Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 191 Equity Distribution

Many people must have seen the movie "No Man's Land". There is a method for hunting eagles in it.

Then hunters use live chickens or hares as bait to set up traps and lurk in places where eagles are frequented for a long time. As long as the eagles are attracted by the bait, they will be captured by the falconer if they cannot escape.

The falcon thieves captured this time, Hei Da Man and Shou Monkey, used this method to hunt eagles. They caught two small ones and were greedy enough to capture their parents. Hai Dongqing was the mother of the young eagles.

Speaking of which, the big black man and the thin monkey were really wronged. Originally, they were not hunting eagles within the jurisdiction of Honghu Village, and they had nothing to do with Gu Hongyu. However, when Hai Dongqing was tied down by the two hunters, Still struggling to break free. Fortunately, they chose the direction of Red Lake Village, but what happened next made the two falcon thieves regret it.

Hearing the confessions of the big black man and the thin monkey, Gu Hongyu and other villagers had an extra joke. They would be subject to certain financial penalties and short-term detention if they captured national first-level protected animals. The outcome was not particularly harsh without causing major losses.

"Hongyu, how come you have encountered such interesting things in a remote Honghu Village?" When Gu Hongyu told Chen Luofeng and his party about the arrest of two poachers, he immediately aroused Gu Lin's envy.

Chen Ming yelled at the side: "Hongyu, tell me, how did you feel when you were pointed at by a shotgun? Did you think about any unfulfilled wishes? Did you think about our brothers?"

"At that time, the sword was only 0.01 centimeters away from my throat, but I believed that the person who raised the gun would not touch me. What I was thinking about was to seize Hai Dongqing and let all criminals be shot... !" Luo Yu adapted a sentence from Westward Journey in a funny way.

"What a bunch of young men!" Gu Hongyu could only smile helplessly in his heart. He ignored these words completely.

After the group of people calmed down for a while, Chen Luofeng asked curiously: "Where's the sea turtle you rescued? Why didn't we see it when we came to the village?"

Hai Dongqing and his family are all in space now, and Gu Hongyu doesn't dare to tell them the truth.

He smiled casually: "I have been flying out with the young eagles in the past two days, but you can take a look at their nests."

Don't say it. It looked really weird that Hai Dongqing built his nest on the wooden roof of Gu Hongyu. Even the little gray rabbit that had been home for a long time disappeared for several days after Hai Dongqing built the nest. In the end, he still couldn't resist the temptation of the space spring water. , instead of running back at night when Hai Dongqing goes to rest.

The other pets in the house were fearless. Apart from the initial discomfort, the golden lion, silver lion and lightning quickly became calm and calm and did what they were supposed to do. However, the surprising thing is that Parrot Cola actually went to have a relationship with Haidong Qingpan. This is simply like using a flashlight next to a cesspit - looking for (shit) death.

However, the result was even more bizarre. I don't know what happened, but it actually managed to succeed. According to Gu Hongyu, Hai Dongqing thought that Parrot Coke was too small, and it was not enough to fit between his teeth!

But in the end, the roof of Gu Hongyu’s house really became another attraction in Honghu Village. Many tourists who come to Honghu Village like to take photos in front of the wooden houses by the lake, including Haidongqing's nest in the photos.

"Hongyu, don't you think there are two young eagles? Then there will be two domineering Haidongqings. Let's discuss it. Why don't you ask the big eagle to give me one of the young eagles? How about taking care of it?" Liang Qinghui said with a worried smile to Gu Hongyu.


"that is……"

"The remaining one is mine."

"I suggest you play guessing games. Whoever wins gets it!"

A word awakened the dreamer, and Liang Qinghui talked about the young eagle. Those present immediately began to encourage their idea.

Gu Hongyu said helplessly: "I don't have anything to say about this matter. Actually, I don't regard the pets in my house as pets now. From the bottom of my heart, I treat them as friends with equal status. If you want, you can go by yourself." Fight for it, I won’t be angry if I’m really tempted by you.”

"A gentleman's word?"

"Come and hang yourself on a hook and it won't change for a hundred years."

"Hongyu is a good friend..."

But Liang Qinghui poured cold water at this time: "Stop dreaming, let's talk about Gu Hongyu's two wolf cubs. You see, when playing with Hongyu, he is more docile than a puppy. Even though he knows us, whenever I get close to him, he immediately The hair on his head stood up, as if to warn me not to come close, and he didn’t even bother to give him food. I was deeply shocked!”

"Ah, Qinghui has already experimented with it earlier!" Gu Lin began to reveal his shortcomings.

But Liang Qinghui is very single: "Who doesn't care about pets like this? I'm really tempted when I look at them."

At this moment, Chen Ming chuckled and said, "Now we know Gu Hongyu's attitude towards animals. If we also have the mentality of making friends with animals, those animals will definitely get close to us."

However, Chen Luofeng shook his head: "You all take it for granted. I think Hongyu still has an affinity with animals. Even if you can do what he does, it won't have such an effect."

"Oh, yeah, I'm so angry!" Liang Qinghui exaggeratedly held his head in his hands.

After a burst of laughter.

Gu Hongyu said sternly: "Let's all gather together today. Let's go to see the shooting range address that Brother Liang has decided on after lunch. Let's see what everyone says then."

"Actually, Lao Liang and Hongyu have already inspected the site, you can just make a decision!" Gu Lin said carelessly.

"Tell me the proportion of shares when you invest, and I only need to know how much money and when you need it!" Chen Ming was also very straightforward.

"The key is when it can be built. I can't wait now."

"How about we build a club here?"

"Okay, let's go and see it after dinner. Qinghui and Hongyu's doing this will give us a clear idea!" Finally, Chen Luofeng made the final decision.

The land is still the same piece of land, but thinking of the various plans and constructions in the future, everyone was a little excited after seeing it.

Gulin and others who said that they had nothing to do with it and just invested money began to talk about it.

"Lao Liang, what kind of animals should be raised in the hunting park? I think the goats raised by Hongyu are pretty good. They are full of energy and lively. It's really hard for ordinary people to hit them."

"Is the shooting range too small? Will it be embarrassing to bring my friends here?"

"That's not important. I think the military training center can't be too simple. We need to use some practical training methods from the army. Don't think we are just here for fun. Let people who come here know how difficult it is for soldiers."

"Why don't we build a military fan museum here? As long as all military-related things are stored in it, there are several old men in the army now. If we get a few tanks, it will be awesome. Even if the tanks are not good, the armored vehicles can scare a lot of tourists."

Gu Hongyu could only listen to their discussion. The background and connections of these people were fully revealed at this moment. It seemed like a common thing for them to talk about airplanes, cannons, tanks and armor.

This is not bragging. Gu Hongyu could feel the confidence in their words. They have the ability!

Standing in the desert with flying yellow sand, everyone seemed to be standing in front of a river and mountains, full of excitement and pointing out the mountains and rivers.

"That's all, we've made a fool of ourselves. Now there's nothing here, so let's not talk about the attic in the sky." Chen Luofeng said with a big smile.

Liang Qinghui was very happy to get everyone's approval: "How about it, everyone is interested in investing now?"

"The investment prospects are bright..."

"Not bad, but I have to tighten my belt during this period, otherwise I can't get the money for the initial investment!"

"I think this project is better than the diving club, I am looking forward to participating!"


Everyone agreed that the prospects of this project were brilliant, and finally Chen Luofeng said: "Then let's go back and sort out a share distribution plan. Those who contribute more will naturally have more shares, and those who only think about dividends should not have any lumps in their hearts!"

"What's the objection? Where can I find such a good thing as dividends even if I sit down!" Gulin smiled and replied.

After returning, everyone gathered at Gu Hongyu's house again and discussed the equity distribution plan. In the end, there were nine brothers plus Gu Hongyu, and Liang Qinghui, Gu Hongyu and Chen Luofeng each held 15% of the equity, and the remaining seven people basically held nearly 8% of the equity.

At this time, Gu Hongyu stood up and scratched his head: "Brothers, did I calculate my equity wrong? I can't help where I should contribute. This equity is really too much!"

"Haha, Hongyu, this is not much at all. You found this place. Besides, you are the local boss in Honghu Village now. I think Uncle Azha is more enthusiastic about you than us. The villagers all remember your kindness, and we still need to rely on your influence!" Liang Qinghui stood up and explained at this time.

Others also said: "This equity distribution is very reasonable. We who don't contribute much money and work hard are already satisfied with this 8%!"

"That's right, be contented!"


After a round of persuasion, Gu Hongyu had to agree. The investment of these young masters was just to make some pocket money, which was a hobby. In the future, the specific matters would really depend on Gu Hongyu, but he also made up his mind that as long as the military club was repaired, he would immediately recruit professional managers.

Now there are more and more aspects of management. Not to say that he is not doing his best, but putting all his time on these money-making businesses, he has no time to practice immortal arts, and he has missed the opportunity to find space fragments and upgrade the space!

Now Gu Hongyu does not pursue money as the ultimate goal. His dream is to find all the fragments of the source of immortals and let the immortals come alive in his hands. To be continued

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