Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 195 The mysterious underground (2)

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Yes, this is a towering ancient tree.

It has deep roots and lush leaves, especially growing in this unique cave. It directly drills out the vertical hole, and the image of green and tall, reaching into the sky is directly pierced into everyone's mind.

Even more valuable is a yew tree.

Yew is also called yew because it grows the same fruits as red beans. It is also a precious relict tree species of the Third Age.

Its material is excellent, with straight texture, dense structure, elasticity, high mechanical strength, glossy, fragrant, resistant to decay, not easy to crack and warp, does not contain rosin, the sapwood is narrow and yellowish white, and the heartwood is purple auburn (yew is therefore Named after it).

In 1958, the National Cancer Institute of the United States formulated a plan to screen anti-cancer active substances from plants. Pacific yew bark was also sent to the institute as one of 35,000 species screened.

After years of research, scientists have discovered paclitaxel from the bark extract of the Pacific yew tree. Relevant experts and scholars around the world have confirmed that paclitaxel is one of the most promising anti-cancer drugs in the future.

Asian yew trees have the widest distribution and the largest reserves.

However, because of the crime of Huaibi, yew trees suffered devastating damage. According to statistics at the end of the last century, 80% of my country's yew resources were seriously destroyed.

Wild yews are now endangered in a few countries outside of Canada and the United States.

"Well, now that it's developed, the bark that comes off naturally is worth a lot of money!" Liang Qinghui started to lose his temper again.

But soon he was hit on the head by Chen Luofeng and was given a lesson: "You are short of money. This kind of rare tree species was destroyed by money-minded bastards like you."

After being beaten, Liang Qinghui became angrily, while the others all suppressed smiles on their faces.

"You can laugh if you want. You all have the same idea in your heart, but I said it first!"

After a burst of laughter, Gu Lin sighed in amazement: "This giant tree seems to be more than ten meters tall. I don't know how many years it has been growing?"

"What should we do with this tree? Should we just wait for it to grow here forever?" Chen Ming had other ideas about the tree.

Liang Qinghui just doesn't have a long memory. At this time, someone came out and said carelessly: "Why don't you move it home until it grows up here?"

"How about we develop the cave properly? This will be a stable source of making money. As long as the news about this yew tree is released, tourists will not come in droves."

"The cave is complicated and complicated, and there are many dangerous unknowns that we haven't explored clearly. If Hongyu hadn't led him, you might have gone to see Marx!"

"It's not urgent. The military fan club above is open. This is also our territory. It won't be too late to investigate clearly in the future."

"It's a pity that we didn't bring containers with us this time. These are treasures. It's a waste to spread them scattered on the ground like this!" Liang Qinghui said, pointing to the many barks on the ground.

"Okay, okay, these barks look precious. But how much taxol can be extracted from these together? It takes thirty tons of bark to extract one kilogram. How much can these be extracted?" Gu Lin showed off his knowledge.

But Liang Qinghui said without cutting it: "Come on, one gram of this thing costs tens of thousands of yuan. There are at least several hundred kilograms of bark here. If you calculate, it is worth at least hundreds of thousands. This is a free business. You still have to buy it." Not satisfied?"

"Okay, okay, you are not wrong. Let's talk about this later. No one else in this place knows about it. If you have a chance, just be prepared next time!" Chen Luofeng opened his mouth to stop the meaningless argument.

"Even if you can come back next time, it's up to you to get out hundreds of kilograms of bark!" Gu Lin finally hit Liang Qinghui again.

Looking at the tall yew, Gu Hongyu decided to climb up and have a look.

It was a very easy thing for him because of his flexible body. Others could only be spectators below. Seeing that there was still much time, everyone was attracted by the freshness of the cave underground, so they stayed below to wait for Gu Hong. Yu inquired about the news.

The trunk of the yew tree, which is more than ten meters high, is very hard. Above, Gu Hongyu could still see that the cracked bark would soon fall of its own accord, but many tree trunks were not busy with moss. Gu Hongyu climbed up carefully.

When a ray of sunlight shone through the branches and leaves on Gu Hongyu's face, he suddenly felt like he had seen the light of day again after a lifetime.

Almost reaching the top. Grasping the thick branches firmly, Gu Hongyu made another surprising discovery. The branches of this old tree that had lasted for thousands of years actually had red fruits hanging on them, just like red beans.

As soon as his heart moved, many fruits on the branches disappeared. They were taken into the space by Gu Hongyu.

While everyone was waiting impatiently, Gu Hongyu quickly slipped down from the yew tree.

"Hongyu, tell me quickly, where is the location around Honghu Village above? Can we come down directly from here next time?" Among the team members, Liang Qinghui was the most anxious.

"I have good news for you all."

Gu Hongyu smiled and continued: "That means we are very close to Honghu Village. Not only Honghu Village, but also Red Lake is just a stone's throw away from here."

"Ah, great, then we can just come down from here next time and bring ropes and climbing equipment. I still don't believe that these barks can't be transported back!" Liang Qinghui has not forgotten the blow Gu Lin gave him just now. , now it’s a return of favor.

However, Gu Hongyu's next words made him feel like he was in an ice cellar.

"The place where the yew tree came out of this cave is the location of the stone mountain, but there is a cliff facing the Red Lake. The scenery is pretty good. The top of the tree is a great place to enjoy the scenery of the Red Lake."

"Haha, Brother Liang, your wish seems to be unfulfilled again!" Gu Lin and Liang Qinghui are now simply enemies, and they never miss any opportunity to attack their opponents.

Liang Qinghui ignored Gu Lin, but said in a lower tone: "Forget it, let's continue to explore the cave. Maybe there will be a bigger surprise than the yew!"

This time Liang Qinghui's prediction was very accurate. After leaving this branch cave, Gu Hongyu and his friends actually encountered a stream. There were many fish and shrimps in the stream, and many aquatic creatures whose visual organs had degenerated.

There are experts who study these guys in Honghu Village. Gu Hongyu pretended to take out a few glass bottles from his backpack. In fact, these were taken out of the space at random. He grabbed the fish and shrimp just to let the experts appreciate them.

Perhaps they had never encountered creatures like humans before, and many small fish and shrimps were very confused when facing the flashlight. Gu Hongyu and his team easily caught a lot of them.

Gu Hongyu was observing a crab with a transparent body at this time. This crab might be another mutant creature, but at this time Chen Ming shouted wildly: "Giant salamander, I just saw a big giant salamander!"

"Isn't it just a giant salamander? What's so strange about it?" When they heard that it was a giant salamander, everyone who had just attracted everyone's attention immediately went back to their own things.

"No, this is not an ordinary giant salamander, it is pure white all over!" Chen Ming explained hurriedly.

It is another mutant species, and pure white giant salamanders are still quite rare.

So everyone paid attention to him again.

"Where did the giant salamander run to?"

As an amphibian, the giant salamander is a very agile animal in the stream. This guy rests during the day and comes out to move at night. It is a real night owl, but it has been in the dark in the cave. Maybe this habit has been cancelled. I don't know how many years have passed, and it has gradually turned white.

In the end, no one found the white giant salamander, but many other creatures were found.

Transparent crabs, strange little fish, shrimps that seemed to have no flesh and thin bodies, strange fish with suction cups in their mouths attached to the rocks at the bottom of the water, many strange creatures appeared all at once.

Suddenly, Gu Hongyu, who was checking the rocks in the stream, made a new discovery.

When the flashlight shone on an inconspicuous stone, the stone actually reflected a dazzling brilliance.

Gu Hongyu thought it was a piece of glass by inertia, but he was stunned when he thought about it. Where did the glass come from?

He immediately picked up the strange stone again, and the light reflected by the flashlight became more dazzling after leaving the stream.

"Hongyu, what are you doing?" Gu Lin beside him asked in confusion.

Soon he lost his composure: "Damn, Hongyu, what is that thing in your hand? Could it be a gem?"

Although he had a conclusion in his heart, Gulin still couldn't believe it was true, because the stone in Gu Hongyu's hand was a big piece. Is there such a big gem?

"Brother Feng, come and take a look, Hongyu picked up an incredible thing!" In order to confirm the authenticity of the matter, Gulin called Chen Luofeng.

When he called, everyone else turned their eyes to Gu Hongyu.



"Silver light stone,"

Everyone was a little afraid to guess that it was a gem, because the stone in Gu Hongyu's hand was very heavy. At first glance, it was estimated that it weighed at least two or three pounds.

Chen Luofeng came over. He was usually calm, but when he saw the stone, his face showed shock. He walked quickly to Gu Hongyu and said anxiously: "Hongyu, can you show it to me?"

Gu Hongyu handed the stone to Chen Luofeng without saying a word.

Time seemed to have stopped, and all eyes were focused on Chen Luofeng again.

After waiting for a moment, Chen Luofeng slowly breathed a sigh of relief: "This is really a gem. If I am not mistaken, this is a rare top-grade product. The green with blue is the best among the fine products."

There was a sound of inhalation around.

"According to you, how much is Hongyu's gem worth?" Liang Qinghui was undoubtedly very realistic, but at this time everyone could only use money to measure the value of the gem.

Before Chen Luofeng could answer, Gulin said first: "Priceless treasure!"

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