Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 188 The injured Saker Falcon (Subscribe please)

Now Gu Hongyu has a lot to do. New rural housing is under construction, and a wildlife reserve is also being planned. Seeing that the ancient city ruins are about to be restored and rebuilt, Liang Qinghui has come up with a military fan hobby project. It has not been named yet, so let's call it a military fan club for the time being!

Fortunately, there is no delay in the orchard, otherwise he would be too busy to do everything!

This day, Gu Hongyu made a special trip to the newly built new rural housing. As long as the funds are in place, the construction speed of the house will be very fast. The most important thing is that the foundation of the house here is very easy to lay. In less than two months, the general outline of the New Year can be seen.

Unexpectedly, Uncle Azha was there today, and the smile on Gu Hongyu's face was really brilliant.

"Xiao Gu, if the construction continues at this speed, it may be completed by the end of this New Year, right?"

Originally, according to the construction schedule, it was to be completed by the end of the year. The construction team hired by Chen Luofeng was indeed very efficient.

Gu Hongyu smiled and said, "Wouldn't it be better if it's finished by the end of the New Year? That way you can decorate it well, and the whole family can move in during the New Year. What a great thing!"

"Yes, yes, I never dreamed that I could live in such a beautiful house during the New Year!" A villager next to Uncle Azha also laughed from ear to ear.

"I heard that after we move into the new house, we can cook without burning firewood. Boss Gu, is this true?" Some old men and women who visit the new village construction site every day looked at Gu Hongyu and asked around him.

"Yes, you heard it right!"

"You should know that there are cement pipes buried underground in the whole new village. Those pipes can not only collect domestic wastewater, but also let the wastewater generated by life flow into the biogas pool we built specially. In the future, the whole village can use the generated biogas for lighting, cooking, boiling water, and bathing." Gu Hongyu slowly introduced the various benefits after returning the house.

"It's so good, I'm afraid it will cost a lot of money. I heard that even if a house in the city is empty, you have to pay a monthly fee. Will the new houses in our village be like this in the future?" An old man in his sixties actually knew about the property fees paid in the city, but it was just hearsay and not complete.

Gu Hongyu looked at the people around him who were paying attention to him, and said: "The biogas pool is a people-friendly policy issued by the town. It doesn't cost money to build it now, and it won't cost money to use it in the future. But we should pay for the maintenance of the equipment and the salary of the staff who manage the biogas. This is just a matter of ten yuan per capita for all the villagers in the village."

"In addition. In the future, when we build houses, there will be no property fees, street light fees or other miscellaneous fees. As long as you are a Honghu villager, it will be completely free. Not only that, we will also build a courtyard garden and a fitness center to ensure that everyone lives happily and healthily in the new house."

"Boss Gu, don't we get a lot of benefits for free by doing this, but you have to spend more money?" An old lady also stood in Gu Hongyu's perspective and thought for him.

"Haha. These are what we should do. We should make full use of the old buildings you vacated. Those places will be the most lively places in Honghu Village in the future. We still have a lot of profits from sightseeing, shopping, specialty product trading, eating and playing. It is more than enough to withdraw a part of it to make up for the expenses of the new village!" Gu Hongyu did not hide anything from these honest villagers.

Everyone also liked Gu Hongyu's straightforward personality. They surrounded him and asked some answers that they had been wanting to know for a long time.

The questions involved a wide range, from the overall planning of Honghu Village in the future to some villagers' suggestions for the decoration of new houses in the future, and some trivial matters in life that they did not understand very well. Gu Hongyu patiently explained to them what he knew, and a scene of harmonious coexistence and harmony.

"Bang!" A gunshot sounded.

Listening to the bright gunshot, it was obvious that the person who fired the gun was not far away from Honghu Village.

Now there are tourists everywhere around Honghu Village. Who is so bold as to dare to shoot near here? Isn't he afraid of accidental injuries?

There were many people who thought the same as Gu Hongyu. The villagers who were just talking about sex immediately shifted the topic to the shooting.

Uncle Azha walked to Gu Hongyu with a worried look on his face and said in a deep voice: "Xiao Gu, the gunshots seem to be near the lake. Could it be that someone is hunting in the reed marsh!"

"That's right. Tourists are still lacking in control. It's a place where you can hunt casually around here. It's too outrageous!" Other villagers standing on the side also said.

Gu Hongyu frowned: "I'll follow the gunshots and take a look."

Uncle Azha and the other villagers immediately echoed and said: "Xiao Gu, let's go and take a look together!"

Seeing that they were all elderly villagers, Gu Hongyu shook his head: "You stay here, I'll just go and take a look, I won't force it!"

They were all old and weak. If they couldn't help, it would be bad if they got hurt in a conflict later. Now Gu Hongyu could only comfort them and say that he would go and take a look.

Gu Hongyu was determined, and finally the other villagers were convinced, but Uncle Azha still insisted on following.

Just follow him, Gu Hongyu can still take care of it alone.

There was only one gunshot, and there was no other sound after that.

Just when Gu Hongyu and Uncle Azha rushed to the reed marshes and swamps to search the lakeside but found nothing, suddenly there was another sharp cry from a big bird, and then an eagle staggered over their heads.

Something is happening!

Gu Hongyu looked at the eagle that could hardly control its wings in the air and ran with Uncle Azha in the direction the eagle flew away. After a while, the eagle that had just been flying in the sky fell down, relying on its wings to dance a few times, and fortunately fell into a large bush.

When approaching the eagle, Gu Hongyu was stunned for a moment. It was a very large eagle, about 60 cm long, with one wing stretched out weakly, a single wingspan of one meter, silver-gray feathers all over the body, and a pair of sharp claws in jade color, very majestic and domineering.

At this moment, the eagle was obviously hit, and several feathers of the wing that was stretched out weakly had been broken, and blood completely covered the wound. It might be that the wound was too large and was still flowing out when Gu Hongyu found it.

Even so, when Uncle Aza and Gu Hongyu approached the eagle, the eagle still raised its neck high, and its bright eyes stared fiercely at the approaching people, as if it would attack them as long as they made any rash moves.

A pair of sharp claws unconsciously scratched the grass, and the withered and yellow weed stems and leaves were messily tossed.

"Uncle Aza, this eagle is injured, but it looks so fierce!" Gu Hongyu didn't dare to get close at first.

Unexpectedly, Uncle Aza sighed and said, "This is not an eagle, this is a gyrfalcon, which is what people often call a Saker Falcon. I didn't expect that the sacred eagles of the grassland would also be ruthlessly hunted. If anyone had planned to hunt them in the past, they would have been subjected to the most severe torture!"

"Ah, this is a Saker Falcon!" Gu Hongyu was not very familiar with the classification of eagles, but the name of the Saker Falcon was well-known.

"Yes, the ancestors of the Manchus, the Sushen people, called it "Xiongkuru", which means the highest and fastest flying bird in the world, and means "the god of ten thousand eagles". According to legend, only one "Saker Falcon" appears among 100,000 sacred eagles, which is the highest totem of the Sushen (Manchu) clan. It represents the Sushen (Manchu) spirit of bravery, wisdom, perseverance, integrity, strength, pioneering, enterprising, always upward, and never giving up." Uncle Azha explained seriously.

"In the past, there were also Saker Falcons in our area, but even the nearby hunters kept their distance from the Saker Falcon and would not attack this kind of sacred eagle. Now many people don't take the original rules to heart for money!"

Looking at the injured Saker Falcon in front of him, Gu Hongyu felt very uncomfortable for some reason. Could it be that it was because of the crime of possessing a treasure? The Saker Falcon was regarded as a totem by humans and given a special meaning, so this became the reason for hunting them. Many people were proud of owning a Saker Falcon, and their vanity became the nightmare of the Saker Falcon.

Gu Hongyu decided to rescue them, not to make it his pet, but for two equal lives to respect each other.

Unconsciously, Gu Hongyu began to use magic in his body, and the wood-type spiritual energy with the breath of life slowly gathered in front of him.

Saker Falcon is indeed a divine eagle with spirituality. It just glared at Gu Hongyu and Uncle Aza, but when Gu Hongyu used the wood-type magic, it suddenly calmed down and called to Gu Hongyu twice.

Gu Hongyu struck while the iron was hot, and while running the magic, he also exuded strong kindness through his consciousness.

Saker Falcon received it, and Gu Hongyu was secretly happy when he saw Saker Falcon's expression.

Saker Falcon supported his body, turned his head and opened his eyes to look at the creature that could give it peace of mind. Even though the injuries on his body were brought to him by this creature, the sense of closeness could not be erased.

Gu Hongyu used the wood magic to cover the Saker Falcon, and the Saker Falcon squinted its eyes comfortably, looking like it was enjoying itself.

Taking this opportunity, Gu Hongyu approached it carefully, and gently hugged the Saker Falcon in his arms, which made Uncle Azha behind him stunned, and then he muttered something in his mouth, as if he was praying for the blessing and protection of Changshengtian!

The Saker Falcon opened its eyes the moment Gu Hongyu hugged it, but it closed its eyes peacefully again when it saw Gu Hongyu so close, and put its head in his arm. Maybe it was too tired, and it seemed to be asleep at this moment.

It was better not to move. Gu Hongyu held the Saker Falcon and signaled Uncle Azha, who was still in a daze, to check the wound on its wings. Fortunately, the bullet should have penetrated the wings and did not remain in the flesh. With the nourishment of the wood spirit, the wound is no longer bleeding.

After finishing all this, Uncle Azha slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

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