. Buried underneath!" Gu Dawei, the new mayor of Qingzhen, expressed his opinion.

At this time, Li Weixing, secretary of the town committee, said with a smile: "Lao Gu, according to what you said, this land is really a large-scale architectural site from ancient times. You must know that these places were still grasslands before the Ming and Qing Dynasties. The architectural style here was basically that of the herders at that time, which was probably tent yurts. Once there were brick buildings, it was a large stockade or a town-level distribution center!”

"Secretary Li is right. I remember my great-grandfather told us when I was young that there used to be a large town here. However, the climate here has changed and the land has become less and less suitable for growing food. Deserts spread everywhere, and many people gradually moved away. Later, the war hit the area and the once prosperous place was completely destroyed. Compared to this, this is the ruins of the ancient town that my great-grandfather mentioned!" Uncle Aza seemed to be aroused by everyone's remarks! Memories of childhood, with an indescribable look when speaking.

Peng Minghao said doubtfully: "Uncle Aza, then your great-grandfather and others have never looked for the original building ruins, and have never thought of living in it?"

"How to search for it. When my great-grandfather was here, there was war all over the world. Even if there was no place to stay, he still had the energy to look for this thing. Besides, what would happen even if the ruins were found? They can't be used for food!" Uncle Aza said bluntly.

Peng Minghao's thinking was completely different from that of the people at that time. They all tightened their belts and fought on the move, and surviving was a luxury. How can I still think about these ancient architectural ruins?

"Then we didn't search for it after the war. After all, this is a civilized site. If we find it and repair it, it will at least be a tourist attraction, right?" Peng Minghao was still a little unconvinced!

Uncle Aza looked sad: "Why didn't I look for it after the liberation? Many tourist attractions in our mountain county were rebuilt after the liberation. We also had the same thoughts as you just said, but when I was a child, I didn't listen to what my great-grandpa and the others said. After searching around for a while, I still couldn’t find it. No one could have imagined that it would reappear in the world unintentionally after decades without anyone looking for it.”

Mayor Gu Dawei looked at the desert scene all around and sighed: "It is indeed difficult. Look at the surrounding terrain and environment, the erosion of hundreds of years of vicissitudes of life, and the ubiquitous yellow sand. It is necessary to confirm that at that time The location of the ancient architectural ruins is like finding a needle in a haystack!”

"It doesn't matter what's underneath, let's maintain order now and not let others mess around. Do you know when the scientific expedition team comes and digs it out soon?" Gu Hongyu said with a smile.

"Brother Aza, just keep the villagers in Honghu Village from letting them mess around. Xiao Gu, you guys should pay more attention to the tourists coming in and prevent them from fishing in troubled waters. We are all here to guard it anyway. If If there is any major discovery, our Qing Town will also become famous!" Li Xingwei, secretary of the town committee, began to clarify the division of labor.

What reassures them is that both villagers and tourists are now more restrained. There was no sign of chaos, but after waiting for a long time, the town leader and Gu Hongyu still did not wait for the scientific expedition team.

It's almost dusk. The setting sun fell, dyeing the white clouds in the sky into golden yellow. Like flowers blooming in the sky.

Even at this time, not only did the tourists and villagers not disperse, but some people who got the news relatively late were rushing to the scene of the incident, making the originally empty place suddenly very lively.

It is human nature to be curious about the unknown. Many tourists and villagers rushing to the destination are speculating about what exists and what can be discovered.

Gu Hongyu happened to hear a tourist who arrived later ask the tourists gathered in the front row: "Brother, what is going on inside? I heard that some good things have been unearthed now?"

"You just come here. Who said excavation has already started? Who dares to dig down without the scientific expedition team? Who can bear the responsibility if the good things below are destroyed!" The tourist who was asked seemed to Very knowledgeable and ready to answer questions for new visitors.

Another tourist on the side couldn't stand his approach and kindly introduced: "Only a few residual bricks have been unearthed. Now they are in the hands of a few people in the middle. The older ones heard that they were the town's I also saw the first and second leaders in the bricks just now. The patterns carved on the bricks were very clear and exquisite..."

"Ah, if you say that everything is good on the surface, then who knows what precious antiques will be unearthed underneath?" A later tourist said in amazement before An Ren, who was introduced next to him, finished.

"No, I guess that what was buried might be an abandoned ancient city, either due to weather or war. I really want to see the true face of the ancient city right away!"

"I think there might be a tomb down here. I don't know how many times the tomb robbers have visited. Now there are only a few bricks left that they don't care about. Otherwise, how could these bricks be so shallow from the ground?" I think everyone is overjoyed when they find something else!" The tourist who was unkind at the beginning still spoke in a harsh tone.

Several other tourists glanced at him upon seeing this, secretly kept a distance from him, and then started a new round of conversation. This man glanced at them with a full of contempt on his face.

This is not just the case for other tourists, the place has already become a talking point before the excavation begins.

The sky continues to darken slowly. Just now you could see many red clouds, but now you can only see bluish white in the sky. Birds are also flying low in the sky looking for their destination. Many people can't resist the fall of night and start to leave in groups of twos and threes. But there are actually tourists who have set up tents not far from the excavation site. It seems that they are planning to spend the night here tonight.

His father was sent back by Gu Hongyu to assist his mother in cooking. It seemed that the leaders of the town would visit his house again in the evening, but now Gu Hongyu was used to it and said he was very popular!

Just as the sky was getting dark, suddenly several beams of strong light came from a distance, which were illuminated by the car's high beam. Then Gu Hongyu heard the roar of the engine again, and then Secretary Li Xingwei's cell phone rang. It looks like the scientific expedition team is coming.

Sure enough, the car was rushing to the excavation site. The vehicles that came were two small cars and a large truck. No, it was a military truck transporting soldiers. It was not Gu Hongyu who saw it, but now someone on the truck jumped out of the car. There were bursts of noise.

"Director Yao from the county, I am Li Xingwei from Qingzhen, and I have been waiting for you to come!" Secretary Li greeted him enthusiastically.

The person shaking hands with Secretary Li was a middle-aged man with a somewhat burly build. At first glance, he didn't seem to be the type who sits in an office all year round. He was in good spirits.

"Thank you, Secretary Li. I started organizing people to come down as soon as I received the report from below. However, because the matter is so important, we still need the assistance of the armed police soldiers. Not only did some procedures not be completed until we set off, it was a little late. , I hope you’ll forgive me!”

"It's okay, it's okay, is it all for work? We hope you will make amazing discoveries in the future!" Secretary Li Weixing said politely.

After chatting for a while, the middle-aged man known as Director Yao asked: "Where are the excavated things? Are the excavation sites protected?"

"The order on site is still well maintained. Let me take you to see the remaining bricks and let your experts judge them!" Secretary Li Weixing left first after speaking.

The armed police soldiers who had just got out of the car were now consciously following them towards the scene. Within a short time, they were surrounding the dug pits with warning tapes. A tall armed policeman stood at every post. warrior.

"Look, these are the few bricks that Director Yao has unearthed. We haven't touched the rest and they are still buried under the soil!" Secretary Li personally handed the few bricks to Director Yao.

At this moment, Director Yao immediately took out the flashlight, and before he looked carefully, he began to show a look of surprise. After observing attentively, the expression on his face became even more shocked: "It's incredible, it's really incredible..."

"Director Yao, what did you see?" Secretary Li's question represented the voice of everyone present.

"It's incredible..."

Director Yao sighed again to answer everyone's doubts: "These residual bricks are in the style of the Tang and Song Dynasties at first glance, but the exquisite and lifelike patterns of fish, insects, birds and animals carved on the surface are still very rare. I didn't expect that today in the Saw it here!”

After speaking, Director Yao Li once again ordered his assistant to clean out the remaining bricks and put them in boxes and give them to the armed police for safekeeping. Then he found the head of the armed police soldiers and explained them to him again, which meant that he should be on high alert. Here The vigilance has obviously been upgraded.

It happened that Gu Hongyu's cell phone rang at this time. His father at home called and said that the family had prepared several tables of meals and asked him to come home for dinner!

Gu Hongyu took the opportunity to invite everyone present, Director Yao and the others were naturally included, but Director Yao said firmly: "The members of our scientific expedition team and the armed police will be stationed here in the evening, so there is no need to invite dinner. Let’s talk about it later when we have time!”

Another professional scholar, Gu Hongyu’s evaluation of Director Yao’s strengths.

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